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Energy Consumption of Asphalt and Reinforced Concrete

Pavement Materials and Construction

Pablo Zapata1 and John A. Gambatese, P.E., M.ASCE2

Abstract: In addition to traditional economic and technical objectives, environmental impact, and sustainability are increasingly being
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considered in the design of roadways and other infrastructure projects. This paper presents an abbreviated life cycle inventory assessment
of a continuously reinforced concrete pavement 共CRCP兲 and an asphalt pavement with respect to the energy consumed by each pavement
type for the construction of a roadway. For CRCP, energy is primarily consumed during the manufacture of cement and reinforcing steel,
which together account for approximately 94% of the total amount of energy consumed from extraction of raw materials through
placement of the CRCP. For asphalt pavement, the major consumption of energy from extraction through placement occurs during asphalt
mixing and drying of aggregates 共48%兲 and the production of bitumen 共40%兲. The assessment results highlight where sustainable design
efforts to reduce energy consumption can best be directed in the initial phases of a pavement’s life cycle.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1076-0342共2005兲11:1共9兲
CE Database subject headings: Asphalt pavements; Concrete pavements; Life cycles; Energy consumption; Sustainable

Introduction 1995; cited in Horvath and Hendrickson 1998兲. For interstate

highways and other freeways and expressways, the statistics on
The highway network is one of the most significant achievements the surface type show as much as 57% of the mileage has PCC
in the history of the civil engineering field. Perceived as an im- either as a wearing surface or as a base, while other roads and
perative measure for the development of a robust economy, the streets largely have asphalt wearing surfaces 共Horvath and Hen-
highway network has become a primary mode of transportation drickson 1998兲.
and driver of the economy in the United States. Consideration of The selection of one type of pavement over the other is com-
the environmental consequences of building such a system, how- monly based on technical and economic issues as opposed to
ever, was minimal. It was not until recent years that our past energy use considerations. This paper describes a study that was
actions, not only in the construction of roads but in our techno- recently conducted to assess asphalt and PCC pavements in terms
logical development in general, exposed the fragility of our planet of energy consumption. The study involved an assessment of both
and the potential power of destruction of our infrastructure. Green types of pavements from initial extraction and manufacture of
design and sustainable development have emerged as the bridge materials through placement on the construction site. This paper
between our advancing civilization and a weakened environment. describes the results of the study and provides recommendations
It is in this new framework of environmental responsiveness of where further efforts can be undertaken to minimize the energy
where road design and construction will play an important role consumption of each type of pavement. The incorporation of en-
given the size of the highway system and our current dependence ergy consumption information in the selection of pavement types
on it for transportation. can help engineers and legislators in the design and construction
Portland cement concrete 共PCC兲 pavement and asphalt pave- of a more advanced highway network that minimizes the expen-
ment are the most common types of pavement used in the con- diture of energy in its construction.
struction of roads in the highway network. Nearly 83% of all
roads and streets in the United States are of flexible type 共asphalt
wearing surface兲, 7% are of rigid type 共PCC roadway with or
without a bituminous wearing surface兲, and approximately 10% Asphalt Pavement Technology
are of composite type 共bituminous surface on PCC base兲 共FHWA
The production of asphalt is part of the petroleum refining sector
Project Engineer, KFMJV, Inc., Oakland, CA. which, according to the Energy Information Administration 共EIA
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental 2002兲, is the second most energy-intensive manufacturing indus-
Engineering, Oregon State Univ., 202 Apperson Hall, Corvallis, OR try in the United States following bulk chemicals based on energy
97331-2302. use per dollar of output. Asphalt production includes the follow-
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 2005. Separate discussions ing phases: extraction, transportation/storage, heating, distillation,
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
cooling, and final processing. During the distillation of petroleum,
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- crude oil is subjected to high pressure and temperatures of more
sible publication on December 16, 2003; approved on August 4, 2004. than 300°C 共Derucher et al. 1998兲. The majority of energy con-
This paper is part of the Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 11, No. sumed for the distillation process is used for fluid heating and
1, March 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 1076-0342/2005/1-9–20/$25.00. steam generation 共Unruh 2002兲. Of the energy consumed in the


