Department of Teacher Education: Final Examination

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Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center

P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800

Name: ___________________________ Course and Year: _________

REMINDERS: Read and follow the instructions well. Strictly NO ERASURES!

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read and analyze the following questions well and answer each
item by shading the box aligned to the letter of your choice. Shade only one box in each item.

1 1 2 3 4
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 3 4
2 2 2 2
3 1 2 3 4
3 3 3 3
4 1 2 3 4
4 4 4 4
5 1 2 3 4
5 5 5 5
6 1 2 3 4
6 6 6 6
7 1 2 3 4
7 7 7 7
8 1 2 3 4
8 8 8 8
9 1 2 3 4
9 9 9 9
1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 0 0

1. If one material has a higher density than another, must the molecules of the first be heavier
than those of the second?
a) No, a high density may mean that lighter molecules are packed more closely together and
thus a given amount of mass is occupying a smaller volume, making a higher density.
b) Yes, a high density may mean that lighter molecules are loosely packed together and thus a
given amount of mass is occupying a smaller volume, making a higher density
c) It depends, high density may mean that heavy molecules are packed more closely together
and thus a given amount of mass is occupying a greater volume, making a higher density.
d) Both a and c
2. Airplane travelers sometimes note that their cosmetic bottles and other containers have
leaked during a flight. What might have caused this?
a) The air pressure inside the plane is equal to the pressure inside the bottle, the equal pressure
causes a force from the inside towards the outside, and so the contents may get forced out of
the container
b) The air pressure inside the plane is higher compared to the pressure inside the bottle, the
difference in pressure causes a force from the inside towards the outside, and so the contents
may get forced out of the container
An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)
Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
c) The difference in pressure is negligible. Bottles leak due to the orientation of the plane when
taking off
d) The air pressure inside the plane is lower compared to the pressure inside the bottle, the
difference in pressure causes a force from the inside towards the outside, and so the contents
may get forced out of the container

3. A small amount of water is boiled in a 1-gallon metal can. The can is removed from the
heat and the lid put on. As the can cools, it collapses and looks crushed. Why?
a) The gas inside the can will be at a very low pressure. When the gas in the sealed can cools,
the steam condenses and the pressure increases greatly. This increase of pressure on the
inside means that the outside air pressure is lower than the pressure in the can, and thus the
outside air pressure crushes the can.
b) The gas inside the can will be at atmospheric pressure. When the gas in the sealed can cools,
the steam condenses and the pressure drops greatly. This lowering of pressure on the inside
means that the outside air pressure is higher than the pressure in the can, and thus the outside
air pressure crushes the can.
c) The gas inside the can will be at equal magnitude as the pressure outside. The equal
magnitude of the pressure is what crushes the can
d) As the pressure inside the can lowers, series of chemical reaction takes place and it crushes
the can.
4. When the blood pressure is measured, why must the jacket be held at the level of the heart?
a) If the blood pressure is measured at a location h lower than the heart, the blood pressure will
be lower than the pressure at the heart, due to the effects of gravity, by an amount ρgh.
Likewise, if the blood pressure is measured at a location h higher than the heart, the blood
pressure will be higher than the pressure at the heart, again due to the effects of gravity, by an
amount ρgh .
b) If the blood pressure is measured at a location h lower than the heart, the blood pressure will
be lower than the pressure at the heart, due to the effects of gravity, by an amount ρgh.
Likewise if the blood pressure is measured at a location h higher than the heart, the blood
pressure will be still lower than the pressure at the heart, again due to the effects of gravity,
by an amount ρgh .
c) If the blood pressure is measured at a location h lower than the heart, the blood pressure will
be higher than the pressure at the heart, due to the effects of gravity, by an amount ρgh.
Likewise, if the blood pressure is measured at a location h higher than the heart, the blood
pressure will be higher than the pressure at the heart, again due to the effects of gravity, by an
amount ρgh .
d) If the blood pressure is measured at a location h lower than the heart, the blood pressure will
be higher than the pressure at the heart, due to the effects of gravity, by an amount ρgh.
Likewise, if the blood pressure is measured at a location h higher than the heart, the blood
pressure will be lower than the pressure at the heart, again due to the effects of gravity, by an
amount ρgh .
5. An ice cube floats in a glass of water filled to the brim. What can you say about the density
of ice?
a) Since the ice floats, the density of ice must be less than that of the water.

