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Revision 3.1.1
Scalable IP Networks Lab Guide

This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT
This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT
Table of Contents
Lab 1 Lab Infrastructure Configuration and Verification ................................................................... 5

1.1 Section 1-1 Lab Connectivity ............................................................................................. 7

1.2 Section 1-2 System Identification ..................................................................................... 8

1.3 Section 1-3 Hardware Configuration ................................................................................ 9

1.4 Section 1-4 Event Log Configuration ................................................................................ 12

Lab 2 IP Addressing and Services ................................................................................................................ 17

2.1 Section 2-1 IP Address Plan Design ................................................................................... 19

2.2 Section 2-2 Router Interface Configuration .................................................................... 23

2.3 Section 2-3 ICMP and ARP Operation ............................................................................... 27

Lab 3 Static Routing .......................................................................................................................................... 32

3.1 Section 3-1 Static Routes ................................................................................................... 32

3.2 Section 3-2 Default Routes ................................................................................................ 34

Lab 4 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) ..................................................................................................... 40

4.1 Section 4-1 OSPF ................................................................................................................. 40

Lab 5 BGP (instructor demonstration) ....................................................................................................... 45

5.1 Section 5-1 BGP.................................................................................................................... 45

Lab 6 IP Filters ..................................................................................................................................................... 50

6.1 Section 6-1 IP Filters............................................................................................................ 50

Lab 7 Services (instructor demonstration) .............................................................................................. 56

7.1 Section 7-1 Services Framework........................................................................................ 56

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7.2 Section 7-2 Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) ................................................................ 58

Lab Solutions ............................................................................................................................................................. 62

Lab 1 Solution – Hardware Configuration ................................................................................................. 62

1.2 Section 1-2 Solution – System Identification ................................................................... 62

1.3 Section 1-3 Solution – Hardware Configuration .............................................................. 63

1.4 Section 1-4 Solution – Event Log Configuration ............................................................. 66

Lab 2 Solution – IP Addressing and Services ........................................................................................... 71

2.1 Section 2-1 Solution – IP Address Plan Design ................................................................ 71

2.2 Section 2-2 Solution – Router Interface Configuration .................................................. 76

2.3 Section 2-3 Solution – ICMP and ARP Operation ............................................................. 83

Lab 3 Solution – Static Routing ..................................................................................................................... 92

3.1 Section 3-1 Solution – Static Routes ................................................................................. 92

3.2 Section 3-2 Solution – Default Routes .............................................................................. 96

Lab 4 Solution – OSPF....................................................................................................................................... 103

4.1 Section 4-1 Solution – OSPF ............................................................................................... 103

Lab 5 Solution – BGP ......................................................................................................................................... 115

5.1 Section 5-1 Solution – BGP ................................................................................................. 115

Lab 6 Solution – IP Filters ................................................................................................................................ 130

6.1 Section 6-1 Solution – IP Filters ......................................................................................... 130

Lab 7 Solution – Services ................................................................................................................................. 142

7.1 Section 7-1 Solution – Services Framework ..................................................................... 142

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7.2 Section 7-2 Solution – VPLS................................................................................................ 154

Appendix A – Using the configuration rollback feature ............................................................................ 160

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Lab 1 Lab Infrastructure Configuration and

In this lab, students will perform the following tasks:

 Verify the physical connectivity of the Nokia 7750 Service Routers (SRs) as shown in
Figure 1.1
 Configure system name and time for all routers
 Configure hardware components for all routers
 Configure and verify log events

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Figure 1-1: Lab Topology Overview

CE Customer edge
PE Provider edge router
P Provider core router

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1.1 Section 1-1 Lab Connectivity


Verify the physical connectivity of a network. No configuration commands are required for this

 Students in Group 1 will be working on Pod 1 (P1, PE1 and CE1)

 Students in Group 2 will be working on Pod 2 (P2, PE2 and CE2)
 Students in Group 3 will be working on Pod 3 (P3, PE3 and CE3)
 Students in Group 4 will be working on Pod 4 (P4, PE4 and CE4)

Management Address
Pod Number

Pod 1 - P1 (R1)

PE1 (R5)

CE1 (R9)

Pod 2 - P2 (R2)

PE2 (R6)

CE2 (R10)

Pod 3 - P3 (R3)

PE3 (R7)

CE3 (R11)

Pod 4 - P4 (R4)

PE4 (R8)

CE4 (R12)

Table 1-1: Remote Lab Addressing

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Your instructor should provide a diagram with the lab topology and management addresses.
Establish a remote connection to the routers. The username and password for all routers is


If you are unable to connect or login to any of the routers, notify your instructor.

1.2 Section 1-2 System Identification


Configure the system date, time and the system name for all routers in your Pod. Also, verify the
content of the Boot Option File (BOF).


1. Configure the system date and time by using the command admin set-time (For
example, admin set-time 2014/10/10 09:00. You can also use admin set-time
? command to find out date/time format). Note that you can also change the time zone
using the command configure system time zone <time-zone>.
2. Verify that the date and time have been updated using the command show time.
3. Based on Table 2-2: System Names assigned to routersTable 2-2: System Names
assigned to routers, configure the system name to ASIN_Rxx(yy) (xx is your router
number from value 01 to 12, and yy is used to identify P, PE, and CE routers) by using the
command configure system name. The CLI system prompt should now display the
system name.

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The following table shows the system name that should to be configured for your
routers in your pod.

Pod Router System Name

1 R1 ASIN_R01(P1)
R5 ASIN_R05(PE1)
R9 ASIN_R09(CE1)
2 R2 ASIN_R02(P2)
R6 ASIN_R06(PE2)
R10 ASIN_R10(CE2)
3 R3 ASIN_R03(P3)
R7 ASIN_R07(PE3)
R11 ASIN_R11(CE3)
4 R4 ASIN_R04(P4)
R8 ASIN_R08(PE4)
R12 ASIN_R12(CE4)

Table 2-2: System Names assigned to routers

4. Verify the content of BOF using the command show bof.


Verify the primary image file location, primary configuration file location, and management IP

1.3 Section 1-3 Hardware Configuration


Configure the Input/Output Module (IOM), Media Dependent Adapter (MDA), and the ports for all
routers in your pod.

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1. Configure the card type of the IOM card slot 1 to match the equipped card type.

Shown below is a sample IOM configuration for router R1. Your equipped card type may
be different from the one shown.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show card

Card Summary
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 (not provisioned) up unprovisioned
A sfm4-12 up up/active
B sfm4-12 up down/standby
(not equipped)
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure card 1
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>card# card-type iom3-xp

2. Configure all MDAs on IOM card slot 1 to match the equipped MDA type.

A sample MDA configuration for router R1 is shown below. Your equipped MDA type may
be different from the one shown.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show mda
MDA Summary
Slot Mda Provisioned Type Admin Operational
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 1 (not provisioned) up unprovisioned
2 (not provisioned) up unprovisioned
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure card 1 mda 1
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>card>mda# mda-type "m10-1gb-xp-sfp”

3. Configure the first four ports on the MDAs. Make sure all ports on the MDA are
operationally up. Unlike cards using a hierarchical configuration structure, the ports are
not configured as part of the MDA hierarchy. You must return to the root context and
enter the port configuration context. The ports are identified by first identifying the IOM,
then the MDA and then the port (1/1/1, for example).

A sample port configuration for router R1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/1 no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/2 no shutdown
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/3 no shutdown
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/4 no shutdown

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You can also use a port range instead of configuring each port individually.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/[1..4] no shutdown


1. Verify that the configurations are done correctly by using the commands show card
and show mda. The equipped card type and the provisioned card type should be
2. Verify that all ports with physical connections to other routers are operationally up using
the command show port.

1.4 Section 1-4 Event Log Configuration


Configure four event logs on the P routers (P1, P2, P3 and P4) on your Pod. Specify a log source
and a log destination for each event log.


1. Configure an event log with log ID 21. Capture all events from the “main” stream to the
A sample event log configuration for the P router in Pod 1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure log log-id 21

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>log>log-id$ description "Main Log"
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>log>log-id$ from main
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>log>log-id$ to memory

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2. Using the same configuration steps you completed in step 1, repeat the process to
configure three other log files using the following parameters:

Description: Security Log

Log-ID: 22
Log Source: security
Destination: memory

Description: Change Log

Log-ID: 23
Log Source: change
Destination: memory

Description: Debug Trace Log

Log-ID: 24
Log Source: debug-trace
Destination: session


1. Observe the log file configuration.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure log
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>log> info

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2. Observe the main log.
a) Clear the content of the main log with log-id 21
b) Disable port 1/1/1 on the P router in your Pod
c) View events in the main log
d) Re-enable port 1/1/1
e) View events in the main log again

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# clear log 21

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/1 shutdown
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 21
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/1 no shutdown
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 21

3. Observe the security log.

To test the security logging, open another telnet session to the same router that you are
logged into. Try logging into the router using an invalid login/password.
On the active session, observe the failed login attempt using the command show log
log-id 22.

4. Observe the change log.

Observe all the events in the change log using the command show log log-id 23.
What events are logged here?

5. Observe the debug log.

The debug log should be empty until debug events occur in later lab exercises.

6. Log out of the active telnet session and then open a new session to the router. What has
changed in the output of the info command under the configure log context? Why?

7. View alarms from the two default alarm logs (log 99 and log 100). What is the difference
between the two alarm logs?

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Lab 2 IP Addressing and Services

In this lab, students will perform the following tasks:

 Design an IP address plan
 Configure router interfaces with IP addresses and port association
 Test router interface connectivity using ICMP and ARP

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Figure 2-1: IP Address Plan

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2.1 Section 2-1 IP Address Plan Design


Design an IP network addressing scheme to support the communications between the routers,
as shown in the diagram below. The IP addressing schema will be used in subsequent lab

There are two ISPs in the above diagram. ISP 1 consists of routers PE1, PE2, P1 and P2. ISP 2
consists of routers PE3, PE4, P3 and P4.

P1 and P2 in ISP 1, and P3 and P4 in ISP 2, are provider (P) routers and serve as transit points to
other core routers. PE1 and PE2 in ISP 1, and PE3 and PE4 in ISP 2, are provider edge (PE)
routers and connect to the ISP customers. These routers provide Internet and other network
access to the ISP customers.

Routers CE1 and CE2 are customer edge (CE) routers that represent customers of ISP 1. Routers
CE3 and CE4 are customer edge routers that represent customers of ISP 2. These routers
provide traffic from the ISP to the various customer entities.

Each ISP is assigned the following public address space by IANA:

ISP 1:
ISP 2:

Your task is to design an IP subnetwork based on the address space provided, and assign the
subnetworks to the various routers based on the following requirements, which are the same for
both ISPs.

Note: All students assigned to the same ISP must collaborate together.

Hint: It will be easier to divide each ISP address space into eight /27 address blocks.

