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Issue 1,342 Tuesday 15 March 2011 FREE




JAPAN fought to keep control of its
damaged nuclear power plants yes-
terday, as explosions at two more of
the Fukushima plant reactors fuelled
fears of a partial meltdown from
failed cooling systems and ham-
mered the markets this morning.
Japan’s Nikkei 225 index fell six
per cent in the first hour of trading
this morning, after suffering the
fastest decline since October 2008
yesterday. Utility, transport and
manufacturing stocks were hit hard Fukushima’s reactor 3
again as the country’s weakened threw off black smoke
infrastructure hampered the ongo- after an explosion at
ing rescue efforts. 11am yesterday
World stocks slid to six-week lows
yesterday as traders reacted to the
unfolding disaster.
Officials reported an explosion at
Fukushima’s reactor 2 early this
morning, where yesterday workers
had raced to prevent meltdown
“The nuclear plants
when the improvised seawater cool-
ing system failed leaving nuclear
have been shaken,
rods temporarily exposed.
Non-essential workers were evac-
flooded and cut off
uated from Fukushima early this
morning after fears of a radiation
from electricity”
leak. Yukiya Amano,
Plant operator Tokyo Electric International Atomic
Power Company (TEPCO) said the Energy Agency
rods in Fukushima’s reactor 2 were
half-covered with water at 9am
local time (midnight GMT), and that
levels continued to improve in all being continued.” sent flames and black smoke into Across the country, officials said without water. “The Japanese gov-
the units. Chief cabinet secretary Yukio the air at 11am local time yesterday. at least 10,000 people have died ernment is currently taking the nec-
“There is the possibility that dam- Edano said earlier yesterday some Radiation levels at the plants, since the earthquake and subse- essary precautions – evacuating
age was done to the suppression damage has been detected at reac- located 240 km (150 miles) north of quent tsunami on Friday. nearby communities, putting peo-
pool,” said a spokesperson during a tor 2, though no data was available Tokyo, climbed from 1,941 to 8,217 About 450,000 people have been ple in safe shelters and distributing
news conference, referring to the this morning. microsieverts an hour at 9am local evacuated nationwide in addition potassium iodide to those at risk,”
store of water under the reactor A separate blow-out at time, TEPCO said – well above the to 80,000 from the exclusion zone the World Health Organisation said.
meant to prevent meltdown. “The Fukushima’s reactor 3, thought to legal limit of 500 microsieverts an around the nuclear power plants, FOCUS ON JAPAN: P2, P3, P4,
water injection operations are be caused by a hydrogen build-up, hour. and almost 2m households remain MARKETS: P15; P18

FTSE 100 ▼ 5,775.24 -53.43 DOW ▼ 11,993.16 -51.24 NASDAQ ▼ 2,700.97 -14.64 £/$ ▲ 1.62 +0.01 £/¤ 1.16 unc ¤/$ ▲ 1.40 +0.01 Certified Distribution
31/01/11 - 27/02/11 is 107,265
2 News CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011


cost of a truly
horrific tragedy
wealth. That would be to fall foul of
what Frederic Bastiat called the bro-
ken window fallacy: a country doesn’t
become richer when its assets are
smashed up, even if mending them
temporarily creates new jobs. The third nuclear
Earthquakes don’t boost a nation’s reactor of the
wealth, they make it poorer; Fukushima
EDITOR’S LETTER resources that could have been allo- Daiichi nuclear
cated to other things need to be plant is seen
ALLISTER HEATH diverted to the rebuilding effort. Vast burning after an
explosion in this
amounts of Japan’s capital have been
SLOWLY but surely, more horror sto- destroyed, including several nuclear satellite image
ries are emerging from the rubble power stations worth at least $5bn taken 14 March
that is Tsunami-hit Northern Japan. each, as well as tens of billions worth Opposite: A tech-
The death toll will undoubtedly be of housing and commercial property. nician in protec-
many orders of magnitude higher One need not agree with the more tive gear scans a
child for signs of
than the few thousand so far con- extreme estimates of the value of the
firmed by the authorities, while the destruction – one analyst puts the Pictures:
big issue last night was the extremely destroyed capital at $1 trillion – to see REUTERS, GETTY
serious problem at several Japanese that replacing what is broken is dif-
nuclear power plants. While this ferent to adding to the stock of
series of accidents still appears to be wealth. So much for the economics –

Japan’s insured loss

no Chernobyl, there is some radiation today, however, all eyes will be on the
leakage and the situation is far more nuclear reactors.
dangerous than it looked to be on
Sunday. Outsiders are finding it NOT ALL RICH FOLK ARE BANKERS
impossible to work out true levels of For those people who hate all bankers
risk. If the situation isn’t resolved, a and financiers, the 50p tax rate on

may surpass $60bn

second wave of panic is likely, in the income over £150,000 a year is usually
markets and among investors if not welcomed as an anti-City tax. It is por-
among the astonishingly stoic trayed as a targeted, punitive measure
Japanese public. to exercise retribution for the reces-
As to the actual economic damage, sion (which the public attributes
the Kobe earthquake of 1995 pro- almost exclusively to high-earning
duced losses worth around two per bankers as a class). There is a lot
cent of GDP; this disaster could cost wrong with this naive argument,
up to five per cent. Rich economies including the fact that the causes of While damage to homes is covered and Chaucer, which updated the mar-

inevitably bounce back from severe the crisis were hugely complex and INSURANCE by Japan’s government-backed earth- ket, gained 2.2 per cent and 2.3 per
natural disasters; after a sharp slump included central banks’ low interest BY ALISON LOCK quake insurance programme, interna- cent. Jefferies analyst James Shuck
in GDP, output inevitably shoots back rates, government guarantees, intel- tional insurers cover all commercial said Amlin’s strong retrocession cover
up again as reconstruction efforts lectual errors about statistical pat- JAPAN’S tsunami damage may cost property, industry and marine claims. should cap its liability at about $150-
begin. It will be no different this time, terns and numerous other policies. insurers more than $60bn (£37bn), and Goldman Sachs analysts said Swiss 160m. Chaucer said it had little expo-
despite Japan’s excessive public debt Yet another point is even more fun- lead to premiums rising for the first Re would bear SwFr 1.9bn (£1.3bn) sure to Japan’s nuclear industry.
and unfavourable commodity prices. damental: most people on high time in years, analysts said yesterday. losses if it categorised the catastrophe But Shuck added that with a 70 per
But one should not confuse a rise incomes don’t actually work in Reinsurers such as Swiss Re and as a one-in-200-year event. Rival SCOR cent chance of large aftershocks, loss-
in GDP as repair work kicks in in a finance. Jo Johnson, the Tory MP for Munich Re are likely to consider this a has said it will bear about €185m – es were likely to rise yet further.
few months’ time with a rise in Orpington, was keen to find out who “one-in-200-year” event, which would slightly less than the €260m analysts
actually paid the tax; the Treasury’s mean they face losses of up to €2bn expected it would bear from a one in ANALYSIS l Swiss Re
permanent secretary Sir Nicholas (£1.7bn) each. 250-year event. 60 SwFr 49.36
Macpherson has obliged. Of the The losses are likely to count as a Standard & Poor’s analysts said 59 14 Mar
275,000 paying the new 50p tax “market-changing event” that would Munich Re may also be exposed to 58
(which will reach 52 per cent in April end the trend of falling insurance pre- €2bn if it was characterised as a one- 57
with extra employee national insur- mium rates, Panmure Gordon analyst in- 200-year event. They forecast a pre- 56
7th Floor, Centurion House, ance) only 63,000 work in financial tax cost to the firm of €500bn-800bn. 55
Barrie Cornes said. “In our view, the
24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ intermediation, such as banks and loss will be so large that it will proba- Swiss Re closed 4.5 per cent down
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334 53
funds. I would guess a few thousand bly provide the trigger to ensure a re- and Munich Re 3.4 per cent lower. In 52
Email: others on similar incomes yet not in rating of the non-life sector, as London, Lloyd’s insurers Catlin and 51
Editorial this list could be described as quasi- sufficient capacity [capital] is with- Beazley ended down 3.2 per cent and 50
03 Jan 21 Jan 10 Feb 01 Mar
Editor Allister Heath investment bankers (lawyers specialis- drawn to allow rates to rise,” he said. 2.83 per cent respectively, but Amlin
Deputy Editor David Hellier ing in corporate finance and so on).
News Editor David Crow But the vast majority of those paying
Night Editor
Business Features Editor
Katie Hope
Marc Sidwell
the new tax work in other fields.
The widespread view that the only WHAT THE OTHER PAPERS SAY THIS MORNING
rich people in the UK today are
Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel bankers is absurd. A little more than
Sports Editor Frank Dalleres 2,800 people in firms under the
Art Director Craig Gaymer Financial Services Authority’s remit
Commercial regulator revealed last year. Even if we CHINESE PRICING INSIDER TRIAL FALLOUT
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery were to assume that this number has Britain has lost its position as the Research for furniture retailer CSL McKinsey has launched a concerted
Commercial Director Harry Owen gone up, and that other quasi-bankers world’s second largest art market to suggests consumers are no longer effort to try to reassure clients and
Head of Distribution Nick Owen (consultants, lawyers, top partners at China, in a sign of intensifying com- fooled by “dodgy pricing policies”. limit the damage to its reputation
professional services firms) ought to petition and a shift in the geographi- The study found that almost all con- from its involvement in one of
Distribution helpline be added in, it is fair to assume that cal distribution of wealth towards sumers think furniture retailers are America’s biggest insider trading
If you have any comments about the distribution no more than 4,000 people in City- Asia, according to a new study. The guilty of misleading pricing. cases.
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email style jobs make £1m a year. Yet HMRC UK’s share of the global art market
estimates that around 13,000 people fell by 5 percentage points to 22 per PAYE FIASCO: 10,000 HAVE TAX DEBTS OBR CRITICISED OVER MISLEADING
Editorial Statement in the UK earn £1m (down 1,000 from
its peak).
cent in the four years to 2010. CANCELLED
A quarter of those who appealed
The OBR has come under fire for fail-
This newspaper adheres to the system of
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints Most are the entrepreneurs who FULLER’S XIX NOW VALUED AT $100M against last year’s shock tax demands ing to include the projected value of
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the are meant to grow us out of recession, Simon Fuller, creator of the American from HM Revenue & Customs had asset sales in forecasts for the public
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s non-finance company directors, top Idol television series, has signed finances. Andrew Tyrie, chairman of
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at their tax debts cancelled, it has
business people, entertainers and Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton the Treasury Select Committee, said emerged. David Gauke, a Treasury
footballers. None are to blame for the in his first deal since launching XIX not including the estimated proceeds
Printed by Newsfax International, crisis – all are being hammered. Entertainment, his new media com- minister, disclosed that 23pc of those from assets such as the student loan
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, who used the “extra-statutory conces-
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS pany that has secured investment in portfolio “may give a misleading
Follow me on Twitter: @allisterheath two deals valuing it at $100m. sion” A19 were successful. assessment” of the country’s finances.
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 News 3


ered, became sufficiently hot to sepa-
rate the water and steam that is
ment, exposing the
bare core to the atmos-

A. The failure of the electricity sup-

ply for the cooling pumps. At the
around into the separate components
of oxygen and hydrogen. This mix-

first sign of a tremor, the reactor start-

ed to shut down by inserting the con-
ture of hydrogen and oxygen explod-
trol rods and the reactor ceased to
produce power. Even after the reactor
has shut down, a nuclear power sta- Q. HOW DOES THIS COMPARE TO
A. We should take comfort from the
fact that the Japanese authorities,
are saying that the containment that
tion still produces about 5-10 per cent
of its heat. When the cooling water
stops flowing the fuel dries out and
A. This scenario is far closer to the
Three Mile Island accident in
1979, Pennsylvania – which did not
sits around the reactor, which is a
very strong structure of concrete and
steel, is holding. That is important to
the temperature rises extremely. cause any cases of cancer – than to stress.
Chernobyl in 1986. There is a con- • Answers from Dr William Nuttall, of

Q.WHAT CAUSED THE EXPLOSION? tainment holding the overheated

core, which in the Three Mile Island
Cambridge Judge Business School, a lec-
turer in technology policy and a lead aca-
ANALYSIS l A diagram of the nuclear electricity generation process. A meltdown
occurs when there is a catastrophic failure of the reactor core, with a potential for A. It is possible that the nuclear
fuel, once it has become uncov-
case saved the day. At Chernobyl,
the reactor did not have a contain-
demic at the Cambridge Nuclear Energy
widespread radiation release.

STEAM lines
rods Turbine



Primary water loop Secondary water loop

Nuclear fears
spark drop in
energy stocks

ENERGY he told City A.M. “There’s little cause for

BY JULIAN HARRIS concern over new plans which incor-
porate robust safety features devel-
STOCKS in nuclear energy companies oped since the Fukushima plant was
and uranium miners plummeted yes- built in 1971. New plants are even
terday as safety fears threatened to hit safer, as they should be – we have very
the industry. stringent standards in western Europe,
In New York trading, uranium min- quite rightly.”
ers Cameco and USEC were two of the Yet in Germany a political furore
main losers, ending the day down broke out yesterday, with chancellor
13.42 per cent and 10.56 per cent Angela Merkel forced to back down on
respectively. the government’s decision to extend
Meanwhile in France, where over 70 the life of several nuclear plants.
per cent of energy comes from nuclear “We will suspend the extension of
power, shares of the partly state-owned the life of Germany’s nuclear power
nuclear equipment provider Areva stations, which was decided only
dropped by 9.61 per cent. recently,” she said.
Also in Paris, energy giant EDF saw And in neighbouring Switzerland,
shares fall 5.28 per cent, as the whole approval procedures for three new
CAC 40 Index declined by 1.29 per cent nuclear power stations were suspend-
in the day’s trading. ed in order to revisit safety standards,
Areva is bidding to be part of new the government announced yesterday.
nuclear power plants in the UK, at sites
such as Sizewell in Suffolk, and ANALYSIS l Areva 31.50
Hinkley Point in Somerset. 38 14 Mar

Energy minister Chris Huhne prom-
ised a safety review into the industry,
yesterday. 36
However, nuclear development
should not be affected in countries 34
where it is politically favoured, accord-
ing to Jeremy Nicholson of the Energy
Intensive Users Group. 32
“The UK government sees the
urgency for new, low-carbon energy,” 20 Dec 7 Jan 27 Jan 16 Feb 8 Mar
4 News CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011


Moody’s: Earthquake costs could

accelerate Japanese debt crisis

JAPAN QUAKE consequences of the tragedy to finances... The earthquake may have
BY JULIET SAMUEL become clear. The country’s debt-to- shifted such a potential tipping point
GDP ratio is forecast to exceed 200 per a bit forward.”
THE earthquake and tsunami in Japan cent this year. S&P agreed that there would be no
could bring forwards a crucial “tip- Moody’s said it understood that immediate effect on Japan’s rating but
ping point” for market confidence in Tokyo will have to suspend tackling its said: “The additional costs will add to
its sovereign debt, according to debt in order to provide relief to the the already existing fiscal weaknesses.”
Moody’s Investor Services. millions left homeless by the disaster. Around 90 per cent of Japan’s public
Ratings agencies have so far held off But the agency’s Thomas Byrne said: debt is owned by domestic savers,
reviewing the status of Japan’s debt, “A tipping point may be reached at many of them pension funds, which
which S&P recently downgraded, say- some point if the market loses confi- has so far enabled it to keep interest
ing that it will take time for the fiscal dence in the soundness of government rates low despite its high debt load.

North-east Japan has been

devastated by Friday’s
earthquake and following
tsunami Picture: REUTERS

Luxury firms
take a tumble

BY MARION DAKERS now seems vulnerable,” said MF
THE DISASTER in Japan pummeled However, the need for temporary
manufacturing and luxury goods power to aid rescue efforts propelled
stocks yesterday, alongside insurers Aggreko to the top of the FTSE risers.
and energy firms, as markets across Manufacturing stocks fell on wor-
the world ended lower. ries that supply chains will be dis-
Burberry, which says it makes a sig- rupted. Hitachi’s operations at six
nificant portion of its profits from its plants in the country remained sus-
Japanese licenses, fell 4.3 per cent in pended yesterday, pushing its New
London trading yesterday. York- and Tokyo-listed shares down
Hermes, which makes 19 per cent more than 15 per cent.
of its sales in Japan, fell 3.1 per cent Peugeot Citroen said yesterday it
in Paris trading. has halted production of its electric
LVMH, the owner of Moet, cars, which are made in Japan, help-
Hennessy and Louis Vuitton, tum- ing send its shares down 1.9 per cent.
bled 3.1 per cent as the recovery in Toyota fell 4.6 per cent after it said
high-end retail looked under threat. it has suspended all production in
Japan makes up 11 per cent of the Japan until at least Wednesday.
world’s luxury goods sales, ranking Boeing shares fell 1.3 per cent in
second globally behind the US. New York trading after its head of
“As far as the European consumer commercial aeroplanes said the 787
sector is concerned in the wake of Dreamliner faces further delays if its
the earthquake, we believe that the Japanese suppliers are disrupted
early cycle recovery rally in Luxury beyond a few weeks. MARKETS: P15

High-end stocks face pressure

but love for labels will endure
AS anyone who has visited Tokyo cent of Hermes’ sales; 12 per cent
will know, Japan is a voracious con- of Richemont’s sales; and nine per
sumer of luxury labels. A natural cent of LVMH’s sales. PPR’s Luxury
throwaway culture by necessity, Business Group, which owns Yves
thanks to the tiny size of Japanese Saint Laurent and Gucci, gets 16
homes, has led to a constant per cent of sales in the region. All
V erona 3+ H otels
Hotels Bologna
Bologna Ca Carr H Hire
ire demand for the “latest thing”. were under pressure yesterday
Travel IInsurance
nsurance According to MF Global, Japan We still think the sell-off in
r mo nly £
only £46
46 per
per night*
night * ffrom
ro only £
r m only £17 .32
17 per per d ay **
day** 5St ar Rat
Star Rated Cover
ed Cover accounts for 23 per cent of the these stocks is likely overdone. The
global market for luxury goods, investments of wealthy Japanese
Book nnow
ow a nd o
and nly
only Best
Best pprice
rice g uarantee!
guarantee! rom £39
ffrom £39..99
99 Ann
ual ttrip
compared to 25 per cent for Europe will be hit and there will be a short
pay on
pay on check-out
check-out (or
(or we
we will effund
will rrefund and the US. period where the country frowns
double tthe
double he d if ference)
difference) Burberry, which gets around 20 upon those who show off wealth at
per cent of its earnings from Japan a time of national crisis – but
thanks to lucrative licensing deals, Japan’s love affair with luxury is
We fly from London Gaat w ick . Price correct as at 8 March 2011. F lights available to book now for traavvel bet ween 28 March and lost 4.68 per cent yesterday, as likely to endure.
29 October 2011, though some launch dattes may var y. Variable charges for hold baggage apply and some payment methods attract traders predicted belt-tightening
a handling feee. See website for details.*Hotel price based on 2 adults stayying (in one room) 7 nights from 13 June 2011. **Car price would hit sales.
based on a small car (pickkeed up at the airpor t) with 7 days
y hire from 13 June 2011. easyJet is an Appointed Representative of
Mondial Assistance (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated t by the F inancial Ser vices Authorit y (F SA). For full details on
The luxury firm’s rivals are also
exposed: Japan accounts for 19 per
best price guarantee, please see easyjet .com Analysis by David Crow
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 News 5