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

refining process, approximately 40% is for bitumen and 60% for and included separately兲 relates largely to the transportation of the
lighter products 共Stripple 2001兲. raw materials, with a small portion for operating the aggregate
Once asphalt has been produced and shipped to an asphalt crushing plant. It is estimated that sand represents about 2% of
concrete production plant, it is stored in large containers where it embodied energy in PCC, while crushed aggregate represents
is constantly heated to ensure fluidity. The steady heating of as- about 6% 共Twinshare 2003兲. This value reflects the 92% of em-
phalt requires additional energy consumption only for storage bodied energy for cement used in PCC.
purposes. When an order for asphalt concrete is received, aggre- Production of the raw materials and PCC itself requires inten-
gates are conveyed from stockpiles to dryers where they are dried sive use of energy solely for the cement manufacturing process.
and heated to a temperature between 150° and 170°C. When thor- No additional significant expenditures of energy occur in the stor-
oughly dried and heated, the aggregate mix is delivered to a mixer age of materials or in subsequent processes such as the drying of
where bitumen is injected as a fine spray. This final asphalt mix- aggregates prior to mixing. There is indeed consumption of en-
ture is stored in hot storage bins prior to transportation to a con- ergy in the transportation of raw and finalized materials in the
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struction site. Amounts of energy consumed with each step in the concrete and cement industries. However, these expenditures are
process are presented in the “Results” section of this paper. quite small when compared with the fuel consumed by the oil
tankers to transport the crude oil, and the energy consumed to
manufacture the cement.

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Technology

A rigid pavement is associated with a concrete structure made Environmental Life Cycle Assessment
with Portland cement concrete, with or without steel reinforce-
ment. Portland cement is primarily made from calcareous materi- The Environmental Council of Concrete Organizations 共ECCO兲
als, such as limestone or chalk, and from alumina and silica found defines an environmental life cycle assessment 共LCA兲 as a de-
as clay or shale. The Energy Information Administration reports tailed, extensive tool used to systematically evaluate the environ-
that cement production ranks seventh among the most energy- mental impacts of a product or system 共ECCO 1997兲. According
intensive manufacturing industries 共EIA 2002兲 in terms of energy to ECCO, a LCA considers environmental impacts from all pos-
use per dollar of output. Mixing and grinding of the raw materials sible sources such as extraction of raw materials, manufacture,
can be done either in water or in a dry condition. This process service life, and disposal. A LCA involves quantification of the
defines whether the cement manufacturing is a “wet” or “dry” environmental burdens 关life cycle inventory assessment 共LCI兲兴,
process 共Neville 1996兲. Selection between the wet and dry pro- estimation of the impacts of these burdens on humans and nature
cess is based on the properties of the raw materials, cost of fuel, 共impact analysis兲, and identification of areas where improvements
location of the project, and other conditions. For the wet process, are possible 共Horvath and Hendrickson 1998兲.
plant construction cost is rather low and high-quality products are Two approaches have been used to perform an LCA. One ap-
manufactured easily. In the case of the dry process, the consump- proach was developed by the Society of Environmental Toxicol-
tion of energy is less and the operation costs are lower. According ogy and Chemistry 共SETAC兲 and the U.S. Environmental Protec-
to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization tion Agency 共EPA兲. The SETAC–EPA technique divides each
共2003兲, energy cost is 20–30% of Portland cement production product or system into individual process flows and attempts to
cost. Ninety percent or more of the fuel consumed is for clinker quantify their environmental effects 共Horvath and Hendrickson
burning. About 40% of the electricity consumed is used for fin- 1998兲. This process-based method traces back 共upstream兲 the nec-
ishing grinding, and a little less than 30% is consumed by the raw essary process or activities to create a product or system. Once
material process and the clinker burning process. The finish grind- the stages have been identified, the environmental inputs and out-
ing process mainly consumes electricity power for the mill, and puts in each stage are evaluated.
the clinker burning process mainly for the fan. The other approach is a model called “economic input–output-
The Energy Information Administration 共2002兲 states that de- based LCA” 共EIO–LCA兲, developed by researchers as part of
livered energy consumption in the United States cement industry Carnegie Mellon Univ., Green Design Initiative. The EIO–LCA
was 3.76⫻ 109 MJ in 1998. Almost all 共97%兲 of the energy was model uses the 498⫻ 498 economic input–output matrix
used for process and assembly. Coal is the largest energy source 共commodity-by-commodity兲 of the United States economy to
utilized, providing two-thirds of the energy delivered to the ce- identify the entire chain of suppliers 共both direct and indirect兲 to
ment industry. In 1998, delivered energy intensity for the cement a commodity 共Horvath and Hendrickson 1998兲. In their study
industry was 71.7 MJ per 1992 dollars of output. The EIA reports aimed at comparing the environmental implications of asphalt and
that the average in 1998 for the energy-intensive manufacturing steel-reinforced concrete pavements, Horvath and Hendrickson
sectors 共production of bulk chemicals, petroleum refining, paper, 共1998兲 applied the EIO–LCA model. The model indicates that for
steel, food, cement, aluminum, and glass兲 was 16.5 MJ per 1992 the initial construction of equivalent pavement designs, asphalt
dollars of output, while the average in 1998 for the entire indus- appears to have a higher energy input, lower ore and fertilizer
trial sector 共energy-intensive manufacturing, nonintensive manu- input requirements, and lower toxic emissions. Asphalt, though,
facturing, and nonmanufacturing兲 was less at 5.8 MJ per 1992 has higher hazardous waste generation and management than
dollars of output. steel-reinforced concrete. According to the study, the construction
Energy use for PCC production, i.e., the transportation and of a 1 km section of a typical two-lane highway requires 7.0
mixing of cement, aggregate, water, and admixtures, is consider- ⫻ 106 MJ of energy in the case of asphalt pavement, and 5.0
ably less than for the production of the cement itself. As opposed ⫻ 106 MJ in the case of continuously reinforced concrete pave-
to asphalt, in PCC mixes it is not necessary to dry the aggregate ment 共CRCP兲. Horvath and Hendrickson favor the use of the
prior to mixing. Hence, energy for PCC production 共excluding EIO–LCA model over the SETAC–EPA method because the latter
production of the raw materials themselves, which is considered method is typically limited by data availability, time, and cost.


