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ELISA D. GABRIEL, petitioner appellee, vs. REGISTER OF DEEDS OF RIZAL, respondent JUANITA R. DOMINGO, oppositor-appeliant. G.R.No. L-17956 September 30, 1963 PAREDES, J.: FACTS Petitioner Elisa. D. Gabriel, filed with the register of deeds of Manila, and adverse ciaim, against the petitioners registered in the name of oppositor-appeliant, Juanita R. Domingo, her sister. AS grounds for The adverse claim, petitioner alleges notwithstanding the registration of the foregoing properties in the name of Juanita the same properties have been included in the amended inventory of the estate of the late Antonia Reyes, filed by Elisa Domingo Gabriel, As they are in fact properties acquired by the Deceased during her lifetime. The registration of the titles of these properties, shouldnave been in the name of Said Antonia but due to the commission of fraud and deceit, By said Juanita Domingo, Who was then living in the same house with the deceased, all the titles of the above stated properties were registered instead in hor name does depriving here in adverse claimant who is likewise an heir of Antonia Reyes of hor lawful right, interests and participation over said property A similar notice of adverse claim was presented by petitioners with the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, on the properties registered in the name of Juanita Domingo located in Rizal province, Anchoring that the subject property are included in the amended inventory of the estate of their late mother Antonia Reyes Domingo, who is the true owner of said properties, and considering that the registration in the name of Juanita Domingo were only made fraudulently, does depriving here in adverse claimant over lawful rights, interest and participation over said properties Domingo opposed, claiming that the adverse claim was instituted for harassment, had no legal basis in such a position where do |rreparable Loss to het The register of deeds of Rizal denied the registration of the notice of adverse claim stating that such has been found to be legally defective or otherwise nat sufficient in law and is therefore denied on ground that where there are other provisions of remedies under this act, The affidavit of adverse claim is not applicable Elisa Gabriolle a field above denial to the iand registration commission. The LRC citing section 710 of act no. 496 stated that the two notices of adverse claim fled By both registries substantially comply with the above legal requirements. And under paragraph 5 of the LRC Circular No. 2, dated July 10. 1954, where the docurnent sought to be registered is sufficient in law and drawn up in accordance with existing requirements, it, becomes incumbent upon the Register of Deeds to perform his ministerial duty without unnecessary delay. The registration of an invalid adverse claim will not do as much harm as the non-registration of a valid one The notation of an adverse claim, like that of lis pendens, does not create non-existent right or lien ‘and only means that a person who chases or contracts on the property in dispute does so subject to the result or outcome of the dispute. In. view of the foregoing tacts and Considerations, the LRC is of the opinion, and so holds, that the notices of verse claim filed by Elisa D. Gabriel with the Registries of Manila and Rizal are registrable ISSUE: Whether or not the adverse claims are registrable. RULING: Yes. The Supreme Court held that in addition to the well-taken disquisitions of the L.R.C., it should be observed that section 110 of Act No. 498, which is the legal provision applicable to the case. is divided into two parts: the first refers to the duty of the party who claims any part or interest in registered land adverse to the registered owner, subsequent to the date of the original registration; and the requirements to be complied with in order that such statement shell been titled to registration as an adverse claim, thus showing the ministerial function of the Register of Deeds, when no defect is found on the face of such instrument and the second applies only when, after registration of the adverse claim, a party files an appropriate petition with a competent court which shall grant a speedy hearing upon the question of the validity of such adverse claim, and to enter a decree, as justice and equity require andin this hearing, the competent court shall resolve whether the adverse claim is frivolous or vexatious, which shall serve as the basis in taxing the costs. In the instant case, the first part was already acted upon by the LPC. which resolved in favor of the registrabllity of the two adverse claims and this part should have been considered as closed What is left, is the determination of the validity of the adverse claims by competent court, after the filing of the corresponding petition for hearing, which the appaliant had not dono.

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