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He got a writing gig when he was in his teens, he didn’t like cars, he also didn’t like
computers, he wrote fahrenheit 451 in under a week, he was friends with walt disney.
2. She wrote 7 books, she was married to Ernst Filsinger, she is a poet known for writing
short stories that were personal.
4. Technology is something that can help people get/keep in contact with other people. For
example the wheel could even be considered technology.
5. Self driving cars, in the future could make it possible for people who are disabled to
travel more easily.
6. Yes, I think so because social media can be extremely distracting. Even more so now
that most schools have adopted at home learning.
7. Fridge, and an AC unit.
8. List; computer, phone, fridge, earbuds, and wifi. Without these things in my life I wouldn’t
be the person I am now. Most of my personality is formed around the people i've met
online and the ideas i get from the internet itself. Most of the information I get is from
CNN and MSNBC so of course I would form strong opinions based on the things they
say. (lol this question kinda gave me an existential crisis, wow)
9. Talking place can hold 200 people, hallways you can change the artwork with a button,
there are six kitchens, HE HAS A LIBRARY, one of the living rooms has an aquarium,
the pool has underwater music, HE HAS 7 BEDROOMS AND 24 FREAKING
With. fish. In. it. This man has imported beach sand, wth, oh my god this man could
literally end poverty but he did this. I like the living room with an aquarium.
13. If I could make my house into a smart home I would probably add one thing and one
thing only, a self regulating greenhouse. I already have a screened in porch so i would
take all of it apart and cover where everything else was with smart glass. Smart glass is
something that you can turn tinted when you want it to. That would be so cool. But I
wouldn’t add self watering systems, because I love my plants, and they deserve proper
personal love.

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