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Angel Aguilar

Behavior Observation (EDU 211)

Professor Sullivan
May 10, 2021
Field Observation Report
This semester has been a crazy one no doubt. I took three education courses all at once,

that all had very similar qualities, especially in the observation videos I watched. While I do

wish, that I could have been sitting in person watching teachers teach, I am grateful for the

professors I had that made this crazy year more tolerable. So, 20 hours, 36 minutes, and four

seconds later, I got to observe some of the best teachers teaching in all the ways they know

how and they have helped me further develop my philosophy of education and learning.

Observation 1: Pettigrew Kindergarten Lucky Calkins Reading Lesson: (21:22)
Mrs. Pettigrew, had a very sweet personality, and started off with the symbolism of a

graduation cap, and asked them if they felt they were ready to graduate from Kindergarten. Her

classroom was bright, and posters all around, making all the students ready to work. After asking

them some questions to make them think, she began using the projector to display the book being

read. Her objective for the class was for them to be able to connect pictures and words to then

help them read the book she projected on the whiteboard as a class. While teaching there were

some students that would talk so as she was speaking, she would say a student’s name to get

them to focus in again. This is amazing classroom management because she did not have to

completely stop her lesson, and she was able to get the students to pay attention with just a gentle

reminder. This is something I want to be able to do, especially with younger grades because not

all teachers have the patience to teach younger kids.

After reading together as a class she broke them up for private reading time, all the

students had their own goals for reading so she would come around and ask them if they felt like

they reached their goal and were ready for a new one. This shows her role in the class and an

encourager even for younger grades showing them they can have goals and accomplish them

through hard work. She regroups them and she asks them all if they think they have picture

power, to check in on their understanding. At the end of her lesson, she has them sing a song

about sound power, and this is a fun interactive way for kids to retain information. This teacher

had control of her class, and she was able to go through the lesson without any disruptions and I

thought that was amazing since younger kids like that are usually very easily distracted.

Observation 2: 2nd Grade Vocabulary Lesson (28:37)

Automatically when this teacher started the class, she had a routine. She began with

getting the students over to the carpet when she says go, and when they sit down, she says, “criss

cross, hands in lap, voices off, eyes on me”. This was a good way to get the attention of the

students. She then had an interactive lesson by matching the words on easel to the definitions of

the board, and then match the pictures later on to the definitions. She then has them walk back to

their seat where they stand shoulder to shoulder with their vocab partner, and she says, “class,

class, class”, then they say, “yes, yes, yes”, then she would tell them the word, and they would

then say the definition and repeat it. Then they began relay races, one side of the classroom had

the definitions, and the other side had the vocab words and that helps them reinforce the lesson.

She had good control of her class, and she used more hands-on lessons rather than just reading

from a book or having them write down everything.

Observation 3:TPSD First Grade, Phonics First, Lesson 13c Level 2: (1:08:36)
Mrs. Amy had a very organized classroom, she had cubbies and at the bottom of every cubby

was a place for their backpacks and their jackets. Mrs. Amy would have the students “tip-toe” to

the student rug to have a group discussion. I thought that this a fun interactive way for the

students to begin their day and also after the students would work at their desk bring them back

to rug each time the same way to regroup. The lesson that Mrs. Amy taught was all about

phonics and producing words with the sounds and letters that make them up. Her objective for

the students was to be able to make the sounds a group of letters make, and to identify the letters

from the sounds being announced. She used strategies like my turn your turn where she would

say the word and have the students say them. Something that I found that really got the students

to gain confidence was allowing them to stand up and shout their answer and be proud of it. That

was something I really enjoyed because sometimes students are too shy to answer questions and

Mrs. Amy really brought all of her students together. The unity that she showed in the classroom

is something I want to have in my class.

