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Ngaruawahia High School

School ID: 127
Ngaruawahia High School will be our community’s school of choice by providing a future-focused,
global education empowering all.
Tuupara te hoe kia kotahi ai taatou
Let us paddle in unison to move forward together.
Whakamana te tangata naa te: Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, me to kotahitanga
Strategic Goals 2019-2021

Strategic Goal 1 Strategic Goal 2 Strategic Goal 3

To build responsive connections To ensure excellent outcomes and To build responsive systems and
opportunities for all students processes
Rationale: The Board believes that all students Rationale: The Board’s vision is that all students Rationale: The Board is committed to ensuring
will benefit from strong, reciprocal relationships will progress in their learning journey, being that systems and processes within the kura have
between stakeholders. These relationships will empowered to make decisions about their the learner at the centre, and meet community
ensure that the hauora and safety needs of all are pathway. All students will have access to a expectations and all legislative requirements.
recognised and met. In order to be responsive to challenging curriculum that is based on every
students’ needs, staff will draw on a range of person achieving excellence. Expectation: The Board is committed to a
evidence to inform decision making. process of review to ensure that systems and
Expectation: The Board is committed to processes are robust.
Expectation: The Board is committed to providing a responsive, localised curriculum that
strengthening relationships with Turangawaewae encourages excellence. Students are supported
Marae and collaborating with students, staff, and challenged both academically and socially.
whaanau, community and iwi. Teachers will All staff value learning and consistently build
collaborate across Ngaruawahia High School to upon their knowledge and implementation of
share strategies, evidence and data to strengthen cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy.
learning experiences.
2021 Schoolwide Targets
● Year 9 Reading: All students operating below the expected curriculum level are to advance through the literacy progressions by at least 3
● Year 10 Reading: All students operating below the expected curriculum level are to advance through the literacy progressions by at least 3
● Literacy and Numeracy: All level 1 students will achieve Literacy and Numeracy
● Accelerated Learning in Literacy: A designation of staff will attend ALL training sessions and implement the strategies learnt in their classes to
accelerate learning.
● Accelerated Learning in Maths: A designation of staff will attend ALiM training sessions and implement the strategies learnt in their classes to
accelerate learning.
● Endorsement: Improve Level 1 and Level 2 Overall Certificate Endorsements by 50% of 2020 results
● Retention: Increase retention rates of students up to 17 years of age to at least the decile one average. (Maori 65%, Pakeha 72%, Asian 89%,
Pacific 79%)
● Attendance: Increase the proportion of students attending 80% + of the time by 5% from 2020 results. (JBA to fill in 80% data for 2020)

Annual Plan 2021

Strategic Goal 1: To build responsive connections

Goal Actions Outcomes Led by By when
1. To create the ● Further strengthen ● Te Reo Maaori is DP curriculum Term 1
conditions that relationships with compulsory for
empower Maaori our contributing Years 9, 10 and 11
students to achieve schools through
success as Maaori. the kahui Ako by ● Students and staff Board of Trustees, Principal, Ongoing
improving have a strong sense DP’s
communication of their cultural
and increasing the identity and the
sharing of self-belief that they
information. can be successful. Ongoing

● Develop authentic ● The school is DP Pastoral

relationships inclusive of all DP Curriculum (reporting)
between the cultures. Ongoing
school, whaanau
and the community ● The school works in Hub teachers
by organizing partnership with BOT
Kaumatua led whaanau
collaborative hui.

● Hub teachers to
relationships with
whaanau through

● Ensure that all

students, staff and
whaanau are
conversant with
the Leavers vision
and learners
actively pursue its

● Gather staff and

student voice
around the
possibility of
introducing an
additional school
value -

2. Teachers will ● Teachers of ● Teachers plan using Teachers, Leaders of Term 1

collaborate across compulsory a common Learning
Ngāruawahia High subjects at Year 9, template.
School to share 10 and 11 meet
strategies, evidence regularly to share ● Students know Teachers, Leaders of Term 1
and data to data, effective what they are Learning
enhance learning strategies, student learning, why they
experiences. progress, are learning it and
achievement, what their next
pastoral care and steps are.
● All staff identify Teachers Term 1
● Build teacher target students in
capacity to use a their planning and
range of evidence implement
to make effective deliberate acts of
overall teacher teaching.
● Regular
● Build teacher walkthroughs Ongoing
capability to use carried out by SLT
data to inform next and LOL’s to Leaders of Learning, SLT
steps of learning for ascertain to what
students. extent the ETP is
being consistently
implemented by

● Trends/areas for
improvement SLT Ongoing
identified through
walkthrough data
to ensure targeted
staff and individual
teacher PLD.

