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Cardioplegia is intraoperative
cardiac arrest with myocardial
preservation induced by
hyperkalemic crystalloid solution
Blood cardioplegia is obtained by mixing
cardioplegic crystalloid solution with the
patient's blood in a ratio that varies
between different institutions (ratios of FUNCION
blood to crystalloid solution of 1: 1, 2: 1, 4: Cardioplegia protects against ischemic
1, 8: 1, and currently up to the use of only injury while providing optimal conditions Component Quantity (ml)
hyperkalemic blood and calcium to for operation and allows effective Mannitol 20% 16.3
chelate). resuscitation of cardiac function after Magnesium sulfate 15% 13.3
completion of the surgical procedure
(5,6). electively the heart and facilitate
Potassium chloride 2M 13
SANGUINEA cardiac operations. Lidocaine 2% 6.5

Blood carries oxygen through

hemoglobin in red blood cells. In
addition, red blood cells contain Cardioplegia techniques vary according to
CLASIFICACION its composition (crystalloid or blood), the
enzymatic activity to remove
duration of its infusion (continuous or
oxygen-derived free radicals, which Cardioplegia can be intermittent), the route of its infusion
have been shown to be important (antegrade or retrograde), temperature
(3). mainly of two types:
(hot or cold) and also depending on the
crystalloid or blood. different additives that can be added to
the cardioplegic solution


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