Observation 4: Whole Brain Teaching Study Video: Five Step Lesson: Second Grade:
(19:59) Pronouns:
This class was one I have never seen before, shortly after this video is when I started to

see the “hey hey hey, class class class” method and I think that is one of the best ways I have

seen. It gets all the student excited and ready to learn. She starts off by bringing the student Riley

to review nouns. Riley goes up and sings when she goes back, she yells teach they all sing to

each other what a noun is this was something I thought was so fun because all the student were

excited to sing to each other and everyone participated which is so important. After that, Riley

goes to sit down and the teacher begins by saying mirror words when she wants them to repeat

her. Then she has them turn and tell your neighbor, the classroom chemistry was amazing in the
classroom and everyone got along. The students paid close attention to their peers and their

teacher which is incredibly significant to maintain a good flow in class.

Observation 5: Whole Brain Teaching Vocabulary 3rd Grade: (15:14)
This teacher started off with reviewing CHAMPS which is the expected behavior for the

class, c standing conversation, h, being hands on head if they need any help. This whole lesson

was based on reviewing the vocabulary for students and she did used the class class, mirror me,

and teach technique, where it was a balance of the students teaching other and her teaching them.

She used the smartboard as her support to go over the lesson and all the students enjoyed

working together and she had no problems with behavior.

Observation 6: First Grade Reading Workshop: Informational Unit of Study: (30:14)
This lesson objective was for the students to learn how to find things they did not know

about and mark them as facts. To begin the class, she has the of her students be her partner, and

in front of everyone she reads about penguins and asks her partner if she knew that fact and she

marks it down to share later. Then after that she puts them in groups and has them read the books

about penguins and take note of things they did not know. She walks around to ask the children

about what they are reading. This was a very organized lesson and it flowed nicely. All their

children followed directions and respected her.

Observation 7: 4th Grade Reading (50:21)

This teacher’s physical set up was extremely organized and I actually could see myself

having a classroom set up like this one. The lesson this teacher introduced was about character

traits, her objective for this class was for the students to be able to show the students how to find

character traits in the books that they are reading. She introduces the scenario that the students
are historians and asks them to get into the mindset of finding facts and she also appraises them

and acknowledges the different views of each student. The task that she gives the students is to

come up with four-character traits about George Washington as a group. She then asks them

about the resources they have to use and allows them to answer for themselves so she knows

they know everything they have available to them. The teacher goes around to each group to talk

to the students and helps them express their ideas, and when asked if they could use certain

materials, she reminds them, “you have control of your learning”. This was something that really

spoke to me because I believe in a humanistic education philosophy which is learning through

experience. The behavior of the classroom was amazing, when the teacher starts speaking to all

of them, they all stop, they all followed directions, and worked well in a group and with the


Observation 8: 12th Grade ELA (22:34)

This teacher had a very charismatic personality and you could tell that all of the students

bonded with her. She introduced the lesson of the fool character in stories, and then allowed

them to do some informal brainstorming with a partner. She goes around and makes sure

everyone is on track and joins in on their conversations talking about all the things that interest

the students. She connected with them and that is something so crucial to create a strong

classroom environment. After everyone spent some time brainstorming, they came together to

discuss as a class. The class was comfortable and could joke around together and that made it

more fun and easy going and everyone learned because they could connect it to the literature and

movies that have read and seen.

Observation 9: ESOL English lesson- High school: (36:50)
This teacher started off by showing the classroom, with the computers that the students

work at, the work expectations of the class, the types of boards they have in the class and the she

said with all of the books around their room it creates the opportunity for students to want to

read. A teacher that has that attitude about her classroom set up knowing that it will bring the

students to success is an amazing one. She describes her objective has having the students review

vocabulary, listen and read blog entry identify components in a blog, and analyze blogs end goal

was to have students make their own blog about hobbies. When the students come into a class

she goes right into the lesson, and captures the interest of all her students even more so

considering they get to write about their own experience.

Observation 10: 8th Grade Language Arts Lesson-Novel Study Setup: (30:11)
I really enjoyed this class because I loved when I could just write without thinking too

hard about it and I have not been able to do that in a long time so I enjoyed see this teacher do

this. She had them perform a quick right in 10 minutes, where they dumped all their thoughts

about what makes them feel the smartest, the most intelligent and the strongest. This was an

amazing confidence builder for these students, with a humanistic education philosophy close to

my side, an assignment as reflective as this one really allows students to believe in themselves.