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1. The first 32 addresses in the assigned IP address space for both ISPs are reserved for
system interfaces on the P, PE, and CE routers. Each system interface should be assigned
a /32 address.
2. The next 64 addresses in the assigned IP address space for both ISPs are reserved for
future use.
3. All links (PE-CE, PE-PE, PE-P, P-P links) are point-to-point links. However, for the sake of
convenience they are assigned ‘/30’ based addresses.
4. ISP 1 and ISP 2 provider (P) routers are physically connected to each other but are not
peering to each other. Therefore, no IP addresses are assigned to the links between
routers that belong to different ISPs.
5. Each CE router is connected to a maximum of 60 hosts. There are two CE routers on
each ISP, so each ISP needs to assign two 60-host addresses to represent all customers.
Use route summarization to assign one subnet to each CE router.

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Enter the addresses in the table below.
ISP 1 Router Port Interface name IP Address PE1 N/A system


1/1/1 toP1
1/1/3 toPE2
1/1/2 toCE1

P1 N/A system
1/1/2 toP2
1/1/1 toPE1

CE1 N/A System


1/1/2 toPE1

N/A customerNet
PE2 N/A system
1/1/1 toP2

1/1/3 toPE1

1/1/2 toCE2
P2 N/A system
1/1/1 toPE2

1/1/2 toP1
CE2 N/A System
1/1/2 toPE2
N/A customerNet

ISP 2 Router Port Interface name IP Address

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1/1/1 toP3
1/1/3 toPE4

1/1/2 toCE3
P3 N/A system

1/1/2 toP4
1/1/1 toPE3
CE3 N/A System
1/1/2 toPE3

N/A customerNet
PE4 N/A system
1/1/1 toP4

1/1/3 toPE3
1/1/2 toCE4
P4 N/A system

1/1/1 toPE4

1/1/2 toP3
CE4 N/A System
1/1/2 toPE4

N/A customerNet

Table 2-1: Interface Name and IP Address Plan

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2.2 Section 2-2 Router Interface Configuration


Students will configure router interfaces on all routers based on the IP addressing scheme, as
shown in Figure 2-2 below.
Note that interfaces are not configured between the two ISPs (P1-P3 and P2-P4).

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Figure 2-2: Router Interface Configuration


1. Use the command show router interface to view any existing Layer 3 interfaces on
the router. Notice that the system interface has already been created. This interface
exists by default and cannot be removed. Assign the system interface an IP address.

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2. Complete the following tasks based on the IP addressing scheme from the previous
a. Assign an IP address to the system interface for all routers in your pod. A sample
configuration for router P1 is shown below.
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router interface system
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>if# address

b. Configure the router interface for each point-to-point link in your Pod. Make sure
to associate each interface with a port number. A sample point-to-point link
configuration for router P1 is shown below.

3. Please use the interface names as listed in the Table 2-1 in

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2.1 Section 2-1 IP Address Plan Design.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router interface toP2

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>if$ address
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>if$ port 1/1/2
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>if$ back
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router# interface toPE1
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>if$ address
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>if$ port 1/1/1

a. Configure a loopback interface, customerNet, to simulate the customer network.

Assign the first host address for the loopback interface.
The first host address is the customerNet’s network address + 1. For example,
the customerNet network address for CE1 is Its first host
address is NOTE: This configuration is done on CE routers

The loopback interface configuration for router CE1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# configure router interface customerNet
*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)>config>router>if$ loopback
*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)>config>router>if$ address


1. Verify the status of the router interfaces using the command show router interface. Note
that the system interface and the loopback interface do not have port association.

2. Verify that the administrative status and operational status are up.
If an interface is operationally down, use the info command to check if the router interface
configuration was performed correctly.

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3. Using the show router route-table command, check the route tables for all routers in your
pod. How many routes are in the PE, P, and CE routers? What is the protocol type for the route

4. Using the ping command, check connectivity from a router to the neighboring router’s
interface. The following is an example of how to check the connectivity between routers
PE1 and P1.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router interface "toPE1"

Interface Table (Router: Base)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
toPE1 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/1 n/a
Interfaces: 1

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# ping
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.32ms.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.39ms.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.37ms.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.34ms.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.808ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 0.808ms, avg = 1.65ms, max = 3.32ms, stddev =

2.3 Section 2-3 ICMP and ARP Operation


In this lab, students will observe the behavior and operation of ICMP and ARP.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used to report on errors that occur while delivering
an IP datagram. When a destination address is unreachable, the router that cannot find the
destination sends an ICMP destination unreachable to the source of the IP datagram.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a mechanism used to find out the MAC address
corresponding to a specific IP address.


1. Configure a debug trace log on the P router with the following parameters. Recall that
the debug-trace log was removed in 1.4 Section 1-4 Event Log Configuration when the
telnet session was terminated.
Description: Debug Trace Log
Log-ID: 24
Log Source: debug-trace
Destination: memory

2. Observe ICMP operation.

Turn on debug trace for ICMP packets on the P router in your Pod using the command
debug router ip icmp.

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3. From your P router, ping the IP address of the far-end interface to your PE router. The
sample output ping performed from P1 to PE1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.38ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 3.38ms, avg = 3.38ms, max = 3.38ms, stddev =

4. View the ICMP messages on your P router using the command show log log-id 24.
You should see a series of ICMP echo request and echo reply messages in the debug
trace log.

5. Observe ARP operation.

Turn on debug trace for ARP packets and clear all ARP entries on the P router in your Pod.
The sample configuration on router R1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# clear log 24 (Clear all debug events in the log)

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# debug router ip arp
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# clear router arp all
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router arp dynamic (This should be empty

NOTE: Wait until all students in your Pod are at this point before proceeding.

6. From your P router, ping the IP address of the far-end interface to your PE router (use
the same command as in step 3).

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7. View the ICMP and ARP messages on your P router using the command show log log-
id 24. In addition to the ICMP echo request and echo reply messages, you should see an
ARP request message and an ARP reply message in the debug trace log.


1. Why are ARP messages sent from the P router when executing a ping command?

2. How many ARP entries are seen on the P router using the command show router arp
dynamic? When does an ARP entry populate into the ARP table?

3. Verify that the MAC address belongs to the interface on the PE router. You can find the
interface MAC address from the hardware address of the associated port (use the
command show port 1/1/1, for example).

4. Clear all events in the debug log and ping from your P router to the PE router again. Do
you see ARP messages in the debug log? Why?

5. From your P router, ping the IP address of the far-end interface to the neighboring P
router. For example, router P1 will ping the far-end interface to router P2.

6. How many ARP entries are now seen on the P router?

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Lab 3 Static Routing

In this lab, students will perform the following tasks:

 Configure static routes between the routers PE and P
 Configure default routes from a CE router to a PE router; and a static route from a PE router to a
CE router
 Once completed, verify IP connectivity between routers

3.1 Section 3-1 Static Routes


Configure a static route from the PE router to the system address of the P router and vice-
At this point, the operator can only ping the interfaces that are directly connected to the router.
This is because those are the only networks that are known by the router. If the operator
attempts to ping the system interface of the neighboring router, the ping will fail because there
is no route to the destination.

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Figure 3-1: Static Routes


1. On the PE router, configure a static route using the command configure router
static-route with the following parameters:
Destination address: router P’s system interface address

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Next hop address: router P’s interface address towards the PE router

2. View the status of the static route on the PE router using the command show router
static-route. Make sure the static route that you configured is active.

3. From the PE router ping to the system address of the P router in your Pod.
For example, on PE1, execute the command ping count 1.
4. The ping in the previous step should fail because the P router does not have a route to
reach to the system address of the PE router.
In order for the ping to work between routers P and PE, configure another static route
with the following parameters on the P router:
Destination address: router PE’s system interface address
Nexthop address: router PE’s interface address towards the P router


5. View the status of the static route on the P router and make sure the static route that
you have configured is active.

7. Verify connectivity between the routers P and PE by performing a ping from the P router
to the system interface of the PE router and vice-versa.

8. View the content of the routing table using the command show router route-
table. Do you see the static route in the routing table?

9. What is the preference and metric value of the static route? What is the preference and
metric value of the local route?

10. Which value is used to determine one type of route is preferred over another type of

3.2 Section 3-2 Default Routes


In this lab, students will configure a default route on the CE router. The purpose of this default
route is to allow IP connectivity from the CE router to the rest of network. This is possible
because the CE router has only one interface facing the ISP core. Therefore, if the destination of
a packet is not local, the packet must be forwarded out to that interface.

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Figure 3-2: Default Routes


1. On the CE router, configure a default route using the command configure router
static-route with the following parameters:
Destination address:

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Next hop address: PE router’s interface address towards the CE router

2. View the status of the static route on the PE router using the command show router
static-route. Make sure the static route that you configured is active.

3. Verify that the default route is added to the routing table using the command show
router route-table.

4. On the CE router, configure a debug trace log and turn on an ICMP debug trace.
Attempting to ping the PE router’s system interface address should fail.

5. Find the source address of the ICMP echo request messagesent from the CE router.

6. On the CE router, ping the PE router’s system interface address and specify the source
address to the CE interface address towards the PE router.

By default, the source address of the ICMP message is the sender’s system interface
address. Without specifying the source address, the CE router will send the ICMP echo
request to the PE router with the CE router’s system interface address. However, the PE
router cannot respond with the ICMP echo reply message because the PE router does
not have a route to the CE router’s system interface address.
The following output is a ping from CE1 to PE1’s system address.

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# ping count 1 source

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.968ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 0.968ms, avg = 0.968ms, max = 0.968ms, stddev =

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7. From the debug trace log, verify that the source address of the ICMP echo request
message is the CE interface address towards the PE router. You should also see the ICMP
echo reply from the PE router.

8. On the PE router, configure two static routes. One static route is used to reach to the CE
router’s system interface address and another static route is used to reach to the CE
router’s customer network with the following parameters:

Static route #1:

Destination address: CE system interface address
Next hop address: CE interface address towards the PE router

Static route #2:

Destination address: CE customer network subnet address (not the host address)
Next hop address: CE interface address towards the PE router

9. On the CE router, ping the PE router’s system interface address without specifying the
source address. The ping should work now.

10. Verify that the PE router can reach the CE customer network subnet by pinging the CE
router’s loopback interface address.


The CE router does not have the PE router’s system interface address in its routing table.
How does the CE router reach the PE router’s system interface?

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Lab 4 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
4.1 Section 4-1 OSPF


In this lab, students will configure OSPF in the provider core network (P and PE routers).

