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Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

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Assessing the impact of fine-scale structure on predicting wood fibre T

attributes of boreal conifer trees and forest plots
Jean-François Côtéa, , Joan E. Lutherb, Patrick Lenzc, Richard A. Fournierd, Olivier R. van Liere

Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service – Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Québec, QC G1V 4C7, Canada
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service – Atlantic Forestry Centre, Corner Brook, NL A2H 6J3, Canada
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service – Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Québec, QC G1V 4C7, Canada
Department of Applied Geomatics, Centre d’Applications et de Recherche en TELédétection, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC J1K 2R1, Canada
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service – Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Corner Brook, NL A2H 6J3, Canada


Keywords: Information about wood fibre attributes (WFA) is important for optimizing forest resource management and
Wood fibre attribute increasing the competitiveness of the sector. Many factors influence WFA at both the plot (e.g., age, stand
3D architectural model density, climate, and disturbance) and tree (e.g., crown development, stem shape, branchiness) levels. Recently,
Terrestrial LiDAR the use of terrestrial lidar (t-lidar) systems in forest inventory has enabled the measurement of forest structural
Tree structure
attributes, which were almost impossible to acquire with traditional field measurements. Using t-lidar scans of
Plot structure
individual trees and the architectural model L-Architect, we reconstructed the structure of trees and plots
comprising balsam fir and black spruce in insular Newfoundland, Canada. Core samples extracted from con­
comitant trees were analyzed for a series of nine WFA. The impact of fine-scale structure on predictive models of
WFA was assessed with parametric and non-parametric approaches. A variable importance analysis demon­
strated that structural attributes derived from L-Architect describing the tree crown geometry, branching
structure, stem form, spatial competition and canopy material distribution were highly important in the resulting
models. The cross-validated percentage of variance explained for the WFA predictive models ranged from
12–56% and 5–80% at tree- and plot-levels respectively. The addition of fine-scale structure improved the
models by 10–31% and 0–53% when compared to models developed using only in situ measurements at tree-
and plot-levels respectively. Information on species (at tree level) and composition (at plot level) did not im­
prove the predictive capability of models developed with L-Architect fine-scale structure. The results indicate that
better characterisation of forest structure using t-lidar and an architectural model can lead to improved WFA
prediction and their combination opens opportunities to significantly enhance forest inventory.

1. Introduction direct impact on the physical and chemical attributes of timber and
wood properties. The geographic variation at the regional level can lead
Forest end-users require information about stand, plot and in­ to different growing conditions for forest stands with impacts on nu­
dividual tree characteristics, as well as intrinsic wood properties, to merous factors including species composition, fertility class, and silvi­
support decisions along the forest value chain. Tree species composi­ cultural treatment. These large-scale factors govern the establishment
tion, stand age, and site index are commonly used to predict the po­ of different plant species that favour specific site conditions, and reg­
tential quality and quantity of timber available to serve various market ulate light regime and photosynthesis, which in turn affect growth
demands. The economic value of saw logs is largely affected by the (Väisänen et al., 1989; Smith and Hinckley, 1995; Wilhelmsson et al.,
quality of the wood fibre, log shape and curvature, and number and 2002). These alterations in tree growth might result in observable
diameter of branches; whereas the value of pulpwood is largely de­ variations in tree stem and crown morphology.
termined by wood fibre length, strength, and dimensions (Downes At the landscape and plot levels, wood fibre properties vary ac­
et al., 2002). At the regional level, climate, topography, and soils have a cording to stand development. Factors such as local topography, wind

Corresponding author at: Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada, 1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, P.O. Box 10380, Québec,

Québec, G1V 4C7, Canada.

E-mail addresses: (J.-F. Côté), (J.E. Luther), (P. Lenz), (R.A. Fournier), (O.R. van Lier).
Received 15 May 2020; Received in revised form 14 September 2020; Accepted 15 September 2020
Available online 30 September 2020
0378-1127/ Crown Copyright © 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

Nomenclature pai plant area index

pbf % of balsam fir
asym crown asymmetry (m) pbs % of black spruce
br branchiness index sd stem density (stems ha−1)
cbh crown base height (m) spc tree species
cpa crown projected area (m2) tap taper coefficient
cw crown width (m) vol tree volume (m3)
dbh diameter at breast height (cm) wal Weibull α-parameter for leaf area
dim fractal dimension waw Weibull α-parameter for wood volume
dist mean distance to its nearest neighbour (m) wbl Weibull β-parameter for leaf area
fc fraction cover (%) wbw Weibull β-parameter for wood volume
hcpa height to the maximum crown projected area (m) C coarseness (µg m−1)
hgt tree height (m) FL fibre length (mm)
hlc height to live crown (m) MFA microfibril angle (°)
knot knots surface area (m2) MOE modulus of elasticity (Gpa)
la tree leaf area (m2) RD radial diameter (µm)
lac lacunarity SS specific surface (m2 kg−1)
lai leaf area index TD tangential diameter (µm)
nbr number of branches WD wood density (kg m−3)
nnr nearest neighbour ratio (m−1) WT wall thickness (µm)
nwrl number of whorls

exposure, moisture and nutrient availability, stocking density, species ray diffraction (Evans, 2006; Downes et al., 2002; Downes and Drew,
composition, and disturbance have direct impacts on wood properties 2008). Extrinsic indicators of wood properties relate to the external
(Downes and Drew, 2008; Kint et al., 2010; Luss et al., 2019). At the characteristics of a tree, including tree height, diameter, stem taper,
tree level, the individual growth rate, knot distribution and size, crown and crown structure. Recent studies explored the relationships between
geometry and branching structure vary significantly across a range of intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics to assess wood fibre character­
species and sites (Mäkinen and Colin, 1998; Mansfield et al., 2007). istics from standing trees (Eriksson et al., 2006; Donaldson, 2008; Lenz
Tree size and architecture at a given age are strongly influenced by site et al., 2012). Donaldson (2008) undertook detailed work relating WFA
conditions and management. It is possible to predict tree structure at­ to tree structure and form. They concluded that height and mechanical
tributes from field inventory under certain conditions. For instance, in stresses on the bole, such as wind and gravity, can have a direct impact
pure Scot Pine stands branch characteristics can be predicted from tree- on WFA and thus serve as reliable indicators of wood properties.
level variables (such as stem diameter) without detailed knowledge of The spatialization of WFA across forest landscapes makes exclusive
the stand history (Mäkinen and Colin, 1998). use of extrinsic indicators (Hilker et al., 2013). For instance, Lessard
Characterization of wood fibre attributes (WFA) is important to et al. (2014) mapped a series of WFA at the landscape level across
enhance the economic value of forest fibre, and once harvested, to di­ Newfoundland, Canada, with climate and geographic data (e.g. tem­
rect it to proper end-uses. This will ensure long-term sustainability of perature, precipitation, elevation) and spatial layers from the provincial
the forest sector (MacKenzie and Bruemmer, 2009). For example, wood forest inventory (e.g. stand age, species composition, height, site index).
density is a key attribute that influences strength and stiffness of lumber The relationships obtained demonstrated the relevance of forest in­
products (Wegner et al., 2010; Hassegawa et al., 2019) as well as pulp ventory variables for estimating wood properties. Results also suggested
yield and the energy requirements for paper making processes. Micro­ that improving the accuracy of forest structure and site description
fibril angle, fibre length, coarseness and modulus of elasticity are other would benefit WFA mapping. Concurrent research in developing en­
industrially important attributes that affect lumber stability and hanced forest inventories enable detailed spatial quantification of ter­
strength and the strength and quality of paper products (Jozsa et al., rain and vegetation at high spatial resolution across forest estates
1994). In forestry, understanding the development and variation of (Woods et al., 2011; White et al., 2013; Luther et al., 2014; Furze et al.,
wood quality is also important for several management and planning 2017).
problems (see Mäkelä et al., 2010 for a review). Wood quality models Remote sensing data and associated methods for estimating struc­
provide information about the variation in wood properties that affect tural attributes of forests are continuously improving. For instance,
the end-use of wood products. Industries need reliable assessment of airborne lidar (a-lidar) systems can predict forest attributes at both plot-
wood quality and its variation across forest sites at the time of harvest, and tree-level. The plot level prediction of forest attributes is based on a
and the models must be capable of predicting wood properties directly statistical dependency between accurate measurements of forest height
from measurable variables (e.g. Wilhelmsson et al., 2002; Ikonen et al., and height variation derived from a-lidar data and response variables
2008). Furthermore, the models of wood quality should apply to long measured from ground plots (Næsset and Økland, 2002; Kankare et al.,
term silvicultural planning by linking with growth and yield model 2013; Bouvier et al., 2015). Tree-level inventories make use of a-lidar
outputs as well as being integrated into decision support systems (e.g. data typically to detect individual treetops and to predict attributes of
Kantola et al., 2009; Newton, 2019). interest using sets of allometric models. Algorithms and techniques si­
Estimates of WFA rely on measurements of intrinsic or extrinsic milar to those developed for aerial images can be used with a-lidar data
indicators of wood properties (van Leeuwen et al., 2011). Intrinsic in­ (Hyyppä et al., 2008). Tree-level inventories consist of a sequence of
dicators relate to the internal, anatomical structure of the wood, the steps that includes tree detection, feature extraction, and estimation of
proportions of juvenile and mature wood, as well as the cellular tree attributes. An important consideration is that not all trees can
structure. Although intrinsic indicators are crucial for mill operators, usually be detected. The degree to which individual trees are success­
they are rarely available over large forest estates before harvesting. fully detected depends on the detection algorithm and its para­
Typically, their measurements in radial and tangential planes require a meterization (Kaartinen et al., 2012).
combination of microscopic digital imagery, X-ray densitometry, and X- Terrestrial lidar (t-lidar) systems collect large amounts of 3D data on

