Reflective Essay FR

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Jacqueline Castillo

Professor Hugetz


May 11, 2021

Reflecting on my composition course

The word that would describe this semester would be interesting to say the least. It was

full of ups and downs but at the end of the day I am thankful for those experiences as they have

taught me many lessons that I will keep with me for the rest of my life. During the semester, I

became a better writer. I accomplished work that I never would’ve thought I could’ve done. In

this course I was able to make multiple websites on one of my passions. These websites should

help those who struggle with mental illness. My passion project and redux proposal websites

allowed for my skills as a writer to flourish.

A website was used for my passion project as the medium. I chose this medium as it

allowed my creativity to show through the design of the website. The target of my website would

be teenagers who suffer with mental health and find it hard to control their illness. To attend their

needs or interests I took concepts such as music food, and routines and gave them a modern twist

of creativeness. I know that teenagers are drawn to dull or tiring subjects, so I chose to

implement videos that would get the point across better. I hope that the reaction of the audience

will be positive as I would like to make a change even if it is small. I changed the view of my

website at least 5 times. I couldn’t find the perfect fit which angered me at some point as I

wanted the website to be perfect. I eventually found the perfect background and color palette

which added to the beauty and calmness of my website. One highlight of my experience was the

feeling of completing the website. This project had taken me about 2 months to finish and it was
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worth it. I personally love how it looks. One major strength that my website has is the ability to

calm anyone who sees it. All of the people that have seen the website have said that it creates a

calm aesthetic, and they love how it makes them feel. One weakness that I consider is present in

my website is the limited amount of information present. I did include about four pages worth of

information but since mental health is a broad topic, I feel that there were more topics to talk

about that relate to mental health. However, I stand by my work and feel that I have done well.

What I learned when writing the script for my website was that I can come up with upper-level

synonyms on my own, the use of internet is not needed anymore. I have my composition class to

thank for this skill.

In my redux proposal website, I could see my skills of shortening down essays present.

This might not be a very common skill, but I could tell that I could easily cut down or take the

main ideas of each paragraph and reduce the word count. I feel that this skill could be necessary

when I get huge amounts of information and need to narrow it down to find the main topics or

points. The target for my casual proposal was everyone who would like to know more about

mental health. My essay provides information and solutions that could potentially solve the need

for mental health awareness. One moment that I feel influenced my writing was self-reflecting

on my own experience with mental health. The feeling of being impotent and feeling like no one

cares can cause a lot of damage. Overall, my redux proposal project did come out the way I

expected it even with all of the complications that I experienced. Something I would do

differently is take more time to work on it because I am not sure if all of the grammar and

spelling errors were corrected. I would’ve liked more time to just look over it and perfect little

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I experienced many emotions this semester, but I am thankful because I am so close to

finishing this course. I am also thankful for all the lessons that this course has taught me. I am

proud of my work and will always stand by it.

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