Figure 4-1: OSPF

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1. Remove all static routes configured in the P and PE routers using the command
configure router no static-route <ip-prefix/length> next-hop

2. Enable OSPF on the P and PE routers using the command configure router ospf.

3. Define a backbone area on the P and PE routers using the command area 0 under the
configure router ospf context.

4. On the P router, add two OSPF point-to-point interfaces to the backbone area as follows:
a. One interface toward the neighboring P router within the same ISP
b. Another interface toward the directly connected PE router

The following is a sample OSPF configuration on router P1.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf$ info
interface "toP2"
interface-type point-to-point
no shutdown
interface "toPE1"
interface-type point-to-point
no shutdown
no shutdown

5. On the PE router, add two OSPF point-to-point interfaces to the backbone area as
a. One interface toward the directly connected P router
b. Another interface toward the directly connected PE router

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1. Verify the OSPF neighbor status of the P and PE routers using the command show
router ospf neighbor.
a. How many neighbors do you see on the P router? PE router? CE router?
b. What is the OSPF adjacency state? What does this adjacency state mean?

2. On the P router, ping its directly connected PE router’s system address. Does the ping

3. On the P and PE routers, add the system interface to the OSPF backbone area. Does the
ping from the P router to the PE router work, and vice-versa?

4. On the PE router, verify the ping to neighboring PE router’s system address was

5. Examine the OSPF routes in the routing table on the P and PE routers using the
command show router route-table protocol ospf.
a. How is the OSPF metric value determined?
b. When is an OSPF route added to the routing table?

6. Examine the OSPF link state database using the command show router ospf database
and show router ospf database detail. This database contains a listing of all Link
State Advertisements (LSAs). These LSAs are used to create a forwarding table.
a. What types of LSA are in the LSDB?
b. Is the LSDB consistent on all routers within an ISP?
c. What will a router perform when there is a topology change on one of its directly
connected links?

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Lab 5 BGP (instructor demonstration)
5.1 Section 5-1 BGP


In this lab, your instructor will configure internal BGP (iBGP) and external BGP (eBGP). iBGP is
used between BGP peers in the same Autonomous System (AS). eBGP is used between BGP
peers in different autonomous systems.

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Figure 5-1: BGP


1. Assign autonomous system 65001 to all P routers in ISP 1. Assign autonomous system
65002 to all P routers in ISP 2.

2. Configure routers P1 and P2, and routers P3 and P4 as internal BGP peers (iBGP). Note
that iBGP peers typically use the system interface address as the neighbor address.

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3. Before configuring eBGP between P1 and P3 routers in different autonomous systems,
router interfaces must be configured.
4. Configure interfaces between routers P1 and P3. Assign the interfaces with host
addresses from the subnet and associate with port 1/1/3.
5. Configure routers P1 and P3 as external BGP peers (eBGP). Note that eBGP peers
typically use the next hop interface address as the neighbor address.
6. Configure an export policy on router P3 to export “local” routes into BGP via its eBGP peer P1.


1. Verify the BGP sessions are established in the P routers using the commands show
router bgp summary and show router bgp neighbor.
c. How many BGP sessions are in each P router?
d. What is the BGP neighbor state?

2. Verify BGP routes in the routing table on router P1 using the command show router

3. On the P1 router, remove the system interface from the OSPF backbone area. Wait for
90 seconds.
a. Is the iBGP session established in each of the P routers?
b. Is the eBGP session established?

4. On router P1, add the system interface address back to the OSPF backbone area. Make
sure all iBGP and eBGP sessions are established on all P routers.

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Lab 6 IP Filters
6.1 Section 6-1 IP Filters


In this lab, students will configure an IP filter on the routers to block ICMP echo request access
to an IP address range.

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Figure 6-1: IP Filter


1. On the PE router, create an IP filter policy with filter-id 77 using the command
configure filter ip-filter 77 create. Add a description for this filter: “Block
ICMP message to system address”.

2. On the PE router, configure the IP filter policy with the following requirements (create an
entry within the IP filter and configure the entry with a matching critieria):

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a. Discard all ICMP echo request messages if the destination IP address is the PE’s
own system address.
b. Allow all other traffic to go through by setting default-action forward.

3. There are two possible equal cost paths to go from a P router to the non-directly
connected PE router within the ISP. In order to make sure the ICMP request message
follows a specific path, one path must have a lower cost than the other path.
On the P router, lower the OSPF metric value on the interface toward the neighboring P
router in your ISP to 10. This makes the link toward the neighboring P router MORE
preferred. The following is the sample configuration on the P1 router.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# area 0 interface "toP2"
metric 10

4. From the P router, ping the non-directly connected PE router’s system address within
your ISP (for example, ping from router P1 to PE2’s system address). Does the ping
work? Why?

Ping from: Ping command syntax:

P1 to PE2’s system address ping count 1
P2 to PE1’s system address ping count 1
P3 to PE4’s system address ping count 1
P4 to PE3’s system address ping count 1

5. On the PE router, associate the IP filter policy to the interface connected to the P router.
All ICMP echo request messages received on that interface with the router’s own system
address should be discarded. The following is the sample configuration on PE1.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router interface "toP1"

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router>if# ingress filter ip 77

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1. From the P router, ping the non-directly connected PE router’s system address within
your ISP. Does the ping work? Why?

2. On the P router, increase the OSPF metric value on the interface toward the neighboring
P router within your ISP to 500. This makes the link toward the neighboring P router LESS
preferred. The following is the sample configuration on the P1 router.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# area 0 interface "toP2"
metric 500

a. Perform the ping command as in step 1. Does the ping work? Why?
b. On the PE router, associate the IP filter policy to the interface towards the
neighborinig PE router. Perform the ping command as in step 1 again. Does the
ping work? Why?

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Lab 7 Services (instructor demonstration)
7.1 Section 7-1 Services Framework


In this lab, your instructor will configure Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) within the provider
core network (P and PE routers). LDP is one of the MPLS signaling protocols. Service Distribution
Points (SDPs) will also be configured.
Running an IP/MPLS-based service such as Virtual Private Leased Line Service (VPLS) requires
MPLS signaling.
For demonstration, VPLS is configured on ISP 1 only.

Figure 7-1: LDP


1. On each P router in ISP 1, enable LDP to ALL interfaces within its own ISP.

2. On each PE router in ISP 1:

a. Enable LDP to ALL interfaces (except the interface towards the CE router) within
its own ISP

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b. Configure a Service Distribution Path (SDP) with the following parameters:
i. Sdp-id = 10
ii. Far-end address = another PE router within the ISP
iii. Use LDP signalling

3. On each CE router,
a. Remove the port association on the existing router interface to the PE router
b. Create a router interface named “toVPLS” towards the neighboring PE router. Use
IP address for CE1 and for CE2.
c. Assocate port 1/1/2 to the router interface “toVPLS”


1. Verify that link LDP sessions are established on the P and PE routers using the command
show router ldp session.

2. Verify the Label Forwarding Information Base (LFIB) on all routers using the command
show router ldp bindings active.
a. Does a CE router have a LFIB? Why?
b. Explain what action is performed by a router when a prefix received is associated
with the PUSH operation in the LFIB.
c. Explain what action is performed by a router when a prefix received is associated
with the SWAP operation in the LFIB.
d. Explain what action is performed by a router when a prefix received is associated
with the POP operation in the LFIB.

3. Verify that all SDPs on the PE routers are operationally up using the command show
service sdp.

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7.2 Section 7-2 Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)


VPLS is a Layer 2 multipoint service that emulates a Layer 2 LAN switch between two or more
locations. In this lab, your instructor will configure all services components (SAP and SDP)
required for a VPLS on ISP 1. Once completed, CE1 will be able to reach CE2 using the VPLS

Figure 7-2: VPLS


1. Create a VPLS service on the PE routers with service-id 1 on ISP 1. Use a default

2. Within the VPLS service:

a. Configure a mesh-sdp between the PE routers (Use the SDPs that were created in
the previous lab section).
b. Connect the VPLS service to the CE router by creating SAP 1/1/2.
i. Is there an error when adding the SAP to the VPLS service? Why?
ii. Correct the problem.

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1. Verify the VPLS service is operational using the command show service id 1 base. If
not, ensure that the VPLS is administrative up.

2. On PE1, view the MAC Forwarding Database (FDB) using the command show service id
1 fdb detail. Are there any MAC entries in the MAC FDB?

3. On CE1, ping the far-end CE router’s “toVPLS” interface address,

4. On PE1, view the MAC FDB again.

a. How many MAC entries are in the MAC FDB?
b. How does a PE router build the MAC FDB?

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Lab Solutions

Lab 1 Solution – Hardware Configuration

1.2 Section 1-2 Solution – System Identification

Configure the date, time and the system name for all the routers in your Pod. Also, verify the
content of the Boot Option File (BOF).

1. Configure the system date and time by using the command admin set-time (For
example, admin set-time 2014/10/10 09:00. You can also use admin set-time ?
command to find out the date/time format). Note that you can also change the time
zone using the command configure system time zone <time-zone>.
2. Verify that the date and time have been updated using the command show time.

*A:SRC-1# admin set-time 2014/08/12 08:24

*A:SRC-1# show time
Tue Aug 12 08:24:02 UTC 2014

3. Based on Error! Reference source not found., configure system name ASIN_Rxx(yy) (xx is
your router number from value 01 to 12 and, yy is used to identify P, PE, and CE routers)
by using the command configure system name. The CLI system prompt should now
display the system name.

A sample configuration for router R1 is shown below.

*A:SRC-1# configure system name ASIN_R01(P1)


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4. Verify the content of BOF using the command show bof.
A sample output for router R1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show bof

BOF (Memory)
primary-image cf3:\timos\i386-both.tim
primary-config cf3:\config.cfg
address active
static-route next-hop
duplex full
speed 100
wait 3
persist off
no li-local-save
no li-separate
no fips-140-2
console-speed 115200

1.3 Section 1-3 Solution – Hardware Configuration

Configure the Input/Output Module (IOM), Media Dependent Adapter (MDA), and the ports for all
routers in your Pod).

1. Configure the card type of the IOM card slot 1 to match the equipped card type.
2. Configure all MDAs on the IOM card slot 1 to match the equipped MDA type.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure card 1
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>card# info
card-type iom3-xp
mda 1
mda-type m10-1gb-xp-sfp
no shutdown
no shutdown

3. Configure the first four ports on the MDAs. Make sure all ports on the MDA are
operationally up. Unlike cards using a hierarchical configuration structure, the ports are
not configured as part of the MDA hierarchy. You must return to the root context and
enter into the port configuration context. The ports are identified by first identifying the
IOM, then the MDA and then the port (1/1/1, for example).

