The 14 Day Product Guide-5-6

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Day 2


Today, you’re going to pick your topic idea so you can get started on your product.

We’ve created a spreadsheet you can use to find out which product ideas will work
best for the #14DayProduct Challenge.

Make a copy of this spreadsheet and fill in your own product ideas.

Fill out the topics you’re interested in and potential product ideas in column A and B.
If your 14 Day Product ideas are too large, break them down into smaller pieces.

• Column C, list the niche. If you want to create a mini course on Figma for
iOS developers, your audience would be iOS developers.

• Column D, decide how excited you are about the idea from 1-5
(5 being the most excited you could be)

• Column E: List how fast you can complete the product

• Column F: The totals from Column D + E

• Column G: Does this product align with your ‘reason why’ that you
determined yesterday?

Whichever ideas score the highest in the spreadsheet are your potential
product ideas.

Narrow your ideas down to 2-3 potential topics and reach out to your
audience about them. Run a survey asking which topic they like best.

Share idea for your product in the #topics space in Circle and give feedback
to one other member in the space on their topic.

Using the data you’ve gathered from the spreadsheet you created and the
feedback from your audience, commit to working on this product idea for
the next 12 days.


• Announce on social media that you’re working on your product as part of
the #14DayProduct.
Next, let’s work on your outline so you can get started on creating your Gumroad product.

Create Your Outline

You might be tempted to start writing right away. But slow down!

Starting a new product is hard. Even more so when you want to complete your product
in the next 12 days.

Creating an outline can help keep you on track and also save time.

When I’m starting a new project, looking at everything that needs to be done to finish it
feels so overwhelming.

But breaking my product down into small pieces through an outline helps me
determine what I need to do each day to stay on schedule.

Organize your notes, quotes, and references using notecards or Post-its. Write a single thought
and it's source on a notecard, then organize them into themes. Turn the themes into the sections
of your content, and the thoughts into the major points in each section.
Voila, you have an outline! (Tip from Robert Greene and Ryan Holiday)

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