MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read and Analyze The Following Questions Well and Answer Each Item by Shading The Box Aligned To The

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Saint Tonis College Inc.

Bulanao, Tabuk City Kalinga

Midterm Examination

NAME: ________________________________________ Course and Year: _____________

REMINDERS: Read and follow the instructions well. Strictly NO ERASURES! SUBMIT ONLY THE FIRST PART OF THIS EXAM PAPER.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read and analyze the following questions well and answer each item by shading the box aligned to the
letter of your choice. Shade only one box in each item.

1 11 21 31 41
2 12 22 32 42
3 13 23 33 43
4 14 24 34 44
5 15 25 35 45
6 16 26 36 46
7 17 27 37 47
8 18 28 38 48
9 19 29 39 49
1 20 30 40 50

1. It is the branch of physics concerned with the interaction of matter and energy.
a. physics b. chemistry c. thermodynamics d. optics
2. Different branches of sciences such as optics, thermodynamics and quantum physics are given birth due to
continuous researches and studies. What is the main goal of all these sciences?
a. to answer all human questions about different phenomenon c. to validate claims in the past
b. to explain everything that we observe around d. to aid the human person in different aspects
3. Physics is integrated with other subjects which means they work with one another to help understand different
phenomenon. Which situation shows how physics help in the study of zoology?
a. physics is useful in understanding how prairie dogs and other animals can live underground without suffocating
b. physics is useful in understanding how a dog inherit the color of its fur.
c. physics is used to traced the real parents of the lost calves found roaming in the locality
d. all of the preceding
4. It is believed that drinking hot coffee in a hot afternoon decreases the warmth you feel in your body. Which
branch of physics will validate this claim?
a. Electromagnetism b. thermodynamics c. quantum physics d. atomic physics
5. When electrons received an extra energy, they jump from one energy level to another energy level but goes back
to its original energy level releasing the excess energy. This is phenomenon is just one of the concerns of which
branch of physics?
a. Electromagnetism b. thermodynamics c. quantum physics d. atomic physics
6. A child looks at a person standing in waist-deep water and notice that the person appears to have shortened legs.
Which branch of physics would explain why the person appeared to have shortened legs when dip in water?
a. optics b. electromagnetism c. kinematics d. statics
7. Buildings install grounding material on top of buildings so as to neutralize the effect of lightning. The grounding
material is an application of which branch of physics?
a. optics b. electromagnetism c. kinematics d. statics
8. What is the scientific notation of 0.00000987?
a. 7.89x10-8 b. 9.87x10 6 c. 9.87x10 -6 d. none of the preceding
9. 3x10 is also equal to _________
a. 0.000000000003 b. 0.0000000000003 c. 3,000,000,000,000 d. none of the preceding
10. How many significant numbers are there in 0.0000789?
a. 8 b. 3 c. 7 d. 10
11. How many significant numbers are there in 122,897.000567890000?
a. 14 b. 18 c. 11 d. 12
12. Dave measured the distance from his home to his school. Which of the following measurement is not equal to
a. 8.858km b. 5.5044miles c. 88,580dm d. 8,858,000cm
13. Which of the following measurement of length of a string would give you the shortest string?
a. 1m b. 19.6850inches c. 200cm d. 31.75mm
14. As part of his task, Knaik has to measure the temperature in 4 rooms labeled as A, B, C and D. His measurements
are given below. Which room is the coldest?
a. 77 F b. 291.15 K c. 24 C d. 90F
15. Which room is the hottest?
a. 77 F b. 291.15 K c. 24 C d. 90F
16. Which of the following masses is the greatest?
a. 50 oz b. 1.8 kg c. 25lb c. 1,400 g
17. Which of the following masses is the lightest?
a. 50 oz b. 1.8 kg c. 25lb c. 1,400 g
18. It is the rate at which an object changes its velocity per unit time.
a. velocity b. acceleration c. speed d. displacement
19. It is the total path travelled
a. velocity b. distance c. speed d. displacement
20. There are four runners in the field. Given their speed below, who will win the race?
a. 60m/s b. 144km/h c. 2,187.2266inch/s d. 62.1371mi/h
21. One of the reasons for measurement uncertainty is blunders. Which situation exemplifies blunder?
a. maria wrote the wrong number c. Mario misread the measurement in the ruler
b. marina forgot one digit when recording the number d. all of the preceding
22. Which is true about distance covered and displacement of an object?
a. distance is always greater than displacement c. displacement is always greater than distance
b. you can travel distance but no displacement d. you can have displacement but no distance travelled
