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FIGURE 29-11 X.25 deta transfer packet format tor Each successive data transfer packet is assigned the next P(s) number in sequence. The P(s) can bea 14- or seven-bit binary number and, thus, number packets from either 0-7 of 0-127. The numbering sequence is identified in the format identifier. The send packet field always contains eight bits, and the unused bits are reset. Receive packet sequence field. P(r) is used to confirm received packets and call for retransmission of packets received in error (ARQ). The I field in a data transfer packet can have considerably more source information than an T‘eld in @ call == quest packet. 23-9-5 The X Series of Recommended Standards X.25 is part of the X series of ITU-T-recommended standards for public data networks. The X series is classified into two categories: X.1 through X.39, which deal with services and jes, terminals, and interfaces, and X.40 through X.199, which deal with network ar ‘switching, maintenance, and administrative arrange- chitecture, transmission, signaling, an ments. Table 23-6 lists the most important X standards with their titles and descriptions. 23-10 INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK “The data and telephone communications industry is continually changing to meet the de- _mands of contemporary telephone, video, and computer communications systems. Today. ‘more and more people have a need to communicate with each other than ever before. In or- der to meet these needs, old standards are being updated and new standards developed and implemented almost on a daily basis. The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a proposed network designed by the major telephone companies in conjunction with the ITU-T with the intent of pro- viding worldwide telecommunications support of voice, data, video, and facsimile in- formation within the same network (in essence, ISDN is the integrating of a wide range of services into a single multipurpose network). ISDN is a network that proposes to in- terconnect an unlimited number of independent users through a common communica- tions network. To date, only a small number of ISDN facilities have been developed: however, the telephone industry is presently’ implementing an ISDN system so that in the near furure, palace ilar i ISDN Syne using exiting public telephone and d works. a of ISDN have been outlined by the International ‘Telecommunication Union-Telephony (ITU-T) in its reco i 1 I 's recommendation 11201984). ny ITU-T 1.120 lists the following principles and evolution of ISDN. Protocols and Data Communications Networks 969 4 Table 23-6 ITU-T X Series Standards : International weer classes of service in public data networks. Assigns numerical class desig. x1 nations to different terminal speeds and types. ' x2 Detechashihal wr vices dnd footie Ta gc dota networks. Species eantatal sad agg, tional services and facilities. ; : x3 Packet assembly/disassembly facility (PAD) in a public data network. Describes th= packet assembler/disassembler, which normally is used at a network gateway to allow cvnnection f a start/stop terminal to a packet network. X2Ris Use on public data networks Of DTE designed fr interacng to asynchronous full-duplex ‘V-series modems. Allows use of V.24/V.28 (essentially the same as EIA RS-232). X2ibis_—_Use on public data networks of DTE designed for interfacing to synchronous full-duplex \V-series modems. Allows use of V.24/V.28 (essentially the same as EIA RS-232) or V.35, x25 " Interface between DTE and DCE for terminals operating in the packet mode on public data networks. Defines the architecture of three levels of protocols existing in the serial inter- face cable between a packet mode terminal and a gateway to a packet network. X28 DTEJDCE interface for a starv/stop mode DTE accessing the PAD in a public data network situated in the same country. Defines the architecture of protocols existing in a serial inter. face cable between a start/stop terminal and an X.3 PAD. X29 Procedures for the exchange of control information and user data between aPADanda packet mode DTE or another PAD. Defines the architecture of protocols behind the X3 PAD, either between two PADs or between a PAD and a packet mode terminal on the other side of the network. x75 ‘Terminal and transit call control procedures and data transfer system on international circuits between packet-switched data networks. Defines the architecture of protocols between two public packet networks, : X21 {mtemationa numbering plan for public data networks. Defines a numbering plan ineluding ode assignments for each nation. 23-10-1 Principles of ISDN ‘The main feature of the ISDN concept is to support a wide range of voice (telephone) and Ronvoice (digital data) applications in the same network using a limited number ot stan- dardized facilities. ISDNs support a wide variety of applications, including both switched itis recognized that ISDNs may be implemented in a variety of configurations ac- cording, to specific national situations. This accommodates both single-source or competi- tive national policy. 