Renault says
Tchenguiz on sorry over false
attack after spy claims

firm collapses

FRENCH carmaker Renault yesterday
made a public apology to three execu-
tives accused of industrial espionage
after the Paris prosecutor said the trio
had no case to answer.
Bank accounts in Switzerland and

REGULATION Tchenguiz were arrested with seven Liechtenstein, alleged to have

BY DAVID HELLIER other people when police raided belonged to the executives and seen
addresses in London and Reykjavik as key to the case over Renault’s elec-
EMBATTLED tycoon Vincent linked to a Serious Fraud Office tric car technology, did not exist, pros-
Tchenguiz has blamed last week’s investigation into the collapse of ecutor Jean-Claude Marin said.
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) raid for a Iceland’s Kaupthing Bank. Robert (r) and Vincent Tchenguiz are under pressure from the SFO Picture: The Picture Library The response of authorities in
series of actions which led to his prop- “We have been in consensual dis- those countries has enabled the pros-
erty management company, Peverel cussions with Bank of America ecutor “to dismiss a certain number
Group, entering administration after Merrill Lynch, since late 2009, about
TIME LINE | AFTER THE RAID of theories, notably that which was
failing to repay a loan. the financial structure of the group put forward in the initial complaint
Bank of America Merrill Lynch and we regret that their sudden Wednesday 9 March alternative but to seek administrators for by the company Renault,” Marin said.
demanded repayment within 24 actions have forced this group in to The Serious Fraud Office, together with the Peverel, his property management company. Renault chief executive Carlos
hours of the raid of a £124.6m loan administration,” Vincent Tchenguiz City of London police, raid the offices of the Both brothers tell friends of their growing Ghosn and chief operating officer
plus £11.4m accrued interest, another said in a statement. Tchenguiz brothers, Robert and Vincent. The anger at the way the SFO conducted its raid. Patrick Pelata apologised to the three
Vincent Tchenguiz company, “We believe that their actions are a brothers are released without charge later men following Marin’s comments,
Consensus Business Group (CBG), said direct result of the very public com- that day. Monday 14 March pledging to repair the injustice
in a statement. mencement of the Serious Fraud Zolfo Cooper is appointed as administrator against them after they were fired in
“Since November 2009 the bank Office’s investigation into events sur- Thursday 10 March to Peverel in the first financial blow to the January.
has agreed not to call in the loan but rounding the collapse of Kaupthing In Cannes, the brothers’ annual party at the Tchenguiz brothers’ empire. Bertrand Rochette, Matthieu
as soon as news of the investigation bank.” Mipim property conference aboard their Robert Tchenguiz appoints a former head of Tenenbaum and Michel Balthazard
broke that was it,” said one source Separately Vincent’s brother Robert yacht goes ahead as planned. But the broth- public prosecutions Ken Macdonald, to had denied any wrongdoing from the
close to the brothers. issued a statement threatening to sue ers do not attend. examine whether the SFO obtained search start and have taken legal action
Peverel Group manages some the SFO. He said he had asked his Bank of America demands immediate repay- and arrest warrants legally. against the carmaker.
200,000 residential units throughout solicitors, Ian Burton and Richard ment of its £124.6m loan. Robert dismisses the SFO raid as a “publicity “They (Ghosn and Pelata) are com-
the UK and controls a number of sub- Sallybanks, now backed up by former stunt” designed to draw attention to the mitted that reparations be made to
sidiary operating companies head of public prosecutions Ken body’s uncertain future. the three executives, and that their
The bank demand came just a day Macdonald, to determine whether
Saturday 12 March honour in the public eye be restored,”
Vincent Tchenguiz tells friends that he has no Phoebe Torrance
after Vincent and his brother Robert the searches were obtained legally. Renault said in a statement.

It’s more than just a plan. It’s a Big Plan.

What you might call a total overhaul of the
Tube, and it’s already well under way. In fact
we’ve already laid over 200km of new track,
improved safety, and refurbished more than
half of the 270 existing stations. We’ve done a
lot, but there’s a lot more to do. Please bear
with us. We’re doing everything we can to
keep disruptions to a minimum.
Keep up with the upgrade plan and
6 News CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

Saudi troops enter Bahrain

as Gaddafi fights back rebels
strategic sites such as bridges and gov- with Libya.

BY STEVE DINNEEN ernment buildings. Shi’ites make up The government is coming under
about 15 per cent of the population in increasing pressure to decide if it will
SAUDI Arabia sent troops into Bahrain Saudi Arabia, a key US ally and the intervene in the region as Libyan leader
yesterday to help put down weeks of world’s top exporter of oil. Colonel Gaddafi regains control of key
protests by the Shi’ite Muslim majori- Bahrain has been gripped by its strongholds. Gaddafi’s jets bombed
ty, a move opponents of the Sunni rul- worst unrest since the 1990s after pro- Libyan rebels yesterday, aiding a count-
ing family on the island called a testers took to the streets last month, er-offensive that has pushed insurgents
declaration of war. inspired by uprisings that toppled the 100 miles east in a week. Cameron said:
The Saudi capital, Riyadh, said that leaders of Egypt and Tunisia. “There is no intention to get involved in
it had responded to a “security threat” The intervention in Bahrain came as another war. What is being looked at is
by deploying its troops on the streets David Cameron yesterday insisted that how do we tighten the pressure on an
of its neighbour. They are to protect the UK will not be dragged into a war unacceptable, illegitimate regime.”

Anti-Gaddafi rebels are struggling to hold the towns they took earlier Picture: GETTY

Nasdaq moves
in on NYSE bid
attempts to reposition itself amid a

BY MARION DAKES flurry of mergers and takeovers across
the world’s stock exchanges.
NASDAQ stock exchange is poised to NYSE announced its $10bn merger
make a hostile takeover bid for the plan with Deutsche Boerse last month,
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), after although politicians on both side of
entering late stage talks with Bank of the Atlantic have said the deals could
America Merrill Lynch to fund the face competition hurdles.
attempted break-up of NYSE and Nasdaq and Bank of America
Deutsche Boerse’s merger. declined to comment, while the NYSE
Nasdaq is close to securing $5bn and Intercontinental Exchange did
(£3.1bn) of financing for its takeover not return calls yesterday.
bid, which could be unveiled as soon Bringing Nasdaq and NYSE together
as today. would create a stock-trading power-
The firm has teamed up with house in the United States and Europe
Intercontinental Exchange, which that also dominates US options and
would snap up NYSE’s European assets listings businesses. It would be a bold
under the break-up plans. move by Nasdaq chief executive Robert
However, talks were said to be ongo- Greifeld, and, if successful, would
ing last night and it was unclear what redraw the global exchange map.
final shape the possible bid would Any bid would follow weeks of spec-
take. ulation that Nasdaq, the odd one out
Nasdaq has been considering amid a merger frenzy, would jump
muscling in on the NYSE-Deutsche into the fray with its own bid for an
Boerse merger for several weeks, as it exchange operator.

Brevan Howard chief to ditch

City for Switzerland this year
tive home for top-earners due to its

stringent rules on pay and effective
EUROPE’s largest hedge fund manag- tax rate of 51 per cent on personal
er, Brevan Howard Asset income. Brevan Howard has seen a
Management, will see another of its raft of its staff move to Switzerland
top executives move to Switzerland since opening an office in Geneva in
this year. 2009. Last year, Alan Howard, co-
Australian co-chief executive Nagi founder of the firm, moved there and
Kawkabani said the decision to leave the asset manager has plans to double
London is purely a “lifestyle choice”. its Geneva headcount this year. It has
But the move will inflame fears $32.6bn (£20.1bn) in assets under
that London is becoming a less attrac- management.
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 News 7

Southern Cross
Qatari wealth shares dive on
fund buys 6pc debt worries

of Iberdrola

SHARES in healthcare group
Southern Cross plunged by up to 60
per cent yesterday as the company
admitted it was struggling in the face
of NHS and council budget cuts.
The company has appointed KPMG

ENERGY which holds a 20.2 per cent stake in to look at restructuring options after
BY ELIZABETH FOURNIER the company. cuts in local authority spending wors-
ACS, run by chief executive Pervez, ened its trading outlook.
SPANISH energy company Iberdrola is suing Iberdrola for seats on its It said yesterday that it was no
will sell a six per cent stake to Qatar’s board, with Perez saying last month longer in talks with potential buyers.
sovereign wealth fund, in a strategic that he was “more committed than Galleon founder Raj Rajaratnam is on trial in the US for insider trading Picture: PA while it also admitted it was in dan-
alliance valued at €2bn (£1.7bn). ever to being its biggest shareholder”. ger of defaulting on debts. The joint
Qatar Holdings, which is part of Qatar Holding bought the Harrod blow sent its stock into a nosedive.

Galleon witness testifies

the Qatar Investment Authority, will Group from Mohammed Al-Fayed in “The company’s lenders are aware
buy 338m new Iberdrola shares at a May last year, and was linked to a bid of an impending banking covenant
discounted price of €5.63 each, below for Manchester United in December. breach but remain fully supportive of
the company’s previous closing price Iberdrola’s stock price climbed 2.6 the actions which the company is tak-
of €5.96. per cent in early trading on the ing to address its problems,”
Iberdrola said that the deal will Madrid Stock Exchange, before set- Southern said.
tling to close 0.3 per cent up at €5.98. INSIDER TRADING

boost its balance sheet and protect its Rajaratnam, who is on trial on crimi- The firm provides care to more
credit rating. BY HARRY BANKS nal charges of running a vast insider than 31,000 people, with the bulk of
The company has been looking to ANALYSIS l Iberdrola SA trading network. funding coming from the NHS and
limit its debt since the acquisition of 6.6
5.98 A DISGRACED former McKinsey & Co “He called me at home and he said, councils. Budget cuts have left the
€ 14 Mar
Brazilian power company Elektro partner has testified that Galleon fund ‘I just wanted to thank you. That was company reeling as it struggles to
Eletricidade e Servicos in January this manager Raj Rajaratnam paid him a fantastic, we are all cheering you at meet rents on its buildings.
year for €1.8bn. $1m (£617,856) “bonus” for tipping the office right now,’” Kumar testified On potential takeovers Southern
It also pledged €2.5bn last week to him about an acquisition by chip- in Manhattan federal court. “That added: “The board considers that none
buy out minority shareholders in its 5.8 maker Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), made me very nervous.” of these proposals are likely to result in
Iberdrola Renovables arm, which a client of the consulting firm. Prosecutors in the trial are expected a meaningful offer being made in the
focuses on renewable energy. Anil Kumar told jurors yesterday he to name David Palecek, a McKinsey foreseeable future and has decided not
The deal will give Iberdrola a bal- 5.4 supplied confidential details about partner who died last year, as a third to pursue them further.”
last against its largest single investor, AMD’s 2006 purchase of graphics chip- target for Raj Rajaratnam to recruit to Southern’s shares closed 64.6 per
Spanish construction group ACS, 20 Dec 11 Jan 31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar maker ATI Technologies to his alleged insider trading ring. cent lower yesterday at 5.57p.
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 Politics 9


TAX TO BE REINTRODUCED? Interviews by Phoebe Torrance IN ASSOCIATION WITH Fitch says UK’s AAA rating
Save or Borrow peer to peer at safe due to spending cuts Customer Phoneline: 08442490115

POLITICS Mroueh, a director in Fitch’s
Sovereign team.
Fitch said the government’s deficit
JLT QBE SONY GLOBAL looks increasingly secure thanks to reduction plan was credible and it
the government’s spending cuts and expected the 23 March budget to reaf-
“No. People who would otherwise “No. If we end up with a bonus “Yes. They earn a lot of money and a recovering banking sector, ratings firm the government’s commitment
we’re in a mess because of them. agency Fitch said yesterday, in a sig- to fiscal tightening.
come to work in banks in the UK, tax on banks it would cascade to nificant boost for the chancellor. The opinion of the ratings agency
paying other everyone else. It would make a However, Fitch said there was a risk will provide a welcome fillip for
taxes, would be Everyone has a difference, that inflationary pressures could George Osborne, who is fighting
spur a sharper-than-expected rise in claims from Labour that he is cutting
driven away to choice in life, if because they interest rates which might hurt the too far and too fast.
work elsewhere. you end up in a get a lot in economy. However, Fitch noted that uncer-
“The strong budgetary consolida- tainty over how much spare capacity
It wouldn’t help bank, why bonuses. It tion effort and declining fiscal risks remained in the economy as well as
the govern- should you be would help to fix arising from the UK financial sector the pace of economic recovery had
support the stable outlook on the increased the potential for monetary
ment.” taxed more?” our finances.” UK’s ‘AAA’ ratings,” said Maria Malas- and fiscal policy errors.


Hutton: Public
is unjustified
for £2bn tax SHADOW chancellor Ed Balls will
tomorrow force a House of Commons
vote on fuel VAT, in a bid to earn politi-
cal capital from soaring petrol prices.
But George Osborne’s allies claim that
The government could collect fuel VAT
at the existing reduced rate of five per
cent, but it would cost the exchequer
some £4.2bn in foregone revenue.


cutting VAT on fuel is illegal under EU POLITICS

on bonuses the scheme.

law. Rubbish, say Labour spinners: all
Osborne needs to do is apply for an
exemption. So who is telling the


The EU allows member
The chancellor could apply to the
EU for a so-called derogation. If
the EU agrees, that would allow
him to introduce a third rate of
VAT for fuel. In 1997, the then
Labour government applied
for a third rate of VAT
THE public sector has failed to justify a
rapid rise in salaries for top executives,
according to an influential new report.
Will Hutton, the executive vice-chair-
man of the Work Foundation, has rec-
ommended senior public servants’ pay

BY DAVID CROW Balls said the government should states to have two sep- for domestic fuel. should be directly linked to their per-
also put £1.2bn towards building arate rates of VAT: a However, the EU rarely formance and should be subject to far
LABOUR shadow chancellor Ed Balls 25,000 new homes, which he said headline rate (20 per grants VAT deroga- greater public scrutiny.
yesterday claimed the government would create a further 20,000 jobs – cent in the UK) and a tions – in fact there are Under his proposals public servants
could create 110,000 jobs and build bringing the total to 110,000. reduced rate (five currently just three. will have a percentage of their basic
25,000 new homes by clobbering the A further £200m should be used to per cent in the UK). Cyprus, for example, pay “at risk” each year, with the money
banks with a £2bn tax on bonuses. boost the regional growth fund, he A third rate of VAT has a reduced rate of earned back by meeting performance
Balls, who is seeking to flesh out said. at 17.5 per cent VAT on cylinders of liq- targets.
Labour’s economic policy ahead of the Balls accused chancellor George could be intro- uefied natural gas However, he fell short of recom-
Budget on 23 March, said the tax Osborne of pursuing a “reckless exper- duced on some while certain regions mending a fixed limit on pay multi-
would “boost jobs and growth”. iment to cut too deep and too fast” items under EU law in Portugal pay lower ples, whereby executives could only
He urged the government to spend and said the economy had “taken a – but not fuel. VAT than others. earn 20 times more than their lowest
£600m on a job creation scheme for turn for the worse”. paid workers.
unemployed youths – similar to the However, he remained tight-lipped He also warned against using the
now-defunct future jobs funds – which on which spending reductions Labour
THE VERDICT | Prime Minister’s pay as a benchmark
he said would generate 90,000 jobs. would oppose and how it would fund for the earnings of other senior public
Labour’s future jobs fund was the cost to the cash-strapped excheq- Balls is perfectly right to claim that it John Whiting, the head of the Office servants.
scrapped last year by the coalition uer. would be possible to apply to the EU for Tax Simplification, said it would be Instead he said both the public sec-
after a Department for Work and And he repeated his call for a reduc- for permission to introduce a third “unlikely the EU would grant a dero- tor and listed companies should be
Pensions study showed that 50 per tion in fuel VAT, despite claims that rate of VAT at 17.5 per cent especially gation on something as fundamental required to track and publish their pay
cent of participants were back on ben- such a tax cut would fall foul of for fuel. However, that doesn’t mean as petrol”. Lowering VAT on fuel is multiples to make it easier to compare
efits within seven months of joining European laws. the EU is likely to grant a derogation. not a credible option. earnings of top executives.


