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Grammar: Complete the chart with the forms of the verbs in the future simple.

Positive Negative Interrogative

1. I will help you with your homework I will not help you with your homework Will I help you with your homework?

2.She will be here very soon She will not be here very soon Will she be here very soon?

3.They will come at 8 o¨clock They will not come at 8 o¨clock Will they come at 8 o¨clock?

4.You will call me next week You will not call me next week Will you call me next week?

5. I will use the money wisely I will not use the money wisely Will I use the money wisely?

6. We will return as soon as possible We will not return as soon as Will we return as soon as possible?

7.It will rain tomorrow It will not rain tomorrow Will it rain tomorrow?

9. Ralf will pay for it Ralf will not pay for it Will Ralf pay for it?

10.Amanda will win this game Amanda will not win this game Will Amanda win this game?

11.Maybe we will stay at home Maybe we will not stay at home Will maybe stay at home?

12.They will bake some cakes They will not bake some cakes Will they bake some cakes?

13.I will take you with me next I will not take you with me next Will I take you with me next month?
month month

14.Ashley will stay at home tonight Ashley will not stay at home tonight Will Ashley stay at home tonight?

15. It will be very hot this summer It will not be very hot this summer Will it be very hot this summer?
Reading: Fill in the blanks using simple future form of the verb given in the bracket.

w ill assemble
Tomorrow, students (assemble) in the school playground at 08:00 am, to go to Heritage
w ill have w ill arrive
Village. They (have) their school picnic. The bus (arrive) at 08:30 am,
w ill reach
sharp. We (reach) the Heritage Village at around 10:30 am. On reaching,
w ill go w ill w elcome
students (go) around to see various displays. The staff at the spot (welcome) the
w ill offer
students with flowers and sented perfumes. They (offer) the students snacks. After they eat their
w ill play w ill assemble
snacks, children (play) in the park. Around 01:00 pm, all students (assemble) for
w ill sit w ill sing
lunch. They (sit) in a circle and (sing) songs. At around 04:00 pm,
w ill gather w ill board
students (gather) near the bus. They (board) the bus in a queue. At around 06:00 pm,
w ill reach w ill pick
they (reach) school. Their parents (pick) them up from the school.

Writing: A paragraph in future simple

Write a short paragraph describing your future plans in simple future. (10 lines)

Next year

Hi my name is Yan Carlos Ordoñez Castañeda, I'll go to the police in June to do the
officer's degree ………………………

I will go in September to Santa Martha and Cartagena and incidentally we are going to
visit Hurumita, and nearby towns like Valledupar, then we will go to know Piscilago
with the help of God, in the future I want to buy a house for my mother, and then buy
a car and have the latest iphone on the market with the help of god.

and having a family with all my members, and incidentally being an integral and
visual person about my projections.

And incidentally to go from officer, to captain, and then to major and continue to
advance in life satisfactorily.
Part 1: since min 0:00 until min 0:44 (doctors)
Part 2: since min 0:45 until min 1:55 (family)
Part 3: since min 1:56 until min 3:27 (meeting)
Part 4: since min 3:28 until min 5:00 (party)

1 Listen carefully the following video and 2 TRANSCRIPT it and then 3 TRANSLATE it.
4 Highlight with yellow the sentences that use verbs in simple future.

Part 1 Part 1
Will you be ready I'll be ready in a ¿Estará listo? Estaré listo en unos
few seconds funny fails will Mr segundos. Fallas divertidas.
¿Regresará pronto el Sr. Henderson?
Henderson be back soon yes he will
Sí, estará de regreso en unos 20
he'll be back in about 20 minutes minutos, doctor Smith Baker, pronto.
doctor Smith Baker soon she'll be Ella estará aquí en media hora.
here in half an hour will the train pronto sí llegará en 5 minutos.
arrive soon yes it will it will arrive in
5 minutes.

