CH 03

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Modeling Electrical and Electromechanical Systems

3.1 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: inductor L and capacitor C. Therefore,
start with the two respective first-order ODEs:

Inductor: LIL  eL Capacitor: CeC  I C

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (go clockwise, CW) yields

 eC  eL  0 or eL  eC

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the top node connecting RLC branches yields
I R  I L  IC  0  IC  I R  I L   IL
Applying KVL to the left loop yields  eR  eL  ein (t )  0

Solving for resistor voltage: eR  ein (t )  eL  ein (t )  eC

ein (t )  eC
Finally, substituting eL  eC and I C   I L in the two ODEs we obtain

LIL  eC  0
RC eC  eC  RI L  ein (t ) Mathematical model

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 3

3.2 The circuit contains one energy-storage element: inductor L. Therefore, start with the
respective first-order ODE: LIL  eL

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (CW) yields

 eL  eR  0 or eL  eR  RI R

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the top node connecting RL branches yields

I in (t )  I R  I L  0  I R  I in (t )  I L resistor current

Substituting for eL (using IR and ultimately in terms of Iin(t) and IL) in the ODE gives

LIL  RI L  RI in (t ) Mathematical model

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Chapter 3

3.3 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: inductor L and capacitor C. Therefore,
start with the two respective first-order ODEs:

Inductor: LIL  eL Capacitor: CeC  I C

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (CW) yields

 eC  eL  0 or eL  eC

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the top node connecting RC branches yields

I in (t )  I L  I C  0  I C  I in (t )  I L

Finally, substituting these expressions for eL and IC into the two ODEs we obtain

LIL  eC  0
CeC  I L  I in (t ) Mathematical model

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 3

3.4 The circuit contains one energy-storage element: capacitor C. Therefore, start with the
respective first-order ODE: CeC  I C

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the top node connecting RC branches yields

I in (t )  I R  I C  0  I C  I in (t )  I R capacitor current

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (CW) yields

 eC  eR  0 or eR  eC  RI R  I R  eC / R resistor current

Substituting for IC (written in terms of Iin(t) and eC) in the ODE yields

RC eC  eC  RI in (t ) Mathematical model

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 3

3.5 The circuit contains one energy-storage element: capacitor C. Therefore, start with the
respective first-order ODE: CeC  I C

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the top node connecting R1C branches yields

I in (t )  I R1  I C  0  I C  I in (t )  I R1  I in (t )  eR1 / R1 capacitor current

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (CW) yields

 eC  eR2  eR1  0 or  eC  R2 I C  eR1  0 (using Ohm’s law)

Substituting for current IC (from the KCL equation) into the KVL equation we obtain

 
 eC  R2 I in (t )  eR1 / R1  eR1  0 or eR1 1  R2 / R1   eC  R2 I in (t )

Solve the above expression for voltage eR1 and substitute the result into the capacitor current
equation I C  I in (t )  eR1 / R1 . After some algebra, we obtain

I C  I in (t ) 
eC  R2 I in (t ) 
R1  R2

Finally, substitute the above expression for IC in the capacitor ODE (after some algebra)

( R1  R2 )CeC  eC  R1I in (t ) Mathematical model (same model as Problem

3.4 if resistor R2 = 0)

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Chapter 3

3.6 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: capacitors C1 and C2. Therefore, start with
the two first-order ODEs:

Capacitor 1: C1eC1  I C1 Capacitor 2: C2eC2  I C2

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the node connecting R1R2C1 yields

I R1  I C1  I C2  0

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (go clockwise, CW) yields

 eR2  eC2  eC1  0 or, using Ohm’s law:  R2 I C2  eC2  eC1  0

eC1  eC2
Therefore, the current through capacitor C2 is I C2  (A)

Substituting the above expression into the KCL (node) equation and solving for capacitor C1
current yields
eC1  eC2 eR1 eC1  eC2
I C1  I R1  or, using Ohm’s law for I R1 : I C1  
R2 R1 R2

Applying KVL to the left loop yields  eR1  eC1  ein (t )  0 or eR1  ein (t )  eC1

Substituting the above KVL expression into the node equation the current I C1 becomes

ein (t )  eC1 eC1  eC2

I C1   (B)
R1 R2

Finally, substituting Eqs. (A) and (B) into the two ODEs (after some algebra) gives us