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

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Fig. 1. Total energy consumed for three different road surface materials and two different engine alternatives for construction vehicles divided
into road construction, road maintenance, and road operation 关reprinted with permission from Stripple 共2001兲兴

The SETAC–EPA model also includes the first direct suppliers, consumption of different pavement surfaces. Exergy is a term
but seldom incorporates the complete hierarchy of suppliers—that used to describe differences in energy quality. The exergy content
is, all the suppliers of suppliers 共indirect兲. of a system indicates its distance from thermodynamic equilib-
The Swedish Environmental Research Institute 共IVL兲 per- rium. The higher the exergy content, the farther from thermody-
formed a life cycle assessment for road construction, road main- namic equilibrium a system is.
tenance, and road operation 共Stripple 2001兲. The methodology The net exergy consumption for each type of pavement is cal-
used in the study follows the guidelines of the SETAC–EPA ap- culated based on mass balances and exergy analysis of the manu-
proach. The study analyzed three different road surface materials: facturing process of cement, concrete, and asphalt. The exergy
PCC, hot-mix asphalt, and cold-mix asphalt. In addition, two dif- consumption broadly reflects the minimum work required to re-
ferent engine alternatives for vehicles and machines used in the form the raw materials and restore the environment to its initial
process, conventional diesel engines and modern low emission state. This minimum work can be used as a thermodynamic mea-
diesel engines, were studied. Fig. 1 depicts the results of the study sure of the environmental impact of the entire manufacturing pro-
and indicates that PCC pavements require more energy for their cess, from the extraction of raw materials to the finished product.
construction, and during their entire life cycle, than asphalt pave- Berthiaume and Bouchard used the exergy method because, in
ments. their opinion, a life cycle assessment 共energy consumption ac-
The two methods presented above seem to reach opposite con- counting and polluting emission inventory兲 provides extensive
clusions. In Horvath and Hendrickson’s study, asphalt pavement
data that cannot be compared on the same basis and, conse-
requires 30% more energy than concrete pavement, while IVL
quently, it is often hard to draw definitive conclusions from the
reports that concrete pavement requires 37% more energy than
asphalt pavement. Horvath and Hendrickson acknowledge the dif-
Berthiaume and Bouchard compared the net exergy consump-
ference of their study with the findings of other researchers. Fig.
tion of asphalt and concrete paving in four different scenarios: 共1兲
2 shows a comparison of the embodied energy for concrete 共with-
cement concrete 共cc兲 pavement 共dry process兲; 共2兲 cc pavement
out the steel reinforcement兲 found by Horvath and Hendrickson
with the values from other studies. Much of the difference is due 共wet process兲; 共3兲 asphalt manufactured during the summer; and
to significant system boundary differences between the methods. 共4兲 asphalt manufactured during the fall. Wet and dry processes
refer to the conditions in which raw materials are mixed and
ground during the production of Portland cement. The authors
found that when asphalt is manufactured during the summer, it
Exergy Analysis has the lowest environmental impact, i.e., the lowest net exergy
consumption, of the four scenarios considered. The manufacture
Substantial differences in the findings of life cycle analyses are of PCC paving material using the wet process has the highest net
not unusual. A LCA evaluates many variables and complex sys- exergy consumption. Fig. 3 shows the net exergy consumption for
tems, and in many cases the assumptions and boundaries estab- the four pavement scenarios. Berthiaume and Bouchard conclude
lished by a researcher can be considerably different from those that after 40 years of operation, asphalt manufactured during the
ascertained by another examiner. Berthiaume and Bouchard fall has approximately the same energy consumption as a PCC
共1999兲 recognize this limitation of the LCA method and propose a pavement using the dry process 共see Fig. 3兲. Horvath and Hen-
different approach, an exergy analysis, to compare the energy drickson also reported that when accounting for the uncertainty in


