OTI 3 - Final Itinerary

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Thursday - September 2nd: Flight

• Leave LAX at 1 pm

Friday - September 3rd: Jerusalem/Bethlehem

• 5 pm Arrival in Ben-Gurion Airport
• 6 pm Driving to Jerusalem
• 7 pm SHABBAT DINNER at Old City home of Patrick Amar (Aish HaTorah Yeshiva,
Old City Jerusalem) ---
• 10 pm TRAVEL to Bethlehem and check into Holy Family Hotel

Saturday - September 4th: Ramallah/Bethlehem

• 8 am TRAVEL to Ramallah
• 9 am TALK with Sam Bahour (entrepreneur and business man) and Antonio Galli
(USAID representative)
• 11 am TOUR of Mukata – Palestinian Governmental Complex (including Arafat’s
burial site)
• 12 noon LUNCH on Bus
• Visit of Birzeit University, meeting with Professors and Students
• 2:30 pm TALK with Xavier Abu Eid (Communication Advisor, PLO Negotiation Support
• 4 pm TALK with Al Haq representative (Palestinian Human Rights Organization)
• 5 pm Meeting with Dr. Husam Zomlut (Deputy, Central Committee Fatah, PLO
representative to the UK (2003-2008)
• 6 pm Leave for Bethlehem (OTI REFLECTION in Bus)
• 7 pm DINNER with Dabka Band Dancers in Tent restaurant with students (Bethlehem
University) and community members

Sunday - September 5th: Jerusalem/East-Jerusalem

• 8 am Leave hotel for Jerusalem
• 9:15 am Check in Knesset
• 10 am TALK with Ibrahim Sarsur (most senior Arab politician in Knesset, party leader
United Arab List)
• 11:30 pm LUNCH in Bus (sandwiches)
• 12 noon STRATEGIC TOUR with Danny Tirza (architect of the separation barrier) –
including Gilo Settlement
• 2 -5 pm TALK and TOUR of East-Jerusalem with Ir Amim (e.g. Sheik Jarah and Siluan)
• 5:30 pm Meeting with Bill Van Esveld (Analyst for Human Rights Watch)
• 7:00 pm IFTAR DINNER with Khaled Zighari (photojournalist and television producer,
worked for Al-Jazeera and BBC)
o Optional Friday night-prayer for Muslim students at Al-Aqusa mosque
• 10 pm Going out with Bethlehem University students (optional)
Monday - September 6th: Qalqilyah/Haifa
• 8:30 am leave from Bethlehem
• 10 am TALK and TOUR with Avihu Cohen (overview point)
• 11 am Meeting with Mayor of Qalqilyah Marouf Zahran
• 12 noon TOUR of Qalqilyah and the wall surrounding the city with city officials (Nidal)
• 1 pm Leave Qalqilyah
• 2 pm LUNCH at Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, a joint Arab-Israeli owned restaurant
attacked by a suicide bomber, TALK with Tony Mattar (co-owner)
• 4 pm TOUR of terror victim burial site (near Haifa) with Yossi Zur and Ron Kehrmann,
whose children died in a suicide attack on a Bus in Haifa
• 6 pm Check into accommodation in Colony Hotel
• FREE Evening in Haifa

Tuesday - September 7th: Haifa, Sea of Galilee, Golan Heights

(Tour guide for the day Guy Leibovitz)
• 9 am TALK at Beit HaGefen Coexistence Center
• 10-11 am TOUR of Bahai’i Gardens
• 12 am Leave for Sea of Galilea
• 1 am tour of Christian sites (Capernaum, Mount of Beatitudes)
• 2 pm LUNCH at Druze Village plus TALK
• 3 pm TOUR of Golan Heights (Lebanese and Syrian border)
• 6 pm General Alik Ron (former head of the Northern Command, Israeli Police)
• 8 pm Return to Haifa
• 9 pm Dinner in Haifa with OTI Reflection afterwards

Wednesday - September 8th: Jenin and Nablus

• 8am TRAVEL to Jenin
• 10 am TOUR of Jenin refugee camp with Mohammad Sayyed (Popular Committee of
Service – Jenin Camp)
• 11 am MEET with Qadoura Mousa (Governor of Jenin)
• 12 am TRAVEL to Nablus
• 2pm TOUR of Nablus (e.g. inner city, soap factory)
• 3 pm LUNCH in Nablus
• 4 pm MEET with Munib R. Masri (member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and
former Jordanian Cabinet Minister)
• 6 pm Leave Nablus
• 8:30 pm ROSH HASHANA CELEBRATION with Bar-El Family in the Artist Colony of
• 12 am Check into Astoria Hotel in Tiberias