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LIONHEART was spotted
SERENADES in Selfridges
singing The
Tonight at
ROBERT Tchenguiz will henceforth be
known as Robert the Lionheart, after the
billionaire property developer was spotted
the top of his City is an insanely competitive place
singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight from the
film The Lion King in Selfridges.
voice comes from Ernst & Young, which hired
the world’s former number two player
The sighting took place at 5.30pm on Peter Marshall just in time for the Square
the evening of the now infamous yacht Mile’s largest squash tournament.
party at MIPIM in Cannes last Thursday, Marshall (pictured above), who joined
when a social contemporary of the broth- the auditing giant as a healthcare consult-
ers recognised Robert from their common Sing when you’re winning: that’s Robert Tchenguiz’ signature style, at least ant in July last year, missed out on last
haunts in Knightsbridge in the 1980s. year’s Square Mile Corporate Challenge,
While Vincent Tchenguiz made his toy lions they were looking at. dow before he starts a new role at Citi, which runs alongside the pro event the
excuses from the Cannes party – joking Whatever you say, Robert – sing when Geoghegan has started his training in ISS Canary Wharf Classic.
that like F Scott Fitzgerald’s hero Jay you’re winning, and all that. earnest, involving giving up alcohol, sleep- But he was quickly drafted onto the
Gatsby he doesn’t show up at the parties ing in a hypoxic tent and climbing in the team for this year’s tournament,
he throws – his brother Robert was back Alps three days a week (pictured right in where he helped Ernst & Young beat
in London, treating his son to a trip
around the retailer’s toy department.
TOP OF THE WORLD training with his daughter Julia). Barclays Capital to take a place in
BASIL Geoghegan, former investment Geoghegan, who has so far scaled Mount the semi-final against
“Talk about loud: he was singing “in the banker with Goldman Sachs and Deutsche McKinley, Mont Blanc and Kilimanjaro, PricewaterhouseCoopers.
jungle, the mighty jungle” from The Lion Bank, has earned a reputation for high intends to reach the summit of the world’s Even though Marshall retired
King at the top of his voice over and over achievement over his City career. highest mountain in late May and says the from professional squash in 2002,
again,” said this column’s source, who But advising Anglo Irish Bank at the feat is a “very personal challenge” to help a his racket skills should still be sharp
added that the property mogul seemed to height of its crisis will seem like a walk in vulnerable group for whom every day is a enough to give the City’s finest play-
be “in a bit of a world of his own”. the park compared to his latest challenge: challenge. To support his climb, see ers more than a run for their
Robert Tchenguiz confirmed the sight- climbing Mount Everest to raise funds for money – watch this space to see
ing at the Oxford Street store to The the Forgotten Irish campaign for the whether he can take Ernst & Young
Capitalist, although he took pains to make Ireland Fund of Great Britain, of which all the way to the grand final next
clear that he was singing the Lion King
tune with his young son, inspired by the
Geoghegan is co-chairman.
Taking advantage of a two-month win-
SQUASH RACKET Friday, where the firm will meet
either Credit Suisse or the FSA.
PROOF – as if any were needed – that the

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CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 News 11

AssetCo to raise Buffett on acquisition trail

shareholder cash with $9bn Lubrizol deal
despite bid support PROFILE ings, consistent earning power,

BY ELIZABETH FOURNIER good returns on equity while
employing little or no debt, and
BERKSHIRE Hathaway’s purchase “simple businesses”.
of Ohio chemical maker Lubrizol Lubrizol seems to be an exact fit
for $9bn (£5.6bn) is one of the for Buffett’s strict criteria. Its rev-
SUPPORT SERVICES lems with its short-term funding biggest deals ever for Berkshire enue last year hit $5.4bn, when it

BY KASMIRA JEFFORD broke-up talks with a third party. chairman Warren Buffett, who is generated a cash flow of close to
AssetCo is understood to have quickly making good on the prom- $690m.
TOP shareholders in AssetCo, the received a formal bid from a Middle ise of “major acquisitions” that he It’s also a market leader in its
largest fire-engine supplier to the Eastern investor after it turned to made in his annual shareholder sector – claiming the world’s
London Fire Brigade, have criticised its shareholders last month for emer- letter last month. largest market share in the lubri-
board for not considering a takeover gency funding. But the company The price tag for Lubrizol is at a cant additives business, even in
approach more carefully. rejected the approach, calling it premium of 28 per cent to its clos- the face of competition from
The Aim-listed company yesterday “opportunistic”. ing price on Friday, valuing the Exxon and Shell’s Infineum
said it had rebuffed months of bid “Independent directors consider the lubricant additive company at $135 joint venture.
talks and taken out an emergency loan current approach to be opportunistic per share. Lubrizol’s shares gained The company will keep its
of £1.45m as it prepares to raise more and not in the interest of shareholders 27.7 per cent to close at $134.6 yes- Ohio base, and continue to be
cash from its shareholders. as the indicated price range included terday – close to the offer price. managed by current chief
One of the firm’s top investors, how- an offer at a discount to the current Berkshire Hathaway’s annual executive James Hambrick.
ever, told City A.M. that certain institu- market price,” it said in a statement. report for 2010 also detailed the Lubrizol is Buffett’s second
tions would have been in support of a Next Monday AssetCo will ask share- type of acquisition Buffett would biggest acquisition in the last
takeover bid. holders to approve the proposed plac- be seeking, after he declared to five years after Burlington
“The company has a duty of care to ing of new shares to raise £16m, which shareholders that his “trigger fin- Northern, which he paid
its shareholders to consider a bid at a will help repay the short-term loan ger is itchy” to start spending the $26bn for in November
significant premium carefully and we facility from its principle banker. fund’s $38.2bn cash pile. 2009. The deal is expected
can’t understand why it didn’t do it,” AssetCo’s loan announcement reas- The criteria included companies to be completed by the
said the shareholder. The announce- sured investors and sent shares up 24 with at least $75m of pre-tax earn- third-quarter of this year.
ment comes one month after prob- per cent, closing at 19.75p. WARREN BUFFETT

Rio moves closer to

Riversdale takeover
MINING The international mining giant at 3,975p on the London Stock

BY KASMIRA JEFFORD last Thursday raised its original Exchange, a rise of 0.3 per cent.
$16-a-share cash offer for Riversdale The acquisition of Riversdale
RIO TINTO, the mining giant, to $16.50, pricing the coal miner would be Rio Tinto’s first major
moved closer in its bid to gain con- and its African operations at takeover since its $38bn acquisi-
trol of rival Riversdale Mining yes- $3.9bn. tion of Alcan in 2007.
terday, after a $3.9bn (£2.4bn) It also extended the offer period A Rio Tinto spokesman declined
improved offer spurred more for a third time to 1 April, to comment yesterday.
shareholders to accept the bid. although the cut off date for the
In a notice to the Australian $16.50 offer is 23 March. ANALYSIS l Rio Tinto
Securities Exchange, Rio said the Rio’s offer, which has been rec- 4,700 p
number of shares it either owned ommended by all of Riversdale’s 3,975.00
or had received acceptances in board, is still waiting for votes from 14 Mar
respect of the offer had risen from Riversdale’s two largest investors,
17.86 per cent to 26.13 per cent by India’s Tata Steel and Brazil’s CSN, 4,300
Friday night. which hold a combined 47 per cent
A further 8.37 per cent of shares of voting rights. 4,100
has been put into an institutional Riversdale shares closed at
acceptance facility that would turn A$15.45 on Australian Securities 3,900
the shares over to Rio if the bid Exchange, down 0.45 per cent on
passed the 50 per cent threshold. the day, while Rio’s shares closed 20 Dec 11 Jan 31 Jan 18 Feb 10 Mar

Asian share offerings European insurers to

hit pre-recession highs face capital squeeze


THE TOTAL level of cash raised through initial public EUROPE’s insurers would see their free capital cut by
offerings (IPOs) in Asia so far this year has hit its highest more than a third by new higher solvency require-
level since before the recession. ments imposed from 2013, regulators said yesterday.
Companies from the region have generated a total of Incoming Solvency II regulation would cut firms’
$20.8bn (£12.9bn) from stock market offerings since surplus capital by 44 per cent or a total €86bn (£74bn)
January, according to data provider Dealogic. if implemented without any relaxation of the rules,
The figure comes after a boom year for Asia-Pacific IPOs the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions
– which had at this point last year notched up $18.2bn – Authority found.
and despite market volatility in the Middle East. Where insurers applied their own internal risk
In 2009, only $314m had been raised in Asia-Pacific assessment models, or calculated the value of their
stock offerings by this point in the year. assets using transitional measures, their free capital
The $5.5bn offering by Hong Kong port operator would be cut by just €3bn, or one per cent. But the new
Hutchison Ports Holdings Trust on the Singapore Stock rules do not yet specify when and to what extent regu-
Exchange has driven up the figure, in a strong year to lators would allow companies to use such internal
date for Asian firms. models or transitional arrangements. “QIS5 has shown
Several large flotations of Chinese firms also helped to that Solvency II will be more onerous than the existing
boost the figure. regime,” said PwC partner Philippe Guijarro.
12 News CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

3i mandate will be coup for BarCap’s Renwick

building up its equities business is include Barclays (no surprise there), side RBC Capital Markets and Morgan three Arden colleagues last year
bearing fruit. National Grid and Resolution. Stanley. topped the Extel survey.
Since hiring Jim Renwick as head But the team is a dozen strong and Joshua Critchley, the former Tough for Arden, which by all
of UK Equity Capital Markets and cor- includes other experienced names Goldman Sachs banker turned head accounts is a good place to work and
porate broking in April 2009, Barclays such as Alisdair Gayne (ex Morgan of RBC’s equity capital markets and yet can not really compete with the
Capital has won six FTSE 100 broker- Stanley), Jon Bathard-Smith (also ex corporate broking, is still getting sort of sums on offer from RBC – but
ships. Morgan Stanley) and Bertie tongues wagging with the sky-high- one must be a little concerned for the
Renwick, formerly of UBS, must Whitehead (formerly of Citigroup). packages being offered to bankers to Canadian firm if it doesn’t win the
INSIDE TRACK take a lot of the plaudits for this but it “So long as Barclays Capital join his team. business to match the pay packages it
has to be said that the bank will also employs enough supporting players, Talk at the PLC awards dinner the is offering. The Arden hires come on
DAVID HELLIER be benefiting from the strong lending it will be able to keep its growing other evening was of the £350,000ish top of others from Cenkos.
relationships it already has with number of clients happy,” says one pay and golden hello packages said to Meanwhile, it’s not all one-way traf-

F, as seems likely, 3i decides to clients, to which it can now offer equi- corporate broker. be being offered to encourage people fic out of Arden. John Goold, one of
appoint Barclays Capital as its ty advice. As well as the corporate broker- like former Arden chief executive the firm’s original founders, last
joint corporate broker at the end Some say that Renwick will be hard ships, Barclays Capital was also cho- Jeremy Grime and colleague Sarah week returned from Oriel Securities
of the month it will be further pressed to serve the bank’s growing sen as one of three advisers to the LSE Spikes to join RBC. to be its head of institutional sales.
proof that Barclays’s strategy of number of broking clients, which on its bid for Canada’s TMX, along- Together with Peter Lenardos, the

UK is set for
Fears of Irish steady but
default grow slow growth
over tax row

THE British economy is set for “a slow
but stable pace of expansion,” the
Organisation for Economic Co-opera-
tion and Development (OECD) said
four years to 7.5. yesterday.

The Eurozone pact also agreed to “The OECD indicator is consistent
move forwards with a “common cor- with the view that a modest economic
THE cost of Ireland’s debt continued to porate tax base” policy for the entire upturn remains intact for the UK,
rise to all-time Eurozone highs yester- EU, to be drawn up by the European despite a GDP contraction of 0.6 per
day, putting pressure on new Prime Commission. cent in the final three months of last
Minister Enda Kenny to secure less However, the proposals, which will Industrialists defied bad winter weather in much of the euro area year,” commented Howard Archer of
punitive rates on its €85bn (£73.5bn) be announced tomorrow by EU com- IHS Global Insight.

Industrial production still

bailout despite demands that the missioner Algirdas Šemeta, will not However, the UK’s prospects remain
country raise its low 12.5 per cent cor- mandate uniform tax rates. Instead, below those in some OECD member
porate tax rate in return for any relief. they will attempt to standardise the states such as Germany and the US,
The corporate tax issue moved cen- way corporate taxes are levied, for where “robust expansion” is forecast.

rising across the Eurozone

tre-stage over the weekend when example, regarding the offset of losses The US indicator jumped by 0.6
French President Nicolas Sarkozy from past years. points in January, recording a score of
demanded that Ireland put up the tax But Pinsent Masons tax partner 103.2. The UK’s indicator has
in return for a one per cent cut in the Eloise Walker told City A.M.: “Ireland remained steady for three straight
5.8 per cent interest rate it pays on its fears that the common corporate tax months, at 101.9.
bailout. policy could be a precursor to an EU- All scores above 100 point to above
But Kenny refused, prompting wide corporate tax rate.” average growth. The indicators

Eurozone leaders to keep Irish interest Overall, the Eurozone pact brokered EUROZONE ECONOMY per cent, and up 6.8 per cent across attempt to predict turning points in
unchanged while lowering Greece’s on Saturday has received a conditional the wider European Union. economic activity six months ahead.
rate by one per cent. Following the welcome from markets. Fitch Ratings INDUSTRIAL production in the “Adverse weather in early January “We project British GDP to grow by
move, the yield on five-year Irish debt said the deal was progress but “will Eurozone started the year on the up, is likely to have led to continued dis- 1.6 per cent in 2011,” Archer said.
spiked above 9.9 per cent, with rates not resolve market concerns over the official data showed yesterday. ruptions to business, and we expect The latest figures bode well for the
on ten-year debt similarly jumping ‘solvency’ of some highly indebted Production rose by 0.3 per cent on the rate of growth to improve global economic recovery, with
briefly above 9.69 per cent. euro area member states”. And the the previous month, despite markedly in February,” added Markit monthly upturns across the OECD
This was in sharp contrast to Greek House of Lords EU Committee said it December’s figure being hugely economist Chris Williamson. area, and specifically in Europe and
yields, which dropped slightly to 14.3 had “strong reservations” about how it revised upwards to show a 0.3 per “The purchasing managers indices Asia.
per cent on five-year and 12.4 per cent would be enforced. cent expansion, rather than the pre- also point to an acceleration in January’s scores were up 0.4 points
on ten-year bonds. Greece’s debt was In a sign that bond investors are still vious estimate of a 0.1 per cent February,” Williamson said. Among against the previous month, through-
effectively restructured as a reward for nervous, Portuguese yields spiked above decline. member states for which data are out the OECD’s 33 member countries
its progress on reducing its deficit, 7.8 per cent on five-year debt yesterday. Compared to the same time last available, industrial production rose – an annual improvement of 2.1
with bond maturities extended from Spanish yields, however, were down. year, Euro area industry was up 6.6 in 14 and fell in five. points, clearly indicating expansion.

Owners of British technology company JONATHAN

Asset Management last year.
The team from JP Morgan also
includes head of UK corporate Ed

Edwards plot stock market offering JP MORGAN Byers, who is responsible for some of
CAZENOVE the firm’s most important brokerage
Managing director in the bank’s indus-
trial team Andrew Truscott and UK cor-
porate finance executive director Chris
the buyout vehicles once operated by The former chief financial officer of JONATHAN Wilcox is leading the JP Nicholls are also advising.

BY RICHARD PARTINGTON US investment bank JP Morgan, own 45 drinks giant Diageo, Nick Rose, will Morgan Cazenove advisory team on the Swiss bank UBS’ team is led by
per cent of the company each, whilst step in as chairman of the firm follow- Edwards Group initial public offering Christopher Smith and Adrian Lewis.
BRITISH vacuum technology producer management retains the rest. ing the listing. (IPO). As vice president of investments for
Edwards Group is plotting a London The owners must offer at least 25 per Founded in 1919, the West-Sussex The US investment bank is acting as the bank, Smith has recently advised US
listing to raise at least £375m. cent of the company in order to list in based firm made pre-tax profits of joint lead adviser together with Swiss media firm Perform on its London listing.
The firm provides chipmakers with London. £130m on revenues of £641m. lender UBS on the listing. He also worked on the advisory for a
vacuum technology needed to make Edwards did not give any detail of Edwards chief executive Matthew As head of UK equity capital markets £242m share raising by British super-
microprocessors, used in products the expected size of its offering, Taylor said: “This is a very exciting time at JP Morgan, Wilcox has led many of market chain Sainsbury’s.
such as Apple’s iPad. although said it will not include any for Edwards as we work towards a the bank’s highest profile deals in recent Morgan Stanley; led by Scott Matlock
Its private equity backers own a com- new shares. potential IPO and listing. years, including rights issues for and Ben Grindley, and Deutsche Bank;
bined 90 per cent stake of the firm, It will announce price details over “The group has been transformed Standard Chartered and Rio Tinto. led by Lorcan O’Shea and Edward
which was valued at £1.5bn last year. the coming weeks, and is expected to over the last four years, developing into He also handled the IPO for Jupiter Sankey, are also advising on the listing.
CCMP Capital and Unitas Capital, list before the end of next month. a world class operation.”
14 News CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

Applications up for City jobs BoA emails leaked online

increases in bonuses will just about officer Mark Cameron: says
by Anonymous hackers

match inflation, with a third of CFOs “Dissatisfaction about pay is
BY JULIET SAMUEL planning to put them up by three to inevitable among such a hyper-com-

CITY firms are struggling to hang on four per cent, and half planning to petitive cohort as investment bankers BANKING without proper documentation.
to staff despite plans to increase raise them by five to six per cent. – they see bonuses as the way to keep The emails involve a discussion
salaries and bonuses by more than Numbers from rival City recruiter score and they hate to lose.” BANK of America (BoA) became the between employees of BoA subsidiary
inflation, according to two surveys by Astbury Marsden show why: it says He added that some investment latest target of hacker group Balboa Insurance regarding remov-
recruitment firms. the number of applications it banks are reporting staff turnover for Anonymous when confidential ing documents from loan files for a
Financial recruiter Robert Half says received in February has soared to the first quarter of 20 per cent – way emails were leaked online. group of insured properties.
that a survey of 280 chief financial 7,400, a 47 per cent jump year-on-year above the usual churn that follows Anonymous, a group sympathetic There was some indication that
officers (CFOs), shows 61 per cent of as disgruntled employees consider bonus season. to WikiLeaks, say the documents material pointed to in the emails had
listed firms are planning to put up options and prepare to ditch their The rise in applications has not relate to the issue of whether BoA has been recently removed, with many
salaries in coming months, more current employer. quite been matched by an equivalent improperly foreclosed on homes. links leading to blank pages.
than two thirds of them by five to six The data shows that non-top tier jump in vacancies, but there were However, the emails do not appear A BoA spokesman said the docu-
per cent and a fifth by seven to 10 per investment bankers, in particular, are nonetheless 30 per cent more jobs to be as damning as the hackers hope, ments were stolen by a former Balboa
cent. upset about their pay levels. added to the recruiter’s register this with little evidence backing up the Insurance employee, and were not
The research also shows that Astbury Marsden chief operating February than last. claims that BoA foreclosed homes related to foreclosures.