23-10-2 Evolution of ISDN ISDNs will be based on the concepts developed for telephone ISDNs and may evolve by progressively incorporating additional functions and network features including those of any other dedicated networks such as circuit and packet Switching for data so as to provide for existing and new services. ‘The transition from an existing network to a comprehensive ISDN may require a period Of time extending.ove: one or more decades. During this period, arrangements 1.1ust be devel- oped for the internetworking of services on ISDNs and services on other networks, Chapter 23 ‘ols and. Data Communications Networks =] 1 eel ortare ontuoe ; — Digital pipes to -A™ Local area network (LAN) ‘customer's premiso f other customers Other services FIGURE 23-12 Subscriber's conceptual view of ISDN In the evolution toward an ISDN, digital end-to-end connectivity will be obtained via plant arid equipment used in existing networks, such as digital transmission, time-division multiplex, and/or space-division multiplex switching. Existing relevant recommendations for these constituent elements of an ISDN are contained “u the appropriate series of rec- ommendations of ITU-T and CCIR. ‘In the early stages of the evolution of ISDNs, interim user-network arrange- ments may need to be adopted in certain countries to facilitate early penetration of digital service capabilities. An evolving ISDN may also include at later stages switched connec- tions at bit rates higher and lower than 64 kbps. 23-10-3 Conceptual View of ISDN Figuré 23-12 shows a view of how ISDN can be conceptually viewed by asubscriber (customer) of the system. Customers gain access to the ISDN system through a local interface connected to a digital transmission medium called a digital pipe. There are several sizes of pipe available with varying capacities (.., bit rates), depending on customer need. For example, a residential cus- tomer may require only enough capacity to accommodate a telephone and a personal computer. capacity to handle a large num- However, an office complex may require a pipe with suffici ber of digital telephones interconnected through an on-premise private branch exchange (PBX) ora large number of computers on «local area network (LAN). Figure 23-13 shows the ISDN user network, which illustrates the variety of network users and the need for more than one capacity pipe. A single residential telephone is at the jow end of the ISDN demand curve, followed by a multiple-drop arrangement serving a and a home alarm system. Industrial complexes would be telephone, a personal computer, a the high end of the demand curve, as they require sufficient capacity to handle hundreds of telephones and several LANs. ‘Although a pipe has a fixed capacity, the traffic on the pipe can be comprised of data froma dynamic variety of sources with varying signal types and bit rates that have been multiplexed ino a single high-capacity pipe. Therefore, a cus- tomer can gain access to both circuit- and packet-switched services through the same 971 Cisow user-to:network interface FIGURE 23-13 ISON user network Pipe. Because of the obvious complexity of ISDN, it requires a rather complex control sys. tem to facilitate multiplexing and demultiplexing data to provide the required services, 23-104 "ISDN Objectives 7 The key objectives of developing a worldwide ISDN system are the following: 1. System ctandardization. Ensure universal access to the network. 2. Achieving transparency. Allow customers to use a variety of protocols and appli- cations. : : 3. Separating functions. ISDN should not provide services that preclude competi- tiveness. 4. Variety of configurations. Provide private-line (leased) and switched services, 5. Addressing cost-related tariffs. ISDN service should be directly related to cost and independent of the nature of the data. 6. Migration. Provide a smooth transition while evolving. 7. Multiplexed support, Provide service to low-capacity personal subscribers as well as to large companies. 23-105 ISDN Architecture Figure 23-14 shows a block diagram of the architecture for ISDN functions. The ISDN net- work is designed to support an entirely new physical connector for the customer, a digital subscriber loop, and a variety of transmission services. A common physical is defined to provide a standard interface connection. A single in- terface will be used for telephones, computer terminals, ard video equipment. Therefore, various protocols are provided that allow the exchange of control information between the customer's device and the ISDN network. There are three basic types of ISDN channels: 1. B channel: 64 kbps 2. D channel: 16 kbps or 64 kbps 3. H channel: 384 Kbps (Fp), 1536 kbps (Hy), or 1920 kbps (H,.) ISDN standards specify that residential users of the network (ie, the subscribers) be provided a basic access consisting of three full-duplex, time-division multiplexed digital channels. two operating at 64 kbps (designated the B channels, for bearer) and one at 16 Kbps (designated the D channel, for dara). The B and D bit rates were selected to be compatible with existing DS1-DS4 digital carrier systems. The D channel is used for carrying signaling, Chapter 23 <— Customer promis Digital subscriber oop to contrat fice, Customer ISDN Intortace, (NT) ‘Customer ISDN site or Switch Switch servico provider FIGURE 23-14 ISON architecture information and for exchanging network control information. One B channel is used for dig- itally encoded voice and the other for applications such as data transmission, PCM-encoded digitized voice, and videotex. The 2B + D service is sometimes called the basic rate inter- face (BRI). BRI systems require bandwidths that can accommodate tivo 64-kbps B channels and one 16-kbps D channel plus framing, synchronization, and other overhead bits for a to- tal bit rate of 192 khns. The H channels are used to provide higher bit rates for special serv- ices such as fast facsimile, video, high-speed data, and high-quality audio. ‘There is another service called the primary service, primary