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

the fine-scale structure of trees and forest stands (Dassot et al., 2011). Newfoundland by extracting tree metrics, crown characteristic and the
For each t-lidar scan, millions of returned signals are registered, pro­ immediate tree’s surrounding from t-lidar.
viding positional information on all elements surrounding the instru­ Fernández et al. (2011) used an architectural model of radiata pine
ment. Despite the potential for t-lidar to generate high quality data, to assess how wood quality in a timber species was linked to growth
these data can be unreliable when acquired in natural forest environ­ processes during stand development. However, the study was limited to
ments. The main problem for a complete measurement of a specific young trees (up to 6 years old) and no independent measurements were
scene is the occlusion of the laser pulse. Groups of clustered or opaque available to link the fibre attribute (wood density) with tree structure.
objects prevent detection of elements in occluded areas (Hopkinson Lenz et al. (2012) demonstrated that morphological traits such as
et al., 2004; Watt and Donoghue, 2005; Van der Zande et al., 2006; Van height, crown dimensions and the distribution and size of live branches
der Zande et al., 2008). One way to reduce this problem is to merge at selected whorls explained almost 29% of the overall variation ob­
data from t-lidar scans taken from different points of view and perform served in wood properties of white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench.)
one-to-one scan alignment to produce a single co-registered point Voss.). Pyörälä et al. (2019) inferred the variability of wood quality
cloud. However, this approach may create new problems of over­ indicators such as stem and crown descriptors from predicted tree
sampling or misalignment. The issue of undersampling for objects lo­ variables using terrestrial and airborne lidar for managed Scots pine
cated farther from the instrument remains problematic. In addition, the (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Finland. They identified the effect of ca­
potential of using t-lidar to retrieve 3D structure is not fully exploited nopy closure on crown longevity and stem growth, and the potential to
due to other problems such as (i) movements generated by wind, (ii) use stem and crown size variables predicted from lidar data to indicate
the presence of objects at a finer level than that which can be resolved the development of size-dependent wood properties. However, it is still
by the t-lidar, and (iii) misregistration of t-lidar positions. In addition to unclear how better estimates of wood quality indicators can be
these technical difficulties, t-lidar scans provide a raw sketch of the achieved using fine-scale structural information.
spatial distribution of elements in 3D but do not give specific in­ In this study, we used the validated architectural model L-Architect,
formation on their geometry and connectivity (topology). Moreover, it coupled with t-lidar data, to enhance the set of structural attributes
is not easy to distinguish between wood and foliage material from the available for use as predictors of wood quality, beyond what is typically
return signal with current instruments (Béland et al., 2014). Thus, even available through forest inventory measurements. This raised the fol­
when scans from different points of view are available, identification of lowing research question: Does fine-scale structure of trees and forest
structural elements and construction of a topologically and geome­ plots increase the variance of WFA that is explained with standard
trically correct 3D structure are far from trivial (Côté et al., 2011; forest inventory measurements?
Raumonen et al., 2013; Hackenberg et al., 2014). Even if t-lidar data Therefore, the main objective for this study was to evaluate the
appear rich in structural information, an architectural model may be extent to which we could improve prediction of WFA using fine-scale
needed to overcome the limitations and produce a realistic 3D structure structure derived from t-lidar data with L-Architect. First, we developed
from the point clouds. predictive models for WFA at both tree- and plot-levels using para­
Architectural models can provide a realistic description of the fine- metric and non-parametric methods. Second, we assessed the impact of
scale structure of forest stands. As an exact representation of the forest fine-scale structure variables of trees and forest plots derived from L-
structure is not possible in practice, 3D architectural models provide Architect on the predictive models. We hypothesized that fine-scale
convenient simplifications of forest structure at tree- or branch- structure would improve significantly the models’ predictions of WFA
(Cescatti, 1997; Livny et al., 2011) and down to the individual conifer (by at least 15% on average) when compared to predictions using only
shoot- or leaf-level (Xu et al., 2007; Pirk et al., 2012; Widlowski et al., in situ measurements.
2014). Representing tree structure is particularly challenging when
dealing with mature trees in complex environments (Runions et al., 2. Methods
2007; Palubicki et al., 2009). In such cases, 3D architectural models
have to deal with a high level of competition for space, light and nu­ 2.1. In situ measurements
trient resources which increase the number of unknown variables re­
quired to reproduce realistic forest scenarios. The L-Architect (Lidar to The study made use of a network of permanent sample plots (PSPs)
tree Architecture) modeling tool was developed to address the limita­ located in Newfoundland, Canada. The island of Newfoundland (ap­
tions of t-lidar data in natural forest stands and to extract fine-scale proximately 111,000 km2) is situated at the eastern end of North
structural attributes of individual trees (Côté et al., 2009, 2011). L- America’s Boreal Forest (Rowe, 1972). The forests of the island are
Architect uses geometrically registered t-lidar scans of individual trees dominated by balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.), hereafter referred to
to construct a model of the tree structure. Expanding the model to as fir, and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), hereafter referred
create a detailed representation of forest canopy structure requires the to as spruce with a limited variety of other species (Government of
creation of a catalog of individual tree samples scanned with a t-lidar Newfoundland and Labrador, 2019). The western part of the island has
(Côté et al., 2012). L-Architect was compared to a series of field mea­ considerable topography with peaks reaching up to 814 m from the
surements on the branching structure and foliage distribution of in­ coastline. Pure stands of fir, which prefer moist and well-drained soils,
dividual trees (Côté et al., 2013). It was further validated in a controlled can attain heights of 20–24 m at 70–100 years on the best sites. How­
virtual environment, used to reconstruct forest plots, and applied to ever, growing conditions change significantly with altitude where sub-
create surrogate plots using tree attributes derived from a-lidar data arctic vegetation and dwarf patches of spruce and fir are found. Due to a
(Côté et al., 2018). very high tolerance for unfavorable conditions, spruce is the dominant
The fine-scale structural information possible with emerging lidar species found over Central Newfoundland where the natural forest fire
technologies and methods (e.g. L-Architect) has potential to improve the regime contributes to its dominance. Hardwood stands do not represent
prediction and mapping of WFA. Following Lessard et al. (2014), two a major forest type over the island, however, trembling aspen (Populus
studies refined the modeling of WFA in Newfoundland at the plot level tremuloides Michx) and white birch (Betula papyrifera Marshall) stands
for balsam fir and black spruce forests with a-lidar (Luther et al., 2014) can be found on good growing sites such as in the river valleys of
and t-lidar (Blanchette et al., 2015). These studies improved upon the western Newfoundland.
level of spatial detail and previous relationships of Lessard et al. (2014), An extensive database was available to support the modeling of
whilst focusing on plot canopy structure, tree competition (with t-lidar) WFA in Newfoundland. In this study, a subset of the larger dataset
and local topography. More recently, Giroud et al. (2019) predicted a collected and analyzed as part of the Newfoundland Fibre Inventory
series of WFA at the individual tree level for black spruce in Project was used (Lessard et al., 2014; Luther et al., 2014; Blanchette