Bovis doubles
Hongqiao cuts IPO size to $1bn
China Hongqiao Group, China’s biggest
privately owned aluminium hydroxide

profit on land producer, will relaunch its Hong Kong

initial public offering as soon as next
week, after cutting the size to about
$1bn (£620m). The company had ini-
tially targeted raising up to $2.2bn,
but pulled the deal in January due to

grab policy market volatility. The group now plans

to sell around 1bn shares at between
HK$7.20 (57p) and HK$8.30 each.

Carlyle and Tiger invest in ships

Carlyle Group has formed a joint ven-
ture with maritime investment firm
The company said it would restore Bovis chief David Ritchie said the group spent £203m on land in 2010 Picture: Micha Theiner Tiger Group to buy more than $5bn

its dividend – with a proposed pay- (£3.1bn) worth of ships with a group
HOUSEBUILDER Bovis Homes yester-
ment of 3p for 2010 – as a result of
the positive figures. The last time a
ANALYST VIEWS: WILL THE BOVIS FIGURES of other investors to tap growing ship-
ping demand in the region. The joint
day said its 2010 profit more than
doubled and that it had made an
dividend was paid was 2008.
Economists are predicting a testing
IMPRESS INVESTORS? Interviews by John Dunne venture will commence operations
immediately and has committed to
encouraging start to 2011. year for housebuilders and muted invest equity capital of $900m in the
Bovis reported a pre-tax profit last growth at best, as economic uncer- KEITH BOWMAN | HARGREAVES LANSDOWN next five years. Private equity firm

year of £18.5m, compared with £7.5m tainty and a struggle to access credit Carlyle said the venture would buy
the year before. deter buyers from entering the mar- container, dry bulk, tanker vessels and
The company had been expected to ket. Bovis said mortgage availability Bovis has weathered the credit crisis relatively well, and is in better other assets. Their partner Seaspan
post a profit of £18.54m, according to will continue to restrain buyers in shape than many rivals. Despite a broadly positive update, the shares are general- and the Washington Family will invest

a poll of analysts. 2011 but expects prices to remain sta- ly assessed as being ‘up with events’, with rival housebuilders potentially offering in container vessels purchased by the
Chief executive David Ritchie said: ble as a whole. better value. As such, market consensus opinion denotes a ‘Hold’. newly-formed firm, it said.
“The group has delivered a strong The Kent-based group, which is
improvement in profit in 2010, driven debt free, added: “With the supply of St Ives to sell magazine arm
by increased volumes, stronger sales consented land likely to be con- MARK HUGHES | PANMURE Printing company St Ives said it

prices and delivery of cost savings.” strained in the future, given the plan- agreed to sell its loss-making maga-
Bovis spent £203m on land in 2010, ning environment we believe that zine business for £20m to a unit of pri-
acquiring 3,700 plots mostly located this is an excellent time to invest.” Although the group has seen a good start to the year with reservations vate equity firm Walstead
in the south of England, and has up 11 per cent in the first nine weeks, given the early stage of the year, we main- Investments. St Ives, which prints a

agreed terms to buy another 2,500 ANALYSIS l Bovis Homes 442.50 tain our forecasts for now. Our target price rises from 450p to 459p as we move range of products from books to CD
this year, it said. 460
14 Mar to 2011 multiples, though our recommendation remains ‘Hold’ and DVD cases, said it would receive
The average selling price of a Bovis £15m in cash on completion of the
home rose by 3.9 per cent to £160,700 440
deal and £5m in loan notes. Walstead
in 2010, and the group achieved 1,901 RICHARD CURR | PRIME MARKETS Investments is backed by Bank Leumi,

completions in the year, up from Israel’s largest bank. St Ives’ magazine
1,803 in 2009. business has been struggling in recent
The company, which expects to Bovis has invested heavily in new land plots, which is a clear sign of years as excess capacity in the market
open 33 new sales outlets in 2011, 400 lowered prices, and advertising and
confidence, but it is perhaps the reintroduction of the dividend that draws the line

said it had made an encouraging start in the sand and moves the recovery from ‘tentative’ to ‘solid’. We believe the content moved to digital formats. The
in the first nine weeks of the year, 380 shares offer an attractive sector play at current levels. division posted a pre-tax loss of £5.1m
with reservations up 11 per cent. 20 Dec 12 Jan 1 Feb 21 Feb 10 Mar on revenue of £70.5m.

Vodafone may have to settle for £6bn Hydrogen Group revenue

for stake in French joint venture SFR up 67 per cent in 2010
Vodafone chief executive Vittorio SoftBank. Earlier last year it con- throughout 2009 and 2010, and that


BY STEVE DINNEEN Colao has said he will not be forced firmed the £4.3bn sale of its interests the latest figures showed they were
into making the sale and several ana- in China Mobile. Other non-core ven- RECRUITMENT specialist Hydrogen starting to pay off.
VODAFONE may receive far less than lysts said although they did not think tures likely to be disposed of soon Group reported a 67 per cent jump in “Our key plan over the past few
it had hoped for its stake in its French that £6bn was an unfair price, they include Vodafone’s 25 per cent stake its full-year revenue yesterday, with years has been the internationalisa-
joint venture, sending its shares thought that Vodafone could wait to in Poland’s Polkomtel. 2010 figures reaching £123.4m. tion of the business,” Smeaton told
down two per cent yesterday. see if the price improves. A final decision on its large minor- The group’s net fee income rose 64 City A.M. “And the 138 per cent
It is in talks with Vivendi over the A crucial part of the deal will be ity stake in US-based Verizon Wireless per cent to £27.6m and pre-tax profits increase in international net fee
sale of its 44 per cent stake in SFR but whether Vodafone and Vivendi can is not expected until 2012 but ana- increased to £2.5m, compared with income shows we’re moving in the
it is understood the French firm is agree a long-term roaming deal which lysts expect Vodafone to maintain its £0.3m before exceptional costs in right direction.”
only willing to pay £6bn. Vodafone would allow Vodafone customers to interests after indications dividend 2009. Hydrogen has offices in Singapore
had hoped for closer to £7bn for the access the SFR network in the future. payments will resume later this year. Hydrogen chief executive Tim and Sydney as well as London, and
asset, which it is purging as part of its In November Vodafone sold its Vodafone’s shares closed 1.8 per Smeaton said significant investments plans to open a new office in Hong
strategy to offload non-core assets. £3.1bn stake in Japanese carrier cent lower yesterday at 175.74p. had been made in the company Kong in the first half of this year.
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 News 15

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Harriet Dennys in association with

based corporate finance team. income, currencies and commodities for Standard Life, where he held the role of
SJ Berwin Previously, he held positions at NM the Americas at Société Générale. senior pensions policy manager.
The international law firm has appointed Tony Rothschild and Robert Fleming & Co.
Angel, chief executive of healthcare technology White & Case Sacker & Partners
group Vantage Diagnostics, as a non-executive Cordea Savills The law firm has appointed Maxim The pensions law firm has promoted
director. As managing partner of Linklaters from The property fund manager has Telemtayev as executive partner in the Claire van Rees to associate. Van Rees
1998 to 2007, Angel presided over a 57 per cent appointed Nick Hayward as director of firm’s office in Almaty, Kazakhstan. joined Sacker & Partners from Hogan
turnover increase and a 108 per cent profit institutional business. Hayward joins Telemtayev joins from Macleod Dixon, Lovells in 2010 and has six years’ pen-
increase. In 2008, he joined ratings agency from JP Morgan Asset Management, where he was managing partner for the sions experience.
Standard & Poor’s as executive managing direc- where he was a client portfolio manag- law firm’s practice in the Republic of
tor and head of EMEA, where he was responsi- er for real assets in Europe. Kazakhstan. FXall
ble for more than 1,000 employees worldwide. The electronic foreign exchange plat-
Yorvik Partners MGM Advantage form has appointed Kevin Lupowitz as
The debt broker-dealer has appointed The retirement income specialist has chief information officer. Lupowitz, who
Northland Capital Partners corporate finance in its London office. Paolo Taddonio as chief executive. appointed Andrew Tully to the newly joins from Liquidnet, will be responsible
The full-service investment bank has For the past seven years, Metcalfe has Taddonio, who joins the firm immedi- created role of retirement income tech- for leading FXall’s technology strategy
appointed Tim Metcalfe as director of led Westhouse Securities’ London- ately, was previously head of fixed nical manager. Tully joins from and creating opportunities for growth.

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850 p 772.00 1220
p 1115.00 370 p
14 Mar 14 Mar 311.70
830 14 Mar
830 1140

760 310

14 Feb 21 Feb 28 Feb 7 Mar 14 Mar 14 Feb 21 Feb 28 Feb 7 Mar 14 Mar 14 Feb 21 Feb 28 Feb 7 Mar 14 Mar


Citi rates the marketing group “buy /medium risk” with a target price of Evolution Securities has downgraded the energy services firm to “add” Peel Hunt rates the investment manager “buy” with a target price of 410p.
950p. The broker has downgraded its 2011-12 forecasts by one to three from “buy” with a target price of £13.50. The broker expects delays to UK The broker thinks Ashmore’s recent expansion into emerging markets is a
per cent thanks to currency movements, but still expects organic growth plans to build 11 new nuclear reactors over the next 15 years in the wake sensible long-term move, though expects immediate benefits to be mod-
of 5.6 per cent this year once the firm gets through the traditional “mid- of the Japanese earthquake, hammering AMEC’s nuclear expansion. est. Peel Hunt has kept its 2011 forecasts unchanged, but has hiked its
year doldrums”. Citi says WPP remains a cheap play on global advertising However, Evo adds that nuclear power only accounted for nine per cent of 2012 earnings per share forecast by five per cent to 28.8p, supported by
strength, though believes rival Publicis has more short-term catalysts. AMEC sector revenue in 2010 and that the shares remain good value. the firm’s purchase of a stake in Emerging Markets Management.

FTSE hits a three-month low Wall Street suffers

as Japanese disaster deepens in quake aftermath
luxury products would suffer in the November low to the February dropped 13 per cent to $32.62 on the

“The market doesn’t forget and in
high. The next support, a 61.8 per
cent retracement is at 5,744. THENEW YORK New York Stock Exchange. Both
nuclear power companies traded on

1995 following the Kobe earthquake, Graham Secker, European equity volume that was more than 10 times
a smaller disaster compared to last strategist at Morgan Stanley, said their 10-day average.
Friday’s one, we must remember the bank had moved to a more General Electric, which has com-
that the Nikkei lost over 20 per cent. defensive stance, with telecoms bined nuclear ventures with Hitachi,

HE FTSE 100 share index hit a As things stand we’ve lost nearly 10 looking particularly favourable, as dropped 2.2 per cent to $19.92 and

fresh three-month closing low per cent,” a trader said. he saw a peak in leading indicators S stocks fell in the wake of was the top percentage decliner on
yesterday, with some sectors Temporary power generators being reached. Japan’s devastating earthquake the Dow.
seen vulnerable to further falls provider Aggreko rose 8.2 per cent as Risky assets such as banks, miners yesterday, but other than specif- “This is a knee-jerk reaction, but it
as the extent of the damage in Japan demand for its services was seen and integrated oils were all down as ic industries such as nuclear could put a lid on building new
after the earthquake and tsunamis coming from Japan. The firm said it sectors. power, the broad impact on equities nuclear plants,” said James Dunigan,
becomes clearer. was ready to equip Japan with some Heavyweight Vodafone was a sig- was expected to be short-lived. chief investment officer at PNC
Luxury goods firms such as of its self-contained gas and diesel nificant drag on the index, slipping Trading volume was unusually low Wealth Management.
Burberry Group and insurers includ- generators if asked. 2.2 per cent after the Financial compared with other sell-offs, com- Japanese ports handling about
ing Aviva and Catlin Group were Meanwhile gas firm BG Group was Times said European telecoms and ing in at 7.68bn shares traded on the seven per cent of the country’s indus-
among the top fallers as Japan faced up 3.7 per cent. “Disruptions to entertainment group Vivendi is not New York Stock Exchange, the trial output sustained major damage,
the economic impact of a disaster nuclear power supply could see willing to pay much more than American Stock Exchange and disrupting the flow of goods globally.
that has killed thousands. Japanese LNG (liquid natural gas) £6bn for Vodafone’s stake in SFR. Nasdaq, below last year’s daily aver- The Dow Jones industrial average
The FTSE 100 closed down 53.43 demand increase. This would reduce Miner Vedanta rose 1.6 per cent age of 8.47bn. The recent pullback in was down 51.24 points, or 0.43 per
points, or 0.9 per cent, at 5,775.24. global LNG oversupply and support a after the Indian regulators said they stocks had been accompanied by high cent, at 11,993.16. The Standard &
The blue-chip index has lost almost recovery in European gas and power had wrapped up an investigation volume. Poor’s 500 Index was down 7.89
200 points in the past four trading prices,” UBS said in a note. into the firm’s $9.6bn (£5.9bn) pur- “I’m encouraged that we’re seeing points, or 0.60 per cent, at 1,296.39.
days with sentiment weighed on by BG Group signed a 20 year LNG chase of some of Cairn’s assets, lighter volume on a down day since The Nasdaq Composite Index was
violence in Libya, Eurozone debt sales deal with Tokyo Gas last week. fuelling speculation that the acqui- that could suggest less enthusiasm down 14.64 points, or 0.54 per cent, at
worries and Japan. Away from Japan, strong sales of sition will win approval. for selling,” said Hank Herrmann, 2,700.97. Texas Instruments fell 2.2
British-listed insurers fell further the second-generation iPad in its chief executive of Waddell & Reed per cent to $33.80 in extended-hours
with Aviva and Catlin each falling opening weekend boosted ANALYSIS l FTSE Financial. trading after the chipmaker said it
more than three per cent. Imagination Technologies up 5.5 per
5,775.24 Nuclear power stocks fell after will lose revenues due to production
p 14 Mar
“The earthquake, tsunami and the cent. Its graphics chip is used in the 6,100 explosions at a Japanese plant. The delays at its Japanese facilities from
aftershocks expected this week are popular tablet. Market Vectors uranium and nuclear quake-related interruption of power.
likely to generate one of the largest Lack of confidence among energy exchange traded fund US-listed shares of Japanese compa-
reinsurance losses seen,” said Kevin investors dogged the FTSE, which is 6,000 slumped 12 per cent while the Global nies declined and the BNY Mellon
Ryan, analyst at Investec Securities. also under pressure from technical 5,950 X Uranium ETF sank 17 per cent. But index of leading Japanese American
“If this happens, it will affect indicators, which suggested that the 5,900
the Market Vectors Solar Energy ETF Depositary Receipts lost 5.3 per cent.
insurance and reinsurance pricing index is vulnerable to further signif- of alternative energy shares climbed Toyota Motor, which said it would sus-
and it may affect equity markets.” icant weakness. 5,800 7.2 per cent. pend production at all its Japanese
Fashion group Burberry shed 4.3 The index was below 5,812, the 50 5,800 Shaw Group sank 9.2 per cent to car plants, fell 4.6 per cent to $81.73
per cent as analysts said demand for per cent Fibonacci retracement of 20 Dec 12 Jan 1 Feb 21 Feb 11 Mar $34.87 in the session while Camec yesterday.
16 CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

Wealth Management | Contracts for Difference

THE ULTIMATE Uncertainty hangs over
Japan in wake of quake
The country has

AST week brought up a host of challenging issues
for investors which seem likely to build in intensity, been in the doldrums
at least in the short-term. The terrible earthquake
and tsunami which hit Japan on Friday has added for years and this
to nervousness leading to a general loss of risk appetite.
The sell-off in equities, the surge in the yen and last
week’s dollar rally all conspired to wrong-foot investors.
disaster won’t help,
Consequently, markets which have out-performed
recently (such as oil and precious metals) have come
says Philip Salter
under pressure as hedge funds and others rush to

lighten up their long positions to raise cash. HE Great Kanto earthquake struck
The sell-off in oil was exacerbated by the shifting Japan in 1923, killing over 100,000
geopolitical situation across north Africa and the people. In consequence, one day
Middle East. In Libya, forces loyal to Gaddafi success- every September, children train for
fully counterattacked anti-government rebels. This the next earthquake. Tragically, last Friday
increased the likelihood of a quick resolution to the that training was once again put to use. On
unrest. In addition, the planned “Day of Rage” in Saudi Monday, the Nikkei index slumped 6.18 per
Arabia passed without major incident. But there were cent, with the prospect of further falls over
violent protests in Bahrain on Sunday and Saudi forces the coming days.
have crossed over the causeway between the two Sentiment towards Japan has been bear-
kingdoms and have entered the main island. This has ish for years – in fact, it hasn’t recovered
the potential to destabilise the region far more than from the bursting of its property bubble
protests within Saudi Arabia alone, as it pits Sunni twenty years ago. But as Angus Campbell of
against Shia in a highly visible manner. The prospect of London Capital Group says, the disaster has
an escalation in these tensions saw traders move back been “incredibly bad timing”. “We have
tentatively into crude oil yesterday. seen anaemic growth in Japan and this
Precious metals are also proving to be highly comes at a time when there were small
volatile. Last Friday, silver prices were slammed lower glimmers of hope forming.” Campbell sug-
for a second day in a row with $36 per ounce proving gests that the reaction to the Kobe earth-
to be a significant resistance level. Given the stunning quake could be illustrative. Sixteen years
rally in silver over the last six weeks, some profit-tak- ago Kobe struck and the Nikkei plunged by The reconstruction job is going to be a mammoth task Picture: REUTERS
ing and consolidation would seem in order. Although around 25 per cent over six months.
silver then recovered strongly, it was caught up, along Companies involved in the nuclear disaster is still unknown. However, she back into recession.”
with crude oil, in a “risk asset” sell-off as long-side industry have come in for the biggest believes “the drop in domestic demand, as David Jones of IG Group is optimistic in
leveraged speculators were forced to unwind positions drumming. Tokyo Electric Power, which well as the reduction in factory output, will medium term though, suggesting that
due to margin calls in other financial instruments. But manages the Fukushima plant, fell 24 per most likely see a second successive quarter things might turn once the costs of
despite this, precious metals are finally behaving as the cent, while Toshiba, which makes nuclear of contracting GDP and therefore a slip clearing up after the disaster and the
ultimate stores of value. They are now eclipsing the US reactors, is down 16 per cent. Baum is wor- uncertainty surrounding the nuclear issues
dollar as a safe-haven for investors. Although the sell- ried about the industry recovering “as the ANALYSIS l Nikkei 225 currently weighing heavily on markets
off in silver has been vicious, the bulls can take com- Japanese have been long term exporters of 10.80k become clearer. Jones says that with the
fort that gold has managed to hold onto support in the safe nuclear technology, as well as world 10.70k Nikkei having dropped around fifteen per
$1,400/10 range. If it can hold above here, then this leaders in research and development in cent in the last three months, some confi-
should help silver to stabilise, and build on support nuclear energy.” Carmakers have also 10.60k dence might return in the next few days.
around the $34 level. taken a tumble. Nissan and Toyota are 10.50k
CFD investors might consider backing this
down 9.5 per cent and 8 per cent respective- mid-term optimism.
ly. Construction is the only area that looked 10.40k Hopefully, Japan can recover from this
bullish. Nishimatsu Construction is up 21 10.30k
catastrophe as quickly as possible and its
per cent and Kajima is up 17.9 per cent. “lost economy” will find its way out of the
Lisa Baum at Cantor Index says that it is 10.20k doldrums. But realistically most investors
hard to know what is going to happen in Source: Yahoo Finance are pessimistic about its long-term future –
the long-term, while the full extent of the 20 Dec 2011 17 Jan 31 Jan 14 Feb 28 Feb earthquake or no earthquake.