1 1  1 1
C1eC1    eC1  eC2  ein (t )
 R1 R2  R2 R1
1 1
C2 eC2  eC2  eC1  0 Mathematical model
R2 R2

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Chapter 3

3.7 The circuit contains three energy-storage elements: C1, C2, and L. Therefore, start with the
three first-order ODEs:

Capacitor 1: C1eC1  I C1 Capacitor 2: C2 eC2  I C2  I L Inductor: LIL  eL

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the “inner” loop (go CW) we obtain

 eC1  eL  eC2  ein (t )  0 or eL  ein (t )  eC1  eC2 (inductor voltage)

To obtain capacitor C1 current, apply Kirchhoff’s current law (KLC) to the node at the junction of

I R  I C1  I L  0 or I C1  I L  I R  I L  eR / R (using Ohm’s law for IR)

We see that resistor voltage eR is equal to capacitor voltage eC1 since the small loop is a parallel
circuit (we could apply KVL to the small loop). Therefore I C1  I L  eC1 / R

Substituting the above expression for I C1 , I C2  I L , and eL  ein (t )  eC1  eC2 into the three
first-order ODEs to obtain the complete model in terms of eC1 , eC1 , IL, and ein(t):

C1eC1  eC  I L  0
R 1
C2eC2  I L  0 Mathematical model
LI  e  e  e (t )
L C1 C2 in

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Chapter 3

3.8 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: C and L. Therefore, start with the two
first-order ODEs:

Capacitor: CeC  I C Inductor: LIL  eL

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the bottom node connecting LR2R3 yields

I R2  I C  I L  0 or I C  I L  I R2  I L  eR2 / R2 (using Ohm’s law)

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (go CW) we obtain

 eC  eR3  eR2  0 or, eR2  eC  eR3  eC  R3 I C (R2 voltage)

Substitute the KCL (node) equation for capacitor current IC into the KVL equation:

eR2  eC  R3 I L  eR2 / R2  or eR2 
R2  R3
eC  R3 I L 

Using the above expression the capacitor current (bottom node equation) becomes

IC  I L 
eC  R3 I L   R2 I L  1 eC (A)
R2  R3 R2  R3 R2  R3

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the left loop (go CW) we obtain

 eR1  eR2  eL  ein (t )  0 or, eL  ein (t )  eR1  eR2 (inductor voltage)

Resistor R1 voltage drop is eR1  R1 I R1 (Ohm’s law), and the resistor current I R1  I L .
Substituting for current I R1  I L and voltage eR2 in the left-loop KVL equation yields

eL  ein (t )  R1 I L 
eC  R3 I L 
R2  R3

R1 R2  R1 R3  R2 R3 R2
Or, after some algebra eL  ein (t )  IL  eC (B)
R2  R3 R2  R3

Finally, substituting Eqs. (A) and (B) into the two ODEs (and some algebra) yields

( R2  R3 )CeC  eC  R2 I L  0
( R2  R3 ) LIL  ( R1 R2  R1 R3  R2 R3 ) I L  R2 eC  ( R2  R3 )ein (t ) Mathematical model

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 3

3.9 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: L and C.

Inductor: LIL  eL Capacitor: CeC  I C

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the top node connecting RC yields

I in (t )  I L  I C  0 or I C  I in (t )  I L (capacitor current)

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the right loop (go CW) we obtain

 eC  eL  eR  0 or, eL  eC  eR  eC  RI L (using Ohm’s law)

Finally, substituting for capacitor current and inductor voltage in the two ODEs yields

LIL  RI L  eC  0
CeC  I L  I in (t ) Mathematical model

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Chapter 3

3.10 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: L and C. Therefore, start with the two
respective first-order ODEs:

Inductor: LIL  eL Capacitor: CeC  I C

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the node connecting R1LC yields
I R1  I L  I C  0 or I C  I R1  I L   IL (capacitor current)
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the outer loop (go CW) we obtain

 eR1  eC  ein (t )  0 or, eR1  ein (t )  eC

Substituting the above expression into the KCL (node) equation we obtain

ein (t )  eC
IC   IL (A)