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

et al., 2015; Groot and Luther, 2015; Giroud et al., 2019). The WFA spacing1 (footprint2) of 5.0–7.5 mm (6.85–7.27 mm) respectively. The
were measured from wooden increment core samples taken at PSPs Z + F emits light at 680 nm and scans with a near complete spherical
maintained by the provincial forest management service of New­ viewing window of 310° × 360°. The system uses the phase-shift
foundland and Labrador (Newfoundland Forest Service, 2011). The technology to measure distance for a maximum range of 80 m. We took
centre and four corner locations of each plot were measured using a advantage of the very wide field of view to select the group of 10 live
Trimble® GeoXHTM global positioning system (GPS). The GPS locations merchantable trees to capture at the same time the trees and their
were post-processed to provide plot locations with sub-metre accuracy. surrounding environments. Typically, five scans were performed within
At each plot, the species and diameter at breast height (dbh ), measured and outside the tree group area to minimize occlusion: four scans lo­
at 1.3 m, were recorded for each tree above a specified size according to cated outside (~North, South, East and West cardinal points) and one at
plot maturity (Fig. 2, details in Supp., Table 1). Height (hgt ) was the center. The spatial resolution of the scans corresponded approxi­
measured for a sample of trees and species-specific relationships be­ mately to one point every 6.3 mm and a footprint3 of 4.1 mm on a
tween dbh and hgt were developed according to Damman type (Meades sphere at 10 m. The 3D point clouds taken by the Ilris-3D and Z + F
et al., 1994), and used to predict heights for all trees. Maps of tree from different viewpoints were aligned into one geometric coordinate
locations were created using, first, the precise GPS location of the PSP system with the software Pointstream (3DImageSuite®) and Z + F La­
central point. Then, the distance and azimuth of all trees of the plot serControl respectively. Pointstream was then used to process all co-
were measured from the PSP center using a Trimble® LaserAceTM 1000 registered point clouds to select and extract the individual trees used as
rangefinder. The (x , y , z ) position of each measured tree was calculated input for the architectural model L-Architect.
using the GPS location, distance, and azimuth information.
The wooden increment cores were extracted at breast height from 2.2. Tree and plot reconstruction
ten live trees selected outside the plots, at approximately ten meters
from each PSP at an angle of 135° from the corner where the site We used L-Architect to reconstruct Newfoundland fir and spruce
conditions were the most representative of the PSP. Trees were selected trees (Côté et al., 2013) and PSPs (Côté et al., 2018). L-Architect re­
according to be representative of the range of dbh present within each produces realistic tree structures based on t-lidar data and allometric
PSP (Fig. 2). Table 1 in the supplementary material details the char­ relationships which define the total amount of foliage following two
acteristics of the surveyed plots and their associated core sampled trees. main steps: branch growth and addition of foliage within the crown.
The wooden increment cores from the 10 trees per site were analyzed at Specific rules for simulating the tree development are implemented at
a state-of-the-art facility for wood and fibre analysis at the FPInnova­ the bud level. A two-step process construct models of realistic trees in
tions laboratory in Vancouver (Goodison et al., 2007) using the Sil­ natural forest by determining space availability for branch growth and
viScan system, which is a combination of optical microscopy, image by estimating light exposure for supporting foliage addition with a re­
analysis, X-ray densitometry and X-ray diffractometry (Sherson et al., source allocation model. For the tree reconstruction, we used specific
2007). WFA included wood density (WD ), radial and tangential fibre rules for tree development in conjunction with a space colonization
diameter (RD , TD ), fibre coarseness (C ), microfibril angle (MFA ), algorithm (Runions et al., 2007) to take into account the close en­
modulus of elasticity (MOE ), cell wall thickness (WT ) and specific fibre vironment of the branch. Foliage addition is based on shadow propa­
surface (SS ). SS refers to the surface area per unit weight and as gation (Palubicki et al., 2009) that computes a coarse estimate of light
coarseness, the SilviScan system calculates it using the cell dimensions exposure for each bud to determine which ones produce new shoots.
and WD estimates with a radial resolution of 25 µm. WT is determined The amount of light resources also serves to determine if a parent
through WD and the rather constant tracheid wall density (Evans et al., branch supporting children is considered a liability for the tree and
1995). MOE for its part is determined with a semi-empirical approach should be shed. The branch diameters are estimated with a pipe model
involving WD and the variation of the X-ray diffraction profile (Evans, proposed by Xu et al. (2007). For the plot reconstruction we used L-
2006). In addition to the SilviScan data, WFA also comprised fibre Architect with in situ measurements of dbh and tree height (hgt ). We
length (FL ). An estimate of each WFA for each site was calculated as a chose for each tree recorded on a plot the best-fit co-registered scan that
weighted average of each wooden increment core measurement by matches the same species, site and crown density class, and minimizes
basal area of the sampled trees. relative dbh and height differences between the scanned tree (subscript
We made use of t-lidar data used in a coincident study on wood ‘s’) and the measured tree (subscript ‘m’), as follows:
quality modeling (Blanchette et al., 2015). A sample of 37 fir- and 31
spruce-dominated plots was selected to represent the range of species, |dbhm dbhs | |hgtm hgts |
height, crown density and site quality classes present for the mer­ dbhm hgtm (1)
chantable forest area of the island, whereby the dominant species made
Then, we scaled the selected tree scan in order to obtain the same
up more than 25% of the basal area of the plot (Fig. 1). Our t-lidar
height of each tree found in the plot. The dbh , hgt and total leaf area (la )
sampling design consisted of scanning a subsample of the 680 available
estimated from allometric relationships (Lavigne et al., 1996; Newton,
core sampled trees located outside each plot. The selected trees scanned
2006) were inputs to L-Architect to create each tree model of a forest
with t-lidar were representative of the range of dbh and hgt of the
plot. Finally, we made use of the tree map locations to position each
available core sampled trees (Fig. 2; Supp., Table 2). A total of 227
tree model in the plot.
individual trees (82 spruce and 145 fir) from 68 plots were scanned
with the Ilris-3D (© Optech Inc.) in 2009 and the Imager 5006i (©
2.3. Calculation of structural attributes
Zoller & Fröhlich, hereafter called Z + F) in 2010. We used the 227
trees scanned with t-lidar to reconstruct the structure of the trees and
A series of structural attributes were selected to represent a wide
the 68 PSPs using L-Architect as described in Section 2.2, as well as to
build tree level models of WFA. The Ilris-3D emits light at 1,500 nm and array of structures present at the tree and plot levels. We calculated
three types of structural attributes from the reconstructed plots: tree-
scans with a maximum viewing window of 40° × 40°, which can be
adjusted to fit target objects. This system measures the position by level attributes, plot-level attributes, and indicators of heterogeneity
calculating time delay between the emission and the reception of signal
backscattering intensity in either first or last return mode. To reduce the 1
Average angular resolution of 5 mm: arctan(6 mm/15000 mm) = 0. 23°
negative impact of signal occlusion, scans were taken from two to three 2
with RBeam is the mean radius (mm) and D is the distance to the target.
viewpoint locations around the tree using first-return modes. The trees 3
RBeam = (0.22 D + 6)/2 with RBeam is the mean radius (mm) and D is the
were scanned at a distance ranging from 10 to 15 m giving a point distance to the target.

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

Fig. 1. Location of the permanent sample plots scanned with t-lidar in insular Newfoundland, Canada.