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CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 17

THE TIPSTER CFDs in temporary power

solutions provider Aggreko
cheaper jewellery is likely to
increase with a shift to silver.
were popular on Monday as a Capital CFDs quotes May Silver
SAUSAGE ROLLS, result of Japan’s power prob- at $35.79-$35.82.
lems. It climbed nearly 6 per Despite incredibly volatile oil
POWER, SILVER cent, getting back above the 50-
day moving average in the
prices, the petrochemicals sector
is failing to find much love from
AND VOLATILITY process. The 100-day moving
average at 1,508p is the next
investors. The threat of geopoliti-
cal issues disrupting output is

NALYSTS are expecting hurdle to a push higher. Spread leaving the sector as a whole to
Greggs’ final results tomor- Co offers a spread of 1,488.9p- suffer. BP – which could be con-
row to show an increase in 1,492.1p. sidered to still be trading at a
profit. Last year saw a There is talk of a potential rise discount after last year's huge
boost for the bakers. However, ris- of silver to $50/ounce by the spill in the Gulf of Mexico – is
ing commodity prices have been end of the year, as production is lagging along with its peers.
dominating the headlines this year. not keeping up with current Current IG Markets price is
Cantor Index offer a daily spread demand. With gold prices rising 464.10/464.15p.
of 479.1p-483.8p. as well, consumer demand for Philip Salter

Japan’s energy minister has ordered the release of some strategic oil stocks

Events in Japan
decide nuclear
option’s future
CFD opportunities in the energy sector
hinge on reactor’s fate, says Craig Drake

INCE the impact of the earth- term, we expect fossil fuels to be the
quake that hit Japan last week, key energy beneficiary of the events in
and the devastating effects of Japan. However, on sustainability
the tsunami that followed in its grounds, we believe the ultimate win-
wake, the Japanese central bank has ner will be renewables.”
been throwing yen by the trillions into David Morrison, market strategist at
the economy to try and mitigate the GFT, does not see the outcome as
disaster’s effects. At the same time, the being so definite: “There has been a
government has taken a similar inter- reticence in developed nations to
ventionist approach to the country’s ramp up their nuclear fuel producing
oil reserves. capacity, however there has been a
According to Banri Kaieda, Japan’s steady move amongst the developing
de facto energy minister, the Japanese BRIC nations, especially India and
government has reached the decision China, to expand their energy base,
to allow the release of three days’ decreasing their reliance on fossil
worth of consumption from the coun- fuels in favour of nuclear energy.” As a
try’s strategic petroleum reserves. result of this, as you can see from the
These are held by the private sector to graph below, Cameco, Paladin and
ease oil supply shortages. Uranium One, which together pro-
The Dow Jones Japan electricity and duce around 20 per cent of the world’s
the oil and gas total stock market uranium, have seen healthy growth.
indices, which have seen a -11.5 per Although he says that TEPCO’s sec-
cent and -8.69 per cent shift respective- ond reactor could be to nuclear ener-
ly on the US dollar price return since gy what the BP oil disaster was to
the earthquake hit, will have investors deep sea drilling, ironically, he pre-
waiting in the wings. However, with dicts that BP, along with other oil
the government already having companies, could be a big winner as
demonstrated its intention to inter- part of Japan’s need for oil in its
vene heavily, those ready to speculate rebuilding operation over the coming
in the sector may be kept at bay. months.
In the long term, the future of the
nuclear fuel industry will hinge on ANALYSIS l Top uranium producers
that of the nuclear reactor of Tokyo %
Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) 80
Fukushima Daiichi reactor.
Ankit Jain, equity research analyst 60
at Standard and Poor’s, views the like-
ly outcome of events as being higher 40
regulation of the industry, pushing Cameco
governments further towards a focus 20 Paladin
on sustainable energy: “Safety con- Uranium One
cerns alone may prompt governments 0
to explore other power sources. Near Oct Nov Dec 2011 Feb Mar
18 Markets & Investment CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

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A tapas triumph
in Covent Garden
The folks behind Salt Yard and vibrant bar and restaurant that has all the
boisterous atmosphere of a proper old
West End boozer with food that’s far supe-
Dehesa have done it again with rior to anything you’d find in one.
It’s also smart business: tapas is surely
this moreish, theatreland eaterie the ideal cuisine for theatregoers needing
to fit in a bit of this and that before cur-
tain-up, and with tapas of this quality
Opera Tavern is in a they’ll be coming back in the interval and
Opera Tavern former pub. missing the second half.
We were due to eat in the main restau-
23 Catherine St, WC2B 5JS, rant area on the first floor, but thanks to a
Tel: 020 7836 3680 booking mix-up, found ourselves without really working out where to start. The wine list is impressive, with plenty
squeezed into a tiny table in a nook in the After struggling over it with the help served by the glass to mix and match
FOOD hhhhi bar downstairs – a happy mistake. It’s of a few glasses of Prosecco, we gave up with different courses. Puddings – well,
SERVICE hhhhi noisy and fun down there, with the ele- and let the staff decide for us, tucking um, I can’t remember what they were. I
ATMOSPHERE hhhhi ments of the old pub interior – grand win- into a healthy selection (a cardiologist was enjoying myself too much – it’s that
dows, dark wood panelling, that lively might contest that) of the whole menu. kind of a place. I think there was some
Cost per person without wine: £35 tavern atmosphere – injected with a bit of Among the stand-outs were the deeply unctuous chocolate fondant involved,
Latin vim. Attention is focused on the bar, flavoursome Iberico ham carved in strips along with some sweet dessert wine.
where you’re invited to sit and eat tapas from the aforementioned leg; beef onglet Oh I’ll say it, I fair staggered out of

PERA Tavern has been opened by finger food. Beyond it, a stout leg of served pink and bubbling hot from the Opera Tavern. The wine flowed, the food
the husband and wife team behind Iberico pork sits on its stand next to a grill on a skewer with porcini mushroom came in endless rounds of small plate joy,
two of London’s best-regarded tapas large robata grill, whose smoky, meaty and winter truffle; and delightful mini my pal and I had a jolly good argument –
restaurants, Salt Yard and Dehesa. fumes create a beautiful fug. burgers of grilled pork and foie gras, a waving pinchos morunos skewers in the
This one’s in Covent Garden, just off the The menu is divided into smaller bar combination that felt naughtily indul- air to make our points – and set the
piazza, and used to be one of theatreland’s snack, charcuterie and grill dishes, and gent. Some sturdy salt cod was served world to rights by the time we finished
better, friendlier pubs. more elaborate tapas dishes. It’s a little with pleasing “arroz negre” squid ink- things off with some fortifying sherry
Losing a good pub is a shame, but it’s confusing and overwhelming, one of blackened rice, while the confit of pork (there is a neat list of 10). As I said, it’s
exciting to see it reborn as a thriving, those menus where you can look and look belly was heartily wonderful. that kind of a place.



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20 Lifestyle | Caribbean Travel in assocation with
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

BEST BEACH bers dressed in colourful costumes South Coast is known as one of the
Crane Beach is considered by many to be depicting various themes. world’s best areas for windsurfing. A
one of the island's most beautiful beach- must-do is a catamaran cruise with a
es. In fact, Lifestyles of the Rich and BEST AREA FOR NIGHTLIFE Bajan lunch and snorkelling with turtles.
Famous rated it as "one of the 10 best The St Lawrence Gap is one of Barbados’
beaches in the world". The name “Crane” most lively areas and is home to a num- CHOICE PICK
was derived from the large crane situat- ber of hotels, apartments, restaurants, The British Airways Football Legends
ed at the top of the cliff which was used shops, street-vendors (both food and Invitational Tournament is scheduled for
for loading and unloading ships. The handicraft), bars and clubs. After dinner 10-11 June. The event, endorsed and sup-
Crane Resort & Residences, standing on The Gap, as it is known locally, comes ported by the Professional Football
the cliff above the beach, has been a alive and people can be seen hanging out Association (PFA), will feature eight UK-
favourite with honeymooners since 1867.
on the decks of the bars, watching the based, eight-man teams including
constant traffic or dancing the night Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal,
BEST ART AND CULTURE away in one of the nightclubs. Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspurs,
Crop Over is Barbados' most popular and Newcastle, Blackburn Rovers and a
colourful festival. Its origins can be BEST ACTIVITIES/SPORT Premier League All-Star team. These
traced back to the 1780's, a time when For avid sporting enthusiasts visiting teams will feature past greats including
Barbados was the world's largest pro- Barbados, there is an abundance of Alan Shearer, Andy Cole, Matt LeTissier
ducer of sugar. At the end of the sugar activities year round to whet the and Roberto DiMatteo. For more details,
season, there was always a huge celebra- appetite. These include cricket, football, visit the website www.barbados-football-
tion to mark the culmination of yet horseracing, polo, golf, rallying and div-
another successful harvest – the Crop ing. Many hotels offer water sports
Over celebration. The festival is a cultural activities including water-skiing, wind- British Airways offers holidays to
mix of song, dance art and craft culmi- surfing, snorkeling, sailing and parasail- Barbados from £549pp. Terms and con-
nating with Kadooment Day, a carnival ing. The West Coast is ideal for ditions may apply. See for
parade featuring large bands with mem- snorkeling and water-skiing, while the details.

BEST BEACH ry, enjoying stunning views from the Bermuda is the undisputed shipwreck
All along our fine shores you can find ramparts, or exploring Bermuda's capital of the Atlantic and is the high-
beaches bathed in pink sand, made largest fort, there is plenty to see and light of their trip for many visiting
from finely pulverized remains of calci- learn at this important cultural attrac- divers. You can also explore over 200
um carbonate shells and skeletons of tion. square miles of coral reef through
invertebrates such as corals and clams. snorkelling and diving.
The pink sand makes the already poetic BEST ROMANTIC EXCURSION
scenery that much harder to resist. One step on our shores and you’ll DID YOU KNOW?
Once you step foot on Horseshoe Bay understand why we say, “Feel the Since 2007, Bermuda has been home
Beach you will realize why it is the Love”. You’ll discover romance at every to the PGA Grand Slam of Golf, the
most celebrated on the island. The long, corner, from our unique Moongates to season-ending showcase featuring
sweeping crescent of pink sand makes our pink sands. Start your day with an golf's premier foursome. The Mid
it a popular choice any time of year. intimate couples’ massage at one of Ocean Club hosted the showcase in
The nearby Beach House offers snacks, our world-class spas. End your day of 2007 and 2008, and in 2009 and
rentals and changing facilities. romance with a private dinner on the 2010 the tournament was held at our
beach, and just let our beautiful azure recently renovated and world-
BEST ART AND CULTURE waters, blushing sands and symphony renowned Port Royal Golf Course. We
The National Museum of Bermuda is of whistling tree frogs be your back- are pleased to announce that Bermuda
set within the Keep, a sprawling six- drop. and the Port Royal Golf Course will
acre fortress at the edge of the Royal return as hosts through 2012 for the
Naval Dockyard. Eight historic build- BEST ACTIVITIES/SPORT 29th and 30th editions of the event.
ings, including old munitions warehous- On our island you are never more than
es and the newly restored a deep breath away from the underwa- British Airways offers holidays to
Commissioner's House, contain a great ter experience of a lifetime. Dive below Bermuda from £739 pp. Terms and
variety of exhibitions on our rich histo- to visit more than 400 historic wrecks, conditions may apply. See for
ry. Whether taking in some local histo- some dating back to the 15th century. details.
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 Lifestyle 21

Dominican Republic
BEST BEACH BEST AREA FOR NIGHTLIFE skill level, whether you just want to
Located on the southern tip of Punta As the sun sets on the Dominican rent out equipment or get some one-
Cana, and just far enough from the Republic’s east coast, Punta Cana’s on-one lessons. The surf’s always up in
many resorts, Juanillo Beach features a famous nightlife begins. Mega clubs Cabarete.
forest of coconut palms that give way like Mangu, Areito and Imagine (a
to a lazy coast of white sands. disco inside a cave) attract a mix of BEST KEPT SECRET
Considered one of the best beaches in visiting tourists and locals from Exclusivity meets cosiness at the
the Dominican Republic and one of the around the country. For a relaxing, Peninsula House in the Dominican
best in the world, Juanillo’s coral reef local night out, many head to beach town of Las Terrenas. A boutique
shields its coast from rough surf, creat-
ing kilometres of serene waters lightly bars such as Soles and Photobar. Out guest house, the Peninsula House
washing Juanillo’s sands. and about in Punta Cana, the mix of offers guests pampering service, pri-
people is just as varied as its music, vate gardens and an ocean view
with Latin beats, reggaeton, electron- restaurant with candlelit dinners, all
BEST ART AND CULTURE ic and hip hop. within a warm home resplendent with
Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Victorian furnishings. Located in the
Site in 1991, the Colonial City of Santo BEST ACTIVITIES/SPORT lively beach town of Las Terrenas, the
Domingo was the first urban settlement Cabarete is a small, laid-back beach Peninsula House is in close proximity
in the Dominican Republic. It is also the village and the mecca for water to the town’s wide variety of restau-
site of numerous New World firsts – the sports in the Dominican Republic. The rants, nightlife, beautiful beaches and
first cathedral, hospital, palace, paved physical make-up of the area and its natural attractions, lsuch as the
street and university in the Americas winds make it ideal for kiteboarding, famous Limon Waterfall.
were all built here. The Colonial City is a windsurfing and surfing. Both water
cultural gem with quaint colonial plazas sport fanatics and beginners alike British Airways offers holidays to
and narrow streets brimming with flock to Cabarete from around the Dominican Republic from £869pp.
Dominican culture in its authentic world. Visitors will find numerous Terms and conditions may apply. See
shops, art galleries, cafes and bars. schools that can accommodate any for details.

BEST BEACH BEST AREA FOR NIGHTLIFE ture tours; and great river tubing on
Grand Anse Beach and Morne Rouge Grenada’s nightlife revolves around the Balthazar River
Bay are a pretty close tie, both are small beach-side bars and restaurants,
white sanded with lots of space and servicing local Carib beers and a whole CHOICE PICK
few crowds. Grand Anse allows visitors range of Rum punches. Belmont Estate is the premiere tourism
to walk its full length and take exercise, Grenada boasts three main nightclubs – attraction on thGrenada. Located in St
while dipping in and out of the gentle Fantasia 2001, Bananas and Karma – Patrick, only an hour’s scenic drive from
waves. Morne Rouge’s trees and stun- all of which are within easy distance of the island’s capital of St George,
ning sunsets make it the perfect place the hotels. Belmont Estate is a unique and authen-
both for a day on the beach or a cocktai tic 17th century plantation that offers
after dark. BEST ACTIVITIES/SPORTS guests an opportunity to participate in
Grenada, only the size of the Isle of and observe the workings of a fully
BEST ART AND CULTURE Wight is lucky enough to have four functional historic plantation. Visit the
Grenada’s culture revolves around its hotels with good spa offerings; organic farm, gardens, heritage muse-
food and its small boat festivals. LaSource, Spice Island, La Luna and um, and cocoa processing facilities plus
Experience cuisine that is infused with Calabash Hotel. Each with a very dif- a goat dairy farm, petting farm, and
nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and other ferent approach. For those of a more craft market.Grenada Carnival, which
locally grown spices, either at a local, active bent, watersports have devel- takes place on the second Monday and
traditional bar or at one of the interna- oped rapidly over the past few years, Tuesday in Augus, is the friendliest car-
tional hotels. Visit Grenada during the and Grenada now boasts the best nival in the Caribbean, safe and fun for
Workboat Regatta at the beginning of wreck diving in the Eastern Caribbean; the family.
February for a truly memorable experi- the Caribbean’s first underwater sculp-
ence and get to know the locals and ture park; a pirate ship for all the fami- British Airways offers holidays to
understand how this island state makes ly; donut boats; Shadofax luxury Grenada from £659 pp.Terms and con-
the most of the sea and the wonderful champagne and lobster and snorkelling ditions may apply. See for
fresh fish within it. tours; Seafaris powerboat eco adven- details.
22 Lifestyle CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