Thursday - September 9th: Jordan

• 6 am TRAVEL to Border
• 7 am CROSSING to Jordan through Sheikh Hussein Crossing (5 hours)
• 12 noon Travel to Amman
• 2 pm TALK (refreshements) with H.E Senator Akel E. Biltaji (Chairman of the Tourism
and Heritage House Committee and a member of the Foreign Relations Committee) at the
Royal Hotel in Amman
• 3:30 pm MEET with Rotaract (Rotary International) members in Jordan; Awwad Al
Da’ajah, Dani N. Fakhouri, Mais Sukkar, Ihab Fakhouri, in the Royal Hotel
• 5:30 pm Check into Larsa Hotel in Amman (8th Circle)
• 7 pm IFTAR/Eid Meal in Jordan (with student family (Tawil Family)
• 8:30 pm MEETING with members of Tawil at their home in Amman
• 10 pm OTI Reflection

Friday - September 10th: Jordan

• 5 am Optional Morning prayers for Muslim students
• 6 am Leaving for Petra (Reflection in Bus)
• 10 am Tour of Petra
• 1 pm Short break for shopping and food
• 2 pm Drive to Karak (Majali Farm)
• 4 pm LUNCH with Majali Family and Bedouin tribe members
• 6 pm return to Amman
• 8 pm Eid Dinner with guests in Amman

Saturday - September 11th: Jordan/Dead Sea

• 8 am SHORT CITY TOUR (viewpoint, Wehat Refugee Camp (with guest speaker)
• 9:30 am Leave Amman
• 10:00 am Mount Moria TOUR
• 11 am Cross border at King Hussein Bridge (Allenby) (2 hours)
• 1 pm Travel to Dead Sea
• 2:30 pm LUNCH at Lot Hotel, Dead Sea
• 3:00 – 5:30 pm Beach/Mud treatment … relaxing
• 5:30 pm TRAVEL to Jerusalem
• 7:30 pm TALK (refreshments) with Dr. Abdul Malik Al-Jaber (CEO Zain, member of the
board of the World Economic Forum) at the American Colony Hotel (East-Jerusalem)
• 9 pm DINNER in East-Jerusalem
• 9:30 pm Leave for Tel Aviv
• 10:30 pm Check into accommodations – Sea Net Hotel

Sunday - September 12th: Tel Aviv/Jaffa/Ariel Settlement

• 10:00 am TRAVEL to Ariel Settlement
• 10:30 am TOUR with Avi Zimmerman (Executive Director, American Friends of Ariel)
• 11 am TALK with Evacuee/Settler from Gaza
• 12 noon MEET with Palestinian Factory worker at the Ariel Industrial Park
• 1:15 pm return to Tel Aviv (Lunch in Bus)
• 2 pm TALK with Pini Meidan (former officer, national intelligence agency of Israeli
(Mossad) and Foreign Policy adviser. He was a member of the permanent status
negotiating team under PM Barak in 1999-2001 - Taba talks in January 2001) at hotel
• 3:30 – 4:00 pm BREAK
• 4 pm TALK with Dr. Yossi Beilin (former MK and Israeli justice minister) at hotel
• 5:30 – 6:00 pm BREAK
• 6 pm TALK with Professor Galia Golan (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC),
founder/member Peace Now, former Meretz MK and Executive) at hotel
• 8 pm OTI Reflection
• 9 pm DINNER at Dr. Shakshuki Old Town Jaffa with students from Tel Aviv University
and IDC Herzliya
• 11 pm Optional Night Tour

Monday - September 13th: Tel Aviv/Jerusalem

• FREE Morning = time for shopping or going to the beach
• 1 pm check out of hotel
• 1:30 pm TALK/PANEL with Amos Harel (Haaretz covered the Gaza conflict and
“breaking the silence) and members from Breaking the Silence
• 3 pm IDF soldier/special forces (Yuval Geisman) with a different perspective
• 4 pm Travel to next location
• 4:30 pm TOUR/TALK of Natal (Trauma Center) with Ifat Morad
• 6:00 pm TRAVEL to Jerusalem
• 7:30 pm Check into accommodation at Lutheran Guesthouse
• 8:00 pm DINNER and OTI REFLECTION in Jerusalem Old City