We obtain inductor voltage eL by using KVL around the lower loop (go CW):

 eR2  eL  eC  ein (t )  0 or, eL  ein (t )  eR2  eC  ein (t )  R2 I L  eC (B)

Finally, substituting Eqs. (A) and (B) into the two first-order ODEs we obtain

LIL  R2 I L  eC  ein (t )
R1CeC  eC  R1I L  ein (t ) Mathematical model

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Chapter 3

3.11 The nonlinear inductor current is I L ( )  97.33  4.2

Because the circuit has one energy-storage element (inductor L) the sole ODE written in terms of
magnetic flux linkage () is

  eL

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) around the loop (go CW) we obtain

 eL  eR  ein (t )  0 or, eL  ein (t )  RI L (using Ohm’s law)

Finally, substituting the nonlinear current expression IL() into the above equation, and then
substituting the resulting expression for eL into the first-order ODE gives us

  R(97.33  4.2 )  ein (t ) Nonlinear model in terms of

magnetic flux linkage 

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Chapter 3

3.12 The desired model for the series RC circuit is RCeO  eO  RCein (t )

The basic capacitor ODE is CeC  I

Case 1: let output voltage be capacitor voltage, or eO  eC . Therefore, the capacitor ODE is

CeO  I

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) around the loop (go CW) we obtain

ein (t )  eO
 eR  eO  ein (t )  0 or, eR  ein (t )  eO  RI  I

Therefore the capacitor ODE becomes RC eO  eO  ein (t )  does not match model; eO  eC

Case 2: let output voltage be resistor voltage, or eO  eR . Therefore, the capacitor ODE is

CeC  I 

Note that KVL tells us that capacitor voltage is eC  ein (t )  eO . Taking a time derivative of this
equation gives us eC  ein (t )  eO which can be substituted into the above capacitor ODE to yield

C (ein (t )  eO )  or, RC eO  eO  RC ein (t ) (matches given model)  eO = eR

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Chapter 3

3.13 First, consider the time interval 0  t  1 where the switch is in the “1” position.

The basic inductor ODE is LIL  eL . Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) around the loop
that contains R1, L, and voltage source ein(t) we obtain

 eR1  eL  ein (t )  0 or, eL  ein (t )  eR1  ein (t )  R1 I L (using Ohm’s law)

Substituting the above expression for eL in the inductor ODE we obtain

LIL  R1I L  ein (t ) Mathematical model for 0  t  1

(switch position “1”)

For time interval t  1 the switch is in the “2” position and the circuit consists of resistors R1 and
R2, and inductor L (no voltage source). Applying KVL around the loop we obtain

 eR1  eL  eR2  0 or, eL  eR1  eR2  ( R1  R2 ) I L

Substituting this expression for eL in the inductor ODE we obtain

LIL  ( R1  R2 ) I L  0 Mathematical model for t  1

(switch position “2”)

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Chapter 3

3.14 The capacitor voltage during the discharge phase is eC (t )  3e  t / RC .

We know that the power loss due to the resistor is R  eR I . However, applying Kirchhoff’s
voltage law to the single loop (with no voltage source) reveals that  eR  eC . Furthermore, the
capacitor ODE shows that CeC  I ; therefore current can be computed by differentiating eC(t):

3 t / RC  3 t / RC
I  CeC  C e  e

Therefore, the power loss is

 9 2t / RC
R  eC I  e or R  4.5e 100t watts (substituting for R and C)

Integrating from time t = 0 to t   yields the total energy dissipated:

 

 4.5e100t dt  0.045e100t
 0.045e  0.045e0  0.045 J Energy dissipated

Initial energy in capacitor = CeC2 / 2

After substituting C = 0.01 F and eC(0) = 3 V, the initial energy in the capacitor is 0.045 J, which
matches the energy dissipated.

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Chapter 3

3.15 The capacitor is an energy-storage element with ODE CeC  I C

Let eA and eB denote the voltages at the inverting (-) and non-inverting (+) input terminals of the
op amp. The op amp is ideal and therefore the voltage difference eB  eA  0 and the input
terminals draw negligible current. Because the non-inverting terminal is connected directly to the
ground, eB = 0 and hence eA is also zero.