Show your The Scan:

off to the
mother clinic for a bit
you of a surprise...
a luxe spa
Mothers Day is a great chance to
share some pampering with your
favourite lady, says Zoe Strimpel
If you don’t want to let Mothers Day, on 3 Embark on a day of
April, creep up on you, here are four great pampering to recon-

spa packages that will show your mother nect with Mother HO knew that not going to work
you care (and haven’t forgotten her). dearest. could be so stressful? The day had
begun well, with an early morning
CITY POINT CLUB, MOORGATE cup of tea and Radio Four while the
Best for: the City mum (or the super-busy rest of the house slept. But then Noel had rolled
City daughter). out of bed in a foul mood, bemoaning the 363
The package: Called “I Love Mum”, it cer- days remaining until his next birthday. And
tainly gets to the point. You’ll both spend a brate your inevitable purchase, head to and aduki beans. The highlight is the lym- presents. And party. I began to say something
day at the club (a favourite with City high- the Mandarin bar for cocktails. Next day – phatic drainage using a jade roller. You’ll about Easter and Christmas but in search of
flyers) and will lunch together in your it’s a boozy brunch in Bar Boulud with a both look like a million bucks afterwards. vengeance he turned on me, asking why I was
robes, sip champagne, use the spa facili- bottle of wine and two Bloody Marys. From £195 for two people. still at home on a Monday morning and
ties and each have a short massage and £495 per person. Call 0207 235 2000 to book, or whether I’d been fired. Six going on sixteen.
facial. £199 for two. To book, email go to THE GROVE, HERTFORDSHIRE And now we’re in a gleaming consulting Best for: Lovers of country house grandeur room. Emma is recumbent, her belly exposed.
CHI YU, MARYLEBONE The package: Set amid the glorious I watch it rise and fall. It doesn’t seem five
MANDARIN ORIENTAL, KNIGHTSBRIDGE Best for: Holistic mums with a penchant grounds of the Home Counties’ most opu- minutes since we were in the adjacent con-
Best for: fashionista mums for Eastern therapies lent hotel, this package includes three sulting room looking at the tadpole with the
The package: Go and paint the town red The package: A double massage. treatments, lunch and plenty of lounging: fierce heartbeat that would become Noel.
with this package of the same name, Therapists at this Japanese spa have some Mum will have an ESPA massage and And even less time since – well, since the
which combines every woman’s favourite of the best technique in London. Mothers facial plus a manicure with Leighton miscarriage 18 months later. I realise Emma
shoe maker, Christian Louboutin, with a are tactfully pointed towards an anti-age- Denny varnish. Next, she’ll have a two must be anxious. I take her hand. She turns to
day of luxury at the Mandarin Oriental. ing Naturalift facial with a cleanse, course lunch in the garden and use of the me. The young Australian sonographer
First, nails are sorted with a red manicure enzyme peel, massage, mask and moistur- luscious Sequoia spa all day. Until 30 April. approaches, drying her hands on a towel. “OK,
for you both. Next: a private appointment ising. Daughters receive the Chidoriya £155 per person. To book, call the Spa on 01923 we have all your details. Now, let’s have a look
at Louboutin’s Mount Street store. To cele- Japanese facial with rice bran, camellia oil 294 294. shall we?”
Emma squeezes my hand. The sonographer
applies lubricating jelly and rolls the probe
firmly over Emma’s belly. The Undersea World

The revolution will be beamed into your head

of Jacques Cousteau suddenly comes alive on
the screen. Caverns and gullies loom.
“Well, well” says the sonographer thought-
fully. She looks up from Emma’s belly. “Is
there a history of twins in either of your fami-
open his trench-coat on a secluded pathway lies?”
(an opportunity for a Crime Stoppers ad, per-
NINTENDO 3DS TESTED We stagger out onto the street, photo-
NINTENDO’s hotly anticipated 3DS will finally graphs and video in hand; evidence for the
What adverts could you tailor to surprise? arrive at the end of the month and I’ve been prosecution. Pedestrians, cars and buses go
GEEK The number for a health-care clinic in the split
second before a truck splatters you into the
testing it out for the last week, during which
time I haven’t put down (which raises some
about their business as if nothing out of the
ordinary had just happened. I need a ciga-
SPEAK tarmac? For that matter, disgust doesn’t seem troubling questions I don’t feel comfortable rette. I pat my pockets. I haven’t got a ciga-
like the ideal emotion to associate with your answering here). rette. In fact, I realise I haven’t smoked in ten
product either. Maybe an advert for Clarks The Japanese firm has a lot to prove, with years.
@steve_dinneen shoes appearing as you step in a particularly critics saying it is fighting a losing battle “Global warming. Cyber terrorism. Double
virulent pile of dog mess makes a twisted kind against increasingly sophisticated mobile dip recession,” I ramble. “What kind of world
of sense but do you really want your product to phones. Thankfully, they are wrong: the 3DS is is this to bring a child into?”
THE revolution is here and it won’t be tele- be forever associated with the smell of faeces? brilliant. The pre installed software alone “Or two” answers Emma, mischievously.
vised. It will be beamed directly into your And what if you just have a miserable face? offers a tantalising glimpse of what it is capa- My phone rings. In a daze, I answer. It’s
head. It will be everywhere you go, knowing Are you to be forever taunted with products ble of. The augmented reality software, which Sandy.
what you are thinking, what you are wearing. designed to cheer you up, like sun drenched superimposes images over the inbuilt camera, “What the hell did you say to Ringel?”
It will probably be able to guess what you are beaches and chocolate, when all you want is to making digital objects appear to be in the “Sandy…” I begin but am entirely lost for
going to do next, before even you know it. find out where you can pick up a bottle of drain room with you, is bafflingly good. Within five words.
Welcome to “Gladvertising,” the latest unblocker? minutes of firing it up I had my workmates’ “Anyway, what the hell,” he bellows.
weapon in the digital battlefield. It uses tiny Gladvertising isn’t the only major develop- heads flying around the office while I fired “Doesn’t matter. Good work. They’ve just dou-
cameras to scan your facial expression ment heading our way in the digital realm. tennis balls at them (which, incidentally, is a bled the size of the issue.” The phone goes
and tailor adverts to suit your mood. Ads will be beamed from the cloud onto bikes recurring dream I’ve been having). Digital ani- dead.
Its “face-tracking algorithm” can dis- and phone books. They will know when it’s mations danced across my desk. It’s like a I turn to Emma. She is beaming. We
tinguish between six emotions: happy, raining and offer you an umbrella, or try to particularly vivid hallucination without the embrace. On the street. Oblivious to the rest
angry, sad, fearful, surprised and dis- sell you a car if you’re waiting at a bus stop. possibility of terrifying flashbacks. of the world.
gusted. It’s certainly clever, but these You will even be able to buy special sun- Launch titles will include Pilot Wings, “How shall we tell Noel?” she asks. “Six
six categories seem to imply a rather glasses to project adverts onto anything which will lend itself perfectly to the console’s years an only child. He’s not going to find this
cynical breakdown of the human psy- you look at. The whole world will become 3D capabilities, and Super Street Fighter IV, easy.”
che. a blank canvas. Look at a bottle of wine which you can play wirelessly against your “Never mind Noel. How are we going to tell
Of the six moods, at least four are and Tesco can tell you whether it is on 3 mates. Add to this the prospect of a 3D re- Maria? She’s certainly not going to be happy
negative (angry, sad, fearful and dis- for 2. A glance at Picasso’s Guernica issue of Ocarina of Time and you already have and if she leaves we’re going to be outnum-
gusted) and even surprise is question- might try to sell you a package holiday a roster of games worth shelling out for. The bered.”
able. Sure, a surprising event could be a to Tenerife. Almost everything can be cov- Wii changed the console world, paving the One step at a time” says Emma, reassuring-
nice party where your friends all jump ered and there will be nowhere on earth it way for the PlayStation Move and the Xbox ly.
out from behind the sofa, but it’s just as likely can’t reach you. The future is here, we just Kinect. The 3DS will do the same for hand- I cling tightly to Emma. “I love you,” I say.
to be the bloke from down the road whipping didn’t see it arrive. held gaming. Out 25 March, from £187 City Dad continues next week.
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 Lifestyle | TV& Games 23


6pm BBC News 6pm Eggheads 6pm London Tonight 6pm The Simpsons 6.30pm 6pm Home and Away
6.30pm BBC London News 6.30pm Royal Upstairs 6.30pm ITV News Hollyoaks 7pm Channel 4 News 6.25pm OK! TV
7pm The One Show 7pm Emmerdale 7.55pm 8pm Gok’s
Downstairs 7pm 5 News at 7
Clothes Roadshow 9pm Heston’s
7.30pm EastEnders: BBC News 7pm Wonders of the Universe: 7.30pm Grimefighters 7.30pm Extraordinary Dogs:
Mission Impossible 10pm CHOICE
8pm Holby City The creation and destruction of 8pm Lion Country Lily Allen: From Riches to Rags 5 News Update
9pm Silk matter. 9pm CHOICE Caroline Quentin: 11.05pm The Big C 11.40pm 8pm Stansted: The Inside
10pm BBC News 8pm The Hairy Bikers: Mums A Passage Through India Facejacker 12.10am Cheltenham Story: 5 News at 9
10.25pm Regional News Know Best 10pm ITV News at Ten Festival Highlights 12.45am UK & 9pm CSI: Crime Scene
10.35pm Neighbourhood 9pm CHOICE Bible’s Buried 10.30pm London News Ireland Poker Tour 1.40am FIS Investigation
Watched Secrets 10.35pm FILM Before Sunset: Freestyle World Ski Championships
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11.20pm Girls Behind Bars: 10pm Have I Got Old News for 2.10am The Grid 2.35am KOTV BBC2, 9PM
Premiere. Romantic drama
Boxing Weekly 3am Powerboating 10.55pm CSI: NY New series. Dr Francesca
Weatherview 12.25am Sign Zone: You
See Hear 12.55am Sign Zone:
sequel, starring Ethan Hawke 3.30am Britain’s Favourite Yacht 11.55pm CSI: Crime Scene Stavrakopoulou examines the impact
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10.30pm Newsnight: Weather and Julie Delpy. 2004. Race 3.55am Triathlon ITU Investigation of archaeological discoveries on
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SKY SPORTS 1 BRITISH EUROSPORT Cleveland 9pm Shock Docs: 11.30pm King of the Hill 12am Survivor 1am Deadliest Catch

7pm Sky Sports News at Seven 6pm Live WTA Tennis 10pm Teens Who Tie the Knot 10pm The Big Bang Theory 12.55am 2am Weaponology 3am World
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School of Hard Knocks 11pm A 10.30pm World Touring Car Minds 12am CSI 2.40am Purpose 2.30am Rick & Steve: Engineering 4.40am Raging
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3 22 21 16 40 16 12 30 
26 29
21 25
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 10 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 5 16
17 44
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 14 24 8
above or to the left of it. 6 20
You can only use the digits 1-9 31 
   and you must not use the
23 23
10 13    
same digit twice in a block. 22
  The same digit may occur 42  
11 28
  more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a
35 3
    separate block.
17 9
20 14
  10 27

1 Obvious and dull (5) 1 Injury which discolours
3 Firm open-weave
fabric used by
window-cleaners (5)
the skin (6)
2 Person born under the
sign of the ram (5)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 7 Positive or favourable 4 Turned-back hems at
   ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
R G aspect (6) the ends of sleeves (5)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters I 10 Young horse (4)
11 The smallest
5 Dairy product (4)
6 Pay back (9)

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
R E quantity (4)
12 Type of craftsman
8 Fixture found on a
chimney stack (3)
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
I T (10)
15 Type of coffee topped
9 Epidermal pore in a
leaf or stem (5)
QUICK CROSSWORD 9 8 7 3 2 1 3 8
with steamed milk 13 Characteristic of

6 3 1 2 4 2 1 6 SUDOKU         
and milk froth (10)
20 Afresh (4)
a sheep (5)
14 Solid substance
8 4 1 4 8 5 9
A I A C T I V E          21 Archaic word in the form of tiny
T U N N E L D A 3 1 8 2 6 1 4
Y S F R I E N D 7 6 1 5 3 2 4 meaning ‘in the loose particles (6)
R O M E O I C Y 1 3 5 2 9 6 7 8 direction of’ (4) 16 Dig into (5)
U V E T A 2 9 6 3 8 7 4 22 Thin top layer on 17 Freight (5)
M M E E R R O R         
7 9 4 1 2 9 3 a solid floor (6) 18 Named prior to
1 5 5 9 3 3 1 The nine-letter word was 23 Curl of the lip (5) marriage (3)
2 6 9 8 1 8 4 2         
24 Climbing plant 19 Informal name
E D W A R M T H 5 8 7 9 7 9 8 4
supporter (5) for a cat (4)
24 CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

| Cheltenham


That’s the Spirit Son

Spirit Son can give
Nicky Henderson
the perfect start to
the Festival

UE Card is aiming to do what I wouldn’t put anyone off having a Victor Chandler. He hated the heavy
Cousin Vinny and Dunguib small each-way interest in Malcolm ground at Haydock last time and will be
couldn’t by becoming the first Jefferson’s KING FONTAINE at 33/1 with much more suited to today’s conditions.
Supreme Novices’ Hurdle banker to
win since Brave Inca in 2004.
Colin Tizzard’s stable star has produced
some tremendous performances over hur-
dles this season, but the stats are against
him. Montelado in 1992 was the last
Champion Bumper winner to take this
race the following season and 13 of the
last 15 winners won last time out.
There is no doubt that Cue Card is the
likeliest winner, but it’s always a tough
race and he’s too short for me at 2/1.
Paddy Power are once again offering
their excellent Supreme Novices’ conces-
sion and will refund all bets if Cue Card
F wins. Barry Geraghty has opted to ride
SPIRIT SON and that should be a tip in
itself as Sprinter Sacre also looks a top
CNNGTTGHWPFU class novice.
I was hugely impressed with the selec-
tion’s jumping at Exeter last time and he
QP#..HQWT looks an each-way bet to nothing at 5/1
with Paddy Power, especially with the Cue
Card insurance.
%JCORKQPUJKR It’s interesting that Brian Ellison runs
Marsh Warbler in this rather than Friday’s

CEGU Triumph Hurdle and he might be able to
sneak into a place getting 8lb off the field.
The Stewart Family Spinal Research
Handicap Chase (2.40pm) is always one of
the big betting handicaps of the week.
Blazing Bailey has been revitalised this
2 bet
TCEG season and Alan King’s popular nine-year-
old heads the weights on 11st12lb.
D C[oU9QTNF However, it’s the stable’s other runner
Bensalem who is set to be sent off
* [QWT favourite after two promising hurdles
runs this season. *
J QTUGfalls,
JQTUGHCNNUWPUGCVU U He was travelling like the winner in this
race last year when he came down two
Q down...
KUDTQWI JVFQYPe out, but that was still a long way from
home and it’s a worry that the last 11 win-
ners of this race carried less than 11 stone
YGoNNTGHWPF[QWT (he must shoulder 11st2lb).
David Pipe’s Great Endeavour won the
PVKTGYKPUVCMGCUC Byrne Group Plate at last year’s Festival
and ran a stormer in the Vote AP Gold Cup
TGGDGVPQNKOKVUQP in December. He clearly loves
Cheltenham, but with 11st7lb on his back
K\GQHTGHWPFU I’m prepared to look elsewhere.
There’s no-one better at preparing a
horse for a big Cheltenham handicap than
Jonjo O’Neill and he has a great chance
with SUNNYHILLBOY. Second to Great
Endeavour at last year’s Festival, he was
just six lengths behind the same rival here
in December and has always looked as
though he’d relish this step up in trip. He’s
a knocking each-way bet at 6/1 with Paddy
Power and William Hill.
SPIRIT SON e/w 1.30pm Cheltenham
KING FONTAINE e/w 2.40pm Cheltenham
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 25

| Racing



Menorah to land the

Champion for Hobbs
AST year we thought we weren’t
going to see Binocular run in the live on Channel 4
Champion Hurdle and his connec- GOING: GOOD TO SOFT (Good in places) supplied by RACING POST
tions surprised us all by declaring
him fit for the race at the last minute. 3.20 STAN JAMES CHAMPION HURDLE CHALLENGE TROPHY GRADE 1 (1) 2m 110y £210,937
Amazingly, 12 months on, they have sur- 1 P46U02 BYGONES OF BRID (26)(D) 8 11-10 T J Murphy 79
prised us all again at the final hour by not
Karen Mclintock James Callow
declaring the champion because of a med-
ication mix-up. The race, which had been 2 1-11144 CLERK’S CHOICE (94)(CD) 5 11-10 T Molloy 84
billed as the best of the meeting, still looks M Banks8 M C Banks
a cracker even though it has lost one of its
3 11136-1 DUNGUIB (24)(C)(D) 8 11-10 B O’Connell 88
headline acts.
Last year’s Supreme Novices’ winner P Fenton Ire8 Daniel Harnett/Mrs E A Lawlor
MENORAH now assumes the mantle of 4 131-111 HURRICANE FLY (51)(D) 7 11-10 R Walsh 97
favouritism from Binocular and lines up W Mullins Ire George Creighton & Mrs Rose Boyd
this afternoon bidding to defend a 100 per
cent Cheltenham record. Philip Hobbs’ 5 51121-4 KHYBER KIM (59)(CD) 9 11-10 P Brennan 99
stable star has added two impressive wins N Twiston-Davies Mrs Caroline Mould
(in the Greatwood and the International) 6 1212-11 MENORAH (94)(CD) 6 11-10 R Johnson 94
to last year’s Festival success and comes
here as the most bomb-proof of the P Hobbs Mrs Diana L Whateley
leading fancies. 7 11-5211 MILLE CHIEF (24)(D) 5 11-10 R Thornton 92
The one concern I had about a smallish A King McNeill Family
field was the danger of there being no
pace. Our selection is only seen at his best 8 1114-11 OSCAR WHISKY (38)(C)(D) 6 11-10 B J Geraghty 92
if there is a decent gallop and that looks N Henderson Walters Plant Hire Ltd
assured now with Overturn declared to 9 11-2125 OVERTURN (24)(D) 7 11-10 G Lee 93
run. His role is to ensure that there are no
D McCain T G Leslie
hiding places for any of the field with
stamina doubts as the stable’s first string 10 1111-11 PEDDLERS CROSS (26)(C)(D) 6 11-10 J M Maguire 92
Peddlers Cross is a proven stayer and the D McCain T G Leslie
biggest danger to Menorah.
11 013-743 THOUSAND STARS (51)(C)(D) 7 11-10 P Townend 90
He has done nothing wrong so far this
season and was extremely impressive W Mullins Ire Hammer & Trowel Syndicate
when beating Binocular and Starluck at S.P. F’CAST: 3 Menorah, 7-2 Hurricane Fly, Peddlers Cross, 7 Oscar Whisky, 8 Dunguib, 12 Khyber Kim, Mille Chief,
Newbury in the rearranged Fighting Fifth 20 Thousand Stars, 40 Overturn, 50 Clerk’s Choice, 150 Bygones Of Brid.
Hurdle before Christmas. However, there PEDDLERS CROSS (11-10) 1-6 fav in touch in 3rd, head- (11-10) 31/2l (Leopardstown 2m hdle G1 71,500 soft).
way on inner to go 2nd 4 out, led on bridle before last, OVERTURN (11-7) 7-1 led, ridden when headed before 2
is just a nagging doubt that he may be driven clear run-in, bt BYGONES OF BRID (11-6) 10-1 out, kept on but no match for winner, btn 33/4l by
more effective over a slightly longer trip 11l (9 ran) (Kelso 2m2f hdle(2) £9,758 soft). Binocular (11-7) (6 ran) (Kempton 2m hdle G1(1)
MENORAH (11-4) 7-4 fav tracked leaders, jumped well, £42,758 good to soft).
and he is really short now at just 4/1 with switched and led approaching last, ran on strongly, rid- MILLE CHIEF (11-2) 15-8 disputed close 3rd, took narrow
Victor Chandler. den clear run-in, bt Cue Card (11-4) (Cheltenham 2m1f advantage soon after last, held on, bt Celestial Halo (11-
hdle G2(1) £85,515 good to soft). 6) (Wincanton 2m hdle G2(1) £39,907 good to soft).
As for Irish talking-horse Hurricane Fly, DUNGUIB (11-12) 8-11 fav settled in 3rd early, slight mis- OSCAR WHISKY (11-7) 2-7 fav tracked leading pair, not flu-
he could well be the superstar the whole take 2nd, mistake 4th, improved to challenge 2 out, soon ent 3rd, went close 2nd at 5th, led on bit 2 out, clear
led, bt Luska Lad (11-10) 31/2l (3 ran) (Gowran Park 2m when hit last, easily, bt Black Jack Blues (11-3) 8l (5 ran)
of Ireland suggests he may be, but is hdle G2 26,000 soft to heavy). (Ffos Las 2m hdle(2) £28,179 good to soft).
plenty short enough at 7/2 with Paddy HURRICANE FLY (11-10) 4-9 fav tracked leader in 2nd, chal- OVERTURN (11-6) 4-1 led until ridden approaching 2 out,
lenged entering straight, travelled well to lead before last, weakened before last, last of 5 (well btn) to Mille Chief
Power. Yes, he has demonstrated that he ridden and kept on well run-in, comfortably, bt Solwhit (11-2) (Wincanton 2m hdle G2(1) £39,907 good to soft).
has the speed, stamina and class to win a
Champion Hurdle, but he has been
plagued by injury and this is his first trip race is without doubt Menorah and he is mend a buy at ¾ length. That means that
to Cheltenham. I’m not sure whether the decent value at 10/3 with Sportingbet. I’m every length more than ¾ length that
course will suit him and his sire Montjeu also interested in trading Overturn at a Peddlers Cross beats Hurricane Fly, you
doesn’t exactly have a proven history of massive price on Betdaq as there is a very win one unit stake wherever they finish. It
producing Festival winners. real possibility he might get a soft lead is also worth remembering that the maxi-
Oscar Whisky, Khyber Kim and Mille from the front. mum make-up between the pair is capped
Chief look place possibilities at best, while Sporting Index have produced a mas- at 15 lengths meaning that if disaster
last year’s beaten Supreme Novices’ sive array of markets, including the usual struck, you can only lose 15 ¾ times your
favourite Dunguib has a mountain to host of match bets which sees two horses stake.
climb, although if there is to be an upset paired against each other. Even though Finally, you can keep tabs on all of my
in the race, he could well be the most like- they cannot separate Peddlers Cross and Cheltenham betting news by following
ly if he finally lets his hooves do the talk- Hurricane Fly, I would far rather be with me live from the course on Twitter
ing. However, the most sensible bet in the the former than the latter and recom- @BillEsdaile.

