A Detailed Lesson Plan For Grade 10 Unit 4 - Quartiles

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Republic of the Philippines

Tapinac Sports Complex, Donor Street
East Tapinac, Olongapo City
(Tel. no. (047) 224-2089)



I. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a.) interpret measures of position

b.) calculate the specified measures of position and

c.) solve real life problems involving measure of position for ungrouped data with accuracy.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Measures of Position for Ungrouped Data

Materials: chalk, board, envelope, coloured paper, manila paper, markers, visual aids

Reference: Learner’s Module pp.335-372

Teacher’s Guide pp.314-327

III. Teaching Strategies and Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Daily Routine

1. Prayer

Please stand and let us pray.

Kindly lead the prayer (Name)

2. Greetings (Students Pray)

Good morning class!

Good morning Sir!

3. Classroom Management

Kindly pick those pieces of papers under

your chair and see to it that your chairs

are properly aligned.

4. Checking of Attendance

Class secretary, do we have any absent

for today?
None Sir


Lets start recalling our past lesson.

Our past lesson is about 3M’s which

Very good! The mean, median and mode sir.

Now we will have a simple activity.

Under your arm chair there’s a random (students will find their

letter or shape, and you will divided into corresponding team)

3 groups depending on what color will

you get.
Okay. Red team move to the left side, (students will try to arranged the jumble
Blue team move to the middle and

Green team move to the right side

Then arrange that jumble letters to

make a word.


Yes! You got it correctly.

Lesson Proper

Group Activity

1. Each group will receive an envelope

which contains different kinds of data.
2. Inside the envelope there’s a formula
on how to find quartiles. And there’s a
manila paper and maker.
3. The group will arranged the data and
solve it then write it on manila paper.
4. One speaker will explain their work in
5. You have 10mins to arranged and
solve it, the timer starts now.

(Read Team)

Colours : 7 red, 4 green, 3 blue, 6 orange, 7

yellow, 4violet, 8 white.

They will arrange the data and find Q 1-Q3 then

they will explain it in front.

(Blue Team)

Age: Tony 15, Beth 17, Josh 21, Liza 17, Ivan
21, Brook 22, Diane 19.

They will arrange the data and find Q 1-Q3 then

they will explain it in front.

(Green Team)

Grades of 7 students: 89, 83, 80, 92, 83, 86,


They will arrange the data and find Q 1-Q3 then

they will explain it in front.
Enumerate the importance of measures of

- Dealing with large amount of data, which

includes the timely standardized test in
schools. Etc.

- trying to discover the smallest as well as

the largest values in a given distribution.

- examining financial fields for academic as

well as statistical studies.

III. Define quartile

Quartiles are the score points which divide

a distribution into four equal parts.

(show an illustration of quartile measure of


Give an example

- The score of 7students in Mathematics

seatwork are:
27, 24, 23,26, 27, 24,28

A. find lower Q1, Q2 and Q3

B. Interpret the result


Since your activity is good, I assume that

you learned a lot about this lesson. You need
to arrange the data first to get the quartiles.

Yes sir!

IV. Evaluation

Students will have assignment to ask a 10

random students about their grade level. The
data are given in the table below.

Name Year Level

Ana 7

Denis 8

Aira 11

Patrick 10

Carl 8

Gladys 9

Michael 11

Mond 12

Des 9

Bryan 10

V. Agreement

Answer Activity 8 “Aqua Running” page 372

(to be written on whole sheet of paper)

Scoring Rubrics for the Performance

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Most or all Near mastery of Less mastery of No mastery

criteria are met the lesson the lesson

Too many
formulas used
Used even those Wrong formula Whole
appropriate which are not used computation is
Calculation formulas wrong

The lesson was Have minimal Have many The

presented with mistakes in the mistakes in the presentation
accuracy presentation presentation leads to a
Presentation mistake

Prepared by:

R-Jhay C. Cayanan

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