(Côté et al., 2018). Tree-level attributes included the total number of nnr = 2
branches (nbr ) and whorls (nwrl ), the maximum crown width (cw ), the sd (3)
diameter at breast height (dbh ), the total height (hgt ), the height to live
crown (hlc ), the total knot surface (knot ) on the main stem, the total leaf Fractal dimension and lacunarity quantified the heterogeneity of the
area (la), the branchiness ratio of the largest branch diameter to the dbh tree and plot structure. Fractal dimension dim is useful for studying
(br ), the stem taper coefficient (tap ), the crown base height (cbh ), the irregularity: it characterizes the way objects such as trees and forest
maximum crown projected area (cpa ), the height at cpa (hcpa ), the canopies occupy space. We used the box-counting method to estimate
crown volume (vol ) and the crown asymmetry (asym ). The plot-level fractal dimension of objects (Zeide and Pfeifer, 1991; Pradal et al.,
attributes included the fraction cover ( fc ), the leaf area index (lai ), the 2009). We calculated the lacunarity index lac of the volume distribution
plant area index ( pai ) as well as tree-level averaged attributes. We with a modified gliding box algorithm for 3D grey images (Plotnick
characterized the vertical distributions of leaf area and wood volume by et al., 1996; Frazer et al., 2005; Kirkpatrick and Weishampel, 2005).
fitting a two-parameters Weibull function: Lacunarity defines a scale-dependent deviation of a geometrical object
from translational invariance or homogeneity. Geometrical patterns
x 1 with low lacunarity are finely textured and homogeneous with respect
W (x ; , ) = e ( / ) ,x 0,
(2) to the size distribution and spatial arrangement of gaps. In contrast,
patterns with high lacunarity show substantial heterogeneity in the size
where and are the scale and shape parameter. W (x ; , ) is zero for distribution and spatial arrangement of gaps.
x < 0 . The attributes wal , wbl , waw , wbw characterize the vertical dis­
tribution with the and parameter of leaf area and wood volume, 2.4. Model building and assessment
respectively. The stem density (sd ), the mean distance of a tree to its
nearest neighbour (dist ), and the nearest neighbour ratio (nnr ) char­ We used the fine-scale structural attributes calculated with L-
acterized the tree spatial competition at plot level: Architect to build predictive models of WFA at tree and plots levels.

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

Fig. 2. Violin plots illustrating the distribution of forest attributes observed from plot and fibre tree measurements. Mean (point) and standard deviation (line) are
illustrated in red, while the median, interquartile range, percentiles (25th and 75th), minimum, maximum, and outliers are depicted in black by the overlaid
boxplots. Note: Species (%) is the proportion of plot basal area occupied by balsam fir or black spruce.

However, prior to building the predictive models, we selected a subset values, and rewards predictors that give different values to neighbors
of the available predictors based on several criteria. We discarded a with different response values. The output of RRelieff algorithms is a set
specific predictor if it had strong collinearity (|r| > 0.9) with one or of numerical weights representing the percentages of the predictors’
more predictor variables, had low correlation (|r| < 0.2 ) for all the WFA contribution to the variance of a response variable. Statistically, the
response variables, or if there was strong evidence that the predictor weight of a relevant predictor is expected to be positive and that of an
was not normally distributed through Shapiro–Wilk test (Shapiro and irrelevant one is expected to be zero or negative. We compared the
Wilk, 1965): p-value < 0.01 and by visual inspection of the quantile- relative contribution of the fine-scale structure calculated with L-Ar­
quantile (Q-Q) plots. chitect over the in situ measured inventory attributes to predict WFA.
We assessed the predictor importance in predicting WFA at tree and We built four independent sets of predictive models at tree and plot
plot levels with the algorithm Relieff (Robnik-Šikonja and Kononenko, levels using two parametric and two non-parametric methods: namely
2003) and the function relieff implemented in the Statistics and stepwise (SW) linear regression, best-subset (BS) linear regression,
Machine Learning Toolbox of MATLAB (MathWorks v2019a). The Re­ random forest (RF) and partial least squares (PLS) regression. Each
lieff algorithm is a generic method for quantifying predictor im­ method selects a subset of predictors according to different criteria.
portance. The modified algorithm, RRelieff, can accommodate con­ SW regression uses a systematic method for adding and removing
tinuous predictors and can recognize nonlinear relationship between terms from a linear model based on their statistical significance in ex­
predictors and the response variable. The algorithm penalizes the pre­ plaining the response variable (Efroymson, 1960). The method begins
dictors that give different values to neighbors with the same response with an initial constant model, and then compares the explanatory

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

power of incrementally larger (forward stepwise) and smaller (back­ predictions) which aggregates many decision trees, with some mod­
ward stepwise) models to determine a final model. At each step, the ifications. The number of features split at each node is limited to some
function searches for terms to add to or remove from the model based percentage of the total number of features. This ensures that the en­
on the Akaike information criterion (AIC) value (Akaike, 1973). The semble model does not rely too heavily on any individual feature, and
function stepwiselm in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox makes fair use of all potentially predictive features. Each tree draws a
of MATLAB implements the SW regression with several criteria options, random sample from the original data set when generating its splits,
including AIC. We selected tree species (spc ) as a categorical variable adding a further element of randomness that prevents overfitting. In
for the applicable tree-level models and kept the default values for the this study, we used 500 trees whereby each tree was developed with a
other parameters. random subset of the reference data and a random selection of pre­
BS regression consists of building a set of linear models where each dictors at each node of the tree to determine the split. The function
model contains a subset of the predictor variables (Hocking and Leslie, fitrensemble in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox of MA­
1967; Miller, 1984; Heinze et al., 2018). Different implementations TLAB implements a fit of ensemble of different learners for regression
exist based on all-subsets comparisons such as the “leap and bound” including RF. The maximum number of decision splits was equal to the
algorithm (Furnival and Wilson, 1974). Here, we implemented a var­ number of observations minus one (N 1). The number of predictors to
iant where we build a total of 2P linear models, with P the number of select at random for each split was one third of the number of pre­
predictor variables. Let M0 denote the null model that contains no dictors. We selected spc as a categorical variable for the applicable tree-
predictors and simply predicts the sample mean of each observation. level models and kept the default values for the other parameters.

Then for each q [0, P ], we built q models that contain exactly m PLS regression is a statistical method that bears some relation to
principal components regression. Instead of finding hyperplanes of
predictors. We selected a maximum of 10 best models among the q
() maximum variance between the response and independent variables, it
finds a linear regression model by projecting the predicted variables
models, called Mq , having the smallest leave-one-out cross validation
(LOOCV) error values. Then, we discarded models among the models and the observable variables to a new space (Mehmood et al., 2012). A
Mq indicating either heteroscedasticity, non-normality or autocorrela­ smaller number of latent components are identified that maximally
tion of their residuals and selected the final model based on the best R2 summarize the variation of the predictors while simultaneously re­
value. The function fitlm in the Statistics and Machine Learning quiring maximum correlation with the response. PLS therefore strikes a
Toolbox of MATLAB implements linear regression models with a con­ compromise between the objectives of reducing the predictor space
stant term for the BS method. We selected spc as a categorical variable dimension and finding a predictive relationship with the response. PLS
for the applicable tree-level models and kept the default values for the regression is particularly suited when the matrix of predictors has more
other parameters. variables than observations, and when there is multi-collinearity among
RF regression is an ensemble learning method that operates by the predictor variables. By contrast, standard regression will fail in
constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time and out­ these cases. We used the function plsregress in the Statistics and
putting the mean prediction of the individual trees (Breiman, 2001). A Machine Learning Toolbox of MATLAB and chose the number of com­
random forest is a meta-estimator (i.e. it combines the result of multiple ponents for each PLS models based on minimizing the mean square

Fig. 3. Correlogram of predictor (structure attributes) and response variables (wood fibre attributes) at tree level. The variable definitions are found in the no­