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

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Fig. 2. Comparison of embodied energy figure for concrete, without steel reinforcement: 共1兲 Boustead and Hancock 共1979兲; 共2兲 AIA 共1997兲;
共3兲 Fog and Nadkarni 共1983兲; and 共4兲 Ashby 共1992兲. 关Reprinted with permission from Horvath and Hendrickson 共1998兲兴

the data collected in their study, and when annualizing environ- fornia State Controller’s Office demonstrated lower maintenance
mental effects based on assumed average service lives of the two cost of PCC pavements compared to asphalt pavements 共Packard
pavements types, the resource input requirements and the envi- 1994兲. In the same study, Packard mentioned a 1989 survey that
ronmental outputs are roughly comparable for the two materials states that a PCC overlay 共152.5 mm兲 has an average life of 23.2
共see also van Oss and Padovani 2003兲. years, while for an asphalt overlay 共101.5 mm兲, the service life is
Once constructed, the length of service life for each type of 11.7 years. A separate study by the State of Louisiana showed
pavement depends on many factors. A short service life implies similar results 共PCA/NAPA 1986兲. In contrast, a study of rural
that the pavement structure needs to be rehabilitated or replaced interstate pavements in Kansas 共Cross and Parsons 2002兲 revealed
more frequently. Several studies indicate that PCC pavements that asphalt and PCC pavements had similar average service lives
have a longer service life and lower maintenance cost than asphalt until rehabilitation or reconstruction: 33 years for asphalt and 34
pavements, while other studies find the opposite. Horvath and years for PCC. The asphalt pavements in Kansas lasted from 8 to
Hendrickson 共1998兲 cited a 1971 study that reported that the av- 12 years past original construction without any maintenance,
erage service life for PCC pavements was 25 years, and 15 years while the average time until the first minor maintenance treatment
for asphalt pavements. A 1994 study based on data from the Cali- for PCC pavements was 9 years.

Research Methodology

The purpose of this study was to conduct an environmental LCI to

determine the energy consumption of PCC and asphalt pave-
ments. Among the two techniques used to perform an assessment,
the SETAC–EPA model was chosen for this study. The selection
of this technique was based on several considerations. First, the
SETAC–EPA approach is broadly used not only in the United
States, but in many European countries. The acceptance of the
SETAC–EPA model is so extensive that the methodology has
been included as a standard procedure by the International Orga-
nization for Standardization. Second, the SETAC–EPA approach
divides the system into individual processes or activities that can
be independently analyzed. Finally, the results of a LCI using the
SETAC–EPA approach can be easily summarized in a flowchart.
Fig. 3. Net exergy consumption, after 40 years 关reprinted with To meet this goal, the study objectives were to develop flowcharts
permission from Berthiaume and Bouchard 共1999兲兴 of the pavement life cycles 共extraction of raw materials, manufac-


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

Table 1. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Life Cycle
Raw material Removal,
extraction and initial Use and recycling, and
transformation Manufacturing Placement maintenance disposal
Cement: Cement: Kiln processing, Roadway preparation: Traffic: Pavement reclamation:
Limestone, shale, and grinding excavation, stabilization, Number of vehicles
gypsum extraction and crushing and base per year

Aggregates: Aggregates: Placement: Maintenance Magnetic separation

Extraction Crushing and sieving Reinforcing steel
共quarry or river兲 共coarse and fine and concrete
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Steel: Steel: Finishing Steel scrap,

