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Common Yoga Protocol

1. Prayer in any Meditative Posture with Namaskara Mudra and ending with Yoga Mudrasana. It is of 2
minutes duration.

Sanghachhadhwam samvadadhwam
Sam vo manaamsi jaanataam
Devaa bhaagamyathaa poorve
Samjaanaanaa upaasate
OM Shantih Shantih Shantih

2. Sadilaja / Chaalan Kriyas/ Loosening Practices: It included the yogic Sukshma Vyayam such as (Neck,
Shoulders, Trunk and Knees movements). It is of 6 minutes duration.

3. Yogasana (Yoga Postures): It is of 18 minutes.

4. Kapaalabhaati/Frontal brain cleansing exercise (Expel the breath with forceful contractions of the
abdominal muscles. Passive inhalation) (3 cycles of 40 strokes each). It is needed that each cycle will be
followed by deep breathing. It will be of 3 minutes.

5. Pranayama: The following Pranayama will be practiced. The duration of breathing exercises will be 6

• Nadi Shodhana / AnulomaViloma Pranayama (alternate breathing) (5 rounds )

• Sheetali Pranayama (with rounded tongue) (5 rounds )
• Bhramari Pranayama (humming sound while exhaling like black bee buzzing) (5 rounds)

6. Dhyana/Meditation in any Meditative Posture (eyes closed) and hands in Jnana / Gyana Mudra: It is of 8

The Session will end with a Sankalpa of 2 minutes.

I commit myself to always be in a balanced state of mind. It is in this state that my highest self-development
reaches its greatest possibility. I commit to do my duty to self, family, at work, to society, and to the world,
for the promotion of peace, health and harmony.

7. Shaanti Paatha will also be chanted.

Hame apne man ko hamesha santulit rakhana hai,

Isi main hi hamaraa atma vikas samaaya hai.
Main apne kartavya khud ke prati, kutumb ki prati, kaam,
samaj aur vishwa ke prati, shanti, anand
aur swasthya ke prachar ke liye baddh hun


Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah,

Sarve Santu Nirāmayah
Sarve Bhadrani Paśyantu,
Maa kascit Duhkha Bhāgbhavet
Shantih Shantih Shantih
Common Yoga Protocol

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