A sample port configuration for router R1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/[1..4] no shutdown


1. Verify that the configurations were performed correctly by using the commands show
card and show mda. The equipped card type and the provisioned card type should be

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show card

Card Summary
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type(if different) State State
1 iom3-xp up up
A sfm4-12 up up/active
B sfm4-12 up down/standby
(not equipped)

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show mda

MDA Summary
Slot Mda Provisioned Type Admin Operational
Equipped Type(if different) State State
1 1 m10-1gb-xp-sfp up up
2 m10-1gb-xp-sfp up up

2. Verify that all ports with physical connections to other routers are operationally up using
the command show port.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show port

Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/1 Up Yes Up 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/2 Up Yes Up 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/3 Up Yes Up 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/4 Up Yes Up 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/5 Down No Down 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/6 Down No Down 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/7 Down No Down 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/8 Down No Down 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/9 Down No Down 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
1/1/10 Down No Down 8936 8936 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM

1.4 Section 1-4 Solution – Event Log Configuration

Configure four event logs on the P routers (P1, P2, P3 and P4) on your Pod. Specify a log source
and a log destination for each event log.
1. Configure an event log with log ID 21. Capture all events from the “main” stream to the
2. Using the same configuration steps that you completed in step 1, repeat the process to
configure three other log files using the following parameters:

Description: Security Log

Log-ID: 22
Log Source: security
Destination: memory

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Description: Change Log
Log-ID: 23
Log Source: change
Destination: memory

Description: Debug Trace Log

Log-ID: 24
Log Source: debug-trace
Destination: session

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure log
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>log# info
log-id 21
description "Main Log"
from main
to memory
no shutdown
log-id 22
description "Security Log"
from security
to memory
no shutdown
log-id 23
description "Change Log"
from change
to memory
no shutdown
log-id 24
description "Debug Trace Log"
from debug-trace
to memory
no shutdown


1. Observe the log file configuration.

2. Observe the main log.

a) Clear the main log with log-id 21

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b) Disable port 1/1/1 on the P router in your Pod
c) View events in the main log
d) Re-enable port 1/1/1
e) View events in the main log again

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# clear log 21

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/1 shutdown
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 21
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure port 1/1/1 no shutdown
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 21

3. Observe the security log.

To test the security logging, open another telnet session to the same router that you are
logged into. Try logging into the router using an invalid login/password.
On the active session, observe the failed login attempt using the command show log
log-id 22.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 22

Event Log 22
Description : Security Log
Memory Log contents [size=100 next event=2 (not wrapped)]

1 2015/08/13 16:17:05.10 UTC MINOR: SECURITY #2003 Base student

"User student from failed authentication"

4. Observe the change log.

Observe all the events in the change log using the command show log log-id 23.
What events are logged here?
The change event stream contains all events that directly affect the configuration or
operation of the router.
5. Observe the debug log.
The debug log should be empty until debug events occur in later lab exercises.

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6. Log out from the active telnet session first and open a new session to the router. What
has changed in the output of the info command under the configure log context?
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure log
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>log> info
log-id 21
description "Main Log"
from main
to memory
no shutdown
log-id 22
description "Security Log"
from security
to memory
no shutdown
log-id 23
description "Change Log"
from change
to memory
no shutdown

A log with log destination of session will last until the CLI session is terminated. After
logging out from the active telnet session, the CLI session is terminated and the log (log-
id 24) with the log destination of session is removed from the system.

7. View alarms from the two default alarm logs (log 99 and log 100). What is the difference
between the two alarm logs?
Log 99 is a pre-configured memory-based log, which logs events from the main event source. Log
100 is a pre-configured memory-based log, which logs events from the main event source with
severity of major or higher. Both log 99 and log 100 exist in the system by default.

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Lab 2 Solution – IP Addressing and Services
2.1 Section 2-1 Solution – IP Address Plan Design

Below is the IP addressing schema for ISP 1. A similar addressing schema is used for ISP 2.

Prefix 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Value 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1(System) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X
2(Reserved) 0 0 1 X X X X X
0 1 0 X X X X X
3(P2P) 0 1 1 X X
5(CE1) 1 0 0 X X X X X
1 0 1 X X X X X
5(CE2) 1 1 0 X X X X X
1 1 1 X X X X X

1. The first 32 addresses in the assigned IP address space for both ISPs are reserved for
system interfaces on the P, PE and CE routers. Each system interface should be assigned
a /32 address.
To provide 32 addresses, 5 bits (25=32) are required from the existing host bits of the
network address of Since each system interface and loopback interface
should be assigned a /32 address, there will be no broadcast addresses or network
addresses needed.
With 5 bits used to provide 32 addresses, the first subnet (32-5) is used
for the system interfaces and loopback interfaces.
2. The next 64 addresses in the assigned IP address space for both ISPs are reserved for
future use.
Since each /27 subnet provides 32 addresses, two /27 subnets are needed to provide 64
addresses. Therefore, and are reserved for future use.

3. All links (PE-CE, PE-PE, PE-P, P-P links) are point-to-point links. However, for the sake of
convenience, they are assigned ‘/30’ based addresses.

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The next /27 subnet, can be further divided into eight (2(30-27)) /30
subnets. The eight /30 subnets are more than enough for the six links in each ISP. The
eight /30 subnets are calculated as follows: (last octet is 01100000) (last octet is 01100100) (last octet is 01101000) (last octet is 01101100) (last octet is 01110000) (last octet is 01110100) (last octet is 01111000) (last octet is 01111100)

4. ISP 1 and ISP 2 provider (P) routers are physically connected to each other but are not
peering to each other. Therefore, no IP addresses are assigned to the links between
routers that belong to different ISPs.

5. Each CE router is connected to a maximum of 60 hosts. There are two CE routers on

each ISP, so each ISP needs to assign two 60-host addresses to represent all customers.
Use route summarization to assign one subnet to each CE router.
Each /27 subnet provides 30 host addresses. The host address of all zeroes is reserved
for the network address and the host address of all ones is reserved for the broadcast
address of the subnet.
To provide 60 host addresses, two /27 subnets are needed.
Therefore, the next two /27 subnets, and are
assigned to CE1 for its customers.
The next two /27 subnets, and are assigned to CE2
for its customers.
Route summarization can be used in this case so that CE1 is assigned a single subnet of, and CE2 is assigned a single subnet of

73 of 166 © Nokia 2016

This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT Assigned to system
interfaces and loopback
interfaces Reserved for future use Reserved for future use Assigned to all point-to-
point links within the ISP Assigned to CE1 customer
space Assigned to CE2 customer

There are multiple solutions. Your solution may not be the same as the ones shown above.
1. Assign to all system interfaces for ISP 1.
2. Assign to all point-to-point links for ISP 1. Remember that the host
address of all zeroes is reserved for the network address, and the host address of all
ones is reserved for the broadcast address.
a. Assign to PE1-P1 link.
b. Assign to PE1-PE2 link.
c. Assign to PE1-CE1 link.
d. Assign to P1-P2 link.
e. Assign to PE2-P2 link.
f. Assign to PE2-CE2 link.
3. Assign to CE1’s customerNet.
4. Assign to CE2’s customerNet.
5. The next 64 addresses in the assigned IP address space for both ISPs are reserved for
future use.

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ISP 1 Router Port Interface name IP Address PE1 N/A system
1/1/ toP1
1/1/ toPE2
1/1/ toCE1
P1 N/A system
1/1/ toP2
1/1/ toPE1
CE1 N/A system
1/1/ toPE1
N/A customerNet
PE2 N/A system
1/1/ toP2
1/1/ toPE1
1/1/ toCE2
P2 N/A system
1/1/ toPE2

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1/1/ toP1
CE2 N/A system
1/1/ toPE2
N/A customerNet

ISP 2 Router Port Interface name IP Address PE3 N/A system
1/1/ toP3
1/1/ toPE4
1/1/ toCE3
P3 N/A system
1/1/ toP4
1/1/ toPE3
CE3 N/A system
1/1/ toPE3
N/A customerNet
PE4 N/A system

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1/1/ toP4
1/1/ toPE3
1/1/ toCE4
P4 N/A system
1/1/ toPE4
1/1/ toP3
CE4 N/A system
1/1/ toPE4
N/A customerNet
Table 2-1: Interface Name and IP Address Plan

2.2 Section 2-2 Solution – Router Interface Configuration

The interface configurations for P, PE and CE routers in Pod 1 are shown below. Similar
configurations are performed on routers in other pods.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router# info
echo "IP Configuration"
interface "system"
no shutdown
interface "toP2"
port 1/1/2
no shutdown
interface "toPE1"
port 1/1/1
no shutdown

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router# info
echo "IP Configuration"
interface "system"
no shutdown
interface "toCE1"
port 1/1/2
no shutdown
interface "toP1"
port 1/1/1
no shutdown
interface "toPE2"
port 1/1/3
no shutdown

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*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# configure router
*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)>config>router# info
echo "IP Configuration"
interface "customerNet"
no shutdown
interface "system"
no shutdown
interface "toPE1"
port 1/1/2
no shutdown


1. Verify the status of the router interfaces using the command show router
interface. Note that system interface and loopback interface do not have port

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router interface

Interface Table (Router: Base)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
system Up Up/Down Network system n/a
toP2 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/2 n/a
toPE1 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/1 n/a
Interfaces : 3

2. Verify that the administrative status and operational status are up.
If an interface is operationally down, use the info command to check if the router
interface configuration was performed correctly.

3. Using the show router route-table command, check the route tables for all routers
in your Pod. How many routes are in the PE, P and CE routers? What is the protocol type
for the route entry shown in the routing table?

All route entries have a protocol type of “local”. These routes are locally connected
routes that are added to the route table whenever an interface is configured with an IP
address and it is operationally up.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router route-table

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
----------------------------------------------------------------- Local Local 01d22h19m 0
system 0 Local Local 16h45m03s 0
toPE1 0 Local Local 01d18h57m 0
toP2 0
No. of Routes: 3
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show router route-table

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
----------------------------------------------------------------- Local Local 01d19h00m 0
system 0 Local Local 01d18h59m 0
toP1 0 Local Local 01d18h59m 0
toPE2 0 Local Local 01d18h59m 0
toCE1 0
No. of Routes: 4
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested

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*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# show router route-table

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
----------------------------------------------------------------- Local Local 00h09m43s 0
system 0 Local Local 01d19h00m 0
toPE1 0 Local Local 01d19h16m 0
customerNet 0
No. of Routes: 3
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested

4. Using the ping command, check connectivity from a router to the neighboring router’s
interface. The following is an example of how to check connectivity between routers PE1
and P1.

2.3 Section 2-3 Solution – ICMP and ARP Operation

1. Configure a debug trace log on the P router with the following parameters. Recall that
the debug-trace log was removed in 1.4 Section 1-4 Event Log Configuration when the
telnet session was terminated

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure log
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>log# info
log-id 24
description "Debug Trace Log"
from debug-trace
to memory

2. Observe ICMP operation.

Turn on debug trace for ICMP packets on the P router in your Pod using the command
debug router ip icmp.

3. From your P router, ping the IP address of the far-end interface to your PE router. The
sample output ping performed from P1 to PE1 is shown below.
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.38ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 3.38ms, avg = 3.38ms, max = 3.38ms, stddev =

4. View the ICMP messages on your P router using the command show log log-id 24.
You should see a series of ICMP echo request and echo reply messages in the debug
trace log.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 24

Event Log 24
Description : Debug Trace Log
Memory Log contents [size=100 next event=3 (not wrapped)]

2 2015/08/14 13:28:24.06 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ICMP ingressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo Reply (0) code: No Code (0)

1 2015/08/14 13:28:24.06 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ICMP egressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo (8) code: No Code (0)

5. Observe ARP operation.

Turn on debug trace for ARP packets and clear all ARP entries on the P router in your pod.
The sample configuration on router R1 is shown below.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# clear log 24 (Clear all debug events in the log)

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# debug router ip arp
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# clear router arp all
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router arp dynamic (This should be empty

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NOTE: Wait until all students in your Pod are at this point before proceeding.

