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How long had Len been there?

How long had he soaked in the waters of the pool?

How long since the googirl enveloped him in her big, jiggling tits.

“Pretty boy,” the googirl cooed. “Pretty, pretty bimbo…”

Len blinked dully, staring up at her. The cool light of the cave filtered through her thick body,
outlining soft lips and gorgeous curves. She was faintly transparent, but her features were so soft, so
delicate, so comforting and pillowy as the breasts that seemed to swallow him up. He was locked against
her. Trapped between the immense orbs of her breasts and the rocky shore behind him as she gently
bounced. Rubbing his naked body between her massive breasts.

Stroking him.

Teasing him.

“Good boy. Goood, pretty bimboooo…”

He blinked again, panting. Lust swirled in his head. Arousal. More. Something touched him.
Rubbed his hair. A tentacle sprouted from the googirl’s body, oozing around his head. Sucking gently at
his scalp.

Sucking what?

He felt like it was important. Very important. But he couldn’t remember why. Not with the goo
girl squeezing him between her tits. Rubbing his cock between those glistening mounds. Stroking him.
Fucking him. Making him whimper and moan.

“Being a good boy. Goooood boy.”

No. No, he wasn’t… wasn’t a good boy. He was a knight of the realm. He’d come to the cave…
why did he come to the cave? Came to… to do something. Fight? Yes. Yes, he was here to fight… fight
the… the…

“Mnnnnn!” he moaned, shuddering, cumming, his cock pumping his seed all over the googirl’s
glistening breasts. His mind blanking with the intensity of the pleasure.

He came back down, riding that wave of ecstasy, still trapped between the googirl’s tits. Still
feeling that softness sucking at his head. His mind. His thoughts.

What had he been thinking about?

He couldn’t remember. Like all those bad thoughts had been pumped out when he came. And it
felt so… so oddly good to be free of those worries. Those cares. To just sink deeper between the googirls
breasts as she kept bouncing them around him. She seemed happy. Her big, soft lips were smiling
brightly. Her voice was echoing down to him as if from a great distance.

“Good boy. Gooood boooooy.”

How did he meet her?

He’d come to a pool. It had been so warm, and he’d had such a long day. He’d stripped, slipped
into the waters.


“Relaaaax,” the googirl burbled as she continued stroking him between her big breasts.

He’d felt so at ease.

So easy.

So relaxed.

He never even noticed the googirl form out of the waters.

Rise behind him.

The feel of her tentacles had been so soft at first.



Felt it on his head.

A tentacle different from the rest.


Melting his mind.

“Goooood booooooy,” the googirl said.

He moaned weakly. He should be doing something about this, but that had been the first to go.
The first thought about how to defeat the googirl. Resist her touch. Her corruption.




He didn’t know what to do.

What to feel.

Other than pleasure.

Sweet pleasure.

Pleasure between her big, glistening breasts.

Pleasure as she stroked him.

Fucked him.
Massaged his body and mind.

“Good boy surrenderrrr,” the googirl cooed. “Gooood bimboooo…”

Len whimpered.



Felt so good.

So good to fuck.

So good to be stroked and teased and played with by the googirl. Every time a thought surfaced
in his mind it was sucked away by her massaging tentacle. Emptying his mind of everything but how
good it felt to be under her. Under her tits. Her big, soft tits. Tits shining and glistening as they continued
to bounce around him. Stroke him.

He’d been… been a knight. His home had been a village in the kingdom. He’d had a girlfriend. A
house. He’d…


He’d been… been a knight. Had a home in… in the village. A… a girlfr… fr…


He’d been a knight. Had a… a home..


He’d been…


He’d cum.

Make him cum.



Cum like a good bimbo.

Good bimbo toy.

Good bimbo slave.

Good cum stud.

Stud for the googirl.

Bimbo stud for her.

Good bimbo.

He was a good bimbo.

A good




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