Part 2 Part 2
Mom and dad will you be back soon yes we Mamá y papá, ¿volverán pronto? Sí,
will will be back in a week I'll miss you to volveremos en una semana. Te echaré
Johnny will I hear from you yes you will de menos con Johnny. ¿Recibiré
postcard everyday annual talk to us in the noticias tuyas? será el número de
telephone in a few days rapana lottery teléfono del hotel oh ese es nuestro
choose yes they will telephone number at taxi preocúpate por algo será
the hotel oh that's our taxi worry about a divertido Johnny te conocemos con
thing will be fun Johnny we know you with esa mamá yo también te extrañaré él
that mom I'll miss you too he'll be fine you estará bien tienes que ir a donde
need to go where you'll be late goodbye llegarás tarde adiós Johnny adiós
Johnny goodbye goodbye honey I love you adiós cariño Te amo, adiós, mamá,
bye mom bye dad I'll see you soon OK adiós, papá. Nos vemos pronto. OK
grandma and grandpa let's party. abuela y abuelo, vamos de fiesta.

Part 3 Part 3
Hi Christine do you have a minute is it we Hola Christine, ¿tienes un minuto?
need to have a meeting about the press to ¿Necesitamos tener una reunión sobre la
account that's right house Monday turn I prensa para dar cuenta de que es la casa
won't be here on Monday how about correcta? El lunes, no estaré aquí el lunes,
Tuesday Tuesday's fine with me do you ¿qué tal si el martes está bien para mí? el
think Stuart and Carol can meet with us on martes para que no estén en la oficina el
Tuesday so they won't be in the office on martes ¿qué tal el miércoles? Bien sé que el
Tuesday how about Wednesday well I miércoles no es bueno para Carol ella no
know Wednesday isn't good for Carol she estará aquí el miércoles jueves él no estará
won't be here on Wednesday Thursday he en la oficina todo el día viernes está bien
won't be in the office all day Friday is OK para mí y estoy bastante seguro de que está
with me and I'm pretty sure it's OK with bien con Stuart y Carol. Viernes suena
Stuart and Carol Friday sounds good but bien, pero espera, no estarás aquí el
wait you won't be here on Friday I won't viernes. No voy a Washington, es cierto. Lo
no to Washington that's right I forgot I olvidé. Supongo que no será posible reunir
guess it won't be possible to get everybody a todos la semana que viene. así que
together next week so I guess we just won't supongo que simplemente no tendremos
have a meeting about the press to account I una reunión sobre la prensa para rendir
guess we won't that's too bad how about cuentas. Supongo que no lo haremos. Eso
the following week well I won't be here on es una lástima. ¿Qué tal la semana
Monday and you won't be here on Tuesday siguiente? Carol no estará el miércoles ni el
right and Carol won't be on Wednesday or jueves.

Part 4 Part 4

do you think it will rain tomorrow maybe ¿Crees que lloverá mañana tal vez se
it will add maybe it won't will just have to agregará tal vez no solo tendrás que
wait do you think you'll like your new esperar crees que te gustará tu nuevo
apartment maybe I will maybe I won't apartamento tal vez yo tal vez no? Nancy
Nancy do you think I'll be famous someday crees que seré famoso algún día tal vez
maybe you will then maybe you won't we'll entonces lo harás tal vez no tendremos que
just have to wait and see do you think the esperar y ver si crees que el jefe nos
boss will give us away soon maybe he will delatará pronto tal vez lo hará y tal vez no
and maybe he won't we'll just have to wait tendremos que esperar y ver ¿crees que los
and see do you think the neighbors will be vecinos? estarán molestos por todo este
upset about all this noise maybe they will ruido tal vez lo estén y tal vez no o
and maybe they won't or just have to wait simplemente tengan que esperar y ver si
and see do you think there will be any food crees que habrá algo de comida en esta
at this party maybe there will and maybe fiesta tal vez haya y tal vez no tendremos
there won't we'll just have to wait and see. que esperar y ver.

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