access, or primary rate interface (PRI) that will provide multiple 64-kbps channels intended to be used by the higher-volume subscribers to the network. In the United States, Canada, Japan, and Ko- Tea, the primary rate interface consists of 23 64-kbps B channels and one 64-kbps D chan- nel (23B + D) fora combined bit rate of 1.544 Mbps. In Europe, the primary rate inter- face uses 30 64-kbps B channels and one 64-kbps D channel for a combined bit rate of 2.048 Mbps. tis intended that ISDN provide a circuit-switched B channel with the existing tele- phone system; however, packet-switched B channels sur data transmission at nonstandard rates would have to be created. ‘The subscriber's loop, as with the twisted-pair cable used with a common telephone, provides the physical signal path from the subscriber's equipment to the ISDN central of- fice. The subscriber loop must be capable of supporting full-duplex digital transmission for both basic and primary data rates. Ideally, as the network grows, optical fiber cables will replace the metallic cables. Table 23-7 lists the services provided to ISDN subscribers. BC designates a circuit- switched B channel, BP designates a packet-switched B channel, and D designates a D channel. ' 23-10-6 ISDN System Connections and Interface Units ISDN subscriber units and interfaces are defined by their function and reference within the network, Figure 23-15 shows how users may be connected to an ISDN. As the figure shows, subscribers must access the network through one of two different types of entry devices: terminal equipment ype 1 (TE1) or terminal equipment type 2 (TE2). TEL equipment sup- ports standard ISDN interfaces and, therefore, requires no protocol translation, Data enter @Link Protocols and Data Communications Networks 973 Table 23-7 ISON Services Serie Trager Rak ‘Telephone GA kbps System alarms: 100 bps: Utility company metering 100 bps Energy management 100 bps. Video 24-64 kbps Electronic mail 48-64 kbps. Factimile 48-64 kbps. Slow-scan television (64 kbps Customer--1 — Localloop- - 1 =Common + ~ ~ Central office a carrier facilities FIGURE 23-15 ISON connections and reference points the network and are immediately configured into ISDN protocol format, TE2 equipment is classified as non-ISDN; thus, computer terminals are connected to the system through physical interfaces such as the RS-232 and host computers with X.25. Translation be- tween non-ISDN data protocol and ISDN protocol is performed in a device called a terminal adapter (TA), which converts the user’s data into the 64-kbps ISDN channel B or the 16-kbps channel D format and X.25 packets into ISDN packet formats. If any ad- ditional signaling is required, it is added by the terminal adapter. The terminal adapters can also support traditional analog telephones and facsimile signals by using a 3.1-kHz audio service channel. The analog signals are digitized and put into ISDN format before entering the network. User data at points designated as reference point S (system) are presently in ISDN for- mat and provide the 2B + D data at 192 kbps. These reference points separate user terminal equipment from network-related system functions, Reference point T (terminal) locations correspond to a minimal ISDN network termination at the user’s location. These reference Chapter 23 points separate the network provi . etwork provider's equi 7 Rate provides an interface between non ISDN eta. adapters . n-ISDN-compatible user equipment and the terrhi- . fetwork termination 1 (NT! interface between the user and te eotlocs the functions associated with the physical (these fanctléns correspond te Ost lena and are designated by the letter T may be controlled by the ISDN ann The NTI is boundary to the network and and supports multiple channel provider. The NTI performs line maintenance functions nels are time-division sari sat the physical level (e.g., 2B + D). Data from the ~ chan- ret aie one tiplexed together. Network terminal 2 devices are beac eat ane and switching functions (functionally up through OSI ae Renna can also be used to terminate several S-point connections and ee a eee 8 functions and two-wire-to-four-wire and four-wire-to-two-wire eriber loop and the ant apie sefer ‘0 interfaces between the common carrier sub- ice i pe ee am cae orien switch. A U loop is the media interface point between Ne ree the « Netwar termtfation 1,2 (NT12) constitutes one piece of equipment that combines ocion (ih ait we a _ NT2. U loops are terminated at the central office by a line termi- perranattie og ie Provides Physical layér interface functions between the central of- ea op Hines The LT unit'is connected to an exchange termination (ET) at ce Bole n ET routes data to an outgoing channel or central office user. aT several types of transmission channels in addition to the B and D types de- scribed in the previous section. They include the following: s HO channels. These struc- HO channel. This interface supports multiple 384-kbp: terface and SHO + D for the tures are 3HO + D and 4HO + D for the 1.544-Mbps int 2.048-Mbps interface. HII channel. This interface consists of one 1.536-Mbps HII GHiannel (24 64-kbps channels}. HI2 channel. European version of H11 that uses 30 channels fora combined data rate of 1.92 Mbps. fs E channel. Packet switched using 64 kbps (similar to the standard D channel). 