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Q1 The breakeven point is a point where

(a) Expenses is less than revenue

(b) Revenue is greater than expenses
(c) Sales equal to cost price
(d) There is no loss and profit
(e) Variable cost equals fixed cost

Q2 The routine financial need of an organization is (Answer 3)

(a) Short term √

(b) Long range
(c) Long term √
(d) Quassi term
(e) Medium term √

Q3 The Life of every business is (RISK)__

Q4 In market segmentation, an entrepreneur considers all except

(a) Income
(b) Lifestyle
(c) Qualification
(d) Class
(e) Age

Q5 (CREATIVITY)_ drives a business

Q6 All these are instruments of Financing in an organization Except

(a) Lease
(b) High Purchase
(c) Debenture
(d) Personal Finance
(e) Stock

Q7 The following are valuable business assets of an organization (Answer 3)

(a) Copyrights √
(b) Trademarks √
(c) Patents √
(d) Products
(e) Trade Secrets
Q8 When a product has reached Maturity stage, in its lifecycle, an Entrepreneur can engage in

(a) Incremental Innovation

(b) Breakthrough Innovation
(c) Technology Innovation
(d) Radical Innovation
(e) Pioneering Innovation

Q9 The distinction in a product is called

(a) Integration
(b) Calculus
(c) Maximization
(d) Differentiation
(e) Minimization

Q10 When there is a recession, how can an entrepreneur induce sales:

(a) Price Skewing

(b) Personal Selling
(c) Product Manipulation
(d) Promotion
(e) Neon Signs

Q11 The financial needs of an organization are (answer 3)

(a) Profit term

(b) Brief term
(c) Long term √
(d) Short Term √
(e) Medium term √

Q12 The 21st Century is the era of __________

Q13 The following are a successful venture lifecycle Except

(a) Survey stage

(b) Rapid growth stage
(c) Infant stage
(d) Stand-up stage
(e) Development stage

Q14 A short term loan can be gotten from _________

Q15 A Long term loan can be gotten from _________

Q16 The use of electronic means to conduct business is known as E-COMMERCE_

Q17 The 4 P’s of marketing includes the following Except

(a) Product
(b) Place
(c) Price
(d) Promotion
(e) Person

Q18 An Entrepreneur will use the following to reach large number of consumers Except

(a) Magazine
(b) Radio
(c) Telephone
(d) Television
(e) Newspaper

Q19 _ENTREPRENUER_ add value to the society

Q20 The following are included in the financial analysis of business plan Except

(a) Performa Balance Sheet

(b) Organization Chart
(c) Performa Cash flow
(d) Performa income statement
(e) Break even analysis

Q21 In scouting for opportunities, the following are the various sources (answer 3)

(a) Political Changes

(b) Crises and bubbles. √
(c) Technological changes
(d) Demographical Trend or changes. √
(e) Social trends or Changes. √

Q22 An Entrepreneur is a Risk

(a) Lever
(b) Neutral
(c) Balancer
(d) Lover
(e) Averter
Q23 Which of the following is not among the four P’s of marketing?

(a) Product
(b) Place
(c) Price
(d) Production
(e) Promotion

Q24 In entering a new market, a new venture can use;

(a) Growth strategy

(b) Re-structuring strategy
(c) Vision strategy
(d) Management strategy
(e) Price strategy

Q25 The name a business made over the year is called

(a) Patent
(b) Royalty
(c) Trademark
(d) Goodwill
(e) Depreciation

Q26 In Nigeria, a company can improve a foreign product by REPACKAGING

Q27 Capitalist depend on ENTREPRENUERS

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