The voltage at the junction (node) connecting resistor R and capacitor C is eA = 0. Therefore, the
voltage drop across the capacitor is

eC  eA  eO  eO

Therefore, taking a time derivative we obtain eC  eO

The current through the capacitor is I C  I R since the op amp draws negligible current. The
resistor current is I R  eR / R (Ohm’s law) where the resistor voltage is eR  ein (t )  eA  ein (t ) .

Finally, substituting eC  eO and capacitor current I C  I R  ein (t ) / R into the ODE yields

RC eO  ein (t ) Relationship between ein(t) and eO

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Chapter 3

3.16 The capacitor is an energy-storage element with ODE CeC  I C

Let eA and eB denote the voltages at the inverting (-) and non-inverting (+) input terminals of the
op amp. The op amp is ideal and therefore eB  eA  0 and the input terminals draw negligible
current. Because the non-inverting terminal is connected directly to the ground, eB = 0 and hence
eA is also zero. The voltage at the junction (node) connecting capacitor C and resistor R is eA = 0.
Therefore, the voltage drop across the capacitor is

eC  ein (t )  eA  ein (t )

Therefore, taking a time derivative we obtain eC  ein (t )

The current through the capacitor is I C  I R since the op amp draws negligible current. The
resistor current is I R  eR / R (Ohm’s law). The resistor voltage drop is eR  eA  eO  eO .

Finally, substituting eC  ein (t ) and capacitor current I C  I R  eO / R into the ODE yields

RCein  eO Relationship between ein(t) and eO

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Chapter 3

3.17 The single capacitor is an energy-storage element with ODE CeC  I C

Let eA and eB denote the voltages at the inverting (-) and non-inverting (+) input terminals of the
op amp. The op amp is ideal and therefore eB  eA  0 and the input terminals draw negligible
current. Because the non-inverting terminal is connected directly to the ground, eB = 0 and hence
eA is also zero.

The voltage at the junction (node) connecting capacitor C and resistors R1 and R2 is eA = 0.
Therefore, the voltage drop across resistor R1 is

eR1  ein (t )  e A  ein (t )

The voltage across the capacitor is eC  eR1  ein (t ) since the capacitor C and resistor R1 are in a
parallel circuit. Therefore, taking a time derivative we obtain eC  ein (t )

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) at the node yields

eR2 eR1
I R1  I C  I R2  0 or I C  I R2  I R1   (using Ohm’s law)
R2 R1

The voltage drop across resistor R2 is eR2  e A  eO  eO

Finally, substituting eC  ein (t ) and the expressions for eR1 and eR2 into the capacitor ODE yields

 eO ein (t )
Cein (t )  I C  
R2 R1

Solving the above equation for eO we obtain the relationship between input and output voltages:

eO   R2Cein (t )  ein (t )

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Chapter 3

3.18 The two capacitors are energy-storage elements with ODEs C1eC1  I C1 and C2eC2  I C2

Let eA and eB denote the voltages at the inverting (-) and non-inverting (+) input terminals of the
op amp. The op amp is ideal and therefore eB  eA  0 and the input terminals draw negligible
current. Because the non-inverting terminal is connected directly to the ground, eB = 0 and hence
eA is also zero.

The voltage at the common junction (node) connecting both capacitors and both resistors is equal
to the voltage at the inverting op-amp terminal, or eA = 0. Therefore, the respective voltage drops
across the two resistors are

Resistor 1: eR1  ein (t )  e A  ein (t ) Resistor 2: eR2  e A  eO  eO

Because the two capacitors are in parallel circuits with the two resistors, the voltage drops across
the capacitors are eC1  eR1  ein (t ) (capacitor C1) and eC2  eR2  eO (capacitor C2)

Therefore, taking time derivatives we obtain eC1  ein (t ) and eC2  eO

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) at the node yields

eR2 eR1
I R1  I C1  I R2  I C2  0 or I C1  I C2  I R2  I R1   (using Ohm’s law)
R2 R1

Substituting the resistor voltages eR1  ein (t ) and eR2  eO we obtain

 eO ein (t )
I C1  I C2  
R2 R1

Subtracting capacitor 2 ODE from capacitor 1 ODE yields

 eO ein (t )
C1eC1  C2 eC2  I C1  I C2  
R2 R1

Substituting eC1  ein (t ) and eC2  eO we obtain the input and output voltage relationship:

1 1
C2 eO  eO  C1ein (t )  ein (t )
R2 R1

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Chapter 3

3.19 The electrical circuit of the microphone consists of a resistor R and coil (inductor) L and
hence the dynamic variable is current I. The mechanical component is the microphone
diaphragm mass m with stiffness and damping (friction). Hence the dynamic variable of
the mechanical system is diaphragm position x. The input is the pressure from the sound
waves which produce a net force on the diaphragm.

