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Works Cited

Eleanora Kamerow, “Artists Against Poverty.” The Borgen Project, 2019, 9 March 2021.

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Gene Falk, “Unemployment Rates During the COVID-19 Pandemic: In Brief.” Congressional

Reseach Service, 2021, 9 March 2021.

“Homelessness in the Untied States: The federal Government’s Annual Census of Housed

People.” Congressional Digest,

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S.H. Wilson, G.M. Walker, “Unemployment and health: The Review.” Science Direct, 1993, 8 March 2021.

Statista research department, “Poverty Rate in the United States from 1990 to 2019.”, 2020,

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Von Dohlen HB, Moore J, Von Dohlen, LJ, Thrift BE, “Aspiring Administrators’ Knowledge

and Leadership Capacity to Issues of Poverty and Homelessness in Schools.” Journal of

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. 2019, vol 3, no 2.

Stansel 2

direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1233793&site=ehost-live. 6 March 2021.

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