All the latest odds and £100s of bookie freebets

UE CARD is the obvious place to this time last year by landing the Supreme That leaves QUEVEGA (10 per cent win)
start when looking at the Supreme Novices’ Hurdle. as the opening day banker in her attempt
Novices’ Hurdle as he stands out on Yet, as hard to beat as he may be, it’s not to land the hat-trick in the David
form. However, he has been off the often that Donald McCain is as bullish Nicholson Mares’ Hurdle.
track a little while and I worry that he about a horse as he is about PEDDLERS Finally, the last race of the day looks an
may get done for toe up the famous ‘hill’. CROSS (five per cent win) and he narrowly impossible puzzle to solve, but TULLAM-
The horse most likely to go past him is gets the nod. Elsewhere, I like the look of ORE DEW (0.5 per cent e/w) and complete
Nicky Henderson’s SPIRIT SON (three per old favourite BLAZING BAILEY (two per outsider QUO VIDEO (0.5 per cent e/w) are
cent each way) who has done nothing cent e/w) in the 2.40pm, who has per- two of the more likely sorts.
wrong so far and can cheer up his trainer formed with all his old relish this season, Check the latest prices of the Insider’s tips at
after the Binocular debacle. while POKER DE SIVOLA (one per cent e/w) Bet with all the best book-
As for the Champion Hurdle itself, I can go well at a big price in the Cross ies and get exclusive sign up offers, promotions
respect Menorah who did us a good favour Country Chase at 4.00pm. and tips.
26 Punter | Racing CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011



GOING: GOOD TO SOFT (Good to Soft in places)
live on Channel 4
supplied by RACING POST

GRADE 1 (1) 2m £74,113 Mrs S Smith John Conroy Jaqueline Conroy
10 2-12111 WEST WITH THE WIND (200)(D) 6 11-7 P Moloney 89
1 1-22221 CAPTAIN CHRIS [T] (17)(C)(D) 7 11-7 R Johnson 95
E Williams3 Mrs Janet Davies
P Hobbs Mrs Diana L Whateley
S.P. F’CAST: 11-4 Medermit, 7-2 Ghizao, 4 Finian’s Rainbow, 7 Captain Chris, Realt Dubh,
205-0211d DAN BREEN [BH] (18)(D) 6 11-7 T Scudamore 87 12 Rock Noir, 14 Dan Breen, 25 Giorgio Quercus, 33 West With The Wind, 40 Stagecoach
D Pipe Stuart M Mercer CAPTAIN CHRIS (11-0) 2-5 fav tracked leader, led 7th, not fluent 11th but jumped with
plenty of zest apart, drew clear from 3 out, eased flat, bt Adams Island (11-4) 13l (3 ran)
3 315-111 FINIAN’S RAINBOW (31)(D) 8 11-7 B J Geraghty 95 (Kempton 2m41/2f nov ch G2(1) £13,340 good to soft).
GIORGIO QUERCUS (11-3) 11-4 raced in 2nd, hit 4 out, ridden after 3 out, stayed on under
4 N Henderson Michael Buckley pressure to challenge final 120yds, carried persistently right, just failed, finished 2nd,


placed 1st, bt DAN BREEN (11-3) Sht-hd (3 ran) (Sandown 2m nov ch(2) £7,828 soft).
FINIAN’S RAINBOW (11-4) 2-5 fav took keen hold, jumped erratically early, went 2nd at
4 108-211 GHIZAO (76)(CD) 7 11-7 T J Murphy 99
4th, quickened and left in lead 8th, flew over next two, unconvincing jump 2 out and
again when left well clear at last, heavily eased, bt STAGECOACH PEARL (11-7) 6-1,
P Nicholls The Johnson & Stewart Families
2 miles, Cheltenham 1.30pm, Live on C4. 11l (4 ran) (Warwick 2m nov ch G2(1) £17,637 good to soft).
GHIZAO (11-10) 11-4 tracked leaders when in view from 4th, still chasing leaders when in
5 02/1F11 GIORGIO QUERCUS (18)(D) 6 11-7 P Brennan 87 view from 10th, challenged 4 out, led approaching next, driven and stayed on strongly
3 Cue Card 18 Dunraven Storm run-in, bt CAPTAIN CHRIS (11-0) 13-8 fav in lead when in view 4th, still leading when
N Henderson Sir Robert Ogden back in view 10th, mistake 11th, went right and joined 4 out, headed approaching next
9/2 Spirit Son 20 Gibb River and dropped to 3rd, rallied run-in to re-take 2nd close home but no chance with winner,
8 Recession Proof 20 Marsh Warbler 6 4-1R121 MEDERMIT (38)(D) 7 11-7 R Thornton 94 4 1/2l (9 ran) (Newbury 2m21/2f nov ch(3) £5,855 good to soft).
MEDERMIT (11-4) 5-2 fav waited with in rear, progress 7th, tracked leading pair 12th, led
8 Sprinter Sacre 50 Rathlin A King The Dunkley & Reilly Partnership 3 out, drew 3 lengths clear last, driven and pressed near finish, held on well, bt CAP-
TAIN CHRIS (11-4) 4-1 waited with in rear, mistake 6th, progress to track leaders 11th,
9 Al Ferof 100 Far Away So Close 7 1F1211 REALT DUBH (51)(D) 7 11-7 P Carberry 93 close up when mistake 3 out, ridden to chase winner last, closed flat, just held, 1/2l (9
ran) ROCK NOIR (11-4) 15-2 well placed, close up when mistakes 12th, 13th and 14th,
still on terms, dropped to last of leading group, outpaced after 3 out, kept on flat, 4th
10 Zaidpour 100 Spanish Treasure N Meade Ire D J Sharkey
(btn 7 3/4l) (Sandown 2m41/2f nov ch G1(1) £21,094 good).
REALT DUBH (11-12) 5-2 fav settled behind leaders, 5th halfway, headway in 3rd 3 out,
14 Magen’s Star 200 Sheer Genius 8 0-21314 ROCK NOIR [T] (38)(D) 6 11-7 A P McCoy 89 left 2nd 2 out, travelled well entering straight, led before last, ridden and challenged
last, disputed run-in, just prevailed close home, bt Noble Prince (11-12) sht-hd (6 ran)
16 Hidden Universe Jonjo O’Neill John P McManus (Leopardstown 2m1f nov ch G1 52,000 soft).
Each way ONE-QUARTER the odds a place 1, 2, 3, 4.


2 miles, Cheltenham 3.20pm, Live on C4.
Hurricane Fly
Peddlers Cross
Oscar Whisky
Khyber Kim
Thousand Stars
Clerk’s Choice
King can be crowned
Arkle champion again
8 Dunguib 250 Bygones Of Brid
11 Mille Chief
Each way ONE-QUARTER the odds a place 1, 2, 3.


2 miles, Cheltenham 2.05pm, Live on C4.
7/2 Medermit 9 Rock Noir

4 Ghizao 12 Dan Breen LAN KING has a fantastic record in Nicky Henderson has always loved pretty poor Arkle if he was to win.
the Irish Independent Arkle Finian’s Rainbow and he was the clear The last 10 winners have all returned
5 Finian’s Rainbow 20 Giorgio Quercus Challenge Trophy (2.05pm), win- ante-post favourite after his two small 9/1 or shorter, so it’s not a race for the out-
15/2 Captain Chris 33 West With The W’ ning it with Voy Por Ustedes and field wins at Newbury. siders. Ireland have won the last two,
8 Realt Dubh 40 Stagecoach Pearl My Way De Solzen in 2006 and 2007. He is However, they tried different waiting though, so you’d have to give a squeak to
Each way ONE-QUARTER the odds a place 1, 2, 3.
set to rely on MEDERMIT this year and the tactics with him at Warwick last time and Noel Meade’s dual Grade One winner
seven-year old looks to have a favourite’s his jumping seemed untidy and occasion- Realt Dubh.
chance. Although he’s never won at ally clumsy. Connections have said since He’s beaten Noble Prince twice, but I’m
STEWART FAMILY SPINAL RESEARCH H’CAP CHASE Cheltenham, he arguably should have that they were trying to give him more just not sure how strong the Irish two
taken the 2009 Supreme Novices’ Hurdle experience by teaching him to jump mile novice chasers are. His trainer also
3 miles, Cheltenham 2.40pm, Live on C4.
and didn’t run that badly in the behind other runners and they look set to doesn’t have the best record at
6 Bensalem 20 Fair Along Champion Hurdle last season, when his allow him to bowl along from the front Cheltenham.
6 Great Endeavour 20 Rare Bob stable were out of form. this afternoon. Medermit is a very solid contender and
6 Sunnyhillboy 25 King Fontaine An impressive winner of the Scilly Isles However, Dan Breen is another con- my idea of the best bet on day one of the
Novices’ Chase at Sandown last time, he firmed front-runner and Finian’s Rainbow Festival. Sportingbet offer 3/1 and that is a
7 Reve De Sivola 25 Razor Royale jumped like a stag and was probably just is very likely to be taken on for the lead. fair price considering it doesn’t look to be
14 Blazing Bailey 25 The Rainbow H’ter idling when Captain Chris lunged late on. Admittedly, Henderson and Geraghty are the hottest Arkle.
14 Carole’s Legacy 33 Carrickmines He has always had the potential to be a aware of this and may use David Pipe’s That said, I certainly wouldn’t be sur-
14 Wolf Moon 33 The Sawyer top class chaser and that was his first per- runner as a lead horse. Yet, there is a prised if he traded far bigger in-running
15 Adams Island 50 Slippers Percy formance that screamed, “Arkle”. King chance his jumping may become unset- on Betdaq as this is bound to be run at a
reckons he will be better suited to a tled once more and I’d worry about him blistering tempo and he may have to
20 Chief Dan George 66 No Panic strongly run two miles and it is hard to staying on his feet. come from a long way back.
20 Exmoor Ranger see Captain Chris getting any closer to Ghizao is a more solid proposition hav- The only other trade I would be looking
Each way one-quarter the odds a place 1, 2, 3, 4. him over this shorter trip. ing won two competitive races this at is possibly laying Captain Chris for a
Above races: Prices subject to fluctuation. In the event of any withdrawal(s), One of the key features of Arkle season, beating Captain Chris place, also on Betdaq. Philip Hobbs’
S.P place terms and Tattersalls Rule 4(c) will apply based on these prices. winners in recent years is their ability to comfortably both times. He has jumped charge took forever to get going at
Non-Runner-No Bet. stay. My Way De Solzen had previously excellently, but there is a nagging doubt Sandown and I wasn’t that impressed by
won a World Hurdle, while 2008 champi- that he just isn’t a spring horse. He disap- his jumping either. All his best form is
on Tidal Bay is contesting this year’s Gold pointed at both Cheltenham and Aintree also on a right-handed track and I’d be
Cup. Medermit stays 2m4f well and that last year and even his co-owner Andy surprised if he managed to get into the
can only be good news for his supporters. Stewart has admitted that it would be a places.


NEW ONLINE AND PHONE CUSTOMERS – Place a bet of between
£10 – £30 & we will give you a free bet of double your initial

am almost certain that Cue Card will The key to the Champion Hurdle is the running and it’s proved more profitable
stake, up to a maximum of £60. Quote promo code RP60* travel like the winner for much of the number of contenders who have the over time to hit the ‘lay’ button rather
opening contest (1.30pm), but there is potential to travel sweetly off the pace. than the ‘back’ one.
a danger he won’t find an awful lot Oscar Whisky, Hurricane Fly, Dunguib Overturn looks the most likely pace
off the bridle. Therefore, it may pay to and Mille Chief are the obvious four who angle in the race as he is sure to make it a
back him on Betdaq pre-race at around could easily still be on the bridle turning searching gallop.
the 3.2 mark and then look to lay your for home. Interestingly it may pay to adopt a
stake back and more at odds-on approach- However, the battle hardened pair of back-to-lay policy with him as if he opens
ing the second last flight. He may well Menorah and Peddlers Cross have come up on the front end, he may prove a diffi-
win, but I am not prepared to find out if up the hill before and may find more cult one to pass. If he is still in front 0800 44 40 40 he’ll come up the hill and would prefer to when push comes to shove. Don’t get rounding the home turn, there is no way
lock in a profit whatever the result. sucked in to backing the ‘travellers’ in- he can still trade at 50.0 or bigger.


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CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 Punter | Racing 27



Ferdy Murphy
the man to be
feared in the
big handicaps
T’S been a disappointing season for STORY can hardly be described as improv-
Ferdy Murphy so far, but there have ing at the age of 13, but he won this race
been some signs of late that his last year and finished an excellent third in
string is starting to hit form again. his hurdle prep race at Naas earlier this
He has a formidable record at the month. You need a horse that truly stays
Cheltenham Festival and punters should and Michael Hourigan’s runner was
take notice when he says that DIVERS, in placed in this race in both 2008 and 2009,
this afternoon’s Centenary Novices’ Chase so is a decent each-way bet at a general Quevega is going for
(5.15pm), is his best chance of a winner at 10/1. her third straight win
the meeting. Ferdy Murphy runs Poker De Sivola who in the David Nicholson
Murphy has had just 18 winners this wouldn’t be without a chance judged on Mares’ Hurdle
season which is a very poor return for a his win in the four-miler at last year’s
trainer of his calibre, but that means a Festival. However, the trainer has said
number of his horses are very well handi- that this is firmly a stepping stone to the
capped. Divers has always been a favourite Scottish National and I don’t like backing
of his and was only beaten a neck by the horses in this race who haven’t experi-
decent Ashkazar in a handicap hurdle at enced the unique course.
Cheltenham last April. He was always Willie Mullins is bringing a very strong
going to make a better chaser and he team over to Prestbury Park this year and
could be thrown in off a mark of 132 here. his best chance of a winner could well be
There are a whole host of other chal- QUEVEGA in the David Nicholson Mares’
lengers and the two biggest dangers in my Hurdle (4.40pm). An infrequent visitor to
book are On Borrowed Wings and the racecourse, the seven-year-old mare
Tullamore Dew. The former ran a cracker has won the last two runnings of this race
to almost win a competitive handicap hugely impressively. She goes very well
hurdle at Ascot, while the latter was sec- fresh, Ruby Walsh will be in the saddle
ond at 80/1 in last year’s Coral Cup and and it will be a big surprise if the Irish
would have to go close judged on his sec- banker of the day gets turned over.
ond to Medermit at Plumpton in Sparky May is a clear danger, as she is
December. undefeated in four starts this season and
The Glenfarclas Cross Country Chase got the better of the decent yardstick
(4.00pm) isn’t one for the purists, but it is Carole’s Legacy at Ascot last time. She’d
certainly some spectacle and the only have to be pretty good to beat Quevega,
place to start is with ‘King of the Banks’ though, and I’m a little concerned that
Enda Bolger. In the race’s six year history, her trainer Patrick Rodford doesn’t have
he has won it four times, all for JP that many runners. The stable have had a
McManus-owned horses, and dual winner good season, but this is a big step up for
Garde Champetre will be back with stable- Sparky May and I reckon she’ll be playing
mate L’Ami. However, they aren’t getting for second place.
any younger and have to carry an awful
lot of weight. POINTERS...
Ireland have won all six renewals and A NEW STORY e/w Cheltenham 4.00pm
although there has been money for
Maljimar over the past week, I think it QUEVEGA Cheltenham 4.40pm
will stay in the Emerald Isle. A NEW DIVERS e/w Cheltenham 5.15pm
28 CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011