In summary, we have dynamic variables current I and mechanical position x (we obtain a
single first-order ODE for the RL circuit and a single second-order ODE for the mechanical
subsystem). The single input is the pressure from the sound waves.

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Chapter 3

1 2
3.20 Using the energy equation for a capacitor,  C  CeC , and the voltage solution from
Problem 3.14, eC (t )  3e  t / RC , we can compute energy vs. time (see MATLAB commands):

>> R = 2; % resistance, Ohms

>> C = 0.01; % capacitance, F
>> t = 0:0.001:0.1; % time span, s
>> e_C = 3*exp(-t./(R*C)); % capacitor voltage discharge, V
>> energy = 0.5*C.*e_C.^2; % capacitor energy, J
>> plot(t,energy) % plot energy vs. time



Capacitor energy, J







0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Time, s

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Chapter 3

1 2
3.21 Using the energy equation for an inductor,  L  LI L and the inductor current response
I L (t )  0.5(1  e 50t ) , we can compute energy vs. time (see MATLAB commands):

>> L = 0.08; % inductance, H

>> t = 0:0.001:0.2; % time span, s
>> I_L = 0.5*(1 - exp(-50.*t)); % inductor current, A
>> energy = 0.5*L.*I_L.^2; % inductor energy, J
>> plot(t,energy) % plot energy vs. time


Inductor energy, J





0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Time, s

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Chapter 3

3.22 a) The MATLAB commands plot the nonlinear inductor current:

>> lam = linspace(-0.4,0.4,500); % flux linkage range, Wb

>> I_L = 97.3*lam.^3 + 4.2.*lam; % NL inductor current, A
>> plot(lam,I_L) % plot current vs. flux linkage

Inductor current, A




-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Flux linkage, Wb

b) Simply reverse the plot from part (a):

>> plot(I_L,lam) % plot flux linkage vs. current



Flux linkage, Wb





-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Inductor current, A

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Chapter 3

c) Use finite differences to estimate the slope of the plot in part (b), i.e., d / dI L (see Mfile):

% Problem 3.22c
for i=1:499
dlam = lam(i+1) - lam(i);
dI_L = I_L(i+1) - I_L(i);
L(i) = dlam/dI_L;


Inductance, L, H




-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Flux linkage, Wb

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Chapter 3

3.23 The basic equation for the capacitance of two parallel plates is C 

where  is the permittivity (dielectric constant) of the silicon insulator (in F/m), A is the area of
each plate (in m2), and d is the space between plates (in m). For a silicon insulator
   r 0 where  r = 11.7 is the relative permittivity for silicon (relative to a vacuum) and  0 =
8.8541878(10-12) F/m is the vacuum permittivity. Hence,   1.0359(10-10) F/m. The given area
and separation distance are A = 300 mm2 = 3(10-4) m2 and d = 5(10-4) m.

Hence, the capacitance is C = 6.2156(10-11) F or 62.156 pF.

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Chapter 3

0 N 2 A
3.24 The basic equation for the inductance of a coil of wire is L 

where  0 is the permeability of air (H/m), N is the number of turns, A is the cross-sectional area
(m2), and l is the total length of the wire coil (m). The permeability of free space is = 4(10-7)
H/m, N = 12, A = r2 (where radius r = 0.4 cm = 0.004 m), and l = 2.4 cm = 0.024 m.

