Air Entrainment and Concrete

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Air entrainment and concrete

Some things every contractor should know about a combination that assures
longer-lasting and more attractive concrete

veryone likes a short cut. It’s

E just plain tempting. That’s

why men once searched for
a means of tra n s f o rm i n g
base metals into gold. It seemed so
much easier to make it than earn it.
In the area of concrete construc-
tion, where much depends on
k n ow - h ow, patience and careful
w o rk m a n s h i p, it was only natural
that short cuts should be offered in
the form of admixtures. Of all the
many products put on the market in
the last few decades, one has risen
head and shoulders above the oth-
ers in its effectiveness. It is, of
course, the air entraining agent.
Even this admixture is no won-
d e r- w o rk e r, howe ve r. It is not in-
This photomicrograph of air entrained plastic concrete suggests how minute
tended to replace correct proce-
bubbles of air function as very small ball bearings which make the concrete
dures in mix design or concreting. more workable than a non-air entrained mix.
Rather, it complements these quali-
ty concrete practices to produce a
finished product that will be more ways a desirable feature. Bleeding in voids. These air voids in air en-
durable and satisfactory to all con- concrete is cut approximately in trained concrete act thus as a safety
cerned. Let’s take a closer look at half by entrained air. This reduces valve by giving the water a reservoir
this pre-eminent admixture. considerably the adverse effects of into which to flow. When thawing
a higher water/cement ratio at the occurs, compressed air in the voids
What air does surface of slabs and of laitance forces the water back into the capil-
The introduction of air into con- forming on concrete surfaces. Air al- l a ri e s, thereby freeing the voids for
crete mixes has some pronounced so produces stickier, more cohesive use again during the next freeze.
effects on the characteristics of concrete; as a result, less segrega- Test sections of pavement in New
both the plastic and the hardened tion is experienced and more attrac- York State built with and without air
concrete. tive surfaces are achieved. entrainment showed dramatically
In fresh concrete, the tiny air bub- In hardened concrete, the out- the value of air in exposed work. Af-
bles act as a lubricant in the mix standing attributes of air entrain- ter 14 years of exposure to the rig-
which improves its workability and ment are the enhanced weather- ors of this northern climate and fre-
increases its slump. Also, in a sense, ability and resistance to scaling quent salting, the non-air-entrained
the bubbles function as a third ag- afforded. Damage to concrete by concrete was badly scaled; in some
gregate. Because of their small size, f re ezing and thawing is caused cases 100 percent of the surface was
the bubbles act as fines, thereby when enough ice forms in the cap- affected. The air entrained pave-
cutting down the amount of sand illaries to create a pressure greater ment, laid next to the other sec-
needed. Because air entrainment than the tensile strength of the ce- tions, showed absolutely no scaling
affords increased slump, it is possi- ment paste. This disrupts the capil- or D-cracking.
ble to decrease the amount of water lary walls. Where enough air voids During October 1942, 94 columns
to get higher strengths without af- are present, howe ve r, hyd ra u l i c cast of concrete made with seve ra l
fecting workability. Less water pressure created by freezing forces types of cements and va ry i n g
means less drying shrinkage —al- the remaining water into the air amounts of air entrainment were
set on the exposure rack at Treat Is-
land, Maine. At the end of 1 year
(188 freeze- thaw cycles) 10 percent
of the columns had failed; none
were air entrained concrete speci-
mens. After 5 years of exposure (663
freeze-thaw cycles) 26 percent of the
columns had failed; again, no air en-
trained specimens had failed.
Application of deicers to pave-
ments and other flatwork has
caused great damage to concrete
that is not air entrained. The effec-
tiveness of entrained air in reducing
or preventing such damage—called
salt scaling—is illustrated in the ac-
companying photographs of labora-
tory test specimens. These speci-
mens were covered with water on
their top surfaces (the surfaces
shown in the photos) and subjected
to repeated cycles in which they The laboratory specimen at the left with no entrained air was severely
were frozen and subsequently damaged in laboratory tests of salt scaling. The one at the right, with
thawed while deicers were present an adequate amount of air, was undamaged.
on the surface of the ice. Specimens
were rinsed with clear water before
beginning each new cycle.
