Dilg Joincircular 202026 - 58c76beef2

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Queasn Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City hutpi/ /wwwdilg. gov. ph GUIDELINES IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE BARANGAY PROFILE ‘THROUGH THE BARANGAY INFORMATION SYSTEM CIRCULAR NO.: Date: I. RATIONALE Pursuant to Republic Act No, 6975, otherwise known as “Department of the Interivr and Local Government Act of 1990,” the Department, through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), is mandated to establish and update the Masterlist of Barangays Barangay Officials and Barangay Socio-Economic Profiles. In compliance to this, the Barangay Information System (BIS) was developed to expeditiously and systematized the process in gathering, storing and maintaining data and information, It is integrated in the DILG Intranet that serves as the centralized log-in to other DILG web applications. ‘The Barangay Profile (BP) is one of the modules of the BIS. The BP module will be used in gathering the basic information of the barangay including its physical information, fiscal information, demogeaphic information, — political information, historical data, basic utilities/services and facilities and even its award and recognition, Il, PURPOSE ‘To systematize and facilitate the establishment of the BP Module and to ensure effective and efficient service delivery to the clientele of this Department. III. SCOPE/COVERAGE The Barangay Profile of all the barangays nationwide. his policy shall apply to all DILG. Regional, Provincial, City and Municipal Offices, BARMM Ministry of Local Government and others concerned. IV. GENERAL GUIDELINES a. ‘The Punong Barangay or his/her designated representative shall accomplish the Barangay Profile Data Capture Form#1 (BP-DCF#1). Only signed and certified correct BP-DCF#1 by the punong barangay shall be considered valid for encoding to the BIS-BP Module b. ‘The DILG R/P/C/M Focal Persons shall register to the intranet to have access to BIS: BP Module. The Regional Information and Communications Technology Unit (RICTU} d of respective Regional Offices has the authority in granting access to the system, Once the account has been created, inform the RICTU concerned regarding the granting of access to the BIS. All the concerned DILG Focal Persons shall see to it chat data are always complete and. updated, The data generated from the system shall be considered official data of the barangay. The ISTMS shall be responsible in the maintenance and enhancement of the System, V. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF DILG REGIONAL, PROVINCIAL, HUC, CIT'Y AND. MUNICIPAL OFFICES A B. G 1 DILG Highly Urbanized City, Independent Component City/Component City/Municipal Offices shall: 1. Ensure the dissemination of the BP-DCFé1 to their respective barangays in their jurisdiction, In addition, they are accountable on the veracity of information being written in the BP-DCFs1 and in the collection of filled-out BP- DCF 2. Validate and encode the data/information of the barangay from the filled-our BP-DCFél to the BIS-BP Module. ‘The original copy of the filled-out BP-DCF#1 shall be kept by the DILG HUC, ICC, CC and Municipal Field Office/s and the concerned barangay shall also secure a copy of the filled-out BP-DC¥s1 for ready reference. 3. Update the profiles of the barangay when there are changes of dutw/intormation in terms of physical, political, fiscal, demographic, socio-economic, among others. DILG Provincial Office shall: 1. Ensure the dissemination of the BP-DCF#1 to their respective jurisdiction and monitor their compliance. 2. Assign BP focal person who shalll validate and monitor the progress of encoding of the City and Municipal Field Officers in their jurisdiction to the BIS-BP Module. DILG Regional Office shall: Ensure the dissemination of the BP-DCFe1 to their respective jurisdiction and monitor their compliance 2, Assign BP focal person who shall validate and monitor the progress of encoding in the System. On the other hand, the DILG Kegional Information Technology Officer (RITO) shall be responsible in providing technical assistence within their respective regions, D. National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) shall: 1. Ensure the dissemination of the soft/hard copies of BP-DCF#1 to the DILG Regional Offices and monitor their compliance. 