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Oswestry Disability Index

Jazmere’ Thornton
What is the owestry disability index?

• The ODI is used to determine LBP (lower back pain) in patients by asking a set of 10 questions.
• . Section 1 – Pain intensity
• Section 2 – Personal care (washing, dressing etc.)
• Section 3 – Lifting
• Section 4 – Walking
• Section 5 – Sitting
• Section 6 – Standing,
• Section 7 – Sleeping
• Section 8 – Sex life (if applicable)
• Section 9 – Social life
• Section 10 – Travelling
• . Each section has level of extremely hard, hard, mild, easy or no pain when performing each task.

• total possible score is 5: if the first statement is marked the

section score = 0
• if the last statement is marked the section score = 5.
• If all 10 sections are completed the score is calculated as follows:
Example: 16 (total scored) 50 (total possible score) x 100 = 32%
• If one section is missed or not applicable the score is calculated:
16 (total scored) 45 (total possible score) x 100 = 35.5%
How to read the score

• 0% to 20%: minimal disability

• 21%-40%: moderate disability
• 41%-60%: severe disability
• 61%-80%: crippled
• 81%-100%:Bed bound/Dependent

• Does pregnancy increase the lower back pain disability in women with
one pregnancy vs. women with multiple pregnancy?

• I had a total of 3 females post partum who took part in the OID.
• One 31 years old who have two children and one who is 30 years old with
one child and 27 years old with one child. They all have expressed that
they had no back problems/pain prior to pregnancy.
• Both the 30- and 31-years old participant’s work as CNA’s for the last 10
years. Both have expressed they had no injuries due their job duties prior
to pregnancy or after.
• The 27-year-old female is a stay-at-home mom who works out regularly.

• The 31 years old female scored 20/50 which puts her at a 31% the patient experienced

the most pain from lifting, standing and when walking. This result put the patient at having

a moderate disability. Which can progress with time if she experiences another pregnancy

and possibly due to her job. She also states sitting, stretching and laying flat on her back

helps relieve the pain. Somedays she takes a Tylenol or use a hot pack to help with pain.

• The 30 years old female scored 40/50 which place her at 10% the patient
experiences the most from standing for along periods of time and lifting
heavy objects. The results put her at having minimal disability. Patient
states when she is experiencing pain she just lay down or stretch and she
feels better the next day.

• The 27 years old female scored 45/50 which places her at 5% the patient
experiences the most pain when standing for long periods of time. The
results put her at having minimal disability. When experience pain she
normally just sits down for a bit and it goes away.

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