23. Which of the following is true about acceleration due to gravity?
a. all object will have acceleration equals to 9.8m/s 2 c. objects when air résistance is neglected will fall same time
b. The acceleration of falling object can be increase by adding force d. all of the preceding
24. Which of the following is true about speed and velocity?
a. speed is always positive while velocity can be negative c. speed and velocity can be both positive and negative
b. speed can be negative but velocity is always positive d. all of the preceding
25. A mosquito is flying inside a car running in a speed of 100km/h, which of the following is true about the speed of
the mosquito?
a. it is moving at the speed of the car c. it has lesser speed than the car
b. it has greater speed than the car d. all of the preceding
26. Which of the following is true about the horizontal acceleration of an object in a projectile motion?
a. the acceleration is increasing b. the acceleration is zero c. the acceleration is decreasing d Either A or B
27. In which of the following planet would a 50kg have the highest weight?
a. Saturn b. Jupiter c. Earth d. Mars
28. In which of the following planet would a 50kg have the least weight?
a. Saturn b. Jupiter c. Earth d. Mars
29. Which of the following is true about gravitational force and normal force in an object at rest?
a. the normal force is greater than the gravitational force c. both are equal
b. the gravitational force is greater than the normal force d. either A or B
30. Which of the following units is equivalent to Newton?
a. kg m/s2 b. Joules/s 2 c. kg/m/s 2 d.Js2
31. A delivery truck travels 21 m north, 16 m east, and 26 m south. What is its final displacement from the origin?
a. 15.1987 m b. 16.1987m c. 17.1987m d. 18.1987m
32. What is the direction of your answer in item 31?
a. 17.35˚ S of E b. 17.35˚ S of W c. 17.35˚ W of N d. 17.35˚ W of S
33. 50m, 45˚N of W + 50m, 60˚ E of S + 50m, 70˚W of S is equivalent to _____
a. 39.6171m b. 38. 7611m c. 93.7611m d. 83.1176m
34. What is the direction of your answer in item 33?
a. 9.8037˚S of E a. 9.8037˚S of W c. a. 9.8037˚W of N a. 9.8037˚ E of N
35. 60m ,30˚N of W + 45m 50˚S of E + 30m N is equivalent to ____
a. 35.2538m b. 34.3852m c 36.2538m d. 33.3852m
36. What is the direction of your answer in item 35?
a. 47.9374˚N of W b. 47.9374˚S of W c. 47.9374˚E of W d. 47.9374˚S of E
37. Maria run 200km in 8hrs. what is her speed in m/s?
a. 6.944m/s b. 10.55m/s c. 3.99m/s d. 12.75m/s
38. If Marvin can run a speed of 120m/s, how far can he reach in 2hrs?
a. 864km b. 240km c. 86,400m d. 432,000m
39. How long will it take Dave to reach 9km if he has a speed of 200m/s?
a. 22.22s b. 1800s c. 0.045s d. 45s
40. What must your car’s average speed be in order to travel 235 km in 2.75 h?
a.25.75km/h b. 85.45m/s c.50km/h d. 23.7374m/s
41. You are driving home from school steadily at 95km/h for 180 km. It then begins to rain and you slow to 65km/h.
You arrive home after driving 4.5 h. How far is your hometown from school?
a. 493.5443km b. 439.4435km c. 349.3445km d. 394. 3445km
42. In item 39, what was the average speed?
a. 77.63km/h b. 88.63km/h c. 99.63km/h d. 109.75km/h
43. A car slows down from 23m/s to rest in a distance of 85 m. What was its acceleration, assumed constant?
a. – 3.1m/s2 b. -5.6m/s 2 c. 2.5m/s 2 d. 4.6m/s 2
44. A car traveling 88km/h is 110 m behind a truck traveling 75km/h. How long will it take the car to reach the truck?
a. 45.44 s b. 30.46s c. 46.30s d. 44.45s
45. A sprinter accelerates from rest to 9m/s in 1.38 s. What is her acceleration?
a. 6.5217m/s2 b. – 6.5217m/s 2 c. 12.42m/s 2 d. -12.42m/s 2
46. A stone is dropped from the top of a cliff. It is seen to hit the ground below after 3.55 s. How high is the cliff?
a. 61.75m b. 16.75m c. 75.61m d. 57.16m
47. Estimate how long will it took Tine to fall straight down from the top of the Empire State Building 380 m high.
a. 7.7063s b. 8.8063s c. 9.8075s d. 10s
48. An athlete performing a long jump leaves the ground at a 28° angle and lands 7.80 m away. (a) What was the
takeoff speed?
a. 11.6 m/s b. 10.7m/s c. 9.6m/s d. 12.7m/s
49. An unknown mass has an acceleration of 4 m/s when acted upon by a force of magnitude 16 N. If the force is
increased to 64 N, what will be the new acceleration of the body?
a. 20m/s2 b. 18m/s2 c. 16m/s 2 d. 14m/s2
50. In transferring a patient to an emergency room, what force must you exert on pushing the bed of patient if the
overall weight of the patient and bed is 600N? The bed of patient is initially at rest and it travels 1.5 m/s at a
distance of 10 m in transferring to an emergency room. Assuming the friction between the bed and the floor is
a. 6.7342N b. 7.6342N c. 4.6732N d. 2.7346N

Nothing starts easy. Everything begins at some level of difficulty. But what is good in life is that, what is
the hardest is the most rewarding and most satisfying part of our life

Prepared by:

Chriscel V. Gallema

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