Iron, limestone, Crushing, heating steel reprocessing
coal extraction 共blast and oxygen furnace兲,
casting, cooling, and fabrication

Miscellaneous: Concrete: Mineral scrap, crushing,

Additives, water, Mixing of cement, and reuse
and other aggregates, water,
and additives

turing, placement, maintenance, and rehabilitation/removal兲, and the pavements were performed once the amount and type of ma-
to identify and quantify the energy consumed in various stages of terials needed for their construction were established. A LCI de-
the pavement life cycles. The scope of this study does not include scribes the energy flows to and from the system, and consists of
the identification and quantification of emissions generated in the five basic substeps 共see also Tables 1 and 2兲.
production and placement of the two materials. 1. Extraction of raw materials: This substep includes the extrac-
The first step in the assessment was the selection of the type tion of all raw materials necessary for the production of PCC
and characteristics of the roadways to be compared, and the de- and asphalt pavement.
termination of boundaries, limitations, and assumptions consid- 2. Manufacturing: This substep is composed of all mechanical
ered in the study. The road selected for the assessment is a 1 km and chemical processes required in the transformation of raw
section of a typical two-lane highway with a high volume of materials into asphalt and PCC.
traffic in the United States. This particular type of road was se- 3. Placement of course pavement materials: Once the raw ma-
lected based on two considerations: 共1兲 the use of PCC and as- terials have been transformed into asphalt and PCC, the
phalt as pavement materials is more balanced in interstate high- pavement materials are transported and placed on site.
ways and freeways than in low-volume traffic roads 共Horvath and 4. Maintenance: Once the pavement structure has been con-
Hendrickson 1998兲 and 共2兲 it is assumed that highways with high structed, it requires periodic repair and upgrade.
volumes of traffic usually have more environmental impacts than 5. Removal, recycling, and disposal: When the pavement struc-
local and smaller roads.
ture reaches the end of its service life, it is necessary to
To compare the results of this study with those of the Horvath
remove and replace the old structure with a new one that
and Hendrickson 共1998兲 paper, the pavement designs are based on
complies with the intended use of the road.
AASHTO guidelines 共AASHTO 1974兲 and represent equivalent
Information about energy consumption was collected in two
designs that have roughly the same functionality. The two pave-
ways. First, an extensive literature review of similar studies and
ment structures are designed for 10 million 80 kN 共18 kip兲
of the industries and processes involved in the manufacture and
equivalent single-axle loads, which is an estimate of 10 or more
construction of both pavement materials was conducted. The sec-
years of interstate highway traffic. Both pavement sections are
ond source of information was construction companies. Material
7.20 m wide and are assumed to sit on 150 mm of high-quality
use and energy consumption data were collected through inter-
cement-treated soil subbase 共E⫽6.9 GPa兲. Because the base was
designed to be the same for both pavements, only the energy views with two national heavy-civil construction contractors with
consumed in the manufacture and placement of course materials offices located in the Pacific Northwest.
is compared. The type of PCC pavement selected for the study is
a 220 mm thick, CRCP, with Number 4 longitudinal bars spaced
100 mm on center and Number 4 transverse bars spaced at 1.30 m
on center. The PCC mix design includes the following percent- Study Limitations and Assumptions
ages by weight: 12% cement, 43% coarse aggregate, 28% fine
aggregate, and 17% water. The asphalt pavement design selected The most significant obstacle in the study was a lack of informa-
is a 300 mm thick pavement, with 5% bitumen and 95% aggre- tion regarding certain processes or activities. Environmental re-
gate by weight. This type of structure is commonly used in roads search related to asphalt and PCC pavements, particularly in the
with high-volume traffic where maintenance has to be kept at a field of energy consumption, is a relatively new discipline and the
minimum. data available in many cases are fragmented and contradictory.
Life cycle inventory assessments of the energy consumed by This barrier introduced limitations with regards to some of the


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

Table 2. Asphalt Pavement Life Cycle
Raw material Removal,
extraction and initial Use and recycling,
transformation Manufacturing Placement maintenance and disposal
Petroleum: Petroleum: Roadway preparation: Traffic: Pavement reclamation:
Extraction, drilling, Heating, distillation, excavation, stabilization, Number of vehicles asphalt reprocessing,
and pumping storage of bitumen and base per year crushing, and reuse.