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

error of the predictions. averaged values for dbh , hgt and stem density (sd ). We calculated the
We assessed all four independent sets of predictive models using a plot species composition, summarized as the percentage of fir ( pbf ) and
k -fold cross-validation due to the limited number of samples at both spruce ( pbs ), from in situ measurements. Hereafter, we designate the
tree and plot levels. We randomly partitioned the original sample into k set of variables measured in situ, i.e. dbh , hgt and sd (at plot level), as
equal sized subsamples. Of the k subsamples, we kept one subsample for inventory attributes, and the set of fine-scale structure variables as L-
testing the model, and used the remaining k 1 subsamples as training Architect attributes. Note that the inventory attributes are a subset of
data. The cross-validation process was then repeated k times, with each the L-Architect attributes. The species-specific models consisted of only
of the k subsamples used exactly once as validation data. We used balsam fir or black spruce trees at tree level, while the species-specific
k = 10 and summarized the cross-validation error statistics of both the models at plot level consisted of only plots dominated by the respective
parametric and non-parametric models with the coefficient of de­ species. We quantified the impact of L-Architect fine-scale structure on
termination (R2 ), the normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE ) and the prediction of WFA with the triplet:
the normalized bias (NBias ), defined as:
(i|j) = {R¯2i R¯2j ,NRMSE
¯ i ¯ i
¯ j , NBias
NRMSE ¯ j}
NBias (6)
(yi y¯) 2/ N
that defines the mean (denoted as ‘bar’) difference between two sets of
NRMSE = × 100
y¯ (4) models, i and j , of the cross-validation error statistics R2 , NRMSE and
N NBias .
(yi y¯)/ N
NBias = × 100
y¯ (5)
3. Results
For the parametric methods, we also evaluated the selected models
for heteroscedasticity (Breusch and Pagan, 1979), the non-normality 3.1. Feature selection
(Shapiro and Wilk, 1965) and the autocorrelation (Durbin and Watson,
1950) of the residuals. Several predictor variables at both tree and plot levels failed the
Shapiro–Wilk test (Supp., Tables 2 and 3 show descriptive statistics of
2.5. Comparative analysis predictor and response variables). Under a visual inspection of the Q-Q
plots, however, most of those variables did not show severe non-nor­
We assessed the impact of fine-scale structure by comparing WFA mality issue. Other variables exhibited strong collinearity with other
predictive models built with and without the fine-scale structure attri­ predictor variables or very little correlation with the response variables
butes from L-Architect at tree and plot levels. We also assessed the im­ (Figs. 3 and 4). After careful assessment, we decided to discard asym ,
pact of including species information directly in the models or produ­ cw , hlc , nbr , vol , wal , wbl at tree level, and cw , dist , lai , nbr , nwrl , pbf ,
cing species-specific models to determine the extent to which the fine- vol , waw , wbw at plot level (Table 1). For consistency, we kept the same
scale structure information captured the species information. At tree set of predictors for all four statistical modeling methods even though
level, the initial set of attributes consisted of 22 variables, with spc , dbh the non-parametric methods were less sensitive to collinearity and non-
and hgt measured in situ. At plot level, the initial set of attributes normality issues.
consisted of 29 variables, including in situ measurement of tree- We summarized in Figs. 5 and 6 the variable importance for the nine

Fig. 4. Correlogram of predictor (structure attributes) and response variables (wood fibre attributes) at plot level. The variable definitions are found in the no­

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

Table 1 regression. In the case of BS regressions, we were able to select models

Discarded predictor variables showing collinearity (|r| > 0.9) with other pre­ with no issues regarding the residuals. The parametric models were
dictor variables, correlation (|r| < 0.2) for all the WFA response variables, or stronger than the non-parametric models. For the non-parametric
non-normality (p-value < 0.01, and visual inspection of Q-Q plots). The methods, PLS regression models showed higher correspondence
variable definitions are found in the nomenclature.
(R2 [0.05, 0.80]) than those built with RF (R2 [0.01, 0.71]). Fig. 8
Discarded Predictor Rationale shows the scatter plots for the nine WFA attributes using PLS regression.
The observed versus predicted for the nine WFA attributes using PLS
Tree level
regression showed moderately strong, positive, linear correspondence
asym Non-normality (severe) and no correlation
cw Non-normality and collinearity with cpa with a few outliers, with the exception for FL that had weak corre­
hlc Non-normality (severe) and no correlation spondence. Based on PLS, we observed weak correspondence
nbr Non-normality and collinearity with nwrl (R2 < 0.24 ) for MFA and FL , moderate correspondence for , C , MOE
vol Non-normality and collinearity with cpa (R2 [0.36, 0.57]), while the other attributes, RD , WT , SS , and WD ,
wal Collinearity with waw
showed high correspondence (R2 > 0.66).
wbl Collinearity with wbw

Plot level
cw Collinearity with multiple predictors 3.4. Model comparison
dist Collinearity with nnr
lai Collinearity with pai
nbr Collinearity with multiple predictors The models developed using different combinations of predictors
nwrl Collinearity with multiple predictors served to quantify the impact of using fine-scale structure attributes
pbf Collinearity with pbs estimated with L-Architect in the models (Table 4). The results were
vol Non-normality and collinearity with cpa , knot consistent amongst the different regression techniques, but we reported
waw Collinearity with wal problems at selecting valid models for some WFA with parametric
wbw Collinearity with wbl
techniques, i.e. issues with non-normality, heteroscedasticity or auto­
correlation of the residuals. As a result, here we report the results based
WFA at tree and plot levels. At tree level, the six predictors with median on the models built with the PLS regressions.
weights greater than zero included information about leaf area (la ), At tree level, adding the fine-scale structure to the inventory attri­
stem form (tap ), branching structure (br ), material distribution (wbw , butes of dbh and hgt resulted in an improvement in the average error
waw ), and hgt (Fig. 5). Statistically, those were likely to contribute to a statistics of the 9 WFA (R2 , NRMSE and NBias ) with
(LA|I) = {0.23, 1.83, 0.03} . The best improvements were for SS , WD,
significant increase in performance for the predictive models. The dbh
and WT with differences in R2 > 40%, while improvement on MFA was
as well as the predictors related to spatial heterogeneity and crown
geometry did not stand out as highly relevant features for most WFA.
Adding the tree species (spc ) as a categorical predictor variable
At plot level, the seven predictors with median weights greater than
improved the models using the inventory attributes by
zero included information about tree-level averaged la, crown geometry
(I + S|I) = {0.31, 2.67, 0.03} , and were closer to the models using the
attributes (hlc , cpa , asym ), plot-level attributes ( pai , fc , wbw ) and tree
L-Architect attributes, i.e. (LA|I + S) = { 0.08, 0.84, 0.00} . The gain of
positioning (nnr ) (Fig. 6). The other predictors, including inventory
adding spc to the models using L-Architect attributes was less significant
variables (dbh , hgt , sd ), as well as those related to material distribution,
with (LA + S|LA) = {0.08, 0.82, 0.01} . Species-specific, or stratified,
spatial heterogeneity and tree stem, had statistically less impact on the
tree level models did not improve with the L-Architect attributes with
performance of the predictive models for most WFA.
(LAfir |Ifir ) = {0.03, 0.29, 0.02} for balsam fir and
(LA spruce|Ispruce) = { 0.01, 0.05, 0.06} for black spruce.
3.2. Tree-level models

The tree-level models (Table 2) showed consistency across the four

statistical modeling methods R2 [0.13, 0.58], NRMSE [4.96, 29.12]
and NBias [ 0.04, 0.07]. For the parametric methods, we detected
several issues of non-normality, heteroscedasticity or autocorrelation of
the residuals. Within the set of models built with SW regression, three
failed at least two residual tests (MFA , MOE , WT ) and four failed one
(FL , RD , SS , TD , WD ). In the case of BS regressions, we were able to
select models having only minor issue with normality (MFA , RD , TD ,
WD ) or heteroscedasticity of the residuals (MFA ). For the non-para­
metric methods, the models built using PLS regression gave slightly
better error statistics for five of the nine attributes. The observed versus
predicted scatter plots for the nine WFA attributes using PLS regression
showed weak to moderately strong, positive, linear correspondence
with a few outliers, in particular for MFA , C , TD , and RD (Fig. 7). Based
on PLS, we observed weak correspondence (R2 < 0.24 ) for MFA , C , TD ,
and FL , while the other attributes, MOE , WT , SS , RD and WD , showed
moderate correspondence (R2 > 0.37 ).

Fig. 5. Average predictor importance summarized for the nine WFA at tree
3.3. Plot-level models level using RRelieff. Variable importance expresses the contribution of pre­
dictors to explain WFA variance. On each box, the central mark indicates the
The plot-level models (Table 3) showed consistency across the four median, and the left and right edges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th
statistical modeling methods R2 [0.10, 0.79], NRMSE [2.58, 15.68] percentiles, respectively. The whiskers extend to the most extreme data points
and NBias [ 0.08, 0.07]. There was only one parametric model that not considered outliers, and the outliers are plotted individually using the '○'
failed the normality test on residuals, namely the MFA with SW symbol. The variable definitions are found in the nomenclature.

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

including the L-Architect attributes did not improve by adding species

compositions, having (LA + SCfir |LAfir) = { 0.02, 0.11, 0.12} for balsam
fir and (LA + SCspruce |LA spruce) = {0.01, 0.01, 0.01} for black spruce
dominated plots.

