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STUDENT ID : 2020452018
GROUP : A4AS120211

1. THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL (Hans Christian Andersen)

QS 3. How did the ending make you feel? Would you consider it a happy ending? Why
and why not?

I never thought that the match girl would pass away because as I was reading the short
story I believed that there would be someone generous who would help her. In the end,
no one did and she ended up dying in the corner of the two houses. As I continue to
analyze and understand the story, I would consider this story to be a happy ending. The
match girl gets to see glimpses of happiness when she lights each match before her
death. One of the glimpses is that she can see her late grandmother again. I think that
the girl’s family has no one that truly cared for her except for her grandmother. She must
have spent a lot of time with her when she was alive. The part where she struck a
bundle of matches so that she can keep being with her shows that she misses her
dearly and wants to be with her. The match girl is better off with her grandmother when
the grandmother took the girl and flew away to heaven. She did not have to face her
abusive father anymore and struggled to sell matches to people. Even her mother did
not care for her as she does not help her sell matches nor give a pair of slippers that fit
the girl. In conclusion, we should all be grateful that we are living comfortably and we
should care for all our family members so that no one is struggling alone.

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