2. Conduct review of guidelines annually and submit recommendations and/or revision of provisions to further improve the system, if necessary V. POLICY REVIEW AND EVALUATION ‘These guidelines shall be reviewed periodically to ensure the continued smooth implementation of the program, VI. DISSEMINATION OF ‘THIS ISSUANCE All DILG Regional Offices shall cause the widest dissemination of this Circular to all concerned VIL. EFFECTIVITY his Circular shall take effect immediately VII. ANNEXES Annex A - Barangay Profile Data Capture Form #1 (BP-DCK#1) Annex B - Guide on filling-out the Barangay Profile Data Capture Form No.1 Annex © - Process Flow Annex D - Users Guide IX. APPROVING AUTHORITY EDUARDO M. ANO Secretary X. FEEDBACK For related inquiries, kindly contact the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) at Telephone Nos. 88763454 local 4406 or e-mail us at mboo.dilgco2018@gmail.com andor nboobods2013@gmail.com Page 38 Barangey City/Municipality Province ST Region Annex A Barangay Profile DCF No. 1 (8P-OCF No.1 s. 2020) Republic of the Philippines Department of the Interior and Local Government NATIONAL BARANGAY OPERATIONS OFFICE BARANGAY PROFILE PHYSICAL INFORMATION Total Land Area (in square hectares) ;__ Barangay Category (Urban, Rural): link to PSGC Land Classification: Ol Upland D) Lowland Coastal O Landlocked Barangay Location : Tabing-ilog 01 Tabing-Oagor O Tabing-bundok O Poblacion Major Economic Source: Dagricultural O Fishing OCommerciat Cindustriai II, POLITICAL INFORMATION Legal Basis of Creation ___ Date of Plebiscite/Ratification Number of Precincts Name of Barangay and SK Officials (2018-202): link to BOPS automatically (to include Bangay and SK Secretaries ‘and Treasurers and IPMRs} No. of Other Appointed Barangay tupon Member = Barangay Tanod Barangoy Health Worker + Borangoy Nutrition Scholar + Day Care Worker VAW Desk Officer BADAC Cluster Leaders icials and Workers: Link to BOPS automatically LEVEL OF FUNCTIONALITY OF THE BARANGAY-BASED INSTITUTIONS (BB!) GH TN ANGAY-BASED INSTITUTIONS | IDEAL "BARANGAY aASED NETTUTIONS | wooenare| vow |, RON Bacagayieclapeszob Coane (BDC) (BaRANGAY-BaSét [mature | progressive | sasic [Barangay Peace and Order Council (8POC] | Bacangsy Gounel lore hroterson of 1 Children (BCPC) | I ce [Violence Against Women (VAW] Desk I T aaRawcav-enseD msturions | wicniidea | MOTE | Low asic IIL FISCAL INFORMATION A. External Sources 8. Local Sources Internal Revenue Allotment RPT Share Donation/Grant Fees and Charges Share from national wealth Others (Local) Others (External) Subsidy General Fund: (External Sources + Local Sources] SK Fund 1056 of the General Furs Field Definitions: indicate the Tota! Income forthe period under review External: Soutce (Internal Revenue Allotment (RA) Others (Shore from Natione! Weolth, subsidy et. Local Source ~ real property tax, fees ond charges, share from €-VAT and others) IV, DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION No. of Registered Voters. a B. No. of Population fink to PSGC__ C. With RBIS? Dyes CL No if yes, No.of inhabitants (RB; Sem: 22Sems___ D. No. of Households: __ E._ No. of Families: F. Population by Age Bracket AGE TOTAL T Children 0-5 years old 2. Children 6-12 years old 3. Children 13-17 years old [4. Adult 18:35 years old 5, Adult 36-50 years ol 6. Adult 51-65 years old 7. Adult 66 years old & above G. Population by Sector SEX TAL SECTOR Tr ‘Male Female Labor Force Unemployed ae ‘Out-of-School Youth [OS¥) ‘Out-of School Children (OSC) Persons with Disabilities (POWs) [Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) Solo Parents Indigenous Peoples (IPs) | \V. SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFORMATION ‘© BASIC UTILUTIES/SERVICE/FACILITIES Inventory of Barangay Facilities, FACILITIES we Barangay Hal ‘Multi-Purpose Hall (separate from the a Barangay Hall) brary and/or Reading Center Z Barangay Health Station Center Day Ci “Satelite Marker/Talipapa | Sport Center/Govered Gout Sey BESSESSraUEREBEEERS | ‘Waterai Recovery Faalty To ] ‘Solid Waste Management Colection 7] EEE T ran| System | Rain Water Collection System Bae ae Ton | Water Supplv Sistem ar co Waa | Planting Materials Distribution System : 1 | Operation of Farm Produce Colecton | anc Buying Station | 0. Inventory of Barangay Properties PARTICULARS 1 quantity REMARKS. 