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Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials, and polynomial

Performance Standard

The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials, and
polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.

Learning competencies

The learner generates patterns. (M10AL-Ia-1)

Unit Summary:

In this unit, the student’s demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and
principles of Mathematics as applied – using appropriate technology – in problem solving, critical
thinking, communicating, and reasoning, making connections, representations and decisions in real
life. The students can take photos emerging in the natural and man-made environment and find
patterns and sequences in their daily encounters with them.

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Week 1
Day 1: Patterns

a) Define patterns that is seen in the classroom

b) Explain why it is a pattern
c) Eager to share your understandings and relate it in real life

Day 2: Sequence

a) Define sequence.
b) Identify the next term of a sequence
c) Value accumulated knowledge as means of new understanding.

Day 3: Identify the First Few Terms of a Sequence given the nth Term of a Sequence

a. Identify the first few terms of a sequence given the nth term/equation.
b. Determine the pattern of the given rule.
c. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new understanding.

Day 4: Find the nth term of a Sequence

a. Find the general or nth term of a sequence
b. Identify the pattern of each sequence
c. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new understanding.

Day 5: Problems involving Sequence

a. Solve problems involving sequence.

b. Identify the nth term of the given problem.
c. Value accumulated knowledge as means of new understanding.

Daily Procedures

Day 1
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let students do the “Collage” activity.
a. The students are required to bring art materials (paper, pencil, glue, scissors and
scrapped magazines and newspapers)
b. The students will be able to create patterns by utilizing the available materials
c. The students will be able to justify and explain the patterns and present it in the class
d. The students will be able to integrate and explain why patterns are important in real life.
3. Start a powerpoint and video viewing presentation as a supplementary lesson to their
a. Show a TedTalks to inspire them about maths especially on patterns.
b. Ask the students, “ Why is patterns important in our life”
c. Supplementary discussion by powerpoint presentation.

Day 2
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let the students do the “Picture Taking” activity
a. Divide them into groups of 5 with 8 members each
b. In 15 minutes take a picture of the school surroundings that evokes sequences and
c. By using their smartphones create a digital collage by using any collage app available
(CollageMaker, PhotoGrid and etc)
d. Present the output on the next day
3. Introduce the game “Draw the next sequence.”
a. Let the students be grouped into 2 .
b. Give each group one set of images and draw what should be the next sequence is
c. Instruct the class to draw the answer in 5 minutes.
d. The group will decide who will present their outputs in the class.
e. Give them 5 minutes each on the presentation
4. Proceed to the basic discussion about sequences and how do they identify the next term.

Day 3
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Present their Digital Collage printed/powerpoint and explain from the activity transpired on Day
3. Review (Q&A Method) Flashed on the PowerPoint screen
4. Proceed to the discussion about identifying the First Few Terms of a Sequence given the n th
Term of a Sequence of the sequence by presenting a powerpoint presentation.
a. Ask the student to answer the following questions;
 Find the first 5 terms of the sequence given the nth term.
i. an = n + 4
ii. an = 2n – 1
iii. an = 12 – 3n
iv. an = 3n
v. an = (-2)n

Day 4
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Review (Q&A Method) Flashed on the PowerPoint screen
3. Proceed to the discussion about identifying the First Few Terms of a Sequence given the n th
Term of a Sequence of the sequence by presenting a powerpoint presentation.
 Ask the student to answer the following questions;
i. -2, 1, 4, 7
ii. 3, 6, 12, 24
iii. -5,
iv. -52, -53, -54
v. 4, 1, -4, -11
vi. 64, 36, 16, 4

5. Let the students answer an exercise about finding the nth term.
a. Prepare a hard copy of an exercise from
b. Instruct the students to read the instructions. Remind them to write their names and the
date on the paper.
c. Ask the students to pass their paper a few minutes before the bell rings.

Day 5
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the activity “Polya’s Method in Problem Solving?”
a. The students formulates problems in the school setting (Not necessarily math problems)
b. Use Polya’s method and integrate it (Solutions may vary, personal understandings)
i. Step 1: Understand the problem.
ii. Step 2: Devise a plan (translate).
iii. Step 3: Carry out the plan (solve).
iv. Step 4: Look back (check and interpret).

c. Ask students why problem solving is an essential skill in the 21 st Century?

d. Write the answers on a ½ crosswise paper.
e. Ask the students to pass their papers after 10 minutes.
3. Proceed to the discussion problem solving involving sequences
a. Teach the Polya’s method in problem solving in Maths
b. Teach the student in critical thinking and comprehension of the problem
c. Devise best strategic plan to how to approach the problem
d. Carry out the solutions
e. Recheck and Review
f. Ask students “Why is there a need to recheck and review”?
g. Ask them “What is the importance of practice”? Does practice makes perfect?
4. Assessment
a. A recovering heart attack patient is told to get on a regular walking program. The patient
is told to walk a distance of 5 km the first week, 8 km the second week, 11 km the third
week and so on for a period of 10 weeks. At that point the patient is to maintain the
distance walked during the 10th week. How far will the patient walk during the 10th
i. Write out the sequence using blanks where appropriate.
ii. Write an explicit formula for the sequence.
iii. . How far will the patient walk during the 10th week? Show all work.
iv. Write your final answer as a sentence.

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