Sulfate resistance is also height- figure plus or minus a certain per- mixing, brand of cement, and con-
ened by the use of air entraining centage, quite commonly 11⁄2 per- crete temperature).
agents. Although low water-cement cent. It is not feasible to hold the Air can be entrained in concrete
ratios and the use of Type II or V ce- percentage constant from batch to by either of two methods: the use of
ments are of primary importance in batch because air content is affect- air entraining agents or of air en-
lessening the effects of sulfate attack ed by so many factors (including training cements. The former in-
on concrete, air entrainment is also maximum size of coarse aggregate, clude such products as natural
helpful. amount of air entraining agent, type wood resins, animal or vegetable
Time and again, in labora t o ri e s and gradation of aggregate, hard- fats, wetting agents and water solu-
and in the field, tests have unequiv- ness of water, length and means of ble soaps of certain acids. These are
ocally shown that air entrainment
brings about a tremendous increase
in the durability of concrete.
If nominal maximum
How to entrain air coarse aggregate sizea is... Specify...
As mentioned earlier, certain al- ⁄8 inch (10 millimetres) 8 ± 2 percent air
terations in mix design are needed 1
⁄2 inch (13 millimetres) 7 ± 2 percent air
when air is added. The air should be 3
⁄4 inch (19 millimetres) 6 ± 2 percent air
considered as a fifth ingredient
when proportioning the mix. The 1 inch (25 millimetres) 5 ± 1.5 percent air
first matter to be considered is the 1
1 ⁄2 inches (38 millimetres) 4.5 ± 1.5 percent air
percentage of air desired (see table).
2 inches (51 millimetres) 4 ± 1.5 percent air
Tests have disclosed that im-
provement in weatherability is ex- 3 inches (76 millimetres) 3 ± 1.5 percent air
perienced starting at approximately
2 percent air. The lowest amount a
Normal weight aggregate concretes only. For lightweight aggregate
usually specified, howe ve r, is 3 per- concretes specify 7.5 ± 1.5 percent air for resistance to freezing and
cent. At the other extreme, the max- thawing; for workability, specify 5.5 ± 1.5 percent for lightweight ag-
imum air content usually called for gregate concretes in the 3000- to 4500-psi (21- to 31-megapascal)
strength range and 4.5 ± 1.5 percent in the strength range above
is 6 percent. In specifications air 4500 psi (31 megapascals).
content is generally stated as a given
introduced to the concrete when it After 40 to 60 minutes of mixing the proach can cause troubles if applied
is batched. Air entraining cements percentage of air will be about to air entrained concrete slabwork
are those made by intergrinding an equal to that at 1 minute of mixing. because, as previously stated, air
air entraining agent with the ce- It is apparent, therefore, that a con- entrained concrete undergoes little
ment clinker during manufacture. tractor must be ready to receive bleeding. Often workers have wait-
The air entraining component, by ready mixed concrete when it is de- ed for bleeding to appear until the
whatever method introduced, low- livered if he wishes to ensure a con- concrete has set up to an extent that
ers surface tension of the water and stant percentage of air. Since high makes finishing difficult or impossi-
generates a stable foam that results t e m p e ra t u res tend to dispel air ble. Generally speaking, finishing
in formation of microscopic air from the mix, prolonged mixing should always commence sooner
voids. Laboratory calculations indi- during the summer months would with air entrained concrete. Early
cate that a cubic yard of concrete also tend to cause variations in air finishing is even more important
with an air content in the range of 3 content. The type of mixer used when the air temperature is high,
to 6 percent contains from 400 to causes differences in the amount of humidity is low or a wind is blowing.
600 billion air bubbles. air entrained; but with ready mixed Finishing need not be carried on as
Choosing the amount and means concrete this problem is avoided by long as with ordinary concrete. All
by which air is to be added to the the close control afforded by truck this means that air entrained con-
mix depends on a great number of mixers. crete can be protected and curing
va ri a b l e s. (In some areas the natu- Since air entrained concrete is can start earlier than with ordinary
rally occurring fine aggregate con- more cohesive and workable than
tains organisms which add 4 to 5 non-air entrained, there is not as
percent accidental air to the mix.) In much danger of segregation and air
general, it is easiest and most prof- pockets. Accordingly, vibration need
itable to consult the supplier of the not be prolonged. Vibration time
ready mixed concrete. He is familiar with air entrained mixes should be
with aggregates, cements and other shortened and kept reasonably con-
pertinent factors in the locality and stant since it tends to dispel the air.
will be able to deliver an air en- A normal amount of vibration
trained concrete that is consistent
(about 1⁄2 minute) reduces the initial
and best suited to the job at hand
air content about 10 percent. When
and thereby save some headaches
vibrated 1 minute, air content is
for the contractor.
lowered 15 to 20 percent. In addi-
Working with it tion, internal vibration reduces air
more than does external vibration.