1 Service Firearm/s [2 service veniciess 2. Borangoy Patrol Cor/Multicab _b Ambulance Barangay Patrol/Motorcycle 3. ORK Equipment 2. Siren [ 1b, Rubber boot I megaphone [ 1. 2-woy radio 2. rescue venicle if nerotor set sl 9. First oid kit 1h. flashlights others ee 4. Computer Set [Desktop/cpu/keyboard/ web cam) 5. Printer J 6. Scanner 7. Phocopier B.sirconditioner/s | 9.tent/s [_ S.tenth 10, monobiock chairs | | 11. Office Furnitures: «computer table/s 2 computer chair/s «office table/s I | 4. office chait/s sofa set J dinng rove [ qcabinee/s bothers 32. Appliances. 0. Refrigerator television 6 Wat 1. Air Condition [Oe Bectrie Fan J. Gos Stove Cel | hh Sound System | 1 ‘i Generator others (pls. specify Dispenser jar Phone [ ._ Access to Potable Water Type/Level Number of Household with access | Eee ee ceee ear Y Level spring, deep well ei = Level water supplied by public water faucets evel wate? Supplied through water faucets in ingividual households 4d. Others Largest Power Supply Distributor Major Water Supply Level of Households Existing Means of Transportation Existing Means of Communication VI, AWARDS/RECOGNITION RECEIVED BY THE BARANGAY/BARANGAY OFFICIALS DURING YEAR UNDER REVIEW * Specify the title of the Award/Recognition received during the year under review National Level Regional Level ere Local Level! Prepared By: Certified Correct: Validated By: (Barangay Secretary) (Punong Barangay) (cugoo/mucoo Republic of the Philippines Annex B Department of the Interior and Local Government NATIONAL BARANGAY OPERATIONS OFFICE Guide on filling-out the Barangay Profile Data Capture Form No. 1 (BP-DCF No. 1) CATEGORY INDICATORS: DESCRIPTION Barangay Name of the Barangay PHYSICAL INFORMATION TLPOLITICAL INFORMATION Level of Functionality of the Borangay- Based Institutions THLFISCAL INFORMATION City/Municipality Barangay Category [Tan Classification Bavangay Lotation Major Economic Source Legal Basis of Creation Date of Plebiscite/Ratitication Number of Precincts | Nome of Barangay and Sk Officials, Name of City/Municipality [ Name of the Province Name of the Region ‘otal land area of the barangay, in | square hectares Category of the barangay if Urban or | Rural Classification of the barangay iF Upland, Lowland, Coastal or | Landlocked Location of the barangay if Tabing, Hog, Tabing-Dagat, Tabing-Bundok or | Poblacion Major Economic Source of the barangay ~ Agricultural, Fishing, _| Commercial or Industrial Law or Ordinance/Resolution _| creating the barangay | Dace when the Plebiscite conducted _| or ratified bata to be secured from the Local COMELEC Link t0 the BOPS [including the | Barangay and SK Secretaries and Treasurers ond IPRs) | No. of Other Appointed Barangay | Link to the BOPS Officials ang Volunteers/Workers =” Barangay Development Council (eco) Barangay Peace and Order Comittee (BPOC) = Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) Violence Against Women (VAW) | Desk External Sources | [The dota as to their level of functionality will be automatically reflected based from the result of the encoded points/assessenent foutemoted DCFs of the BBIs ore uploaded in the Barongay Information System ~ Barongay Profile Module) Tv. DEMOGRAPHIC |= Internal Revenue Allotment RA) = Donation/Grant Share from National Wealth Others (External Subsidy) Sources RPT Share ~ Fees and Charges: General Fund | JEScor cer eerer ‘SK Fund No. of Registered Voters INFORMATION E No. of Population = _Others (Local) Use the data based from the release of the DBM. | Exiernal Sources Locl Sources (system wil compute outomaticoly] [meat ReGen Fane stem wi compute) ities T Bata to be gathered from Local comeutc eee PSA data [system will actomaticaly generate the data) Records of Barangay inhabitants (RBIs) = Yes?: No. of Inhabitants [No.of Famies Population by Age Bracket + Children O'S years old - Children 6-12 years old Children 13-17 years old = Adut 18-35 years old duit 36-50 years ola duit 51-65 years old Adu 66 years ol and above Total No. of Male and Female by age bracket Population by Sector: Labor Force Unemployed Qut-of Schoo! Youth (SY) (Out-of- School Children (OSC) Persons with Disabilities (PWDs} Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) Solo Parents Indigenous Peoples (IPs) Presence and absence of RBIs. To be updated every 