4. Discussion

The estimation of internal wood quality such as fibre attributes is

challenging considering the numerous factors that determine the wood
fibre properties. Those factors include tree species, crown development,
stem shape, tree branchiness as well as stand conditions. Previous
studies examined details of the variability of wood quality as a function
of tree architecture (Fernández et al., 2011; Lenz et al., 2012; Pyörälä
et al., 2019). However, it was still unclear how better estimates of WFA
can be achieved using fine-scale structural information. The calibration
of L-Architect at both tree and plot level (Côté et al., 2013, 2018) proved
its ability to provide detailed structural information about individual
trees and coniferous forest plots composed of black spruce and balsam
Fig. 6. Average predictor importance summarized for the nine WFA at plot fir. In this study, we not only demonstrated that fine-scale structural
level using RRelieff. Variable importance expresses the contribution of pre­ information improves the accuracy of WFA model predictions, but that
dictors to explain WFA variance. On each box, the central mark indicates the the fine-scale attributes related to crown geometry, branching struc­
median, and the left and right edges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th ture, stem forms, material distribution and spatial competition are
percentiles, respectively. The whiskers extend to the most extreme data points amongst the key factors in predicting WFA.
not considered outliers, and the outliers are plotted individually using the '○'
Finding suitable and valid models with parametric methods was
symbol. The variable definitions are found in the nomenclature.
more problematic at tree-level, in particular through SW regression. We
tested several conditions to add or remove terms into the resulting
At plot level, including the fine-scale structural improved the models; namely differences in p -value for F -test, changes in AIC or BIC
average error statistics of the 9 WFA with (LA|I) = {0.33, 2.66, 0.04} . (Schwarz, 1978), and increases in R2 or adjusted R2 . We also limited the
The best improvements were for RD, SS , WD, and WT with differences model to linear and constant terms (no interactions). However, we
in R2 > 50%, while improvement on FL was negligible. found only one model at tree-level without at least one severe issue
Adding the species composition variables (pbf and pbs ) improved with the residuals tested over normality, heteroscedasticity and auto­
the inventory models by (I + SC|I) = {0.34, 2.70, 0.01} . These models correlation. We implemented BS regression to allow a better control
were comparable to models using L-Architect attributes, having over the model selection. We also tested different conditions during
(LA|I + SC) = {0.01, 0.04, 0.05} . The gain of adding pbf and pbs to model selection including LOOCV, AIC or BIC, Mallow’s Cp (Mallows,
the models using L-Architect attributes was negligible 1973) and R2 . We opted for a combination of minimizing LOOCV at
(LA + SC|LA) = {0.01, 0.11, 0.01} . The species-specific plot level selecting the ten best models per class of q predictors and the best R2
models without species composition information benefited from the L- satisfying (when possible) the three tests on residuals. As a con­
Architect attributes with (LAfir |Ifir ) = {0.12, 0.21, 0.03} for balsam fir sequence, most of the tree level-models indicated only minor non-
and (LA spruce|Ispruce) = {0.13, 0.93, 0.10} for black spruce dominated normality issues using a strict Shapiro-Wilk test. These issues were not
plots. Species-specific plot level models including species compositions present for plot level models. The non-parametric methods are not
as predictor variables also improved with L-Architect attributes, with sensitive to collinearity or to the number of predictors, and these issues
(LA + SCfir |I+SCfir ) = {0.03, 0.13, 0.05} for balsam fir and did not invalidate any of the tree or plot level models. PLS regression
(LA + SCspruce |I+SCspruce) = {0.17, 1.10, 0.04} for black spruce domi­ gave on average similar or better results compared to RF using the
nated plots. The results were very similar when compared to the stra­ specified parameterization. In addition, the PLS built the 20 sets of
tified models using L-Architect attributes, but without species compo­ regression models in two minutes whilst RF (in parallel) took ap­
sition, i.e. (LAfir |I+SC fir ) = {0.06, 0.24, 0.07} and proximately two hours on a HP Workstation Z820 equipped with two
(LA spruce|I+SCspruce) = {0.16, 1.11, 0.05} for balsam fir and black Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2660 @ 2.20 GHz and 96 Gb DDR3-1866 ECC
spruce dominated plots respectively. The stratifiedplot level models RAM memory. This justified the use of PLS for comparing the sets of

Table 2
Predictive models for WFA at tree level. For stepwise and best subset regression, the following symbols indicate issues from residual assessments:
α = autocorrelation, η = heteroscedasticity, ν = normality. The out-of-bag loss regression error (OOBL) compares the out-of-bag predictions against the true
responses for all observations used for training. We chose the number of components for each partial least square models based on minimizing the mean square error
of the predictions. R2, NRMSE and NBias are cross-validated values. The WFA variable definitions are found in the nomenclature.
Stepwise Best subset Random forests Partial least square

R2 NRMSE NBias Issues R2 NRMSE NBias Issues R2 NRMSE NBias OOBL R2 NRMSE NBias Nb. Comp.

C 0.24 9.57 0.02 0.23 9.62 0.03 0.18 9.90 0.00 1310.20 0.18 10.01 0.00 5
FL 0.28 9.50 0.07 α 0.26 9.6 0.03 0.21 9.95 0.22 0.05 0.24 9.76 −0.02 2
MFA 0.15 28.58 0.05 ν,η,α 0.16 28.61 −0.04 ν,η 0.07 30.23 −0.06 19.37 0.12 29.06 0.15 2
MOE 0.43 17.46 0.03 η,α 0.44 17.36 −0.02 0.28 19.65 0.02 6.05 0.37 18.41 0.04 5
RD 0.55 5.61 0.00 ν 0.54 5.67 0.03 ν 0.56 5.56 0.06 2.59 0.52 5.79 −0.07 14
SS 0.49 9.11 0.03 α 0.46 9.39 0.06 0.46 9.43 −0.08 983.63 0.47 9.32 −0.08 5
TD 0.25 4.82 0.01 η 0.25 4.81 0.01 ν 0.17 5.13 −0.01 2.01 0.19 5.06 0.02 8
WD 0.58 10.48 0.02 ν 0.58 10.55 0.02 ν 0.58 10.48 −0.05 2499.50 0.56 10.81 0.04 5
WT 0.49 10.07 0.01 ν,α 0.47 10.28 0.03 0.47 10.31 −0.10 0.06 0.47 10.29 −0.10 7

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

Fig. 7. Tree level observed vs. predicted values using a k -fold (k = 10 ) cross-validation for the nine WFA using partial least square regression.

models built with different sets of continuous and categorical pre­ species information at tree- and plot-levels respectively. At tree level,
dictors. the PLS regression models explained on average 20% and 11% of the
The models built with different predictor variables at tree or plot variation for balsam fir and black spruce species-specific WFA respec­
level provided quantitative evidence of the impact of fine-scale struc­ tively. Interestingly, species-specific models did not benefit from using
ture attributes in model building. The best models used the structure L-Architect attributes. This demonstrated that the L-Architect attributes
attributes estimated from the reconstructed trees or plots with archi­ carry most of the species contribution to the WFA predictive tree level
tectural modeling. The general models improved by 23% and 33% on models.
average compared to those using inventory measurements without The structure measured from L-Architect reconstructed trees

Table 3
Predictive models for the WFA at plot level. For stepwise and best subset regression, the following symbols indicate issues upon residual assessments:
α = autocorrelation, η = heteroscedasticity, ν = normality. The out-of-bag loss regression error (OOBL) compares the out-of-bag predictions against the true
responses for all observations used for training. We chose the number of components for each partial least square models based on minimizing the mean square error
of the predictions. R2, NRMSE and NBias are cross-validated values. The WFA variable definitions are found in the nomenclature.
Stepwise Best subset Random forests Partial least square

R2 NRMSE NBias Issues R2 NRMSE NBias Issues R2 NRMSE NBias OOBL R2 NRMSE NBias Nb. Comp.