23-10-7 Broadband ISDN . Broadband ISDN (BISDN) is defined by the ITU-T as a service that provides transmission channels capable of supporting transmission rates greater than the primary data rate. With BISDN, services requiring data rates of a magnitude beyond those provided by ISDN, such as video transmission, will become available. With the advent of BISDN, the original con- cept of ISDN is being referred to as narrowband ISDN. In 1988, the ITU-T first recommended as part of its I-series recommendations relating to BISDN: 1.113, Vocabulary ofterms for broadband aspects of ISDN, and 1.121, Broadband ~ aspects of ISDN. These two documen ts are a consensus conceming the aspects of the future SfBISDN. They outline preliminary descriptions of future stand lards and development work. The new BISDN standards are based on the concept of an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), which will incorporate optical fiber cable as the transmission medium for data transmission. The BISDN specifications set @ vaximum length of 1 km per cable terface extensions. The expected data rates + length but are making provisions for repeates inl on the optical fiber cables will be either 11 Mbps, 155 Mbps, or 600 Mbps, depending on the srecific application and the location of the fiber cable within the network. ITU-T classifies the services that could be provided by BISDN as interactive and dis- tribution services. Interactive services include those'in which there is a two-way exchange S and Data Communications Networks 375 FIGURE 23-16 BISDN access of information (excluding control signaling) between two subscribers or between @ sub- scriber and a service provider, Distribution services are those in which information trans- fer is primarily from service provider to subscriber. On the other hand, conversational ser. vices will provide a means for bidirectional end-to-end data transmission, in real time, + __ between two subscribers or between a subscriber and a service provider. The authors of BISDN composed specifications that require the new services meet both existing ISDN interface specifications and the new BISDN needs. A standard ISDN terminal and a broadband terminal interface (BT1) will be serviced by the subscriber's Premise network (SPN). which will multiplex incoming data and transfer them .o the broadband node, The broa::vand node is called a broadband network termination (BNT), which codes the data information into smaller packets used by the BISDN network. Data transmission within the L1SDN network can be asymmetric (i.e., access on to and off of the network may be accomplished at different transmission rates, depending on system Tequirements). 23-10-7-1 BISDN configuration. Figure 23-16 shows how access to the BISDN network is accomplished. Each peripheral device is interfaced to the access node of a BISDN network through a broadband distant terminal (BDT). The BDT is re- Sponsible for the electrical-to-optical conversion, multiplexing of peripherals, and maintenance of the subscriber's local system. Access nodes concentrate several BDTs into high-speed optical fiber lines directed through a feeder point into a service node. Most of the control functions for system access are managed by the service node, such as call processing, administrative functions, and switching and maintenance functions. The functional modules are interconnected in a Star configuration and include switch- ing, administrative, gateway, and maintenance modules. The interconnection of the function modules is shown in Figure 23-17. The central control hub acts as the end user interface for control signaling and data traffic maintenance. In essence, it oversees the operation of the modules, Subscriber terminals near the central office may bypass the access nodes entirely and be directly connected to the BISDN network through a service node, BISDN newworks that use optical fiber cables can utilize much wider bandwidths and, Consequently, have higher transmission rates and offer more channel-handling capacity than ISDN. systems, Chapter 23 FIGURE 23-17 BISON functional module interconnections ___23:10-7-2 Broadband channel rates. ‘The CCITT kes published protmioary nitions of new broadband channel rates that will be added to the existing ISDN sare channel rates: 1. H21: 32.768 Mbps 2. H22: 43 Mbps to 45 Mbps 3. H4: 132 Mbps to 138.24 Mbps The H21 and H22 data rates are intended to be used sion for videoconferencing. video telephone, and video messazinz. tended for bulk data transfer of text facsimile, and enanced video information The 1 data rate is equivalent to 512 6+-Kbps channels. The H22 and H4 daza reses mst be Sake ples of the basic 64-kbps transmission rate. ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is 2 relatively new dats communications technology that uses a high-speed form of packet switching network for the transmission media. ATM was developed in 1988 by the ITU-T as part of the BISDN. ATM is one means by which data can enter and exit the BISDN network in an asynchronous (time-independent) fash- ion. ATM is intended to be 2 carrier service that provides an int 4. high-speed ‘communications network for corporate private networks. ATM can 2 communications traffic, including voice, data, image, video, hi multimedia. In addition, ATM can be used in both LAN and WAN neta providing seamless internetworking between the two. Some experts eventually replace both private leased T! digits! carrier systems and om equipmeni. Conventional electronic switch (ESS) machines current sor to establish switching paths and route traffic through 2 network. ATM trast, will include self-routing procedures where individual cells (shor. ets of data) containing subscriber datz « heir own way thro: Protocols and Datz Communications Networks a

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