Tuesday - September 14th: Hebron/Efrat

• 8:30 am TRAVEL to Hebron
• 9:30 am TALK and TOUR with David Wilder (Spokesperson Jewish Community)
• 11:30 am TALK and TOUR of Hebron City Center with Walid S. Abu-Alhalaweh (PR
Director, Hebron Rehabilitation Committee)
• 1 pm LUNCH at in Hebron (time to shop and meet locals)
• 3:00 pm Leave for Efrat
• 3:30 pm Visit of nearby settlement outpost (Karmei Zur)
• 4:00 pm PANEL with Efrat residents (A. Friedman)
• 6:00 pm RETURN to Jerusalem with REFLECTION on bus
• 7:00 pm TALK/DINNER with Parents Circle
• FREE Evening

Wednesday - September 15th: West-Jerusalem

• 9 am MEET with Holocaust Survivor at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial
• 10:00 am Tour of Yad Vashem
• 12 noon LUNCH in Yad Vashem
• 2 pm TALK with Hamad Amar (Knesset Member Ysrael Beitenu)
• 4 pm TALK with Ahmed El-Sadat (First Secretary of the Egyptian Embassy, grandson of
former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat)
• 5 pm FREE AFTERNOON for shopping and relaxing
• 7:00 pm DINNER in Jerusalem with Hebrew University students in the Old City
• 8:30 pm TALK with Gidi Grinstein (President and founder of the Reut Institute) at
Lutheran Guesthouse
Thursday - September 16th: Gaza/Sderot/Jerusalem
• 7 am TRAVEL to Kerem Shalom (Gaza Crossing)
• 9 am TOUR at Kerem Shalom, presentation by COGAT Commander
• 10:30 am Gaza overview in bus with Avihu Cohen while driving to Sderot
• 12:15 am TOUR of Sderot (police station (old rockets), rocket shelter, …)
• 1:30 pm LUNCH with John Ging (Director of UNRWA in Gaza)
• 3 pm Return to Jerusalem with OTI REFLECTION in bus
• 4:00 pm TALK with Ashley Perry (Senior Advisor, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister)
• 5:30 pm TOWNHALL MEETING with One Voice Israel and Palestine at YMCA
• 7:00 pm DINNER with One Voice activists in Jerusalem afterwards FREE Evening

Friday - September 17th: Bethlehem/Jerusalem

• 7 - 8 am Optional – visit Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque
• 9:00 am TALK with Zoughbi Zoughbi (director of Wi’am – Palestinian Conflict
Resolution Center)
• 10 am TALK with Yusef Thalgieh (father of a Palestinian boy who got killed by the
Israeli Defense Forces at sons grave site) at Wi’am
• 11 am Dedication of playground (planting of an OLIVE TREE) at Wi’am park
• 11:30 am TALK/TOUR of Aida Refugee Camp
• 12:30 pm TALK with Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh at Bethlehem University
• 1:30 pm TALK and TOUR with George S. Rishmawi (coordinator/cofounder Siraj Center
for Holy Land Studies, former International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activist) of Old
Town Bethlehem (Church of Nativity, Mosque of Omar)
• 2 pm LUNCH/TALK with Carmen Nasser (Bethlehem resident who lost her business
through the wall/separation barrier) at her restaurant
• 3:00 pm return to Jerusalem
• 4:00 pm DINNER in Jerusalem before sundown because of Yom Kippur
• FREE EVENING (optional services for Jewish Students)

Saturday - September 18th: Jerusalem - Reflection

• FREE DAY - Yom Kippur
• 7 pm Celebration Dinner

Sunday – September 19th: Flight Home

• 8:30 am MEETING with Mazen Sinokrot (CEO Sinokrot Group, former PA minister of
National Economy (till 2006)
• 9:30 am TOUR Old City Jerusalem – All Quarters (Muslim, Jewish, Christian and
Armenia) and Kotel tunnel with guide Guy Leibovitz
• 11- 1 pm FREE TIME for packing and last minute shopping
• 1 pm TALK with Mark Regev (spokesperson for the Israeli prime minister) at guesthouse
• 3 pm DISCUSSION with Dan Avnon (Director, The Federmann School of Public Policy
& Government, Hebrew University) at guesthouse
• 4 pm FINAL OTI REFLECTION in the garden of the Lutheran Guesthouse
• 6 pm Final Goodbye Dinner
• 7:30 pm Drive to Tel Aviv Airport
Flight leaves at 11:35 pm –DL 269 (arrival in Santa Ana/OC at 11:44 am on September 20th)

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