Hence, the inductance is L = 3.7899(10-7) H or 0.37899 H

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Chapter 3

3.25 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: L and C. Therefore, start with the two
respective first-order ODEs:

Inductor: LIL  eL Capacitor: CeC  I C  I L

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) to the loop (go CW) we obtain

 eC  eL  0 or eL  eC  The inductor ODE is LIL  eC

a) Because we want the model in terms of eC only, we can take a time derivative of the capacitor
ODE and substitute the inductor ODE for IL . The result is

CeC  IL  eC or LCeC  eC  0 Mathematical model in terms of eC

b) A capacitor has the voltage-charge relationship CeC  q

Therefore we can substitute eC  q / C and eC  q

 / C into the modeling ODE in part (a) to

q q
LC  0 or LCq  q  0 Mathematical model in terms of q

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Chapter 3

3.26 During the discharge phase the system is a series RC circuit with no voltage source.

Therefore, the basic capacitor ODE is CeC  I C  (using Ohm’s law for the resistor)

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) around the loop we obtain

 eC
 eR  eC  0 or, eR  eC  RI C  IC 

Therefore the ODE becomes:

RC eC  eC  0 Mathematical model for discharge phase

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Chapter 3

3.27 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements: L and C. Therefore, start with the two
respective first-order ODEs:

Inductor: LIL  eL Capacitor: CeC  I C

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the left loop (go CW) with the switch in “1” we obtain

 eL  eC  ein (t )  0 or, eL  ein (t )  eC (voltage source is connected)

Next, applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the LC loop (go CW) with the switch in “2” we obtain

 eL  eC  0 or, eL  eC (voltage source is not connected)

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) to the node connecting RLC branches yields
I L  IC  I R  0 or IC  I L  I R  I L  (capacitor current)

We see that capacitor C and resistor R are in a parallel and therefore eC  eR and the capacitor
current IC becomes
IC  I L 

Finally, substituting the two expressions for inductor voltage eL (switch 1 and 2) and the above
capacitor current equation into the two first-order ODEs we obtain

e (t ) Switch in “1” position

LIL  eC   in Switch in “2” position
 0
RC eC  eC  RI L  0 Mathematical model

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Chapter 3

3.28 The circuit contains one energy-storage element, capacitor C. Therefore, start with the
first-order ODE (note that output voltage is eO = eR , the voltage drop across the resistor)

eR eO
CeC  I  

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law (go CW) we obtain

 eC  eO  ein (t )  0 or, eC  ein (t )  eO

Taking the time derivative of the above expression yields eC  ein (t )  eO . Substituting this
expression into the capacitor ODE gives us

RC eO  eO  RC ein (t ) Mathematical model of washout filter

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 3

3.29 The circuit contains two energy-storage elements, capacitor C and inductor L. Therefore,
start with the respective first-order ODEs

Capacitor: CeC  I Inductor: LI  eL

a) We desire a model where current I is the dynamic variable. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law
(go CW) we obtain

 eR  eL  eC  ein (t )  0 or, RI  LI  eC  ein (t ) (A)

Note we have substituted eR = RI and the inductor ODE for eL. Taking a time derivative of Eq.
(A) yields

RI  LI  eC  ein (t )

Substituting the capacitor ODE yields

RI  LI  I  ein (t ) or, LCI  RC I  I  Cein (t ) Mathematical model

b) We desire a model where output voltage eO is the dynamic variable. Applying Kirchhoff’s
voltage law yields

 eR  eO  ein (t )  0 or eR  RI  ein (t )  eO

Solving for current I and taking the time derivatives yields

ein (t )  eO e (t )  eO e (t )  eO

I I  in I  in

Substituting the previous expressions for I, I , and I into the mathematical model in part (a)

LC (ein (t )  eO )  RC (ein (t )  eO )  (ein (t )  eO )  RC ein (t )

After some algebra the modeling equation becomes

LCeO  RCeO  eO  LCein (t )  ein (t ) Mathematical model of notch filter

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Chapter 3

3.30 a) The circuit contains one energy-storage element: capacitor C. Therefore, start with the
first-order ODE

Capacitor: CeC  I C

Applying KCL (node law) at the node connecting R1, C, and R2 yields

eR2 eR1
I R1  I C  I R2  0 or I C  I R2  I R1   (using Ohm’s law)
R2 R1

From KVL we see that eR1  eC (parallel circuit)

Furthermore, KVL yields  eC  eR2  ein (t )  0 , or eR2  ein (t )  eC

Substituting for resistor voltages eR1 and eR2 into the IC equation, and finally substitution into the
capacitor ODE yields

ein  eC eC 1 1  1
CeC   or CeC    eC  ein (t ) Mathematical model
R2 R1  R1 R2  R2

b) The output voltage is eO  eR2  ein (t )  eC . Hence capacitor voltage is eC  ein (t )  eO