● Improved SAT, target group mentors,

communication SLT Term 1 initially, then
between target Leaders of Learning ongoing
students, their
whaanau and their
mentors so Term 1 for first assessment
stakeholders can matrix, then all matrices
work completed by Term 4.
collaboratively to
progress. Ongoing
Teachers input OTJ’s in
● Assessment is Leaders of Learning, DP Weeks 3 and 8 of each Term.
consistent across curriculum, AP Teachers input Hellison’s
the school using grades into Kamar weekly.
curriculum levels.

● Reporting to Teachers
parents is
consistent and Ongoing
clear, showing
progress made in
Literacy, numeracy
and specific
curriculum areas. Ongoing

● Teachers report on AP, DP curriculum

dispositions using
Hellison’s model.

● Whaanau can
access real time
reporting via the
Kamar parent

3. Ensure reciprocity ● Leaders of Learning ● Time is allocated in Principal, SLT Ongoing

of communication to ensure clear staff meetings for
and collaboration communication to teachers to discuss
between SLT and staff during any issues in a safe
staff. department space. Concerns
meetings. will be brought
back to DP pastoral
● Begin to approach by the ppta rep.
management from ● Staff are fully DP curriculum (in charge of
the ground up informed and feel PLD)
rather than from included in making
the top down. decisions.

● Conduct regular ● Teachers Principal, SLT, Leaders of Ongoing

classroom consistently Learning
walkthroughs and demonstrate the
provide teachers ETP.
feedback/feedforw ● Robust appraisal of Vicky McLennan
ard. SLT.

Strategic Goal 2: To ensure excellent outcomes and opportunities for all students
1. All students will ● Further develop ● Consistent Leaders of Learning, DP Term 1
progress in their teachers’ planning across the curriculum
learning journey understanding of curriculum.
and be empowered Student Focussed
to make decisions Methodology (SFM) ● Classroom practice Leaders of Learning, SLT Term 4
about their is improved
pathway. ● Continue to through the
develop teacher implementation of
capability to the ETP.
improve literacy
and numeracy ● Improved capacity Leaders of Learning, DP Ongoing
across the for all teachers to curriculum, AP
curriculum through deliver effective
PLD. literacy strategies
across the
● Identify needs of curriculum.
diverse learners,
including gifted ● Increased student Leaders of Learning, DP Ongoing
and talented agency and curriculum, DP curriculum
students, and whaanau
develop Individual engagement.
learning plans
(ILP’s) ● Differentiated Leaders of Learning, DP Ongoing
programmes that curriculum
● Co-construct a meet the needs of
meaningful all learners.
advisory and
academic ● Students set goals, Leaders of Learning, DP Term 4
mentoring are mentored, and curriculum, SAT
programme with have their progress
staff. monitored
regularly to ensure
they achieve their

● Hub mentors DP pastoral Term 2

upskilled around

● More student DP curriculum Ongoing

choice and voice,
particularly around
subjects selection.
2. Implement and ● Develop a ● Planning is Leaders of Learning, DP Ongoing
embed the consistent learning consistent and curriculum
Effective Teacher and assessment reflects identified
Profile framework. strategies.

● Continue PLD with ● Effective teaching Leaders of Learning, SLT Ongoing

Jo Wilson to and literacy
improve leadership strategies are seen
of middle leaders. and heard in all
● Support LOLs
through SAT and ● Walkthrough data Leaders of Learning, SLT Ongoing
PLD to build continues to track
capacity to gather, upwards.
analyse and
disseminate data to ● Students Leaders of Learning Ongoing
improve student understand what
outcomes. they are learning
and why, what they
have learnt and
what their next
steps are.