Cheltenham’s commercial supremo

outlines ambitions for UK racing Plc
The Jockey Club’s “The best
Simon Bazalgette option is that
talks money-making the Tote
tactics on the first remains
day of Cheltenham independent,
as the Tote

T Board has
ODAY marks the start of the
Cheltenham Festival – the jewel in
the crown of the jump racing calen-
dar and one of the biggest days of proposed”
the year for Simon Bazalgette, chief execu-
tive of the Jockey Club, which owns and
runs the sporting event.
Over the four days until the festival
reaches its climax with the Cheltenham
Gold Cup on Friday, about 250,000 pun-
ters are expected to pass through the race-
course turnstiles, “hundreds of millions of
pounds” will be spent on sporting bets,
and the sleepy county of Gloucestershire
will receive a projected positive economic
impact of £50m.
As Bazalgette points out, Cheltenham is
just one of many sporting fixtures that
contribute to the health of the UK racing
industry, which is the second biggest
sports employer in the country, after foot-
ball, and the second biggest sports contrib-
utor to GDP.
In other words, horseracing is big busi-
ness, which is why Bazalgette and his
Board members, known appropriately as
stewards, run the Jockey Club as a Plc to
support the racing industry, with all the
profits generated by the company reinvest- of its revenue through marketing, media Simon Bazalgette is shore, they can avoid paying the Levy and fair for the taxpayer and fair for racing,”
ed in the sport. rights and hospitality. diversifying the gross profits tax. And if bookmakers are says Bazalgette. “Our preferred outcome is
In 2009, the Jockey Club posted a The recent diversification into confer- Jockey Club’s com- operating offshore, one of the big issues is that the Tote stays independent under a
turnover of £99.9m and operating profits ences, outdoor concerts and exhibitions mercial interests that consumers won’t bet with them structure that would give the taxpayer
of £17.2m, down slightly from 2008’s should also be noted, bringing in a small because they don’t have consumer protec- some money, as the charitable trust pro-
turnover of £100.9m, and Bazalgette but “steadily growing” 10 to 15 per cent of Picture: tion under UK law. People need to know posal by the Tote Board has put forward.”
expects the financial results for 2010 to be that total, through ventures such as the Micha Theiner they won’t be taken advantage of.” As the legal battle with the bookmakers
roughly flat year on year. weekly antiques fair at Kempton. /City A.M. Fortuitously for racing, the Department over Turf TV – The Jockey Club’s most
Total prize money for the sport reached The biggest project on the horizon at for Culture, Media and Sport is working valuable media rights, through its 25 per
£41.3m in 2009, of which The Jockey Club the Jockey Club is the British Champion on a new licensing regime to bring errant cent stake in the venture – fades into his-
contributed 30 per cent, or £12.4m. Series, a joint venture with The bookmakers “back into the net”, and cul- tory, Bazalgette can focus on “optimising”
The Jockey Club raises money through Horsemen’s Group and racecourses that ture minister Jeremy Hunt has already the media deals with the BBC and
its four commercial divisions: the land will launch to the racing public through stipulated The Jockey Club must receive Channel 4 and doing what he loves best –
management arm Jockey Club Estates, “the biggest marketing campaign in between £74m and £81m for 2011/12. getting the nation as passionate about the
thoroughbred breeding business the British racing to date” in mid-April. Meanwhile, the debate over whether sport of horseracing as he is.
National Stud, industry charity Racing The aim of the series is to boost the pop- the pool betting quango the Tote should He tells the anecdote with pride of how
Welfare, and Jockey Club Racecourses, ularity of the flat-racing season, spanning move to ownership by a new trust called last Tuesday, the Tote Jackpot of £1.4m
which oversees the operation of a portfo- from the Guineas at Newmarket to a new the Tote Foundation, or by one of four bid- was won by Steve Whiteley, a heating engi-
lio of 14 racecourses and joint venture day at Ascot in October, to be called British ders, rumoured to be Gala Coral, Reuben neer from North Tawton in Devon, who
Jockey Club Catering. Champions Day, which will extend the Brothers, Sir Martin Broughton and went racing through a local promotion
The racecourses arm is by far the flat-racing calendar by five races. Betfred. The Jockey Club takes £11m per organised by the Jockey Club.
biggest moneyspinner for the business, Broadcast rights for the finale’s five year from the Tote’s profits and £9m per “This is a guy who took a free bus to
contributing between 80 and 90 per cent races have been bought by the BBC – year from its contribution to the Levy and, Exeter racecourse and won £1.4m with a
although Bazalgette refuses to reveal for unsurprisingly, Bazalgette wants to see £2 stake,” Bazalgette says.
how much – giving the Corporation the that revenue protected. Refreshing to see that even a man who
CV | SIMON BAZALGETTE media rights to 16 of the season’s flat “The racing industry is working with owns a stake in seven racehorses has an
races, with Channel 4 broadcasting the the government to find a solution that is egalitarian approach to the Sport of Kings.
remaining 19.
2008 to present: Chief executive, the The headline sponsor for the British FACT | HOW MUCH MONEY DOES CHELTENHAM MAKE?
Jockey Club and chair of Jockey Club Champions Series will be announced in
Racecourses. the next two weeks – although again,
Bazalgette will not yet reveal which firms
are bidding or for how much. Betting: About £600m is staked on the outcome of the worth more than £250,000. Sponsors range from
2004: Executive chairman of Racing UK The “most critical” issue for securing festival’s 26 races. In 2010, punters drew almost £1.4m bookmakers to financial services, construction, bever-
and chairman of Racecourse Media the commercial future of racing is mod- from the site’s 20 cash points. age and media companies.
Services. ernising the Levy, the rights fee paid by
bookmakers in return for making an Ticket sales: Total gate receipts net an estimated £7m. Prize money: The total prize money for 2011 is £3.4m,
1993: Joins Music Choice, rising to chief income from the sport, following the rise an average of £125,000 per race. About half this
executive of Music Choice Europe by 1999 of “loopholes” such as betting firms mov- Hotels and B&Bs: About 10,000 beds are filled during total comes from the races’ sponsors, with prize
and leading its 2000 flotation. ing offshore to pay less tax on their prof- the festival week, ranging from four-star hotels to local money for the Totesport Cheltenham Gold Cup at
its. In the year to 31 March 2008, the Levy B&Bs. The value to the local Gloucestershire economy £500,000 and prize money for the Stan James
1984: Qualifies as a chartered accountant paid £155m to the Jockey Club; over the is estimated at £50m. Champion Hurdle at £370,000.
at KPMG, rising to become managing same period for this year, the company
director of the company’s media consult- will receive just £60m to £65m. Sponsorship: Overall sponsorship money raised by the Broadcast rights: The broadcast rights are owned by
ing department. “The legislation was drafted in different festival is £1.8m, with the main sponsorship deals all Racecourse Media Group with Channel 4.
days,” says Bazalgette. “If bookies go off-
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 29

2012 tickets: SPORT | IN BRIEF

Vettel to stick with Red Bull
FORMULA ONE: World champion

Ready, set, go Sebastian Vettel has extended his con-

tract with Red Bull and will stay at the
team until 2014. Vettel said: “The reason
why I'll stay until 2014 with Red Bull
Racing is that I feel very comfortable.”

Pakistan through to last eight

Top tips for getting into next year’s event CRICKET: Pakistan secured their World
Cup quarter-final berth with a seven-
wicket victory over Zimbabwe in a rain-

HE ticket application process for tered you are committed to paying, affected Group A clash at Kandy.
the London 2012 Olympic assuming you are allocated a ticket.
Games finally opens today, and For this reason, setting a budget is
they are sure to be hot property
so City A.M. has put together an easy
guide designed to make the process as
also worth considering. Some 2.5m
tickets will cost less than £20, while 90
per cent will be under £100.
easy as possible.
1. IT’S NOT FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED The quickest way to apply for tickets is EGFN<I:?8DG@FEJ?@G
While the application process opens by visiting the official website Jessica Ennis is hoping for 2012 gold in the heptathlon on 4 August Picture: REUTERS Efin`Z_%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  * 9i`jkfc:`kp%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  (
today, it lasts for six weeks (until (, where ?fck)g\e #CXejYlip/0 8[fdX_-,
JlidXe0' 8kk1)+#+)/
11:59pm on 26 April), and only then you will need a valid email address
will tickets be allocated. It is not a case and a Visa debit or credit card.
of first come, first served; if events are Applications can also be made by post @::NFIC;:LG$>IFLG81Q`dYXYn\mGXb`jkXeBXe[p 1
Athletics Usain Bolt defends 100m title on 5 Diving Prodigy Tom Daley’s big days at the Q`dYXYn\(,($.:I<im`e\,) mGXb`jkXe(-+$*8J_X]`h
oversubscribed then all those who using forms available from branches ./ef %GXb`jkXe)gkj Y\XkQ`dYXYn\Yp.nbkj%>IFLG91
apply will go into a ballot after the of Lloyds TSB, with payments made by August, when Chrisitine Ohuruogu goes for Aquatics Centre are 30 July (10m synchro plat-
?fccXe[m9Xe^cX[\j_:_`kkX^fe^ 1?fccXe[(-'IEk\e
closing date. All payments will be Visa card, cheque or postal order. 400m gold. Other home hopefuls Jessica Ennis form) and 11 Aug (individual 10m platform) ;f\jZ_Xk\,*ef m9Xe^cX[\j_(--$+@BXp\j.*ef %
taken after 10 May and successful (heptathlon) and Phillips Idowu (triple jump) Football Wembley hosts men’s and women’s 9Xe^cX[\j_)gkj Y\Xk?fccXe[Yp-nbkj%
applicants will be notified by 24 June. 4. CORPORATE HOSPITALITY take centre stage on 4 and 9 Aug finals on 9 and 11 Aug
The only official channels for travel KF;8PËJ;@8IP
2. PLAN APPLICATIONS CAREFULLY and hospitality are Thomas Cook, Cycling Team sprint and pursuit events on 3 Tennis Andy Murray will be hoping to be in the
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30 Sport CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011

Fergie banks
on Euro
know how
Hamilton won the 2008 title Pic: GETTY

latest star in
Fuller stable United boss insists his
side can handle the
pressure as the run-in

BY FRANK DALLERES begins to heat up
BRITISH former world champion
Lewis Hamilton has joined global
superstars David Beckham, the Spice
Girls and Sir Michael Caine in signing
up to be managed by showbiz mogul MANCHESTER UTD
and Pop Idol creator Simon Fuller.
Hamilton, who is paid £10m a year
by team McLaren, has agreed to be MARSEILLE
represented by Fuller’s company XIX
Entertainment, which also boasts ten-

nis player Andy Murray and actress FOOTBALL

Jennifer Lopez among its clients. BY JAMES GOLDMAN
The move ends a year of uncertain-
ty after the Stevenage driver, 26, MANCHESTER UNITED manager Sir real threat to his side’s Champions any different. We are playing a very be boosted by the return of Nani,
decided he no longer wanted to be Alex Ferguson admits it’s “squeaky League ambitions, but is confident his experienced, powerful Marseille less than a fortnight since he suf-
managed by his father Anthony, who bum time” again as his side aim to players will again thrive on the pres- team. We will have to play well. fered a leg injury – inflicted by an
guided him when he won the 2008 step up their pursuit of the second sure that accompanies matches of “I have watched them twice away awful tackle from Liverpool’s Jamie
world championship. treble of his reign this evening. this magnitude during the decisive from home against Monaco and Carragher – which many feared
“I spoke to many interested compa- United booked their place in the period of the campaign, which against Rennes and they showed the would rule him out for the rest of
nies in recent months, but I felt semi final of the FA Cup at the Ferguson famously labeled “squeaky qualities we will be up against. the season.
Simon and his team not only wanted weekend and maintain a three bum time” during the 2003 run-in. “I thought Marseille were going for “There’s a good chance Nani will
to help me become an even better rac- point lead at the head of the He said: “We are experienced the 0-0 at home I must admit. Maybe be involved,” confirmed Ferguson.
ing driver, but they also shared my Premier League. Tonight attention enough to do what we are doing at they are the ones who are confident. “He and Michael Carrick trained on
ambitions for the longer term,” said turns to continental matters with the moment and that is taking each They are a good team, who will try to Sunday. Both will be involved
Hamilton, who dates pop star Nicole the three-times European Cup win- game as it comes. That’s why the hit us on the counter. tonight.
Scherzinger. ners looking to capitalise on the focus is on Marseille because we “In these games at Old Trafford “The important thing is to have
Fuller, 50, has built up an estimat- goalless draw they secured in know it is going to be a hard game. and a home match in midweek it is all the players fit and available for
ed £350m fortune since starting out Marseille three weeks ago. “It is nice to have a bit of apprehen- always a terrific atmosphere. That the run-in. If we can do that then it
in the music industry. He managed But Ferguson is sage enough to sion about big ties, though. European does help us and hopefully we will will definitely increase our chances
the Spice Girls during their peak and know the French champions offer a games are always that way. It won’t be get the result we want.” United will of winning trophies.”
created the television show Pop Idol,
which spawned a global franchise.
CITYA.M. 15 MARCH 2011 Sport 31

A goalless draw away from home in the first
Tindall expected to be ruled
leg is often regarded as a dangerous scoreline
and United have shown on occasion in the past
why that’s the case. Moreover, even when
they’ve managed to grab an away goal they
out of Grand Slam decider
haven’t always progressed.
Tindall, a veteran of England’s last

RUGBY UNION Grand Slam campaign back in 2003, will
BY JAMES GOLDMAN be assessed further by England medics
when the squad reconvenes at Pennyhill
ENGLAND captain Mike Tindall is today Park today.
expected to be ruled of his side’s Grand If Tindall is, as expected, ruled out of
Slam decider against Ireland on the Dublin clash, Nick Easter would be
Saturday. the leading candidate to captain
Tindall has led Martin Johnson’s side England.
to four consecutive victories in this year’s But England could face a further prob-
1998: United came through unscathed on a RBS 6 Nations in the absence of lem if Banahan is cited for the way
concrete surface in Monaco but their defences Lewis Moody, whose knee ligament he flattened Scotland No8 Kelly
were breached by a David Trezeguet thunder- injury paved the way for the Brown with his forearm.
bolt early in the return leg. Ole Gunnar World Cup winner to captain the Scotland’s head coach Andy
Solskjaer equalised in the second half but Sir team for the first time. Robinson said he will study the
Alex Ferguson’s side exited on away goals. The 32-year-old (right), who was video to see if Banahan had illegal-
winning his 70th cap, injured his ly used his forearm on Brown who
Lehmann fell out with current Arsenal keeper Almunia Picture: REUTERS left ankle in Sunday’s scrappy 22- was carried off with a head injury,
16 victory over Scotland and though he later recovered
was replaced at half- and may face Italy on

Return of Almunia time by Bath power-

house Matt Banahan.
The Gloucester
centre lifted the
If Banahan is
cited and subse-

2000: A superb display from Mark Bosnich

helped United restrict Real Madrid in the
nemesis Lehmann Calcutta Cup but
Twickenham in a

protective boot to
undergo x-rays.
quently banned,
England will be
looking for yet
another option
at centre.
Bernabeu but he was beaten by his own cap-
tain, Roy Keane, early in the return. A Raul

brace stretched Real’s advantage and ren- FOOTBALL Spaniard said in April 2008: “I
dered two late consolation goals irrelevant. BY FRANK DALLERES know he hates me.”
Lehmann’s return risks reopen-
ARSENAL manager Arsene ing old wounds at a time when
Wenger has risked dressing-room Almunia is already fragile, having
unrest by calling on the com- been dropped and then shunned
bustible veteran former Gunners for months but now reinstated
goalkeeper Jens Lehmann to solve following injuries to Lukasz
his injury crisis. Fabianski and Wojciech Szczesny.
Lehmann, 41, is set to come out Arsenal, who can sign
of retirement and rejoin the Lehmann outside the transfer
north London club on a short- window because he is a free
2004: A Benni McCarthy brace turned the term deal as backup to Manuel agent, held talks with him yester-
first leg in Porto on its head, but Paul Scholes’ Almunia, their only fit senior day and hope to complete his
goal in the return looked to be sending United stopper, in one of the most unex- signing before Saturday’s trip to
through, only for Costinha’s last gasp effort to pected moves of the season. West Brom.
send Ferguson’s side crashing out and spark The German hung up his
an infamous touchline jig from Jose Mourinho. gloves last summer, two years HIGHS AND LOWS | LEHMANN
after leaving Arsenal, where he
helped the so-called Invincibles 1988 Makes debut for Schalke
win the 2003-04 Premier League
title without losing a match. 1997 Shootout hero in Uefa Cup final
But while eccentric Lehmann 1998 Begins ill-fated spell at AC Milan
has undoubted pedigree, he noto- 1999 Returns to homeland with Borussia
riously fell out with Almunia, the Dortmund, wins Bundesliga in 2001-02
understudy who ultimately
replaced him, to his chagrin.
2003 Joins Arsenal and plays every game
Lehmann described it as a of Invincibles season, also wins 2005 FA
“humiliation” when he lost the Cup but is dropped in 2007-08
No1 spot to Almunia early in the 2008 Joins Stuttgart, retires in 2010
2007-08 season, while the

Recession Proof my tip


to challenge Cue Card


2012 GAMES: PAGE 29

a competitive handicap so won’t

mind the rough and tumble.
If it goes pear shaped we’ll face a
multi million pound payout, and I’m
so sure my pulse will be racing that
we’re even betting on what my heart
rate peaks at during the race!
The Champion Hurdle is one of the
TIPS FROM THE TOP WITH highlights of the whole week and
many Irish punters will pile into
PADDY POWER Hurricane Fly who has brushed aside
the rest of the Irish challenge.

he first day of The Festival is my Peddler’s Cross is unbeaten over
favourite day, when the tapes go hurdles so can’t be ignored whilst the
up for the Supreme Novices’ forgotten horse is Dunguib and at
Hurdle the crowd erupts – and double figure odds he’s also worth a
we’re off. Cue Card is the hot look each way.
favourite and if he wins Paddy Power
will be refunding losing bets on any
other horse in the race. 18+ Please gamble responsibly. Prices correct at time of going to press.
I also like Recession Proof, he’s won

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