This lesson was a powerful one because instead of just thinking about everything that has to get

done, you can sit back and think about what you have done and all of your strengths. She also

has them working with the same team for a whole unit and I thought was also really smart for

peer bonding and building strong foundations.

Observation 11: Rachal's 7th Grade English Language Arts Class: (32:39)
This teacher was very inspiring, because she had them do their daily routine of reciting a

Langston Hughes poem because they do not want them to put any of their dreams aside because

if they do, they won’t accomplish anything or may not go back to it. The audience she was

speaking to really took in what she said and that is an amazing lesson to teach students. She went

in order with the warm up, going over the agenda for the day, then going over the assignment for

later on, finding your essence, then right down homework assignments, to finish off with a

debate. She then used a metaphor with a cookie, she had them eat it really fast, and then another

cookie really slow. After that she asked them what they thought about it each time, and eating it

slow related to close reading and looking for context clues, and I thought that was another

interesting way to express taking your time with your learning so you can truly value what you

are getting out of it.

Observation 12; Grades 2-3 Informational Writing Lesson’: (1:08:01)
This teacher started off the lesson by asking them about what they have been learning in

class, and then she called on a student to tell her about what ecosystems are right away including

the students in the discussion instead of just lecturing. She then started to sing a song about main

ideas and details. She was very organized and detail oriented. They were able to talk with their

peers and with her, and they used an graphic organizer to brainstorm all the ideas they have

during her lesson. I also enjoyed that she had a mix of songs and diagrams to help teach them the


Observation 13: Kindergarten Mathematics: (53:11)

This teacher was very interactive. She starts off asking what they learned after saying

decomposing she makes them turn to their partner, and use gestures to describe what it is
“Alright class… yessss” Sing a song about decompose “I can you can we can” is what she used

to lead the lesson. After that she used the scenario of the student’s went to see a movie, and

broke down the seats into parts, she had all five girls go to one side and then had a few go to the

other to explain all the different parts of the number 5. Using the physical students helped them

actually see what they were learning. After that, the star of the week got to pass out supplies in

the classroom and that creates an incentive to do well in class. She then read a story to them

Little Quack which was another interactive way to describe the lesson. She asked the students to

help her out and gave them a problem with her mom and the grocery store, and see which way

they can discompose the bags they put their groceries in. This teacher had amazing time

management and a very hands-on lesson that I genuinely enjoyed watching.

Observation 14: KCSD 8th Grade Math Lesson "Matching & Creating Word Problems"
This group of eight graders that I observed were going the distributive property. This

classroom was more based on a logical learning style. There were about twenty-two kids in the

classroom in various desk set ups. The teacher started off the classroom with a problem for

everyone to work on. She would walk around and help but say things like “I don’t know where

that number came from”, and to me that is not something that would help students gain

confidence to want to learn. After she realized that a handful of students were struggling, she

walked through step by step to solve the problem and when a student would say the next step,

she would ask why to make sure they knew how they got there. With math, asking why, is a huge

part to a student’s success because there is one way to get to an answer and if you do not know

how you got there, there will always be struggle in that subject. After the warm-up, she then put

the students in groups so they can work with partners and tackling the objective, which was to be

able to create an equation from a word problem and then be able to solve that problem. With this
in mind, she allowed them to use pens, highlighters, and pencils, to underline any piece of

information that was important to use for the lesson. This was helpful becomes time making

things in a different color can help students see something they might not have seen before.

Observation 15: 4th Grade Math (35:54)


This observation was done on a fourth-grade math class, in a classroom with about 22

students. She started of the lesson with a do now, where she showed them an image for a few

seconds, and they had to draw out what they see, she would turn the image off and did it a couple

more times to give some of the kids who did not have a chance to finish, finish copying it.