As can be judged from a listing of
Slump should also be watched since
profound effects produced by the
air content increases as the slump
inclusion of air in a mix, it is neces-
sary to modify somewhat the man-
As to appearance, air entrained
ner in which the resulting concrete
concrete has an unusually creamy,
is handled. Co n t ractors who are
fatty look. This, coupled with the
unfamiliar with these differe n c e s
virtual absence of bleeding, some-
sometimes blame poor perf o r-
times results in incorrect handling
mance on the use of air. In reality,
of the concrete. In structural work,
air entrainment will produce sig-
difficulties are not usually experi-
nificantly better looking, longer
enced because the mix easily as-
lasting concrete when it is handled
sumes even intricate shapes. It also
flows easily around closely spaced
When the mixer truck pulls in
reinforcing bars. In slabs requiring
with a load of air entrained concrete
finishing, howe ve r, a change of
it is especially important that forms Another dramatic illustration of how
technique is required.
be ready to receive it. Although concrete pavements are protected by
When working with non-air-en-
opinions vary somewhat, it is gen- air entrainment. The pavement shown
trained concrete, it is customary to
erally conceded that the amount of here is at a busy street intersection
wait until the water at the surface of
intentionally entrained air increas- subjected to heavy and frequent
the slab (caused by bleeding) has applications of salt. The concrete in
es noticeably with mixing during
the first 5 minutes. It then remains e va p o rated before finishing opera- the unscaled portion to the left of the
relatively constant for about 5 ad- tions are begun. This classic ap- joint is identical to the heavily scaled
ditional minutes, after which time + Numbers in parentheses are references to the concrete to the right except for the
the air content decreases gradually. metric equivalents listed with this article. inclusion of entrained air.
concrete. crete work is usually considerable difficult conditions—for coffer-
Sometimes there is a tendency for This usually means a high shrinkage dams, caissons and underwater
air entrained concrete pavement rate, laitance because of consider- foundations and in certain hard-to-
surfaces to tear when using me- able bleeding and lower strengths or reach reinforced concrete situa-
chanical screeds or finishing ma- higher cement contents than with tions. It offers the advantages of
chines. This can be corrected by normal weight concretes. Air en- easy and rapid placement, elimina-
shortening the amount of forward trainment, by producing a creamier tion of dewatering, perfect curing
motion per transverse stroke or by mix, reduces the amount of water environment and reduction of hon-
maintaining a 21⁄2 to 3-inch (1)+ needed for handling. This reduction eycombing.
slump. In addition, a longitudinal amounts to as much as 335 pounds Along with these advantages
float as well as a transverse screed of water per cubic yard(4) of light- come a number of drawbacks, in-
should be used. Transverse finishing weight concrete. Thus compressive cluding nonuniformity, high slumps
machine screeds should be adjusted strength, homogeneity and imper- necessary for flow and high inci-
for a lower tilt than is generally used meability are all greatly improved. dence of laitance. In addition, high
with non-air-entrained concrete. Since the air bubbles have no cement contents are often required.
Usually 1⁄8-inch(2) backward tilt or lift weight, unit weight is decreased and The use of air entrainment has been
of the front screed cutting edge and insulating value is increased. It is found to reduce all of these com-
a level rear screed prove most satis- obvious that lightweight aggregate plaints. The greater cohesiveness
factory with air entrained concrete concretes are benefitted consider- and workability of air entrained
pavements. Concrete pushed ahead ably by air entrainment. concrete results in greater uniformi-
of the front screed should have a The amount of air to be entrained ty and less segregation. Slumps can
depth of from 3 to 6 (3) inches during depends upon the intended use and be reduced and the formation of lai-
the first pass of the finishing ma- desired weight of the concrete. tance is greatly retarded. Since the
chine. In hand finishing, better re- St ru c t u ral concretes should have cement content can be reduced, in-
sults will usually be encountered less air than insulating types. ternal heat caused by hydration is
with a wood rather than a metal Amount of air is usually inversely lessened. Also, gentler slopes are the
float. p ro p o rtional to the weight of the rule, thanks to the high flowability
concrete— the lighter the concrete, of air entrained concrete.