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
b) Since the ice floats, the density of ice must be greater than that of the water.
c) Since the ice floats, the density of ice must be equal to that of the water.
d) Since the ice floats, the density of ice could either be less than or equal to that of the water.
6. As the ice melts in problem #5, will the water overflow? Explain.
a) The mass of the ice displaces a water volume greater than its weight, whether it is solid or
liquid. Thus as the ice melts, the level in the glass overflows.
b) The mass of the ice displaces a water volume lesser than its weight, whether it is solid or
liquid. Thus as the ice melts, the level in the glass overflows.
c) The mass of the ice displaces a water volume equal to its weight, whether it is solid or liquid.
Thus as the ice melts, the level in the glass stays the same.
d) If the mass of the ice is small, then if it melts, it’s not going to overflow.
7. Will an ice cube float in a glass of alcohol? Why or why not?
a) The density of ice is greater than that of alcohol, so the ice cube will not float in a glass of
b) The density of ice is lesser than that of alcohol, so the ice cube will not float in a glass of
c) The density of ice is lesser than that of alcohol, so the ice cube will float in a glass of alcohol
d) The density of ice is greater than that of alcohol, so the ice cube will float in a glass of
8. A submerged can of Coke will sink, but a can of Diet Coke will float. Explain.
a) The Coke has a significant amount of sugar dissolved in it, increasing its density and making
it lesser than that of water. The Diet Coke does not have the dissolved sugar, and so its
density is greater than that of water. Thus the Coke sinks, and the Diet Coke floats.
b) The Coke has a significant amount of sugar dissolved in it, decreasing its density and making
it lesser than that of water. The Diet Coke does not have the dissolved sugar, and so its
density is lesser than that of water. Thus the Coke sinks, and the Diet Coke floats.
c) The Coke has a significant amount of sugar dissolved in it, decreasing its density and making
it greater than that of water. The Diet Coke does not have the dissolved sugar, and so its
density remains greater than that of water. Thus the Coke sinks, and the Diet Coke floats.
d) The Coke has a significant amount of sugar dissolved in it, increasing its density and making
it greater than that of water. The Diet Coke does not have the dissolved sugar, and so its
density remains less than that of water. Thus the Coke sinks, and the Diet Coke floats.
9. Why don’t ships made of iron sink?
a) Iron ships are not solid iron. If they were, then they would sink. But the ships have quite a bit
of open space in their volume, making their overall density less than that of water.
b) Iron ships are not really made of iron. If they were, then they would sink. But the ships have
quite a bit of open space in their volume, making their overall density greater than that of
c) Iron ships are not really made of iron. If they were, then they would sink. But the ships have
quite a bit of open space in their volume, making their overall density greater than that of
d) Either A or C
10. A barge filled high with sand approaches a low bridge over the river and cannot quite pass
under it. Should sand be added to, or removed from, the barge?