6. From your P router, ping the IP address of the far-end interface to your PE router (use
the same command as in step 3).

7. View the ICMP and ARP messages on your P router using the command show log log-
id 24. In addition to the ICMP echo request and echo reply messages, you should see an
ARP request message and an ARP reply message in the debug trace log.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 24

Event Log 24
Description : Debug Trace Log
Memory Log contents [size=100 next event=5 (not wrapped)]

4 2015/08/14 13:33:24.63 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ICMP ingressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo Reply (0) code: No Code (0)

3 2015/08/14 13:33:24.63 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ARP ingressing on toPE1 is at 7a:68:01:01:00:01

2 2015/08/14 13:33:24.63 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ARP egressing on toPE1
Who has ? Tell

1 2015/08/14 13:33:24.63 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ICMP egressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo (8) code: No Code (0)

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1. Why are ARP messages sent from the P router when executing a ping command?

When the P router sends an ICMP echo request message to the PE router, the P router
needs to know the MAC address of the PE router. To do so, the P router broadcasts an
ARP request message requesting the system with the specified IP address to respond
with its MAC address. When PE router sees the ARP request message with its IP address,
the PE router sends an ARP response message containing its MAC address.

2. How many ARP entries are seen on the P router using the command show router arp
dynamic? When does an ARP entry populate into the ARP table?

There is one ARP entry showing the MAC address of the far-end interface of the PE
An ARP entry is populated when an ARP response is received. The ARP entry contains the
IP address and the associated MAC address.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router arp dynamic

ARP Table (Router: Base)
IP Address MAC Address Expiry Type Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 7a:68:01:01:00:01 03h23m52s Dyn[I] toPE1
No. of ARP Entries: 1

3. Verify that the MAC address belongs to the interface on the PE router. You can find the
interface MAC address from the hardware address of the associated port (use the
command show port 1/1/1, for example).

The hardware address of the port associated with the PE router interface is the same as
the MAC address seen in the P router’s ARP table.

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show router interface "toP1"

Interface Table (Router: Base)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
toP1 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/1 n/a
Interfaces : 1
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show port 1/1/1

Ethernet Interface
Description : 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
Configured Address : 7a:68:01:01:00:01
Hardware Address : 7a:68:01:01:00:01

4. Clear all events in the debug log and ping from your P router to the PE router again. Do
you see ARP messages in the debug log? Why?

No ARP messages are seen this time because the P router already knows the PE router
interface address from the ARP table.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# clear log 24
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router arp dynamic

ARP Table (Router: Base)
IP Address MAC Address Expiry Type Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 7a:68:01:01:00:01 03h31m10s Dyn[I] toPE1
No. of ARP Entries: 1
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.41ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1.41ms, avg = 1.41ms, max = 1.41ms, stddev =
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show log log-id 24

Event Log 24
Description : Debug Trace Log
Memory Log contents [size=100 next event=3 (not wrapped)]

2 2015/08/14 14:02:33.99 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ICMP ingressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo Reply (0) code: No Code (0)

1 2015/08/14 14:02:33.99 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

91 of 166 "PIP: ICMP © Nokia 2016

instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),

This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT
1 2015/08/14 14:02:33.99 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP
instance 1 (Base), interface index 4 (toPE1),
ICMP egressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo (8) code: No Code (0)

5. From your P router, ping the IP address of the far-end interface to the neighboring P
router. For example, P1 router will ping the far-end interface to P2 router.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.69ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 2.69ms, avg = 2.69ms, max = 2.69ms, stddev =

6. How many ARP entries are now seen on the P router?

There are two ARP entries in total: one ARP entry to the neighboring PE router interface
and another ARP entry to the neighboring P router interface.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router arp dynamic

ARP Table (Router: Base)
IP Address MAC Address Expiry Type Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 7a:65:01:01:00:02 03h59m57s Dyn[I] toP2 7a:68:01:01:00:01 03h14m33s Dyn[I] toPE1
No. of ARP Entries: 2

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Lab 3 Solution – Static Routing
3.1 Section 3-1 Solution – Static Routes

1. On the PE router, configure a static route using the command configure router
static-route with the following parameters:
Destination address: router P’s system interface address
Nexthop address: router P’s interface address towards the PE router

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router# info
static-route next-hop

2. View the status of the static route on the PE router using the command show router
static-route. Make sure the static route that you configured is active.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show router static-route

Static Route Table (Router: Base) Family: IPv4
Prefix Tag Met Pref Type Act
Next Hop Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1 5 NH Y toP1
No. of Static Routes: 1

3. Ping from the PE router to the system address of the P router in your Pod.
For example, on PE1, execute the command ping count 1.

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# ping count 1
PING 56 data bytes
Request timed out. icmp_seq=1.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

4. The ping in the previous step should fail because the P router does not have a route to
reach to the system address of the PE router.

In order for the ping to work between the P router and the PE router, configure another
static route with the following parameters on the P router:
Destination address: router PE’s system interface address
Next hop address: router PE’s interface address towards the P router

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router# info
static-route next-hop


1. View the status of the static route on the P router and make sure the static route that
you have configured is active.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router static-route

Static Route Table (Router: Base) Family: IPv4
Prefix Tag Met Pref Type Act
Next Hop Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1 5 NH Y toPE1
No. of Static Routes: 1

2. Verify connectivity between the P router and the PE router by performing a ping from
the P router to the system interface of the PE router and vice-versa.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.27ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1.27ms, avg = 1.27ms, max = 1.27ms, stddev =

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=5.11ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 5.11ms, avg = 5.11ms, max = 5.11ms, stddev =

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3. View the content of the routing table using the command show router route-
table. Do you see the static route in the routing table?
In addition to the locally connected routes, the static route is also added to the routing

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router route-table

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
----------------------------------------------------------------- Remote Static 01h12m45s 5 1 Local Local 02d07h52m 0
system 0 Local Local 01d02h18m 0
toPE1 0 Local Local 02d04h30m 0
toP2 0
No. of Routes: 4
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested

4. What is the preference and metric value of the static route? What is the preference and
metric value of the local route?
The preference and metric value of the static route is, by default, 5 and 1 respectively.
The preference and metric value of the local route are both 0.

5. Which value is used to determine one type of route is preferred over another type of

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The lower the preference value, the more preferred the type of route. Local routes are
always preferred over static routes because local routes have the lowest preference
value of zero.

3.2 Section 3-2 Solution – Default Routes

1. On the CE router, configure a default route using the command configure router
static-route with the following parameters:
Destination address:
Next hop address: router PE’s interface address towards the CE router

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# configure router

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)>config>router# info
static-route next-hop

2. View the status of the static route on the PE router using the command show router
static-route. Make sure the static route that you configured is active.

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# show router static-route

Static Route Table (Router: Base) Family: IPv4
Prefix Tag Met Pref Type Act
Next Hop Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1 5 NH Y toPE1
No. of Static Routes: 1

3. Verify the default route is added to the routing table using the command show router

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*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# show router route-table

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
----------------------------------------------------------------- Remote Static 03h37m21s 5 1

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4. On the CE router, configure a debug trace log and turn on an ICMP debug trace.
Attempting to ping the PE router’s system interface address should fail.

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# configure log

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)>config>log# info
log-id 24
from debug-trace
to memory
*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# show debug
router "Base"

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
Request timed out. icmp_seq=1.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

5. Find the source address of the ICMP echo request message sent from the CE router.

The ICMP echo request message uses the CE router’s system interface address as the
source address by default. However, the PE router cannot respond with the ICMP echo
reply message because the PE router does not have a route to the CE router’s system
interface address.

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*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# show log log-id 24

Event Log 24
Description : (Not Specified)
Memory Log contents [size=100 next event=43 (not wrapped)]

42 2015/08/15 17:54:47.69 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 3 (toPE1),
ICMP egressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo (8) code: No Code (0)

6. On the CE router, ping the PE router’s system interface address and specify the source
address to the CE interface address towards the PE router

By default, the source address of the ICMP message is the sender’s system interface
address. Without specifying the source address, the CE router will send the ICMP echo
request to the PE router using the CE router’s system interface address as a source IP
address. However, the PE router cannot respond with the ICMP echo reply message
because the PE router does not have a route to the CE router’s system interface
The following output is a ping from CE1 to PE1’s system address.

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# ping count 1 source

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.968ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 0.968ms, avg = 0.968ms, max = 0.968ms, stddev =

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7. From the debug trace log, verify that the source address of the ICMP echo request
message is the CE interface address towards the PE router. You should also see the
ICMP echo reply from the PE router.

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# show log log-id 24

Event Log 24
Description: (Not Specified)
Memory Log contents [size=100 next event=45 (not wrapped)]

44 2015/08/15 17:59:42.98 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 3 (toPE1),
ICMP ingressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo Reply (0) code: No Code (0)

43 2015/08/15 17:59:42.98 UTC MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP

instance 1 (Base), interface index 3 (toPE1),
ICMP egressing on toPE1: ->
type: Echo (8) code: No Code (0)

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8. On the PE router, configure two static routes. One static route is used to reach to the CE
router system interface address and another static route is used to reach to the CE
router customer network with the following parameters:

Static route #1:

Destination address: CE system interface address
Next hop address: CE interface address towards the PE router

Static route #2:

Destination address: CE customer network subnet address (not the host address)
Next hop address: CE interface address towards the PE router

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router# info
static-route next-hop
static-route next-hop

9. On the CE router, ping the PE router’s system interface address without specifying the
source address. The ping should work now.

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=3.87ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 3.87ms, avg = 3.87ms, max = 3.87ms, stddev =

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10. Verify that the PE router can reach the CE customer network subnet by pinging the CE
router’s loopback interface address.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.05ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1.05ms, avg = 1.05ms, max = 1.05ms, stddev =


1. The CE router does not have the PE router’s system interface address in its routing table.
How does the CE router reach tthe PE’s system interface?

When the CE router needs to reach to the PE router’s system interface address, the CE
router does a forwarding table lookup and finds a route entry with the longest match,
which is a default route.

