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Sub: Deferment of payment for ..........

days against sight LC's 000020020010123,126,162

dated 02.09.2020, 06.09.2020 & 07.10.2020 for US$409,715.00, US$466,171,00 &

Dear Sir,

Please be informed that we have opened 03(three) Nos of Foreign Sight LC's through your
branch for importing capital machineries for HABIGANJ AGRO LIMITED as followes:

LC No: 000020020010123 dated 02.09.2020 value US$409,715.00

LC No: 000020020010126 dated 06.09.2020 value US$466,171,00
LC No: 000020020010162 dated 07.10.2020 value US$496,090,00

Please be noted that the beneficiary has aggerd with us to defer the payment with a
condition of payment of interest @......% P.A for the deferring period. We will bear the
interest @......% P.A for the deferring period and therefore request you to please take
consent of Beneficiaries Bank for deferring the payment of mentioed sight LC's for ...........
days with interest @......% P.A. Inthis context we assure you that we will arrange fund
within the deferment period and will take all responsibility if any complicacy arise in this

Thanks and Regards.

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