Aggregates: Aggregates: Placement: Maintenance

Extraction Crushing and sieving asphalt concrete
共quarry or river兲 共coarse and fine
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Miscellaneous: Asphalt: Finishing

Additives, water, Drying of aggregates,
and other mixing of bitumen,
aggregates, water,
and additives

collected data in the study and necessitated making several as- raw materials, 共2兲 manufacturing, 共3兲 placement of course pave-
sumptions. ment materials, 共4兲 maintenance, and 共5兲 removal, recycling, and
The study neglects the energy consumed in the construction of disposal. Within each subsystem there are significant activities
production plants, such as refineries and cement plants, as well as and processes necessary for the construction and subsequent op-
the manufacture and maintenance of the equipment necessary for eration of asphalt and concrete pavements. These subsystems and
the construction of roads such as pavers, concrete mixers, rollers, activities are listed in Tables 1 and 2.
etc. The operation of this equipment is considered in the study by Tables 1 and 2 reveal that the life cycle of a road is a complex
determining the consumption of fuel, which is a significant com- system with many variables and relationships. The total consump-
ponent of the operational cost of such machines. tion of energy during the service life of the pavement structures
Another limitation in the assessment is the uniqueness of the was calculated as the sum of the expenditures of energy of the
conditions and the design chosen for the studied road sections. individual processes and subsystems. The energy consumption of
There are many local factors that affect the design of pavement the different subsystems and processes was estimated based on
structures, and it is impossible to develop a “standard” design that studies of energy consumption in the cement, asphalt, and aggre-
accounts for all and dissimilar variables considered in roadway gate industries as well as on literature on life cycle analyses. The
construction. energy necessary for the construction phase of both types of struc-
Limitations associated with an assumed pavement service life tures was calculated from data provided by the construction firms
are also of importance. Contradictory information exists regard-
interviewed. Several limitations were recognized and assumptions
ing the service life of asphalt and PCC pavement structures
made during the acquisition of data regarding the energy con-
共Packard 1994; Horvath and Hendrickson 1998; Cross and Par-
sumption of the different processes and activities. The most sig-
sons 2002兲. The PCC pavements seem to last as long as or longer
nificant limitations and assumptions are listed below:
than their asphalt counterparts. However, there is no unanimous
1. In the literature reviewed for this study, there was no consen-
estimation of the number of years that a PCC structure can outlast
sus about the length of the service life of a road or the con-
asphalt pavement subjected to the same traffic and environmental
sumption of energy during its service life. Additionally, these
conditions. There are even more complicated issues when it
comes to determining the end of the service life of a road. A road two variables are highly correlated to the environmental con-
is different from a normal product in that it does not have a ditions and the characteristics of traffic of a particular loca-
definitive end in time. A road project can be seen as a constantly tion. For these reasons it was difficult to determine the con-
ongoing process where, through active decisions, one can deter- sumption of energy in the last two substeps of the system
mine the objective for certain accessibility between two points. 共maintenance, removal, recycling, and disposal兲. The deter-
As long as the decision regarding the determined accessibility mination of the expenditure of energy during operation and
remains, the roadway also remains, although it is exposed to a maintenance of a road requires the establishment of a main-
constant process of change. tenance strategy, which includes an identification of the fac-
tors that most likely will compromise the structural integrity
of the road and selection of the most effective methods to
control and prevent deterioration of the system. The design
Results of a maintenance strategy is outside the scope of this study,
and consequently the estimation of energy consumption in
In order to calculate the consumption of energy during the various the last two substeps was not conducted.
stages of the service lives of PCC and asphalt pavements, it was 2. This study does not consider the consumption of energy as-
necessary to develop a model that represents the life cycle of a sociated with earthmoving operations and the construction of
typical roadway. For the considerations of this assessment, the life the road base for both types of pavements. The reason for
cycle of a pavement structure was divided into five basic sub- this omission is that the basic objective of the study is the
systems matching the five substeps of an LCI: 共1兲 extraction of comparison between asphalt and PCC as course materials,