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Lab 4 Solution – OSPF
4.1 Section 4-1 Solution – OSPF

1. Remove all static routes configured in the P and PE routers using the command
configure router no static-route <ip-prefix/length> next-hop

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router static-route

Static Route Table (Router: Base) Family: IPv4
Prefix Tag Met Pref Type Act
Next Hop Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1 5 NH Y toPE1
No. of Static Routes: 1
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router no static-route

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show router static-route

Static Route Table (Router: Base) Family: IPv4
Prefix Tag Met Pref Type Act
Next Hop Interface
----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1 5 NH Y toP1 0 1 5 NH Y toCE1 0 1 5 NH Y toCE1
No. of Static Routes: 3
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router no static-route
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router no static-route
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router no static-route next-hop

2. Enable OSPF on the P and PE routers using the command configure router ospf.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf

3. Define a backbone area on the P and PE routers using the command area 0 under the
configure router ospf context.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# area 0

4. On the P router, add two OSPF point-to-point interfaces to the backbone area as follows:
a. One interface toward the neighboring P router within the same ISP
b. Another interface toward the directly connected PE router

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP2"
interface-type point-to-point
no shutdown
interface "toPE1"
interface-type point-to-point
no shutdown
no shutdown

5. On the PE router, add two OSPF point-to-point interfaces to the backbone area as
a. One interface toward the directly connected P router
b. Another interface toward the directly connected PE router

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP1"
interface-type point-to-point
no shutdown
interface "toPE2"
interface-type point-to-point
no shutdown
no shutdown

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1. Verify the OSPF neighbor status of the P and PE routers using the command show
router ospf neighbor.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router ospf neighbor

Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Neighbors
Interface-Name Rtr Id State Pri RetxQ TTL
toP2 Full 1 0 35
toPE1 Full 1 0 36
No. of Neighbors: 2

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show router ospf neighbor

Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Neighbors
Interface-Name Rtr Id State Pri RetxQ TTL
toP1 Full 1 0 32
toPE2 Full 1 0 39
No. of Neighbors: 2

a. How many neighbors do you see on the P router? PE router? CE router?

Each of the P and PE routers has two neighbors. The CE router has no OSPF
neighbor because OSPF is not configured on the CE router.

b. What is the OSPF adjacency state? What does this adjacency state mean?
The state is Full state, meaning that the routers are fully adjacent and have an
identical link state database.

2. On the P router, ping its directly connected PE router’s system address. Does the ping
The ping fails because the P router does not have a route to the PE router’s system

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
No route to destination. Address:, Router: Base

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

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3. On the P and PE routers, add the system interface to the OSPF backbone area. Does the
ping from the P router to PE router work, and vice-versa?

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "system"
no shutdown
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# exit all
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.554ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 0.554ms, avg = 0.554ms, max = 0.554ms, stddev =

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.537ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 0.537ms, avg = 0.537ms, max = 0.537ms, stddev =

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4. On the PE router, verify the ping to another PE router’s system address.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.21ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 2.21ms, avg = 2.21ms, max = 2.21ms, stddev =

5. Examine the OSPF routes in the routing table on the P and PE routers using the
command show router route-table protocol ospf.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router route-table protocol ospf

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
----------------------------------------------------------------- Remote OSPF 00h37m05s 10 100 Remote OSPF 00h28m09s 10 200 Remote OSPF 00h37m05s 10 100 Remote OSPF 00h37m05s 10 200 Remote OSPF 00h37m05s 10 200
No. of Routes: 5
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show router route-table protocol ospf

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref
Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
----------------------------------------------------------------- Remote OSPF 00h30m17s 10 100 Remote OSPF 00h30m05s 10 100 Remote OSPF 00h39m02s 10 200 Remote OSPF 00h39m02s 10 200 Remote OSPF 01h14m34s 10 200
No. of Routes: 5
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested

a. How is the OSPF metric value determined?

By default, the OSPF metric value is determined by taking the OSPF reference
bandwidth and dividing it by the actual bandwidth of the port. The Nokia 7750 SR
has a default OSPF reference bandwidth of 100 GB. With a 1 GB link, the metric
value is 100 GB/1 GB = 100.
For the routes that are learned two hops away, the metric value is 100+100=200.

b. When is an OSPF route added to the routing table?

There are a few processes that occur before a router adds an OSPF route to the
routing table:

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i. The router must have received an OSPF link state advertisement (LSA)
with the route information, and have stored the LSA in the link state
database (LSDB).
ii. The router runs the SPF (Shortest Path First) algorithm and identifies that
route as the best route (lowest metric value).
iii. When the router considers the OSPF route as the best route (lowest
preference value), the route is then added to the routing table/forwarding

6. Examine the OSPF link state database using the commands show router ospf
database and show router ospf database detail. This database contains a listing of
all link state advertisements (LSAs). These LSAs are used to create a forwarding table.
a. What types of LSAs are in the LSDB?
All LSAs in the LSDB are router LSAs.

b. Is the LSDB consistent on all routers within an ISP?

Yes, all OSPF routers have an identical LSDB.

c. What will a router perform when there is a topology change on one of its directly
connected links?
The router will flood to all OSPF routers every time there is a topology change.
This ensures all OSPF routers have an identical LSDB.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router ospf database

Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Link State Database (Type: All)
Type Area Id Link State Id Adv Rtr Id Age Sequence Cksum
Router 167 0x8000000a 0x4464
Router 1153 0x80000007 0x1681
Router 1019 0x80000007 0x2262
Router 1558 0x8000000a 0x75f7
No. of LSAs: 4
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router ospf database detail

Rtr Base OSPFv2 Instance 0 Link State Database (type:All)(detail)
Router LSA for Area
Area Id : Adv Router Id :
Link State Id : (2349465600)
LSA Type : Router
Sequence No : 0x8000000a Checksum : 0x4464
Age : 171 Length : 84
Options : E
Flags : None Link Count : 5
Link Type (1) : Point To Point
Nbr Rtr Id (1) : I/F Address(1):
No of TOS (1) : 0 Metric-0 (1) : 100
Link Type (2) : Stub Network
Network (2) : Mask (2) :
No of TOS (2) : 0 Metric-0 (2) : 100
Link Type (3) : Point To Point
Nbr Rtr Id (3) : I/F Address(3):
No of TOS (3) : 0 Metric-0 (3) : 100
114 of 166 Link Type (4) : Stub Network © Nokia 2016

Network (4) : Mask (4) :

This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT
Link Type (1) : Point To Point
Nbr Rtr Id (1) : I/F Address(1):
No of TOS (1) : 0 Metric-0 (1) : 100
Link Type (2) : Stub Network
Network (2) : Mask (2) :
No of TOS (2) : 0 Metric-0 (2) : 100
Link Type (3) : Point To Point
Nbr Rtr Id (3) : I/F Address(3):
No of TOS (3) : 0 Metric-0 (3) : 100
Link Type (4) : Stub Network
Network (4) : Mask (4) :
No of TOS (4) : 0 Metric-0 (4) : 100
Link Type (5) : Stub Network
Network (5) : Mask (5) :
No of TOS (5) : 0 Metric-0 (5) : 0

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Lab 5 Solution – BGP
5.1 Section 5-1 Solution – BGP

1. Assign autonomous system 65001 to all P routers in ISP 1. Assign autonomous system
65002 to all P routers in ISP 2.

A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router autonomous-system 65001

A:ASIN_R02(P2)# configure router autonomous-system 65001

A:ASIN_R03(P3)# configure router autonomous-system 65002

A:ASIN_R04(P4)# configure router autonomous-system 65002

2. Configure routers P1 and P2, and routers P3 and P4 as internal BGP peers (iBGP). Note
that iBGP peers typically use the system interface address as the neighbor address.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router bgp

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>bgp# info
group "iBGP"
peer-as 65001
no shutdown

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*A:ASIN_R02(P2)# configure router bgp
*A:ASIN_R02(P2)>config>router>bgp# info
group "iBGP"
peer-as 65001
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# configure router bgp

*A:ASIN_R03(P3)>config>router>bgp# info
group "iBGP"
peer-as 65002
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R04(P4)# configure router bgp

*A:ASIN_R04(P4)>config>router>bgp# info
group "iBGP"
peer-as 65002
no shutdown

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3. Before configuring eBGP between P1 and P3 in different autonomous systems, router
interfaces must be configured.
Configure interfaces between routers P1 and P3. Assign the interfaces with host
addresses from the subnet and associate with port 1/1/3.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router interface "toP3"

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>if# info
port 1/1/3
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# configure router interface "toP1"

*A:ASIN_R03(P3)>config>router>if# info
port 1/1/3
no shutdown

4. Configure routers P1 and P3 as external BGP peers (eBGP). Note that eBGP peers
typically use the next hop interface address as the neighbor address.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router bgp

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>bgp# info
group "eBGP"
peer-as 65002

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*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# configure router bgp
*A:ASIN_R03(P3)>config>router>bgp# info
group "eBGP"
peer-as 65001

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5. Configure an export policy on router P3 to export local routes into BGP via its eBGP peer

*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# config>router#info
echo "Policy Configuration"
policy-statement "export-direct-to-bgp"
entry 10
protocol direct
protocol bgp
action accept

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*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# configure router bgp
*A:ASIN_R03(P3)>config>router>bgp# info
group "eBGP"
export "export-direct-to-bgp"
peer-as 65001
no shutdown


1. Verify the BGP sessions are established in the P routers using the commands show
router bgp summary and show router bgp neighbor.
a. How many BGP sessions are in each P router?
In each P router, there is one iBGP session to the neighboring P router within the
same Autonomous System (AS). There is one eBGP session to the neighboring P1
and P3 routers in a different AS.

b. What is the BGP neighbor state?


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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router bgp summary
BGP Router ID: AS:65001 Local AS:65001
BGP Summary
Legend : D – Dynamic Neighbor
AS PktRcvd InQ Up/Down State|Rcv/Act/Sent
(Addr Family)
PktSent OutQ
65001 2021 0 16h49m10s 0/0/0 (IPv4)
2021 0
65002 18 0 00h07m45s 0/0/0 (IPv4)
20 0
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router bgp neighbor

BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : iBGP
Peer AS : 65001 Peer Port : 52303
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
122 of 166 © Nokia 2016
Peer Type : Internal Dynamic Peer : No
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Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Established

Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : eBGP
Peer AS : 65002 Peer Port : 53683
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
Peer Type : External Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Established

2. Verify BGP routes in the routing table on router P1 using the show router route-

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router route-table

Route Table (Router: Base)

Dest Prefix[Flags] Type Proto Age Pref

Next Hop[Interface Name] Metric
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Remote OSPF 04h44m14s 10 100 Local Local 23h41m38s 0
system 0 Remote OSPF 04h44m08s 10 200 Remote OSPF 22h06m50s 10 100 Local Local 23h41m38s 0
toPE1 0 Remote OSPF 04h44m14s 10 200 Local Local 23h41m38s 0
toP2 0 Remote OSPF 22h06m50s 10 200 Local Local 22h06m51s 0
toP3 0 Remote BGP 02h02m37s 170 0 Remote BGP 02h02m37s 170 0 Remote BGP 02h02m37s 170 0
No. of Routes: 12

Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated

124 of 166
B = BGP backup route available © Nokia 2016
L = LFA nexthop available
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No. of Routes: 12

Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated

B = BGP backup route available
L = LFA nexthop available
S = Sticky ECMP requested

3. On router P1, remove the system interface from the OSPF backbone area. Wait 90
a. Is the iBGP session established in each of the P routers?
After the hold timer expires (the default for an Nokia 7750 SR is 90 seconds), the
iBGP session between routers P1 and P2 is no longer established. The iBGP
neighbor address is configured as the peer’s system address. When routerP1’s
system address is removed from OSPF, router P2 will no longer have a route to its
iBGP peer’s system address. Since router P2 cannot send BGP messages to its
BGP peer, the iBGP session is down.
This only impacts the iBGP session between routers P1 and P2. The iBGP session
between routers P3 and P4 is still established.

b. Is the eBGP session established?