Defining what multiplicative comparison was, was the objective for the day. She allowed them to

do think pair share and all the students communicated well with each other and she even had

students help other students by picking one out to help another who had a question. She got their

attention back by using clapping patterns. She also ran majority of the class with a discussion

method rather than making them write. The teacher walked around to help during group

discussions so she was not standing in just one spot which is something we have talked about

before in class. Being sure to be responsive in any parts of the classroom. She wants them to be

able to prove the problems just like we infer in reading, we prove it with evidence so that way

the students always know how and why they got their answer and it does not just end with that is

the answer and that is it. Confidence is something that is so important in the classroom.

Observation 16: 11th Grade Mathematics: (27:44)

This teacher taught about Michael Phelps to begin her lesson talking about famous people

for the lesson. This engages the students in the conversation because they enjoyed saying what
they knew about the person. She then began the math lesson and the students did not seem

extremely interested in what they were learning. She used more of a logical teaching style where

it was just to get straight to the answer. While the students did not seem engaged, they still tried

and respected her and that is valuable.

Observation 17: 10th Grade Modeling with Systems of Equations: (32:03)
This teacher started by giving all the students the material they were going to need for the

class, including the hands out. She then had the students read the problems out loud to the class

which involves them more. They were learning about system of equations, and she had them

work in a group and then after that she would have them go up to the board to answer questions

and then talk about how they got the answer. The students did their work but they were a little

rude to the teacher and had an attitude when she would press them on how they got their

answers. That is something I am fearful of, because I am a people pleaser so if I pick up on an

attitude, I will have to learn how to not take it as a personal threat.

Observation 18: Mrs. Ward teaches her Algebra 1 class: (19:57)
There were about 24 students in the classroom all sitting in groups of three. She reviews

everything she is going to do for the class. Starting with the warm-up going into the test topic

review, then the lesson of comparing linear and exponential function. Then onto the next lesson

of exponential grown vs. exponential decay. She is then going to close with an exit quiz. She has

the objectives listed as statements for the students, for example, “I can evaluate and write

numerical expressions involving integer exponents”. This is something very important to have in

the class because at the end of the lesson the student should be able to do those statements and if

they can’t a teacher knows they have to go over it again. She also tells them about the test
tomorrow and to write down the links to review the subject if they need help, she also tells them

to take their notes home to help them with school work. This shows the respect that she has for

her students by communicating with them and making sure they know the expectation she has

for the class. This demonstrates her role in the class as being an encouraging mentor, and also the

flow of the class was very good.

Observation 19: High School Math Story Problems:(30:32)
This teacher followed a routine schedule with a do now and passing out all needed

supplies for that such as calculators and paper. She was encouraging and asked questions to get

the kids thinking. There were posters made for each question, and put it on the board and allow

the students to explain what they did. She did not make the students feel bad if they got a

question wrong instead, she had the class help each other out. She would ask the groups come

together and help them figure out how they got the answer they got and I feel that this is one of

the best ways to create good peer relationships because then everyone knows how to work

together and what is expected of them.

Observation 20: Today Classroom Elko Middle School 6th grade math lesson: (18:28)
This was the first class I saw that had two teachers. They used plastic sleeves and

markers for the students to write and I thought that was neat because it is different than paper and

could help students find ways to learn that help them out more. The teachers had also set up a

physical coordinate plane to help them figure out slope and the different points by tossing a bean

bag. I thought that was a very unique way to teach the class and made the students more

interested to learn.
Observation 21: Arithmetic Sequences" Ashley Kohls Math Teacher Simon Kenton High
School (43: 43)
This teacher was a younger teacher who had very good control of her class. I always

thought in school that younger teachers struggle with older grades because they do not take them

as serious and they just want to fit in so sometimes they lose that professionalism. In her lesson

with arithmetic sequence, she walked around and helped all the students and used the projector to

guide them with her own writing showing the problems. I feel like this teacher used her

resources well and had good control over the lesson and the behavior of all of her students.

Observation 22: Kindergarten Place Value Lesson: (14:28)
This class was very fun for the younger grades. He had them around the carpet, and each

time he asked a question he would allow the students to jump on the trampoline. The lesson was

on place value, so he had these long paper cubes to visualize the number. All the students

participated and interacted well with the teacher and their peers.