2°'Sem. and 2" Sem MC No. 2008-144 entitled: Reiteration of MC No. 2005-69 dated July 22, 2005 Re: Maintenance ang Updating of Records of all innabitants | | of the Barangay Advisory dated September 10, 2019: | Maintenance and Updating of | Records of all inhabitants of the Barangay | Data can be taken from the RBIs ata can be taken from the RBIS Data can be taken from the RBIS Date can be taken fromthe RBIs | V. SOCIO-ECONOMIC Total No. of Male and Female by Sector Inventory of Barangay Facilities Barangay Hall + Multi-Purpose Hall [separate from the Barangay Hall) Library and/or Reading Center + Barangay Health Station + Day Care Center Satellite Market/Talipapa Sports Center/Covered Court Materials Recovery Facility Solid Waste Management Collection system Rain Water Collection System Water Supply System Plaza = Planting Materials Distribution System Operation of Farm Produce Collection and Buying Station Inventory of Barangay Properties Service Ficearmn/s Service Vehicie/s: Barangay Patrol Car/taulticob > Ambulance > Barangay Patrol/Motorcycle D otners ORR Eaupment P Seen > Ruvber boot > Megophore > aay radio > eseve vice 2 esto te Dosis Dotter Computer set | (aesttop/cpurkeyboura/we cam) |. Printer [2 Precoper | - tenys | monoblock chairs Office Furniture computer table/s computer chair/s office toble/s office chuir/s sofo set dining cable cabinet/s others + Appliances Refrigerator Television Woter Dispenser Air Conditioners Electric Fon Gas Stove. REESE VEY Presence and absence and/or with Access with quantity MC No. 2018-12 dated Febuary 1, 2019: Conduct of Inventory and Turn: Over of All Barangay Properties, Financial Records, Documents {BPFRDs) and Money Accountabilities byall Incumbent Barangay Officials Advisory dated August 27, 2019. | Inventory of Barangay Properties Cellular Phone Sound System Generator Set others (pls specify) yyy AWARDS/RECOGNITION RECEIVED BY THE BARANGAY/BARANGAY OFFICIALS DURING YEAR UNDER REVIEW ‘ccess to Potable Water +P Level~spring, deep well et | 2! Level - water supplied by public | water faucets = ¥* Level - water supplied through water faucets in individual |___nouseholds Others: Largest Power Supaly Distributor Major Water Supply Level of Households | - Existing Means of Transportation Existing Means of Communication National Level Regional Level Local Level | With no. oF household with access ‘Award/Recognition received during | | | | | Specify the title ofthe | te year under review | Eronnaeas sem Barangay Profile Daa aed * Accomplishes the BP-DCF No.1 + Ensures that the data/information are true and correct, Only signed BP-DCF Nout will be considered valid for inclusion/encoding to the BIS. Etre Riera Renate P Xceed Ciara ey Checks, verifies and validates the completeness of the entries Encodes the data to BIS-BP Module Keeps and archives all original and signed BP-DCF No. 1 (discretion of POs and ROs if they will be provided copies of the POIs) Eon REGIONAL OFFICES Assigns BP focal person who shall validate and monitor the progress of ‘encoding of the Gity and ‘Municipal Field Offices in their jurisdiction to the System. Provides and updates the guidelines and procedures, together with the BP Process Flow a5 may be necessary Monitors compliance ‘/progress of encoding, Annex C 31S technical Maintains and enhance the BIS Ensures that guidelines and procedures are accessible and downloadable at the DILG Website. Annex D USER’S GUIDE: BARANGAY INFORMATION SYSTEM — BARANGAY PROFILE MODULE HOW TO CREATE THE BARANGAY PROFILE USING THE BARANGAY INFORMATION SYSTEM (BIS) 1. Type intranet.dilg.gov.ph at the Uniform Resource Locator (URL! to log-in to the intranet. | ‘a | 2. At the Intranet window, click “Barangay Information System” under “My Applications” 3. In the menu bar, click the drop-down arrow beside the “Barangay Profile” then select “Encoding of Barangay Data” 4, At the Barangay Profile” window, click the “create profile” button 5. Atthe “Create Barangay Profile” window, ‘encode all the information based from the accomplished Barangay Profile DCF No.1, (BP-DCF No. 2) then click the “create” button once done. ER User's Guide: Barangay Information System Barengay Profte move. ‘National Barangay Operations fie, Reseorch and Profiling Divislor eoartment ofthe Interior and Local Government

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