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Lagmay, John Patrick D.

March 11, 2021

BS Psych-III Blk. 2

1.) Why is it important to consider both the industrial

psychology and organizational psychology in the workplace?
15 pts.

The Industrial/Organizational Psychology has two major sides.

First, is the Industrial side which focus in understanding human
behavior in order to improve organizational efficiency,
employee selection, employee training and to more efficiently
design jobs, the industrial side of industrial and organizational
psychology is a top down perspective which views human
behavior to assess ways in which the organization can benefit
from the application of psychological principles (Spector, 2008;
Jex, 2002). On the other hand, The organizational side focuses
on understanding behavior in order to enhance employee
satisfaction and well-being within the work place (Spector,
2008; Jex, 2002). Spector (2008) explains that “organizational
topics include employee attitudes, employee behavior, job
stress, and supervisory practices” (p. 5). Judging by the focus of
organizational topics it can be stated that the organizational side
of the field is a bottom up perspective which focuses on
behavior in order to improve the quality and satisfaction of the
individuals within an organization rather than the organization
as a whole.

Therefore, integrating these two important field in the

workplace has an emerging impact on enhancing the dignity and
performance of human beings, and the organizations they work
in, by advancing the science and knowledge of human behavior”
(Rucci, 2008).
1. ) Choose two leadership styles that you believe would best
work when handling a team as a supervisor or manager.
Explain why. 20pts.

The two leadership styles that I believe that would work when
handling a team as a manager will be Democratic leadership and
transformational leadership.

Democratic leadership is a type of leadership which combines

both the autocratic and laissez faire leadership styles
as it involves input from both the supervisor as well as the
employees. This is also referred to as participative style because
the leader takes into consideration their own measured thoughts
and inputs as well as the input of their subordinate employees.
This is extremely effective in working as the staff will feel that
they are valuable in the organization and that their input is taken
seriously. This style encourages employee engagement as well
as satisfaction. I chose this because as it is one of the best
leadership styles since it permits lowerlevel workers to practice
authority they will have to utilize in future positions they may
hold. It additionally looks at how choices can be made in
organization executive gatherings.

Secondly, transformational leadership is a leadership style, in

which the leaders work by setting an example themselves.
Leaders following such a leadership style often create a sense of
empowerment in the workers and motivate them to work in such
a way that will bring change in the organization moving it
towards success. Transformational leaders create an
environment in which the corporate culture is strong, the
workers feel empowered and free to express their new ideas.
Employees working under such leaders are left free to work by
themselves and bring changes according to what they feel is
missing in the organization. Therefore, they feel that they are
heard and will eventually become transformational leaders
themselves in the future. Therefore, this type of leadership is a
beneficial matter in managing an organization as it is a
profoundly energized type of leadership among success-oriented
organizations since it inspires workers to perceive what they are
prepared to do. Be that as it may, transformational leaders can
probably dismiss everybody's individual expectations to absorb
information if direct reports don't get the correct training to
control them through new obligations.

3.) Provide a scenario in a company (regardless of the

nature; e.g food, manufacturing, mechanical services,
outsourcing, finance, etc.) which you can apply Lewin’s
Change Theory. (30 pts.)

Type of Industry: BPO Company

Scenario: A scenario where soon to be an applicant or agent
has to face a challenging situation where their body clock
rapidly turns into a graveyardship duty, an unusual time but they
must endure it, otherwise they’ll lose. They should’ve manage
their time to a change of what they must conquered. The phase
of a challenging environment will cause their system to transit in
a change in neural wires that would cause the body to exhibit an
immutable feeling. After a long period of time, an approach
system has something to say with it’s people, agents feel better
and comfortable with their current, rewards and incentives
cogitates in a fair rival of showing an effective and efficient

Your own application of the Change Theory

Kurt Lewin (1951) developed the change theory in management.

A change involves a shift in the equilibrium that affects various
areas of an employee in an organization. Lewin's model consists
of three phases

Lewin change model – Unfreeze – “ready to change”

When a structure has been in place for a while, habits and
routine have naturally settled in. The organization as a whole is
going in the right direction, but – as shown on the illustration –
people or processes may have strayed off course. For example,
tasks that are not relevant or useful anymore are still being
performed by force of habit, without anyone questioning their
legitimacy. Similarly, people might have learned to do things
one way, without considering other, more efficient methods.
Unfreezing means getting people to gain perspective on their
day-to-day activities, unlearn their bad habits, and open up to
new ways of reaching their objectives. Basically, the current
practices and processes have to be reassessed in order for the
wheels of change to be set in motion.

Lewin change model – Change – “implementation”

Once team members have opened up their minds, change can
start. The change process can be a very dynamic one and, if it is
to be effective, it will probably take some time and involve a
transition period. In order to gain efficiency, people will have to
take on new tasks and responsibilities, which entails a learning
curve that will at first slow the organization down. A change
process has to be viewed as an investment, both in terms of time
and the allocation of resources: after the new organization and
processes have been rolled out, a certain chaos might ensue, but
that is the price to pay in order to attain enhanced effectiveness
within the structure.

Lewin change model – Freeze (sometimes called refreeze)-

“making it stick”
Change will only reach its full effect if it’s made permanent.
Once the organizational changes have been made and the
structure has regained its effectiveness, every effort must be
made to cement them and make sure the new organization
becomes the standard. Further changes will be made down the
line, but once the structure has found a way to improve the way
it conducts its operations, “re-freezing” will give the people the
opportunity to thrive in the new organization and take full
advantage of the change. Many quote the model as saying the
third step of this approach is to re-freeze, when in Lewins
origional work it was “freeze”
Every organization goes through a transition that increases
competitiveness and productivity. Change is a strategic
intervention that is essential for the growth and transformation
of organizations. Lewin's theory is simple and can be
conveniently implemented in organizations. It aids in identifying
the frictions and concerns that need to be addressed. It helps in
establishing lasting changes that benefit the organization.

4.) If given the chance to be an Industrial Psychologist,

which among the 13 popular I/O psychology jobs would you
want to become? Why?

I would choose Workforce insight analyst because of what it

describe as which it do has something similar to what I know is
my strength, a mathematical-logical intelligence of mine, might
help me to be like this, which may hone by a continuous process
of learning.

Another, is Staffing & Recruiting Manager which sought to hire

and train future applicants/employees, this is the most
purposeful I/O psychology jobs because with this, a company or
an organization might not be successful and standard if a S&R
M will hire an undeserving applicant, systematically analyzing
its factors that might affect the welfare of an organization.


Kurt Lewin change theory three step model.docx (

W Autocratic Leadership.docx (

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