Observation 23: 5th Grade Adding and Subtracting Fractions: (39:33)
The objective in this classroom was for this fifth grade class to use number sense and

benchmark fractions to estimate sums and differences. He listed these goals for the students to

read and prepare themselves for the lesson that follow. He also asked them to think about the

problem before answering which is always an important lesson to teach students. He allows them

to work with a partner and encourages them to try the problem in the way he was showing them

but if they feel like they are not understanding try another way and that is a good resource
because with all the curriculum and the way that subjects should be taught the way a student

learns is often predetermined.

Observation 24: Middle School Assessment of T&L, Classroom Observation: (13:37)
This class followed a routine of filling out the learning target and then proceeding to

correct the homework from the night before. This was something that I find important because

when I would do homework assignments and we would not go over them in class I would not

feel like the lesson was important because there was not any repetition to make sure that we

understood everything in the class. When I am a teacher I want to set up students for success and

allow them to know that whatever work they put into a lesson is going to determine the grade for

the class and their success.

Observation 25: Pre-Algebra Class at Chisholm Trail Middle School: (33:11)
This class at Chisholm Middle school, starts class with a do now and then they take out

their work and let their peers grade it. This method would always make me nervous for school

because I always thought other students would judge me and think that I am not understanding

the subject. However, a task like that allows the students to work together and they can offer tips

and tricks to their peers and they can get used to all the different types of ways to solve problems

and how to avoid areas they might not be the best in.

Observation 26: AP Biology class observation: (36:28)

I felt that this class was very organized, she highlighted the lesson and what is going to be

done throughout the class. She uses the smartboard to set up the students note taking from the
PowerPoint and she emphasized the important parts of the lesson that she really wants them to

carry with them. She also allows them to set up physical chromosome models and diagrams to

model every step of mitosis learning. I am a visual learner so a class like this would have

benefited me greatly and that is something I want to offer my students as an option so I can

tackle all the different ways a student learns.

Observation 27: KCSD Lesson Series Sarah Jarrard 6th Grade Science "Radiation,
Convection, Conduction" (45:57)
Mrs. Jarrard asks the class a question on who feels confident to go to the board to show

where thermal energy is taking place, used the smartboard? After that she asks them a series a

question of questions and lets them uses flash cards to say the answer instead of just saying it out

loud. Then she does a little art activity where they create a foldable to go over the new vocab,

this is something I want to use in my classroom because I always felt I learned better when I

could draw something out. She then had two students come up and participate with spoons to see

which cubes would melt first due to conduction. After that she has the whole class gather around

to test equilibrium. After that she has them get up and place the cards on radiation, convection, or

conduction to match the right example. I thought that she had a nice rhythm of the class,

everyone respected her and followed her directions and also all of them wanted to participate in

class. At the end she gave them an exit ticket, and then she used a scale to see where the class is,

to see if they understand or if they need more time. This is something I also want to have in my

classroom because I believe it is the best way to test a students knowledge.

Observation 28: 4th Grade Motion Science: (31:49)

This teacher is organized and her role to the students is to mentor them on what motion

and design is. She encourages them to use science journals, she goes over this topic with a class
discussion from the readings. She addressed the topic by going over what motion is and then

starts off with an activity. The students then execute this activity by looking at the cars and

balancing weights. She then gets them to follow the procedure in the journal, and assigns them in

groups and then has some students test out the experiment and others recording what is

happening. Through experimenting the students are retaining information better because they get

to demonstrate the lesson and learn through experience.