C 0.61 5.54 0.05 0.6 5.58 0.19 0.51 6.13 −0.23 499.18 0.50 6.26 −0.16 4
FL 0.14 6.68 −0.07 0.2 6.46 0.04 0.02 7.37 −0.04 0.03 0.05 7.02 −0.06 2
MFA 0.22 15.16 −0.17 ν 0.26 14.72 −0.15 0.01 17.68 −0.21 6.60 0.24 15.17 0.20 4
MOE 0.62 12.08 0.11 0.65 11.53 0.01 0.58 12.55 −0.40 2.44 0.57 12.79 −0.04 4
RD 0.76 2.88 0.08 0.76 2.92 0.1 0.53 4.04 −0.08 1.43 0.66 3.55 0.18 17
SS 0.80 5.51 −0.13 0.82 5.13 0.04 0.67 6.90 0.28 467.85 0.76 6.06 0.02 11
TD 0.44 2.47 −0.02 0.43 2.49 −0.06 0.33 2.71 −0.03 0.55 0.36 2.64 0.01 2
WD 0.83 6.10 0.08 0.82 6.32 0.04 0.69 8.13 −0.02 1565.50 0.80 6.80 0.08 19
WT 0.79 6.09 0.10 0.78 6.18 0.06 0.71 7.13 −0.34 0.03 0.73 6.85 −0.05 7

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

Fig. 8. Plot level observed vs. predicted values using a k -fold (k = 10 ) cross-validation for the nine WFA using partial least square regression.

contributed significantly at discriminating species which in turn is one stand composition. The morphological differences between balsam fir
of the key factors driving the tree wood fibre properties. Accordingly, and black spruce explained this relationship, and we would expect to
the set of non-stratified models using L-Architect attributes, including find similar results for forests exhibiting comparable species composi­
tree species as a predictor, only improved the explained variation by tion conditions.
8%. At plot level, the PLS regression models explained 21% and 28% of Adding L-Architect attributes for the non-stratified tree level models
the WFA variation for balsam fir and black spruce dominated plots, explained 35% of the variation on average. The most challenging at­
respectively. The inclusion of species composition did not improve the tributes to predict were MFA , C , TD , and FL , compared to MOE , WT ,
results when using the L-Architect attributes. As for the tree level SS , RD and WD . The difficulty of measuring accurately the former at­
models, the results demonstrated that the fine-scale structure carries a tributes through wooden increment core analysis could explain in part
significant part of the species composition contribution to the WFA the lower explained variance. Interestingly, those former variables tend
predictive plot level models. to be under low genetic control in spruce compared with the latter
The predictor importance assessment clearly demonstrated that the variables, which indicates a stronger environmental control (Lenz et al.,
most ranked variables were estimated from the architectural modeling 2010). Nevertheless, we purposively discarded environmental and site
approaches. However, we observed that including species as predictors conditions that can have significant effects on WFA to focus solely on
in the regression models gave similar or slightly better results than the impact of tree structure. The results presented here are in agree­
using L-Architect attributes alone. We explored the relationship between ment with a previous study of black spruce in Newfoundland using
structure and species predictors by using random forest to classify tree detailed t-lidar metrics of the tree, its crown, and its immediate en­
and plot dominant species using fine-scale structure. The method is vironment, where the models explained 33%, 51%, 44%, 52% and 47%
found in the supplementary material. The topmost ranked predictors of the variance in C , FL, MFA , MOE and WD (Giroud et al., 2019).
(Supp., Fig. 1) were la and pai while other predictors estimated from Here, the tree structure attributes were the only predictor variables
architectural modeling for tree (dbh, nwrl, hgt , wbw ) and dominant included in the models. Adding metrics relating to aspect of canopy
(fc, cpa, wbl) species ranked in the top five. The results gave an overall structure, competition, vegetation density, and local topography would
accuracy of approximately 88% either at classifying tree species or plot most likely improve the results, but would necessitate additional ana­
dominant species (Supp., Fig. 2). This analysis demonstrated a strong lysis that were not in the scope of this study.
relationship between tree or forest canopy structure, and tree species or The L-Architect attributes had a major impact on the non-stratified

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

Table 4
Comparison of WFA predictive models developed using PLS regressions with different sets of predictor variables (LA: L-Architect, I: inventory, S: species, SC: species
composition, fir: fir or fir-dominated, spruce: spruce or spruce-dominated).


Tree-level analysis LA 0.18 10.01 0.00 0.24 9.76 −0.02 0.12 29.06 0.15 0.37 18.41 0.04 0.52 5.79 −0.07
LA + S 0.26 9.42 0.07 0.24 9.72 −0.04 0.12 29.19 0.11 0.46 16.95 −0.25 0.57 5.53 −0.08
LAfir 0.06 9.46 0.04 0.33 9.71 −0.08 0.17 30.80 0.02 0.29 16.47 −0.15 0.33 5.78 0.00
LAspruce 0.00 8.95 −0.02 0.03 9.55 0.01 0.10 24.51 0.51 0.18 16.89 −0.05 0.23 5.08 −0.02
I 0.02 10.83 0.02 0.20 9.97 −0.01 0.13 28.99 0.11 0.17 21.08 0.06 0.25 7.25 0.00
I+S 0.28 9.29 −0.05 0.23 9.78 0.03 0.12 29.08 0.04 0.44 17.26 0.07 0.58 5.43 −0.02
Ifir 0.03 9.59 0.03 0.33 9.71 −0.03 0.13 31.46 0.10 0.19 17.66 −0.07 0.36 5.65 −0.01
Ispruce 0.01 8.95 0.03 0.03 9.54 −0.03 0.10 24.29 0.07 0.16 17.03 −0.09 0.26 4.96 −0.02

Plot-level analysis LA 0.50 6.26 −0.16 0.05 7.02 −0.06 0.24 15.17 0.20 0.57 12.79 −0.04 0.66 3.55 0.18
LA + SC 0.50 6.29 −0.29 0.04 7.11 0.00 0.18 15.83 0.39 0.59 12.51 0.21 0.72 3.13 0.01
LAfir 0.06 5.98 −0.40 0.01 6.75 −0.08 0.09 15.35 −0.22 0.30 10.77 −0.32 0.28 2.85 0.02
LAspruce 0.46 5.45 −0.18 0.09 7.46 −0.90 0.44 13.77 0.51 0.52 10.19 −0.60 0.04 2.88 0.02
LA + SCfir 0.08 6.04 −0.18 0.00 6.97 −0.25 0.12 15.33 0.82 0.20 11.49 −0.08 0.27 2.89 0.03
LA + SCspruce 0.41 5.74 −0.76 0.02 7.64 −0.34 0.41 14.29 1.28 0.43 11.19 −1.06 0.00 2.80 −0.01
I 0.19 7.97 0.15 0.05 6.97 −0.10 0.19 15.45 −0.15 0.23 17.07 0.09 0.14 5.56 −0.08
I + SC 0.43 6.65 −0.05 0.02 7.22 −0.10 0.18 15.58 −0.25 0.59 12.39 0.11 0.78 2.75 0.02
Ifir 0.20 5.62 −0.01 0.04 6.65 −0.07 0.12 15.24 0.09 0.31 10.57 −0.19 0.08 3.20 0.03
Ispruce 0.14 6.91 0.00 0.14 6.95 −0.20 0.28 16.00 −0.23 0.32 12.37 −0.07 0.12 2.99 −0.17
I + SCfir 0.37 5.92 −0.06 0.00 6.98 −0.06 0.10 15.35 0.25 0.21 11.57 −0.22 0.18 3.10 −0.06
I + SCspruce 0.10 7.16 −0.29 0.04 7.43 −0.35 0.22 16.86 0.25 0.28 12.88 −0.54 0.04 2.66 0.06

Model Set SS TD WD WT


Tree-level analysis LA 0.47 9.32 −0.08 0.19 5.06 0.02 0.56 10.81 0.04 0.47 10.29 −0.10
LA+S 0.61 8.01 −0.02 0.24 4.88 −0.01 0.71 8.70 −0.01 0.62 8.73 0.11
LAfir 0.10 8.11 −0.02 0.12 5.06 0.02 0.28 9.08 0.03 0.14 8.81 −0.01
LAspruce 0.10 7.33 0.02 0.03 4.54 0.03 0.23 7.62 0.00 0.08 8.18 0.01
I 0.05 12.48 −0.01 0.10 5.29 0.02 0.12 15.28 0.03 0.05 13.79 0.03
I+S 0.60 8.06 −0.01 0.23 4.88 0.01 0.72 8.57 −0.03 0.63 8.60 0.00
Lfir 0.07 8.25 −0.04 0.12 5.07 −0.02 0.23 9.40 0.05 0.08 9.06 0.03
Lspruce 0.09 7.34 0.02 0.04 4.51 −0.01 0.26 7.48 0.00 0.10 8.08 0.00