Special applications the more air is required. Floors. Air entrainment is often
Purposefully entrained air in con- Unfortunately, some properties of omitted in floor slab construction
crete has been found to be of value lightweight aggregates conspire because this type of flatwork is not
in a number of special applications. against entrainment of air. The great o rd i n a rily exposed to we a t h e ri n g .
In most cases, its excellent weather- angularity of lightweight aggregates Howe ve r, as we have seen, resis-
ing qualities and increased cohe- reduces the number of air bubbles tance to weathering is only one of
siveness render it decidedly superi- entrained because the sharp points many advantages of air entrained
or to ordinary concrete. and edges break the bubbles while concrete.
Lightweight concrete. Light- mixing is taking place. Also, aggre- In slab-on-grade work in locali-
weight aggregate concretes have gate angularity results in large void ties where sulfate attack is likely to
been enjoying mounting accep- spaces. The consequent large air occur, air entrainment can help
tance in recent years. As concrete bubbles break down easily or rise to minimize or entirely eliminate dete-
buildings rise higher and spans the surface of the concrete. Ordinar- rioration of the concrete. Since seg-
grow longer, weight reduction has ily this means that greater quantities regation is reduced, it is easier to
become increasingly important. Al- of air entraining admixtures must obtain surfaces able to resist the
most all lightweight aggregates are be used in lightweight concretes. abrasion of heavy traffic. Better
manufactured. They are formed by Unfortunately, if very large amounts workability can be had with less wa-
heating clay, shale, slag, slate, mica are used, the organic makeup of the ter resulting in less finishing and
and pumice materials to a point that admixtures might result in delayed higher strength slabs. On occasion,
is below fusion but that is sufficient sets or lowered strength, especially inside floor slabs are subjected to
to drive off water explosively, thus in winter. Howe ve r, powerful air en- f re ezing and thawing because of de-
effectively expanding the aggregate. training agents that largely elimi- lay in the completion of other por-
The resulting material is light- nate these troubles have been de- tions of a structure. In such cases, of
weight; but it is also angular, porous veloped especially for lightweight course, the margin of safety provid-
and cellular—all of which can result aggregate concrete work. ed by air entrainment is most desir-
in harsh, unworkable concretes. The Tremie concrete. Tremie concrete able. It should also be remembered
quantity of water of convenience (concrete placed under water by that on large jobs there is always the
(that needed beyond the amount gravity feed through a vertical pipe) human element to be considered
necessary for cement hydration) re- has been in use for over a century as when concretes with and without
quired in lightweight aggregate con- a means of placing concrete under air are being used on the same job. It
sometimes happens on such jobs tent of fresh mixes. As little as 3 per- ering of 3 to 4 percent in compres-
that non-air-entrained concrete is cent by weight of a coloring materi- sive strength. The richer the mix, the
used for exterior work either inad- al in a mix containing 5 percent air greater will be the reduction in
vertently or because workers are not results in a reduction in air content strength by use of air entrainment.
ready to use it in flatwork at the time to less than 1⁄2 percent. When suffi- The answer is no, howe ve r, if
it is delivered, and it is diverted to cient air entraining agent is used to proper adjustment of the mix is
the exterior. restore an air content of from 3 to 6 made. Because air entrainment
For these reasons many specifiers percent, colored concrete resists the greatly improves the workability of
prefer to use entrained air in all one- action of freezing and thawing and concrete, the mix design should be
course floors and for the bases of surface scaling to the same extent as altered by reducing the amount of
two-course slabs. There is no reason non-colored air entrained mixes. sand and water. If advantage is tak-
for using it, howe ve r, for toppings of Many producers of concrete color- en of this characteristic, strengths
heavy duty two-course floors. Since ing agents now grind an air entrain- will be equal to non-air- e n t ra i n e d
these toppings are of such low wa- ing agent in with their product. concretes or, in some cases, even
ter-cement ratios and contain such Strength of air entrained con- higher. Experiments have indicated
high quality aggregates, air entrain- c re t e. “But air bubbles don’t have that air entrainment mixes are also
ment is not required. any strength!” And so starts many a somewhat less susceptible to the
Colored concrete. The last decade discussion on the question of adverse effects of improper curing.
has seen a considerable increase in whether air entrainment has an ad- Air entrained mixes are subject to
the use of exposed concrete as an verse effect on concrete strength. In the water-cement ratio law in the
a rc h i t e c t u ral feature of buildings. reality, this question is now resolved same manner as their non-air-en-
Right along with this trend there has with a high degree of certainty to a trained counterparts; any desired
been an increase in the use of color- simple yes and no. strength possible with ordinary con-
ing agents in concrete. Unfortunate- The answer is yes if you refer to crete can be achieved by observing
identical mixes except for inclusion the usual rules of quality concrete.