Yes. The eBGP neighbor address is configured as the peer’s interface address.
Removing the system address from OSPF does not impact the eBGP session.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# area 0 no interface "system"

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router bgp neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : iBGP
Peer AS : 65001 Peer Port : 0
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 0
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal Dynamic Peer : No
State : Connect Last State : Idle
Last Event : holdTime
Last Error : Hold Timer Expire
Peer :
Description : Not Specified)
Group : eBGP
Peer AS : 65002 Peer Port : 53683
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
Peer Type : External Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Established

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*A:ASIN_R02(P2)# show router bgp neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : iBGP
Peer AS : 65001 Peer Port : 0
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 0
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal Dynamic Peer : No
State : Connect Last State : Active
Last Event : openFail
Last Error : Hold Timer Expire

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*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# show router bgp neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : eBGP
Peer AS : 65001 Peer Port : 179
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65002 Local Port : 53683
Local Address :
Peer Type : External Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Active
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : iBGP
Peer AS : 65002 Peer Port : 53420
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65002 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Established

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*A:ASIN_R04(P4)# show router bgp neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : iBGP
Peer AS : 65002 Peer Port : 179
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65002 Local Port : 53420
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Active

4. On router P1, add the system interface address to the OSPF backbone area. Make sure
all iBGP and eBGP sessions are established on all P routers.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# area 0 interface "system"
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf>area>if$ exit all
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router bgp neighbor
BGP Neighbor
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : iBGP
Peer AS : 65001 Peer Port : 179
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 52562
Local Address :
Peer Type : Internal Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Active
Last Event : recvKeepAlive
Last Error : Hold Timer Expire
Peer :
Description : (Not Specified)
Group : eBGP
Peer AS : 65002 Peer Port : 53683
Peer Address :
Local AS : 65001 Local Port : 179
Local Address :
Peer Type : External Dynamic Peer : No
State : Established Last State : Established

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Lab 6 Solution – IP Filters
6.1 Section 6-1 Solution – IP Filters

1. On the PE router, create an IP filter policy with filter-id 77 using the command
configure filter ip-filter 77 create. Add a description for this filter: “Block
ICMP message to system address.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure filter

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>filter# info
ip-filter 77 create
description "Block ICMP message to system address"

2. On the PE router, configure the IP filter policy with the following requirements (create an
entry within the IP filter and configure the entry with a matching critieria):
a. Discard all ICMP echo request messages if the destination IP address is the PE’s
own system address.
b. Allow all other traffic to go through by setting default-action forward.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure filter ip-filter 77

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>filter>ip-filter# info
default-action forward
description "Block ICMP message to system address"
entry 10 create
match protocol icmp
icmp-type echo-request

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*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)# configure filter ip-filter 77
*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)>config>filter>ip-filter# info
default-action forward
description "Block ICMP message to system address"
entry 10 create
match protocol icmp
icmp-type echo-request

*A:ASIN_R07(PE3)# configure filter ip-filter 77

*A:ASIN_R07(PE3)>config>filter>ip-filter# info
default-action forward
description "Block ICMP message to system address"
entry 10 create
match protocol icmp
icmp-type echo-request

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*A:ASIN_R08(PE4)# configure filter ip-filter 77
*A:ASIN_R08(PE4)>config>filter>ip-filter# info
default-action forward
description "Block ICMP message to system address"
entry 10 create
match protocol icmp
icmp-type echo-request

3. There are two possible equal cost paths to go from a P router to the non-directly
connected PE router within the ISP. In order to make sure the ICMP request message
follows a specific path, one path must have a lower cost than the other path.
On the P router, lower the OSPF metric value on the interface toward the neighboring P
router in your ISP to 10. This makes the link toward the neighboring P router MORE
preferred. The following is the sample configuration on the P1 router.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP2"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 10
no shutdown

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*A:ASIN_R02(P2)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP1"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 10
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R03(P3)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP4"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 10
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R04(P4)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R04(P4)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP3"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 10
no shutdown

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4. From the P router, ping the non-directly connected PE router’s system address within
your ISP (For example, ping from P1 to PE2’s system address). Does the ping work? Why?

Ping from: Ping command syntax:

P1 to PE2’s system address ping count 1
P2 to PE1’s system address ping count 1
P3 to PE4’s system address ping count 1
P4 to PE3’s system address ping count 1

The P router can still ping to the PE router because the filter has not yet been applied.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.93ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1.93ms, avg = 1.93ms, max = 1.93ms, stddev =

*A:ASIN_R02(P2)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.37ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1.37ms, avg = 1.37ms, max = 1.37ms, stddev =

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*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# ping count 1
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=4.75ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 4.75ms, avg = 4.75ms, max = 4.75ms, stddev =

*A:ASIN_R04(P4)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.19ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1.19ms, avg = 1.19ms, max = 1.19ms, stddev =

5. On the PE router, associate the IP filter policy to the interface connected to the P router.
All ICMP echo request messages received on that interface with the router’s own system
address should be discarded. The following is the sample configuration on PE1.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router interface "toP1"

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77

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*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)# configure router interface "toP2"
*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77

*A:ASIN_R07(PE3)# configure router interface "toP3"

*A:ASIN_R07(PE3)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77

*A:ASIN_R08(PE4)# configure router interface "toP4"

*A:ASIN_R08(PE4)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77


1. From the P router, ping the non-directly connected PE router’s system address within
your ISP. Does the ping work? Why?
After the IP filter policy is applied to the PE router, the PE router will discard all ICMP echo
request messages that contain the router’s own system address as the destination
address AND if the messages are received through the neighboring P router.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1
PING 56 data bytes
Request timed out. icmp_seq=1.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

2. On the P router, increase the OSPF metric value on the interface toward the neighboring
P router within your ISP to 500. This makes the link toward the neighboring P router LESS

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP2"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 500

*A:ASIN_R02(P2)# configure router ospf

*A:ASIN_R02(P2)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP1"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 500

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*A:ASIN_R03(P3)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP4"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 500

*A:ASIN_R04(P4)>config>router>ospf# info
interface "toP3"
interface-type point-to-point
metric 500

a. Perform the ping command as in step 1. Does the ping work? Why?
The ping works again because the best path has been changed. The PE router
now receives the ICMP echo request message from the PE router instead of from
the P router. The IP filter is applied on the interface toward the P router only.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.26ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1.26ms, avg = 1.26ms, max = 1.26ms, stddev =

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b. On the PE router, associate the IP filter policy to the interface towards the
neighborinig PE router. Perform the ping command as in step 1 again. Does the
ping work? Why?
After the IP filter is applied to the neighboring PE interface, the PE router discards
the ICMP echo request message from both the neighboring PE router and the P

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router interface "toPE2"

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77

*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)# configure router interface "toPE1"

*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77

*A:ASIN_R07(PE3)# configure router interface "toPE4"

*A:ASIN_R07(PE3)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77

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*A:ASIN_R08(PE4)# configure router interface "toPE3"
*A:ASIN_R08(PE4)>config>router>if# info
filter ip 77

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
Request timed out. icmp_seq=1.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

*A:ASIN_R02(P2)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
Request timed out. icmp_seq=1.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

*A:ASIN_R03(P3)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
Request timed out. icmp_seq=1.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

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*A:ASIN_R04(P4)# ping count 1
PING 56 data bytes
Request timed out. icmp_seq=1.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

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Lab 7 Solution – Services
7.1 Section 7-1 Solution – Services Framework

1. On each P router in ISP 1, enable LDP to ALL interfaces within its own ISP.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# configure router ldp

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)>config>router>ldp# info
interface "toP2" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
interface "toPE1" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
no shutdown

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*A:ASIN_R02(P2)# configure router ldp
*A:ASIN_R02(P2)>config>router>ldp# info
interface "toP1" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
interface "toPE2" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
no shutdown

2. On each PE router in ISP 1:

a. Enable LDP to ALL interfaces (except the interface towards the CE router) within
its own ISP

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router ldp
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router>ldp# info
interface "toP1" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
interface "toPE2" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
no shutdown

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*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)# configure router ldp
*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)>config>router>ldp# info
interface "toP2" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
interface "toPE1" dual-stack
no shutdown
no shutdown
no shutdown

b. Configure a Service Distribution Path (SDP) with the following parameters:

i. Sdp-id = 10
ii. Far-end address = another PE router within the ISP
iii. Use LDP signalling

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure service
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>service# info
sdp 10 mpls create
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)# configure service

*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)>config>service# info
sdp 10 mpls create
no shutdown

3. On each CE router:
a. Remove the port association on the existing router interface to the PE router
b. Create a router interface named “toVPLS” towards the neighboring PE router. Use
IP address for CE1, and for CE2.
c. Assocate port 1/1/2 to the router interface “toVPLS”

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*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# configure router interface "toPE1"
*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)>config>router>if# no port

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# configure router interface "toVPLS"

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)>config>router>if# info
port 1/1/2
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R10(CE2)# configure router interface "toPE2"

*A:ASIN_R10(CE2)>config>router>if# no port

*A:ASIN_R10(CE2)# configure router interface toVPLS

*A:ASIN_R10(CE2)>config>router>if$ info
port 1/1/2
no shutdown


1. Verify that link LDP sessions are established on the P and PE routers using the command
show router ldp session.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router ldp session

LDP IPv4 Sessions
Peer LDP Id Adj Type State Msg Sent Msg Recv Up Time
----------------------------------------------------------------- Link Established 21 21 0d 00:00:40 Link Established 45 47 0d 00:01:51
No. of IPv4 Sessions: 2

2. Verify the Label Forwarding Information Base (LFIB) on all routers in your Pod using the
command show router ldp bindings active.

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*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# show router ldp bindings active

LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::[0])
Legend: U –Label In Use, N -Label Not In Use, W –Label Withdrawn
WP -Label Withdraw Pending, BU-Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) -BGP Next Hop (BU)-Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(C) - FEC resolved for class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
----------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 1/1/1 Swap 262140 262143 1/1/1 Pop 262143 --

-- -- Push -- 262140 1/1/1 Swap 262141 262140 1/1/1 Push -- 262141 1/1/1
150 of 166
Swap 262142 © Nokia 2016
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No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 7

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show router ldp bindings active

LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID::[0])
Legend: U –Label In Use, N -Label Not In Use, W –Label Withdrawn
WP -Label Withdraw Pending, BU-Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B)-BGP Next Hop (BU) -Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(C) - FEC resolved for class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
----------------------------------------------------------------- Pop 262143 --
-- -- Push -- 262143 1/1/1 Swap 262142 262143 1/1/1 Push -- 262143 1/1/3 Swap 262140 262143 1/1/3 Push -- 262141 1/1/3 Swap 262141 262141 1/1/3
----------------------------------------------------------- © Nokia 2016
152 of 166
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No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 7

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# show router ldp bindings active

MINOR: CLI LDP is not configured.