Observation 29: 4th Grade Science (31:43)

The lesson that the teacher introduces is about crickets and what they have to do with the

food chain. To begin the lesson, she has “material managers” go and get the materials needed for

the project and what the students are doing. She shows them all their materials needed and what

each one is for. As The lesson continues and the students began to volunteer to share their

hypothesis, she has the hot seat where a student goes up to answer the questions they sit right in

front of the classroom. This gives them a new layer of confidence where they can practice

speaking in front of groups and feel more comfortable. They make observations and get to work

together as a group. She walks around to each of the students and ask some questions, this helps

him keep the conversation going within their groups. She pulls the cricket up on the smart board

and allows the students to name the body parts. This is interactive and fun for the students

because I can see it in real life and it makes it easier for them to label it on the board. This

classroom was organized in a good way and all the students seemed to enjoy the class room and

the assignment they got to work on.

Observation 30: First Observation Lesson 4th grade: (32:00)
In this video I primarily observed the behavior of the students in class and how the

teacher rolled with the lesson. He asked the students to create observations of things that he did

during the science experiment, he wanted detailed descriptions and not just basic he did this. The

students were getting distracted by the camera but as the teacher kept asking questions, they

started paying attention again and enjoyed the lesson. This type of lesson was beneficial for

students because they were able to learn how important detail is and how that will always be

important in any subject.

Observation 31: 10th Grade ELA/Social Studies: (38:49)

This class was grade ten with about 16 students in the classroom. It was a very open and

bright classroom with the classes posters and work hanging around. The desks are broken up

I’m about 4 to 5 students to each table. The students very verbal and enjoyed speaking which

made the class even better to observe. The teacher started with an agree and disagree activity,

where she would ask the students certain questions for example would they make a sacrifice in

order to protect their family. It was obvious that some of the questions made the students feel

uncomfortable, however, that didn’t stop them from wanting to answer. I really enjoyed

observing this class because I felt that the teacher really spoke to them as an equal and not just an

authority figure. She allowed them to express themselves freely without any criticism. She was

very organized and that is something that I strive to have in my classroom. She also had the

respect from all the students and that is something that is hard to obtain from older grades. She

breaks the groups up by students that she knows has the materials readily accessible to them and

pairs them up with students that may not have the same material. She does not make them feel

bad about it either. She just shows them how to take advantage of the resources they do have and

it allows them to build a better team bond.

Observation 32: Kindergarten social studies observation 30 minutes: (30:10)
This is the first video I have seen with everyone in masks and it made it really hard to

watch because these little kids should not have to go to school like this, however the teacher did

an amazing job that is her role. They all stood apart and she displayed the online book on the

screen, she would let it play and then stop the videos so they can discuss. It was a perfect mix

between visual and auditory learning skills and it is important for me in my classroom one day to

have a good mix of each.

Observation 33: Portrait Lesson to 3rd Graders | | Art Teacher: (48:05)
Mrs. Clevenger introducers herself to the class and starts with the topic question of if they

knew what an amusement park was. She discussed with them what it was and how she used to

work there drawing people, which I found to be so interesting because that type of work always

captivated my attention while walking through the amusement park. She then pulled up her

examples on the smartboard, and then showed her sketching on paper using the projector. She

then offered worksheets that helped guide on drawing out face features. I really enjoyed

watching this lesson because the students had a chance to express themselves freely and interpret

the lesson she was showing them in their own way.

Observation 34: Classroom management with Ms. Silver: (46:02)

Ms. Silver is a perfect example of the best way to keep control of the class. Classroom

management is executed immediately with hallway voices, and walking them through the halls

on their way to their classroom. She introduces morning routine and reminds them that they are

going to be going through a routine every day they come to school. She also encourages good
manners and ignores when there are students who are not behaving and only praises those who

are following directions. She has them hunt for the place that has their name, and automatically

there is one student who is not happy where he has to sit but she handles it quickly without any

fuss. She reminds them on how quiet voices when working is very important. All the skills that

she uses should be made an example of what all new teachers should follow when going into the

classroom. While first year teachers might not be able to master right away the way she runs her

class it is something that can be accomplished through practice and I only hope I can do perform

that well in my classroom.

To conclude, I really enjoyed watching all of these teachers in action and being able to

see all the different ways they run the classroom. They are all strong and perform in their own

ways and the success of the way they manage all of their classrooms is shown through the

students and their behavior and work.

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