Plot-level analysis LA 0.76 6.06 0.02 0.36 2.64 0.01 0.80 6.80 0.08 0.73 6.85 −0.05
LA+SC 0.77 5.78 0.00 0.40 2.56 −0.01 0.82 6.34 −0.11 0.75 6.55 −0.14
LAfir 0.37 4.99 0.86 0.12 2.49 −0.05 0.28 5.72 −0.26 0.40 5.44 −0.16
LAspruce 0.30 6.52 0.67 0.00 2.37 −0.03 0.23 6.84 −0.16 0.40 6.42 −0.73
LA+SCfir 0.45 4.75 0.48 0.19 2.38 −0.02 0.33 5.56 −0.20 0.09 5.96 −0.07
LA+SCspruce 0.47 5.73 0.72 0.01 2.33 −0.05 0.33 6.31 −0.59 0.50 5.96 −0.52
I 0.22 10.71 −0.12 0.14 3.06 0.01 0.27 12.62 0.03 0.23 11.68 0.01
I+SC 0.74 6.14 0.10 0.51 2.31 −0.02 0.79 6.73 −0.12 0.72 7.01 0.04
Ifir 0.00 5.50 −0.04 0.01 2.63 −0.02 0.03 6.66 −0.04 0.00 6.20 −0.04
Ispruce 0.08 7.63 0.37 0.03 2.21 −0.06 0.08 7.39 −0.03 0.12 7.82 −0.07
I+SCfir 0.07 5.34 0.07 0.23 2.29 0.01 0.22 5.96 0.05 0.03 6.02 0.09
I+SCspruce 0.17 7.13 0.52 0.00 2.32 −0.09 0.06 7.64 −0.35 0.13 7.83 −0.16

plot models without species composition information, having 52% of and environmental data from our predictor variables. It might be worth
the variance explained on average. The reconstructed plots with L- further considerations to include attributes related to these aspects in
Architect thus allowed extracting attributes with strong relationships to the future development of relationships between indirect remote sen­
WFA, comparable to species composition (Lessard et al., 2014). Similar sing data and wood quality.
to the tree level models, the MFA , FL, TD , and C attributes were also Further modelling efforts might also consider a hierarchical ap­
those having the lowest correspondences. The same reasons mentioned proach to examine patterns of WFA. For example, Groot and Luther
for tree level models may explain the difficulty to predict those attri­ (2015) explained portions of variance in wood density at ring, tree and
butes. The strong predictions for attributes related to wood density and plot levels across Newfoundland with predictor variables at multiple
mechanical wood stiffness (MOE , WT , SS , RD and WD ) at the tree and levels of a forest structural hierarchy (ring-, tree-, and plot-level vari­
plot level is encouraging for their inclusion into enhanced forest in­ ables) using linear mixed models (LMM). They concluded that there
ventories. Those traits are highly sought after by sawmills for the pro­ was a strong influence of plot-level factors on wood density at all levels
duction of lumber, which is the primary and most valuable transfor­ of aggregation pointing to the need for enhanced inventory tools for
mation of conifer wood (Hassegawa et al., 2019). Our modelling results characterizing forest structure at plot and stand levels. We explored the
are in agreement with the previous studies done in insular Newfound­ impact of grouping the structure attributes by spatial scale, i.e. tree and
land, with R2 [0.35, 0.61] using environmental data and inventory for plot level, using LMM. We present details and exploratory results in the
C , FL, MFA , WD (Lessard et al., 2014), R2 [0.18, 0.53] using airborne supplementary material. The LMM showed comparable results with
lidar for C , FL , MFA , MOE , RD , SS , WD , WT (Luther et al., 2014) and respect to the other modeling methods, and several predictors esti­
R2 [0.37, 0.72] using terrestrial lidar for C , FL , MFA , WD (Blanchette mated from L-Architect at both tree and plot levels were significant. The
et al., 2015). Although, this study is unique by focusing on structure analysis indicated that the plot identifier (random intercept) was sig­
attributes only. We deliberately discarded the site conditions, species nificant for all WFA. Regarding the hierarchical approach, Harrison

J.-F. Côté, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (2021) 118624

et al. (2018) provide valuable recommendations regarding the difficulty Declaration of Competing Interest
in selecting linear mixed models because of biases in the performance of
some tests (e.g. AIC comparisons) introduced by the presence of The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
random effects. Hence, a proper hierarchical analysis would require a interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ­
sampling design to ensure reliable quantification of the variance ex­ ence the work reported in this paper.
plained by the predictors, including their interactions, at each spatial
scale (tree, plot, landscape) for the set of WFA. Acknowledgments

5. Conclusion The Newfoundland Fibre Project is a research initiative of the

Canadian Wood Fibre Centre (CWFC), Canadian Forest Service of
We investigated the contribution of architectural modeling for es­ Natural Resources Canada, Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited
timating WFA at the tree and plot levels for balsam fir and black spruce (CBPPL), FPInnovations, Grenfell Campus of Memorial University of
trees growing in Newfoundland, Canada. This study demonstrated that Newfoundland (MUN), NL Department of Natural Resources, Nova
better characterization of the tree and plot structure using L-Architect Scotia Community College and the University of Sherbrooke. We thank
improved the predictive ability of the models for estimating WFA. We all participants of the project, notably, Dr. Wade W. Bowers of Grenfell
assessed the impact of fine-scale structure on predictive models for WFA Campus (MUN). We thank Danny Blanchette and Emilie Lessard of the
with parametric and non-parametric methods. Non-parametric partial University of Sherbrooke for their help during the data acquisition and
least square regression provided the best compromise between robust­ processing of the tree map locations and TLS scans. We also thank
ness on collinearity between predictors, predictive capability and Danny Blanchette for his help with the preliminary statistical analysis.
computation speed. A variable importance analysis demonstrated that We thank François Rousseu of the University of Sherbrooke for his
attributes related to crown geometry, branching structure, stem form, advice on the use of several statistical approaches. We are also grateful
canopy material distribution and spatial competition derived from L- to Janet Bourque, Matthew Glover, Heidi Kavanagh, and Michael
Architect were highly significant in the resulting models. The percentage Noonan of Grenfell Campus (MUN) for their help acquiring and pro­
of variance explained, through cross-validation, ranged from 12–56% cessing TLS scans. This work was supported by the Atlantic Canada
and 5–80% at tree- and plot-levels respectively. The MFA , FL , TD , and Opportunities Agency, Canada (ICF 786-16766-195492 to W.W.B.),
C were the most challenging attributes to predict at both levels. Due to Centre for Forest Science and Innovation, Canada (221208 to W.W.B.),
the difference in tree morphology, information on tree species and plot Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC), Canada
composition did not make a significant difference in the predictive (CRDPJ-390394 to R.A.F. and J.E.L., RGPIN-2014-04508 to R.A.F.),
capability for most of the WFA. The addition of fine-scale structure Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Innovation, Business and
improved the models built only with inventory attributes by 10–31% Rural Development, Canada (WES2010.06.02.045W to W.W.B.) and
and 0–53% at tree- and plot-levels respectively. These results provided Research and Development Corporation, Canada (5404.1221.102 to
sufficient evidence to support our hypothesis with an average im­ W.W.B.). This research was also supported by the AWARE project
provement of 23% and 33% at tree- and plot-levels respectively. Our (NSERC CRDPJ-462973-14, grantee N.C. Coops, UBC), in collaboration
approach avoids the need for destructive measurements on tree struc­ with the CWFC, FPInnovations and CBPPL.
ture while providing estimates at the same level of accuracy.
We demonstrated through a series of comparative analysis and Appendix A. Supplementary material
partitions over the set of predictors that L-Architect supports the de­
velopment of relationships between tree structure and its wood quality Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Writing - original tectural model of trees to enhance LiDAR-derived measurements of forest canopy
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Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Resources, Project adminis­ Côté, J.-F., Fournier, R.A., Luther, J.E., 2013. Validation of L-Architect model for balsam
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Methodology, Writing - review & editing. Richard A. Fournier: Côté, J.-F., Fournier, R.A., Luther, J.E., van Lier, O.R., 2018. Fine-scale three-dimensional
Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Resources, Funding acquisi­ modeling of boreal forest plots to improve forest characterization with remote sen­
sing. Remote Sens. Environ. 219, 99–114.
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curation, Visualization, Supervision.

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