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a. Does a CE router have a LFIB? Why?
CE routers do not have a LFIB because LDP is not configured. The CE router is not
part of the provider core network and it is not aware of MPLS tunnels or labels.

b. Explain what action is performed by a router when a prefix received is associated

with the PUSH operation in the LFIB.
The router will insert an MPLS label to the “unlabelled” packet that comes from a
CE router. A PUSH operation indicates that this router can be an iLER (ingress
Label Edge Router) for the prefix.

c. Explain what action is performed by a router when a prefix received is associated

with the SWAP operation in the LFIB.
The router checks for the incoming label against the LFIB to find the interface and
outgoing label needed to forward the packet to the next hop. The label is then
swapped across the provider core network. A SWAP operation indicates that this
router can be an LSR (Label Switch Router) for the prefix.

d. Explain what action is performed by a router when a prefix received is associated

with the POP operation in the LFIB.
The router strips the incoming label and sends the packet as “unlabeled” to the
other CE router. A POP operation indicates that this router can be an eLER
(egress Label Edge Router) for the prefix.

3. Verify that all SDPs on the PE routers are operationally up using the command show
service sdp.

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show service sdp

Services: Service Destination Points
SdpId AdmMTU OprMTU Far End Adm Opr Del LSP Sig
10 0 8914 Up Up MPLS L TLDP
Number of SDPs: 1
Legend: R = RSVP, L = LDP, B = BGP, M = MPLS-TP, n/a = Not
Applicable, I = SR-ISIS, O = SR-OSPF

7.2 Section 7-2 Solution – VPLS

1. Create a VPLS service on the PE routers with service-id 1 on ISP 1. Use a default

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure service vpls 1 customer 1


*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)# configure service vpls 1 customer 1

2. Within a VPLS service:
a. Configure a mesh-sdp between the PE routers (Use the SDPs that were created in
the previous lab section.)

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*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure service vpls 1
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>service>vpls# info
mesh-sdp 10:1 create
no shutdown
no shutdown

*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)# configure service vpls 1

*A:ASIN_R06(PE2)>config>service>vpls$ info
mesh-sdp 10:1 create
no shutdown
no shutdown

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b. Connect the VPLS service to the CE router by creating SAP 1/1/2.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure service vpls 1

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>service>vpls# sap 1/1/2 create
MINOR: SVCMGR #1609 Not an access port

i. Is there an error when adding the SAP to the VPLS service? Why?
ii. Correct the problem.

On the PE router, remove the port association on the existing router

interface towards the CE router.
Change port 1/1/2 to an access port
Add SAP 1/1/2 to the VPLS service

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure router interface "toCE1"

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router>if# no port
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>router>if# exit all

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure port 1/1/2

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>port# shutdown
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>port# ethernet mode access
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>port# no shutdown
*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>port# exit all

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# configure service vpls 1

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)>config>service>vpls# sap 1/1/2 create

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1. Verify that VPLS service is operational using the command show service id 1 base.
If not, ensure that the VPLS is administrative up.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show service id 1 base

Service Basic Information
Service Id : 1 Vpn Id : 0
Service Type : VPLS
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Customer Id : 1 Creation Origin : manual
Last Status Change: 03/24/2016 09:21:48
Last Mgmt Change : 03/24/2016 09:21:48
Etree Mode : Disabled
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
MTU : 1514 Def. Mesh VC Id : 1
SAP Count : 1 SDP Bind Count : 1
Snd Flush on Fail : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Propagate MacFlush: Disabled Per Svc Hashing : Disabled
Allow IP Intf Bind: Disabled Fwd-IPv4-Mcast-To*: Disabled
Def. Gateway IP : None
Def. Gateway MAC : None
Temp Flood Time : Disabled Temp Flood : Inactive
Temp Flood Chg Cnt: 0
VSD Domain : <none>
SPI load-balance : Disabled
TEID load-balance : Disabled

158 of 166 Access & Destination Points © Nokia 2016

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Service Access & Destination Points
Identifier Type AdmMTU OprMTU Adm Opr
sap:1/1/2 null 1514 1514 Up Up
sdp:10:1 M( Mesh 0 8914 Up Up

2. On router PE1, view the MAC Forwarding Database (FDB) using the command show
service id 1 fdb detail. Are there any MAC entries in the MAC FDB?

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show service id 1 fdb detail

Forwarding Database, Service 1
ServId MAC Source-Identifier Type Last Change
No Matching Entries

3. On router CE1, ping the far-end CE router’s “toVPLS” interface address,

*A:ASIN_R09(CE1)# ping count 1

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=8.18ms.

---- PING Statistics ----

1 packet transmitted, 1 packet received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 8.18ms, avg = 8.18ms, max = 8.18ms, stddev =

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4. On router PE1, view the MAC FDB again.
a. How many MAC entries are in the MAC FDB?
There are two MAC entries. One entry is learned through the SAP, and the other
entry is learned through the SDP.

*A:ASIN_R05(PE1)# show service id 1 fdb detail

Forwarding Database, Service 1
ServId MAC Source-Identifier Type Last Change
1 6c:8c:01:01:00:02 sap:1/1/2 L/60 03/23/15 16:32:11
1 6c:8d:01:01:00:02 sdp:10:1 L/60 03/23/15 16:32:11
No. of MAC Entries: 2
Legend: L=Learned O=Oam P=Protected-MAC C=Conditional S=Static

b. How does a PE router build the MAC FDB?

When a ping command is executed on router CE1:
i. Router CE1 sends a frame destined for router CE2 through port 1/1/2
according to the routing table
ii. Router PE1 receives the frame on SAP 1/1/2 and adds the source MAC
address (CE1’s egress port MAC address) in the MAC FDB
iii. Since the destination MAC address is not in the MAC FDB, PE1 floods the
frame to all ports except the source port
iv. CE2 receives the frame and responds to CE1. PE1 adds the source address
(CE2’s ingress port MAC address) in the MAC FDB

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Appendix A – Using the configuration rollback

The configuration rollback feature enables you to revert to or compare with previously saved
final configurations without rebooting the router. This is very useful so that students can quickly
get to a correct configuration and redo lab exercises when required, and compare configuration
between labs. The following shows examples of using the configuration rollback feature.

1. To change the router back to the original base configuration (the configuration used at the
beginning of the ASIN Lab), use admin rollback revert rescue command.

*A:ASIN_R01# admin rollback revert rescue

Restoring rollback configuration
Processing current config... 0.010 s
"ftp://*:*@" ... 0.140
WARNING: Removing the card-type of card 1 will terminate all
services on this card.
Do you want to continue (y/n)? y
Resolving Dependencies... 5.090 s
INFO: Not all dynamic references of 'configure router ldp ' were
cleared. Retrying...
Tearing setup down... 1.550 s
Rebuilding setup... 0.000 s
Finished in 6.790 s

2. Before reverting, rolling back, or redoing any lab configuration use the show system
rollback command to find out the rollback file index first.

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*A:ASIN_R01# show system rollback

Rollback Information
Rollback Location :
Max Local Rollback Files : 10
Max Remote Rollback Files : 50
Last Rollback Save Result : None
Last Save Completion Time : N/A
In Progress : No
Last Revert Initiated User : N/A
Last Revert Checkpoint File: N/A
Last Revert Result : None
Last Revert Initiated Time : N/A
Last Revert Completion Time: N/A
Last Rollback Delete Result: None

Rollback Files
Idx Suffix Creation Time Release User
latest .rb 2014/10/16 18:23:38 UTC B-10.0.R5 student
1 .rb.1 2014/10/16 17:59:02 UTC B-10.0.R5 student
2 .rb.2 2014/10/16 16:06:32 UTC B-10.0.R5 student
3 .rb.3 2014/10/16 15:14:41 UTC B-10.0.R5 student
4 .rb.4 2014/10/16 14:35:49 UTC B-10.0.R5
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4 .rb.4 2014/10/16 14:35:49 UTC B-10.0.R5
5 .rb.5 2014/10/15 20:50:27 UTC B-10.0.R5
6 .rb.6 2014/10/15 20:34:53 UTC B-10.0.R5
7 .rb.7 2014/10/15 20:04:30 UTC B-10.0.R5
8 .rb.8 2014/10/15 19:46:45 UTC B-10.0.R5

3. To revert to the final configuration for a particular lab, use admin rollback revert
<rollback file index> command.
In the following example, router R1 has been reverted to the final configuration of Lab 3:
Static Routing. The number 5 is the rollback file index found in the show system
rollback command.

*A:ASIN_R01# admin rollback revert 5

Restoring rollback configuration
Processing current config... 0.010 s
"ftp://*:*@" ...
0.160 s
Resolving Dependencies... 0.010 s
Tearing setup down... 0.000 s
Rebuilding setup... 0.000 s
Finished in 0.180 s

163 of 166 © Nokia 2016

This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT
4. When debugging problems, it is useful to compare configuration between the current router
configuration and a known working configuration using the command admin rollback
compare to <rollback file index>.
The example below shows a static route has been incorrectly configured in router R1.

*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# admin rollback compare to 5

Processing active config ... 0.010 s
ftp://*:*@ ...
0.140 s
+ static-route "" next-hop ""
- static-route "" next-hop ""
Finished in 0.150 s

5. To identify configuration differences between two lab exercises, use the command admin
rollback compare <rollback file index> to <rollback file index>.
The following example compares the configuration differences between Lab 3: Static
Routing (rollback file index 5) and Lab 4: OSPF Routing (rollback file index 4).

164 of 166 © Nokia 2016

This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT
*A:ASIN_R01(P1)# admin rollback compare 4 to 5
ftp://*:*@ ...
0.160 s
ftp://*:*@ ...
0.150 s
+ ospf
+ area ""
+ interface "system"
+ no shutdown
+ exit
+ interface "toP2"
+ interface-type point-to-point
+ no shutdown
+ exit
+ interface "toPE1"
+ interface-type point-to-point
+ no shutdown
+ exit
+ exit
+ exit
- static-route "" next-hop ""
+ motd text "ASIN Lab 4: OSPF"
- motd text "ASIN Lab 3: Static Routing"
Finished in 0.940 s

165 of 166 © Nokia 2016

166 of 166
© Nokia 2016
This Nokia Scalable IP Networks v3.1.1 is for the exclusive use of Rahish KHAN - ALCATEL-LUCENT

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