ly, field experience and laboratory
of entrained air in one of them. As-
tests have shown that certain color- Measuring air content
suming a concrete containing at
ing agents (especially carbon black
least 560 pounds of cement per cu- A number of tests have been de-
and black iron oxide) result in a low-
bic yard(5) and a maximum coarse vised for measuring the air content
ering of the weatherability of the
aggregate size of 11⁄2 to 2 inches, each of concrete. Howe ve r, there are basi-
percentage increase in air content cally only three kinds of methods:
It appears that this adverse effect
will cause a reduction in flexural gravimetric, volumetric or pressure.
is a direct result of the action of col-
strength of 2 to 3 percent and a low- The gravimetric method was the
oring agents in reducing the air con-
first kind of test for air content de-
vised. It consists of obtaining the
sum of the absolute volumes of in-
gredients in a known volume of con-
crete and subtracting that sum from
the measured gross volume. The
method is slow, expensive and of
questionable accuracy.
The volumetric method simply
tests fresh concretes containing any
type of aggregate by measuring the
volume of entrained air directly. A
re p re s e n t a t i ve sample of the con-
crete is placed in the testing appara-
tus and air is expelled from the con-
crete by manual methods. A direct
reading is made. This technique can
also be employed using only mortar
(cement, sand and water).
The pressure method measures
air content indirectly by noting the
volume change concrete under-
goes when subjected to a give n
The roll of concrete ahead of this finishing machine, making its second pass, pressure. Since the only gas in con-
demonstrates the cohesiveness and workability which are typical of air entrained
c rete is air, it can be measured by
applying a pressure and computing point appears to occur at slightly that its future is secure. It is a devel-
the amount that the concrete con- over 12 percent, at which point opment in concrete technology that
t ra c t s. With this test, a corre c t i o n durability begins to decrease has enhanced the reputation of con-
must be made for the porosity of markedly. crete construction immeasurably by
the aggregate. Although durability is not hurt by providing at little or no extra cost or
Testing the air content of light- such high air contents, concrete effort a material that is more
weight aggregate concretes by the strengths are greatly lowered when durable and attractive.
p re s s u re method calls for special air rises above 7 or 8 percent. When
precautions since it measures air in abnormally high air contents are
the aggregate as well as in the ce- experienced or when non-air-en- Metric equivalents
ment paste. In addition, compres- trained concrete is required and on- 1. 64- to 75-millimetre
sion may cause the collapse of air ly air entraining cements are avail- 2. 3-millimetre
cells in certain soft expanded aggre- able, there are materials available to 3. 75 to 150 millimetres
gates. When the mix is exc e s s i ve l y remove air from fresh concrete. 4. 198 kilograms per cubic metre
harsh, high particle interf e re n c e Tributyl phosphate is an odorless 5. 332 kilograms per cubic metre
and bridging sometimes cause chemical available from most 6. 13 to 20 millilitres per cubic metre
compression of the concrete which chemical manufacturers. Ordinari- 7. 13 millilitres per cubic metre
is not in proportion to the applied ly 10 to 15 millilitres per cubic
pressure. yard(6) are required to remove all air
This is an updating of the article of the
f rom a typical mix. Another com- same title published in October 1959,
Reducing air content monly available chemical, 2-ethyl page 1. It is republished here to make
Too much of anything is bad. hexanol, will re m ove all air fro m the information more readily available
Use of air entrainment can re s u l t most mixes by the addition of ap- to current readers.
in a multitude of beneficial effects. proximately 10 millilitres per cubic
But too much can seriously under- y a rd .(7) Experimentation will be re-
mine strengths without improving q u i red to determine the exact
durability. amount needed to achieve the de-
Very little weatherability is gained sired reduction in air content with
by air contents over 4 percent, but 6 specific batches in the field.
percent air does offer better control
of segregation and water gain. Mixes Here to stay
with air contents of up to 12 percent Air entrainment is with us for
still exhibit the same resistance to good. It has proved its value in so PUBLICATION#C760105
weathering as those in the 4 to 6 many respects, over such a wide Copyright © 1976, The Aberdeen Group
percent air range. The breaking range of uses and for so many years All rights reserved

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