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Siti Maisaroh

How to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Ladies and gentleman,

Do you know? Epidemiologically predicted by 2030 the prevalence of diabetes melitus in

Indonesia will reach 21.3 million people. And 2/3 people with diabetes in indonesia dont
know that they have diabetes. What happened if you have diabetes? Diabetes make your
blood sugar level higher than normally. Diabetes is a disease caused by a failure of
metabolism to produce insulin or lack of insulin. Diabetes consists of two types, one of them
is diabetes type 2 that can increase the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and kidney
failure.There are several factors that can cause diabetes such as genetic and lifestyle. And If
you are at risk for diabetes, you can prevent it by losing weight, following a healthy eating
plan, and get regular exercise.

First, i'd like to talk about how to prevent diabetes mellitus by losing weight. Over Weight or
obesity is the most vulnarable risk factor that can cause diabetes. According to webber, a
kilogram increase of body weight has a linier impact in increasing the possibility of diabetes
4.5 %. It occurs due to the rise of insulin resistance in obesity. Obesity could inhibit glucose
transport to muscle and adipose tissue, which arises blood glucose level and caused
diabetes.So this is the important part of diabetes prevention.You can prevent diabetes by
losing 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. For example. If your weight is 90 kg, you must
lose about 4.5 – 9 kg.You can lose it by regular exercise, or regulating your diet. And once
you lose the
weight, it is important that you don't gain it back.

After that, you can prevent diabetes mellitus by following a healthy eating plan. It is
important to reduce the amount of calories you eat and drink each day so you can lose weight
and keep it off. Generally, people with diabetes are highly recommended to consume
complex carbohydrates like brown rice and types of foods that have high fiber like whole
grain. Because this type of food with complex and high-fiber carbohydrates will be digested
longer, so that it can help stabilize blood sugar, can generate energy that is more basic for the
body and that is equally important to make satiety last longer.

Last but not least, you can get regular exercise to prevent diabetes melitus. Regular exercise
has many health benefits, including helping you to lose weight and lower your blood sugar
level. Both of these can lower your risk of getting type 2 diabetes. This can happens because
when the body performs activities / movements, then a number of sugars will be burned to be
used as motion. So the amount of sugar in the body will decrease and the need for the
hormone insulin also decreases. You can do exercise at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. But,
if you have not been active, you can talk with your health care professional to figure out
which types of exercise are best for you.

In conclusion, if you want your body more healthy and avoid to diabetes mellitus, you can
dosmall things like regulating your diet, exercise, and maintaining your weight. You can do it
if you want it, and you must motivate your soul and body . Like i said
Thank you for your attention, wassalamualaikum wr wb

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