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
a) Since sand is less dense than water, adding a given volume of sand to the barge will displace
a lesser volume of water to support the added weight. Thus the extra height of the barge
caused by adding the sand will be more than compensated for by the extra depth to which the
barge has to be submerged in order to float.
b) Since sand is denser than water, removing a given volume of sand to the barge will displace a
greater volume of water to support the added weight. Thus the extra height of the barge
caused by adding the sand will be more than compensated for by the extra depth to which the
barge has to be submerged in order to float.
c) Since sand is less dense than water, removing a given volume of sand to the barge will
displace a lesser volume of water to support the added weight. Thus the extra height of the
barge caused by adding the sand will be more than compensated for by the extra depth to
which the barge has to be submerged in order to float.
d) Since sand is denser than water, adding a given volume of sand to the barge will displace a
greater volume of water to support the added weight. Thus the extra height of the barge
caused by adding the sand will be more than compensated for by the extra depth to which the
barge has to be submerged in order to float.
11. Will an empty balloon have precisely the same apparent weight on a scale as a balloon
filled with air? Explain.
a) No, the air inside the balloon is compressed slightly compared to the outside air, and so has a
higher density. This higher density means that the weight of the air inside the balloon is
higher than the weight of the air it displaces, and so the filled balloon has a higher apparent
weight than the empty balloon.
b) Yes, the empty balloon will have the same apparent weight as the filled balloon. Since the
balloon is both containing air and floating in air, the weight of the air inside the balloon is the
same magnitude as the buoyant force.
c) It depends, If you assume that the air is incompressible, then the answer is no
d) Both B and C
12. Explain why helium weather balloons, which are used to measure atmospheric conditions
at high altitudes, are normally released while filled to only 10–20% of their maximum
a) As the balloon rises, the air pressure outside the balloon will increase and be greater than the
pressure inside the balloon. The excess inside air pressure will cause the balloon to expand,
increasing the pressure inside but stretching the balloon in the process
b) As the balloon rises, the air pressure outside the balloon will increase and be lower than the
pressure inside the balloon. The excess inside air pressure will cause the balloon to expand,
increasing the pressure inside but stretching the balloon in the process
c) As the balloon rises, the air pressure outside the balloon will decrease and be greater than the
pressure inside the balloon. The excess inside air pressure will cause the balloon to expand,
lowering the pressure inside but stretching the balloon in the process
d) As the balloon rises, the air pressure outside the balloon will decrease and be lower than the
pressure inside the balloon. The excess inside air pressure will cause the balloon to expand,
lowering the pressure inside but stretching the balloon in the process
13. Explain how a siphon can transfer a liquid from one container to a lower one even though
the liquid must flow uphill for part of its journey?

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
a) The pressure in each tube will increase with height.
Since the portion of the tube going into the lower container is
longer than the portion of the tube going into the higher container,
the pressure at the highest point on the right side is higher than the pressure at the highest
point on the left side. This pressure difference causes liquid to flow from the left side of the
tube to the right side of the tube

b) The pressure in each tube will decrease with height. Since the portion of the tube going into
the lower container is longer than the portion of the tube going into the higher container, the
pressure at the highest point on the right side is lower than the pressure at the highest point
on the left side. This pressure difference causes liquid to flow from the left side of the tube to
the right side of the tube
c) The pressure in each tube will decrease with height. Since the portion of the tube going into
the lower container is longer than the portion of the tube going into the higher container, the
pressure at the highest point on the right side is higher than the pressure at the highest point
on the left side. This pressure difference causes liquid to flow from the left side of the tube to
the right side of the tube
d) The pressure in each tube will increase with height. Since the portion of the tube going into
the lower container is longer than the portion of the tube going into the higher container,
the pressure at the highest point on the right side is lower than the pressure at the highest
point on the left side. This pressure difference causes liquid to flow from the left side of the
tube to the right side of the tube
14. Why do you float higher in salt water than in fresh water?
a) Salt water has a lesser density than fresh water. Thus you have to displace greater salt water
to equal your weight than you do in fresh water. You then float “higher” in the salt water.
b) Salt water has a higher density than fresh water. Thus you have to displace greater salt water
to equal your weight than you do in fresh water. You then float “higher” in the salt water.
c) Salt water has a lesser density than fresh water. Thus you have to displace less salt water to
equal your weight than you do in fresh water. You then float “higher” in the salt water.
d) Salt water has a higher density than fresh water. Thus you have to displace less salt water to
equal your weight than you do in fresh water. You then float “higher” in the salt water.
15. Why does the canvas top of a convertible bulge out when the car is traveling at high speed?
a) By Bernoulli’s principle, the outside air pressure near the canvas top will be less than the
inside air pressure. That difference in pressure results in a force that makes the top bulge
b) By Bernoulli’s principle, the outside air pressure near the canvas top will be greater than the
inside air pressure. That difference in pressure results in a force that makes the top bulge
c) By Bernoulli’s principle, the outside air pressure near the canvas top will be equal the inside
air pressure. That equal magnitude in pressure results in a force that makes the top bulge
d) None of the preceding
16. Roofs of houses are sometimes “blown” off (or are they pushed off?) during a tornado or
hurricane. Explain using Bernoulli’s principle