● Data is gathered, Leaders of learning, SLT Term 4

analysed and used
to improve student
3. Conclude ● Attend PLD around ● Localised DP curriculum Term 1
school-wide NCEA changes and curriculum
curriculum review work with LOL’s to framework aligned
and develop begin planning for to learning
localised 2021/2022 principles and
curriculum that is school values is
responsive to the ● Analyse a range of developed.
needs of our data including
students. attendance, ● All Year 9, 10 and 11 DP curriculum, DP pastoral Term 1
retention and students will take
achievement to Te Reo Maaori.
determine to what
extent the ● Improved
curriculum is achievement rates DP curriculum, Principal Ongoing
meeting the needs at NCEA Levels 1-3
of our students. and University
● Conclude
whole-school ● Programmes are DP curriculum Term 1
curriculum review responsive to the
and implement needs of students
changes and provide

● A consistent Leaders of Learning, DP Term 4

framework for curriculum.
learning and
assessment in the
junior school

● Staff will be familiar Leaders of Learning, DP Term 1

with changes to curriculum
NCEA assessments
and Leaders of
Learning will begin
programmes of
learning for 2022.
● 3 areas of focus to Principal, DP curriculum, DP Ongoing
improve retention pastoral
will be identified
and staff will be
consulted around
developing a wrap
around retention

Strategic Goal 3: To build responsive systems and processes

Embed all systems, ● Gather staff voice ● All teachers actively Principal, DP curriculum Ongoing
processes, practices and around PLD needs. engage in an
documentation to bring agentic
clarity, consistency and ● Organise and professional
effectiveness to all areas of deliver specific PLD learning
school operation and designed to upskill programme to
performance. LOL’s and build support personal
their capacity to growth and
1. Professional lead change. contribute to the
learning and growth of others.
● All staff actively
involve student
voice in their
personal and

2. Professional ● Implement ● All staff are familiar DP curriculum Term 4

Growth Cycle Professional with the
Growth Cycle in requirements for
February 2021 teacher registration
and certification.
● All staff complete
an evidence
portfolio and have
at least one lesson
observation a year.

3. Attendance ● Ensure all staff are ● Improved student DP pastoral Ongoing

following processes attendance.
and expectations
for recording ● High end students DP pastoral Ongoing
absences and are referred to
reporting on integrated
attendance to staff, attendance service.
students and BOT.
● Focus on DP pastoral Ongoing
● Identify, monitor attendance visible
and actively within the school,
intervene to lift the including
attendance of celebrations.
target students.
● Attendance, DP pastoral Ongoing
● Whaanau liaison absences, truancy
officer to work with information
students and reported regularly
families. to the board.

● Review impact of

4. Raise retention ● Gather and analyse ● Improved retention Principal, DP pastoral, DP Term 1
rates. leaver’s data to see rates (students curriculum, AP
the percentage of remaining at school
students who are until they are 17)
on meaningful
pathways 2 and 5 ● Improved Term 1
years after they academic
leave school. outcomes for
school leavers.
● Develop a goal
setting, academic ● Alumni group Term 1
mentoring and established.

● Develop a wrap
around student Term 3
retention plan.

5. Pastoral ● Embed overarching ● Students with Senco, LSC, DP pastoral Ongoing

framework for diverse learning
learning support. needs are
identified and
● Improve appropriately
communication catered for to
between learning achieve success.
support and
classroom ● Whaanau are active Pastoral leaders, DP Ongoing
teachers. participants in their pastoral, Senco, LSC
child’s learning
● Establish an journey.
programme to ● A clear and DP pastoral, pastoral Ongoing
deliver the consistent student leaders
dispositional management
curriculum and system based on
develop restorative practice
employability principles is in
skills. place.

● Provide positive ● Students have DP pastoral Ongoing

opportunities to access to a range of
engage with support and health
whaanau around services.
student needs.
● Systems are in DP pastoral Ongoing
place to ensure the
wellbeing of all
students and staff.

6. Policies and ● Socialise policies ● All staff have access

Procedures and procedures to policies and
across the school. procedures on staff
drive and in the
● A cycle of policy staff handbook.
review is
implemented. ● All staff are familiar
with and
implement Health
and Safety
procedures in line
with policies.

● Accident and
Hazard register is
updated regularly.

● A Covid
contingency plan is
in place.

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