The time derivative of capacitor voltage is eC  ein (t )  eO . Substituting these expressions for eC
and eC in the modeling ODE in part (a) yields

1 1  1
C (ein (t )  eO )    (ein (t )  eO )  ein (t )
 1
R R2  R2

After some algebra we obtain

1 1  1
CeO    eO  Cein (t )  ein (t ) Mathematical model of lead filter
 R1 R2  R1

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Chapter 3

3.31 a) The circuit contains one energy-storage element: capacitor C. Therefore, start with the
first-order ODE

Capacitor: CeC  I

Applying KVL yields  eR1  eC  eR2  ein (t )  0

Or, using Ohm’s law: R1 I  eC  R2 I  ein (t )

ein (t )  eC
Solving the above expression for current yields I 
R1  R2

Finally, substituting for current in the capacitor ODE yields the modeling equation

( R1  R2 )CeC  eC  ein (t ) Mathematical model

b) The output voltage is eO  eC  eR2 , hence the capacitor voltage is eC  eO  eR2  eO  R2 I .

The time derivative of capacitor voltage is eC  eO  R2 I . Substituting this expression for the
time derivative of the capacitor voltage in the basic capacitor ODE yields

C (eO  R2 I)  I (A)

We need an expression for current I. Using KVL, we see that  eR1  eO  ein (t )  0 or

1 1
eR1  ein (t )  eO  R1 I or, I (ein (t )  eO ) and I  (ein (t )  eO )
R1 R1

Substituting the above expressions for current I and its derivative into Eq (A) yields

 R  1
C  eO  2 (ein (t )  eO )   (ein (t )  eO )
 R1  R1

Finally, after algebra the above modeling equation becomes

( R1  R2 )CeO  eO  R2Cein (t )  ein (t ) Mathematical model of lag filter

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 3

3.32 We begin with applying KVL around the circuit:

 eR  eL  ein (t )  0

The inductor voltage drop is written in terms of the magnetic flux linkage: eL  
Using Ohm’s law the voltage drop across the resistor is eR  RI L  R ( a33  a1 )

Hence the RL circuit ODE is   R (a33  a1 )  ein (t )

The free-body diagram (FBD) for the mechanical armature and valve mass m is below:


Fem kx

Apply Newton’s second law (positive is to the right):   F  F em  kx  bx  mx

Finally, substitute the nonlinear expression for electromagnetic force Fem . The complete model
consists of the electrical and mechanical ODEs:

  R(a33  a1 )  ein (t ) Mathematical model of solenoid

mx  bx  kx  c6  c4  c2
6 4 2

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Chapter 3

3.33 We begin with applying KVL around the maglev circuit:

 eR  eL  ein (t )  0

The inductor (coil) voltage drop is eL  LI and the resistor voltage drop is eR  RI (Ohm’s
law). Hence the RL circuit ODE is LI  RI  ein (t ) .

A free-body diagram of the ball (mass m) is below:


mg (weight)

Apply Newton’s second law (positive is upward):   F  F em  mg  mx

Finally, substitute the nonlinear expression for electromagnetic force Fem . The complete model
consists of the electrical and mechanical ODEs:

LI  RI  ein (t ) Mathematical model of maglev

mx  K F  mg
( d  x) 2

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Chapter 3

3.34 Equation (3-117) presents the mechanical component of a comb-drive actuator

mx  bx  kx  C x eC2

At “steady-state” the actuator is static and hence x  x  0 and eC = ein = 30 V. Therefore, the
static mechanical equation becomes

1 1
kx  C x eC2 or, the static deflection is x  C x eC2 (A)
2 2k

dC n 0 w
Equation (3-110) presents the derivative of the capacitance: C x  
dx d

Using the given parameters we obtain Cx = (86)(8.8542E-12 F/m)(5E-6 m)/2E-6 m = 1.9037(10-9)


Finally, substituting the numerical values for spring constant k, Cx, and eC into Eq. (A) we obtain
the static deflection xSS = 2.142(10-5) m = 21.42 m (microns)

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