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
a) By Bernoulli’s principle, the fast moving winds of the tornado or hurricane cause the air
pressure above the roof to be quite high, but the pressure inside the house is still near normal
levels. This pressure difference, combined with the large surface area of the roof, gives a
very large force which can push the roof off the house.
b) By Bernoulli’s principle, the fast moving winds of the tornado or hurricane cause the air
pressure above the roof to be equal the pressure inside the house at near normal levels. This
pressure equivalence, combined with the large surface area of the roof, gives a very large
force which can push the roof off the house.

c) By Bernoulli’s principle, the fast moving winds of the tornado or hurricane cause the air
pressure above the roof to be quite low, but the pressure inside the house is still near normal
levels. This pressure difference, combined with the large surface area of the roof, gives a
very large force which can push the roof off the house.
d) By Bernoulli’s principle, the fast moving winds of the tornado or hurricane cause the air
pressure above the roof to be quite high. This high pressure, combined with the structure of
the roof, gives a very large force which can push the roof off the house
17. Children are told to avoid standing too close to a rapidly moving train because they might
get sucked under it. Is this possible? Explain.
a) It is possible. By Bernoulli’s principle, that air will be at a lower pressure than air further
away from the train. That difference in pressure results in a force towards the train, which
could push a lightweight child towards the train
b) It is possible. By Bernoulli’s principle, that air will be at a greater pressure than air further
away from the train. That difference in pressure results in a force towards the train, which
could push a lightweight child towards the train
c) It is not possible. By Bernoulli’s principle, that air will be at an equal pressure with the air
further away from the train. That equal pressure results in a force towards the train, which
could push a lightweight child towards the train
d) It is not possible. By Bernoulli’s principle, that air will be at an equal pressure with the air
near from the train. That equal pressure results in a force towards the train, which could push
a lightweight child towards the train
18. A tall Styrofoam cup is filled with water. Two holes are punched in the cup near the
bottom, and water begins rushing out. If the cup is dropped so it falls freely, will the water
continue to flow from the holes? Explain.
a) Water will still flow from the holes when the cup and water are in free fall. The viscosity of
the water is not affected by the motion of the cup
b) Water will still flow from the holes when the cup and water are in free fall. The water will
flow as long as it finds channel to flow.
c) Water will not flow from the holes when the cup and water are in free fall. There is a strong
attraction that occurs between water molecules which glued them together so they don’t flow
during the falling process
d) Water will not flow from the holes when the cup and water are in free fall. The acceleration
due to gravity is the same for all falling objects (ignoring friction), and so the cup and water
would fall together
19. Why do airplanes normally take off into the wind?

