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Day 4


Today you’re going to make a few critical decisions for your product so you can save
time later on in the #14DayProduct Challenge.
• Will your product be an ebook or a video course? What is the format of
your product?

• What is your MVP? An MVP is your minimum viable product.

• How will you create your product? What applications will you use?

• Will you outsource some work?

If you know you write an ebook, here are some resources for creating your book:

• Apple Pages

• InDesign

• PressBooks

If you want to create a video course, here is what you’ll need:

• A webcam or camera if you want to film any video. Many iPhone
cameras will shoot high quality video that you can transfer to your
computer and edit.

• Good lighting. Make sure to test out your lighting before you spend too
much time recording your videos. Lighting is hard to fix in editing.

• A video editing software like Camtasia or OpenShot.

• A slide deck. If you want to create a video course with a presentation, you
can use Google Slides and edit them later with Screenflow
or Camtasia.

• A microphone. If you’re recording a slide deck and talking over it, you’ll
want to make sure you have a good microphone.

Day 5

The title to your product is your first chance to sell someone on your product and make
a good impression.

Find a title that resonates with your audience and uses your target keywords.

Your book title should be:

• Memorable: You want your buyers to tell their friends about your product
and have your title be easy to remember when they search for it later.

Informative: Your topic needs to let your audience know exactly what
• they’re purchasing. The ideal product title is descriptive so your readers
don’t have to do the research to figure out what your book is about. They
should just know.

Five words or fewer: Your title shouldn’t be too long. Shorter titles are
• more memorable. You can have a subtitle on your product cover to further
clarify what your product provides and use important keywords.

Attention grabbing: Your title shouldn’t be too long or boring. It needs to

• catch the eye and keep it so you can make a sale. Make sure your title is
easy to say and spell as well.

Unique: You want to make sure that you aren’t competing with another
• ebook or video course with the same title. Do your research and make sure
your title doesn’t have too much competition online.

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