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English A

Grade 9T
April 29, 2021

Topic: How to Organize a Persuasive Essay

Your persuasive essay MUST have five (5) paragraphs. Additionally, CSEC requires that you
write at least 250 to 300 words in length for your persuasive essay.

Basic Outline of a Five Paragraph Essay

All good persuasive essays have five (5) paragraphs:
1st paragraph – the introduction
2nd paragraph – first point
3rd paragraph – second point
4th paragraph – third point
5th paragraph – the conclusion

The Introduction
The first paragraph is also known as the introductory paragraph or the introduction. In the
introduction, you should:
1. Begin with an attention grabber to capture the reader's interest. You can grab the
reader's attention by opening your essay with a statistical data, by asking a rhetorical
question, by using an anecdote, by quoting brief information from an expert in a
particular field, by using an hyperbole etc.
2. State your position on the issue: You must state whether you agree or disagree with
the topic.
3. Write your thesis statement: sentences which list the three points that you will use to
defend or support your position. The three points must effectively defend the position
you have decided to take.

The Body
The body of your essay consists of the three points that you will use to defend or support your
position. Each point should be developed in a separate paragraph. And each paragraph should
contain at least three persuasive techniques. The paragraphs should also be properly organized
and should contain suitable transitional words or phrases.

The body of your persuasive essay should contain:

1. Three (3) developed points;
2. A variety of persuasive devices
3. A suitable transitional words and phrase

The Conclusion
You should complete your essay by adding a concluding paragraph or conclusion. It is a
summary of your entire essay. In your summary, you must restate your thesis and end with a

Persuasive Writing Essay Graphic Organizer


▪ Attention Grabber
▪ Statement of position
▪ Thesis statement

▪ Topic sentence introducing 1st main

▪ Support point using at least 2
persuasive device
▪ Sum up paragraph

▪ Topic sentence introducing 2nd main

▪ Support point using at least 2
persuasive device
▪ Sum up paragraph

▪ Topic sentence introducing 3rd main

▪ Support point using at least 2
persuasive device
▪ Sum up paragraph


▪ Restate your position

▪ Restate your thesis

▪ End with a call to action or

a clincher

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