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
a) By taking off into the wind, the speed of the air relative to the wing is the sum of the plane’s
speed and the wind speed. This allows the plane to take off at a lower ground speed,
requiring a shorter runway.
b) By taking off into the wind, the speed of the air relative to the wing is the sum of the plane’s
speed and the wind speed. This allows the plane to take off at a greater ground speed,
requiring a longer runway.
c) By taking off into the wind, the speed of the air relative to the wing is the sum of the plane’s
speed and the wind speed. This allows the plane to take off at a greater ground speed,
requiring a shorter runway.
d) By taking off into the wind, the speed of the air relative to the wing is the sum of the plane’s
speed and the wind speed. This allows the plane to take off at a lower ground speed,
requiring a longer runway.
20. Why does the stream of water from a faucet become narrower as it falls?
a) As the stream of water falls, its vertical speed is slower away from the faucet than close to it,
due to the acceleration caused by gravity, and a slower flow has a smaller cross-sectional
area. Thus the slower moving water has a narrower stream.
b) As the stream of water falls, its vertical speed is faster near from the faucet than away from
it, due to the acceleration caused by gravity, and with that, the water has a smaller cross-
sectional area. Thus the slower moving water has a narrower stream.
c) As the stream of water falls, its vertical speed is slower near from the faucet than away from
it, due to the acceleration caused by gravity, and with that, the water has a smaller cross-
sectional area. Thus the faster moving water has a narrower stream.
d) As the stream of water falls, its vertical speed is faster away from the faucet than close to it,
due to the acceleration caused by gravity, and a faster flow has a smaller cross-sectional area.
Thus the faster moving water has a narrower stream.
21. The approximate volume of the granite monolith known as El Capitan in Yosemite
National Park is about 108m3. What is its approximate mass?
a) 3x1011kg b) 2x1012kg c) 4x1010kg d) 3x1010kg
22. What is the approximate mass of air in a living room 4.8m x 3.8m x2.8m?
a) 69kg b) 68kg c) 67kg d) 66kg
23. If you tried to smuggle gold bricks by filling your backpack, whose dimensions are 60cm x
28cm x18cm, what would its mass be?
a) 5.9 x 102kg b) 5.8 x 102kg c) 5.7 x 102kg d) 5.6 x 102kg
24. A bottle has a mass of 35.00 g when empty and 98.44 g when filled with water. When filled
with another fluid, the mass is 88.78 g. What is the specific gravity of this other fluid?
a) 0.8566 b) 0.8975 c) 0.8123 d) 0.8477
25. If 5 L of antifreeze solution (specific density = 0.80) is added to 4 L of water to make a 9.0-
L mixture, what is the specific gravity of the mixture?
a) 0.89 b) 0.69 c) 0.59 d) 1
26. Estimate the pressure exerted on a floor by a one pointed chair leg (60kg on all four legs)
of area = 0.020cm2
a) 9x107N/m2 b) 8x107N/m2 c) 7x107N/m2 d) 7x107N/m2
27. Estimate the pressure exerted on a floor by a 1500kg elephant standing on one foot (area =
a) 2x105N/m2 b) 2.5x105N/m2 c) 3x105N/m2 d) 3.5x105N/m2

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
28. What is the difference in blood pressure (mm-Hg) between the top of the head and bottom
of the feet of a 1.60-m-tall person standing vertically?
a) 121mm - Hg b) 122mm - Hg c) 123mm - Hg d) 124mm - Hg
29. Calculate the total force of the atmosphere acting on the top of a table that measure 1.6m x
a) 4.7x105N b) 5.8x105N c) 6.7x105N d) 7.8x105N
30. What is the total force acting upward on the underside of the table in number 29?
a) 7.8x105N b) 5.8x105N c) 6.7x105N d) 4.7x105N

31. What fraction of a piece of aluminum will be submerged when it floats in mercury?
a) 20% b) 30% c) 40% d) 50%
32. A geologist finds that a Moon rock whose mass is 9.28 kg has an apparent mass of 6.18 kg
when submerged in water. What is the density of the rock?
a) 5.99x103kg/m3 b) 4.99x103kg/m3 c) 3.99x103kg/m3 d) 2.99x103kg/m3
33. Calculate the true mass (in vacuum) of a piece of aluminum whose apparent mass is 2.0000
kg when weighed in air.
a) 3.0010kg b) 2.0010kg c) 1.0010kg d) 0.0010kg
34. An undersea research chamber is spherical with an external diameter of 5.20 m. The mass
of the chamber, when occupied, is 74,400 kg. It is anchored to the sea bottom by a cable.
What is the buoyant force on the chamber?
a) 10.40x105N b) 9.40x105N c) 8.40x105N d) 7.40x105N
35. In number 34, what is the tension in the cable?
a) 1.04x104N b) 2.04x104N c) 3.04x104N d) 4.04x104N
36. A crane lifts the 18,000-kg steel hull of a sunken ship out of the water. Determine (a) the
tension in the crane’s cable when the hull is fully submerged in the water.
a) 3.5x105N b) 2.5x105N c) 1.5x105N d) 0.5x105N
37. In number 36, what is the tension when the hull is completely out of the water?
a) 1.8x105N b) 2.8x105N c) 3.8x105N d) 4.8x105N
38. A scuba diver and her gear displace a volume of 65.0 L and have a total mass of 68 kg.
What is the buoyant force on the diver in seawater?
a) 657N b) 655 N c) 652 d) 653N
39. The specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025. What percent of an
iceberg is above the surface of the water?
a) 10.5% b) 11.5% c) 12.5% d) 13.5%
40. A spherical balloon has a radius of 7.35 m and is filled with helium. How large a cargo can
it lift, assuming that the skin and structure of the balloon have a mass of 930 kg? Neglect
the buoyant force on the cargo volume itself.
a) 4.5x105N/m2 b) 3.5x105N/m2 c) 2.5x105N/m2 d) 1.5x105N/m2
41. A 15-cm-radius air duct is used to replenish the air of a room 9.2m x 5m x 4.5m every 16
min. How fast does the air flow in the duct?
a) 3.1m/s b) 4.1m/s c) 5.1m/s d) 6.1m/s
42. How fast does water flow from a hole at the bottom of a very wide, 4.6-m-deep storage tank
filled with water? Ignore viscosity
a) 12.5m/s b) 11.5m/s c) 10.5m/s d) 9.5m/s

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800
43. What gauge pressure in the water pipes is necessary if a fire hose is to spray water to a
height of 15 m?
a) 2.5x105N/m2 b) 1.5x105N/m2 c) 3.5x105N/m2 d) 4.5x105N/m2
44. A inch (inside) diameter garden hose is used to fill a round swimming pool 6.1 m in
diameter. How long will it take to fill the pool to a depth of 1.2 m if water flows from the
hose at a speed of 0.40m/s?
a) 9.1day b) 7.1days c) 6.1day d) 5.1days
45. What is the volume rate of flow of water from a 1.85-cm-diameter faucet if the pressure
head is 15.0 m?
a) 4.6x10-3m3/s b) 6.6x10-3m3/s c) 8.6x10-3m3/s d) 10.6x10-3m3/s
46. A 6cm diameter horizontal pipe gradually narrows to 4cm. When water flows through this
pipe at a certain rate, the gauge pressure in these two sections 32kPa and 24kPa
respectively. What is the volume rate of flow?
a) 7.6x10-3m3/s b) 6.6x10-3m3/s c) 5.6x10-3m3/s d) 4.6x10-3m3/s
47. What is the volume rate of flow of water from a 1.85cm diameter faucet if the pressure
head is 15m?
a) 4.6x10-3m3/s b) 5.6x10-3m3/s c) 6.6x10-3m3/s d) 7.6x10-3m3/s
48. If wind blows at 35m/s over a house, what is the net force on the on the roof if its area is
240m2 and is flat?
a) 4.9x105N b) 3.9x105N c) 2.9x105N c) 1.9x105N
49. Archimedes principle can be used not only to determine the specific gravity of a solid using
liquid; the reverse can be done as well. As an example, a 3.4kg ball has an apparent mass of
2.1kg when submerged in a particular liquid. Calculate the density of the liquid.
a) 1.03x103kg/m3 b) 3.03x103kg/m3 c) 5.03x103kg/m3 d) 7.03x103kg/m3
50. A 0.48kg piece of wood floats in water but is found to sink in alcohol (SG =0.79) in which it
has an apparent mass of 0.047kg. What is the SG of the wood?
a) 0.44 b) 0.66 c) 0.77 d) 0.88

Prepared by: Checked by:

Chriscel V. Gallema Mayeth T. Valdez

Instructor Department Head

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)
Formerly Kalinga Christian Learning Center
P. 4, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Philippines 3800

An Institution of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Member: Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU)
UCCP Church- Related Educational Action Towards Empowerment (UCCP-CREATE)
Cordillera Schools Group (CSG)

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