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

and the inclusion of the base structure can be a source of of the literature on prior studies, it was not clear if the consump-
distortion. Another reason for this exclusion is that the char- tion of energy for crude oil transportation was considered in the
acteristics of the road base and the intensity of the earthmov- analyses. The inclusion of energy expenditure in the transporta-
ing operations depend significantly on the conditions of the tion of crude oil considerably affects the total energy consump-
natural soil and terrain. For the particular purpose of this tion for an asphalt pavement. In 1997, the energy intensity for
study, the base for both types of pavements is assumed to be domestic waterborne commerce averaged approximately 0.27 MJ/
equal. t/km, which is a considerable amount of energy especially for
3. The consumption of energy in the transportation of raw and transatlantic trips 共Maxin 2001兲.
finished materials is not considered in the study. Energy re- The results of the assessment are summarized in Tables 4 and
quired for transportation can vary tremendously depending 5 for CRCP and asphalt pavement, respectively. Energy consump-
on many variables including the travel distances, equipment tion values are recorded for: raw material extraction and initial
used, and condition of travel surfaces. Therefore, the energy material transformation; manufacture of asphalt, PCC, rebar, and
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required for transportation for both types of pavements is aggregates; and placement of these materials on-site. Where mul-
assumed to be equal with the exception of the transportation tiple consumption values are available as shown in Table 3, the
of crude oil used in the production of bitumen. This assump- average of these values was used in Tables 4 and 5. Using the five
tion will slightly affect the total consumption of energy for LCI substeps described previously, the CRCP structure consumes
both pavement materials, but it will still allow their compari- 4.58⫻ 106 MJ in the first three subsystems of the life cycle model
son. 共extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, and placement of
4. Many activities and processes in the life cycle of a pavement course pavement兲, approximately 21% more energy than con-
structure require water. While the amount of water consumed sumed by asphalt pavement.
can be calculated for each pavement, the consumption of For both types of pavement the consumption of energy in the
energy necessary for its production and transportation were extraction of aggregates and in the placement of course materials
neglected in the assessment. The reasons for neglecting these is almost negligible compared with the energy required for the
values are a lack of data available in the literature on the manufacture of concrete and asphalt. Table 4 reveals that the ex-
energy consumed, and discussions with material producers traction of raw materials and the placement of concrete account
and roadway constructors during the course of the study in- for only 6% of the total energy consumption of the CRCP pave-
dicated that the energy necessary for the production and ment. The remaining 94% of the energy is spent in the manufac-
transportation of water is minimal compared to that for the turing process where the production of cement accounts for 65%
other materials studied in this particular assessment. of the energy consumed, while the production of steel and the
5. The study neglects the manufacturing of production plants, concrete mixing process account for 34 and 1%, respectively.
such as refineries and cement plants, as well as the manufac- If part of the cement in PCC is replaced by fly ash, a byproduct
ture and maintenance of equipment necessary for the con- of coal combustion, the consumption of energy is dramatically
struction of roads, such as pavers, concrete mixers, rollers, reduced. If the content of cement is reduced from its original
etc. These elements have been excluded from the assessment. value of 12% by weight to 8%, the consumption of energy will
6. The data collected and included in the assessment come from drop from 4.58⫻ 106 to 3.64⫻ 106 MJ 共20.5% reduction兲, the lat-
different parts of the world. Differences in manufacturing, ter value being less than the energy required for asphalt pave-
construction, and other processes employed in roadway con- ment. It is important to underline two considerations. The first one
struction, and in roadway use and energy awareness, may is that it is assumed that the replacement of cement by fly ash
impact the comparability of the data. An inventory assess- does not add additional energy to the system since fly ash is a
ment for a particular country or region should incorporate byproduct of the combustion of coal and considered a “waste
energy consumption values representative of that country or material.” The second consideration is that the substitution of
region. cement by other cementitious materials is only possible up to
Once the limitations and assumptions are established, it is pos- certain percentages, and these values will change depending on a
sible to determine the energy consumption of the different pro- complex set of criteria impacting the desired concrete product that
cesses and activities presented in Tables 1 and 2. Table 3 summa- includes the types of fly ash and cement used.
rizes the data collected about energy consumption for PCC and The amount and characteristics of the steel reinforcement also
asphalt pavements. The table includes information from different play an important role in the consumption of energy. For example,
studies as well as the data provided by the contractors inter- if the longitudinal and transverse distance between bars is kept
viewed. No data were found regarding the energy consumption constant, 5.41⫻ 106 MJ are required for Number 5 bars. If the bar
associated with CRCP and asphalt reclamation and reprocessing, size is increased to Number 9 bars 共more than three times the
and with CRCP and asphalt maintenance and use. The values in cross-sectional area of a Number 5 bar兲, the energy consumption
the table are relatively consistent except for the production of almost doubles to 1.07⫻ 107 MJ. The amount of steel will also
bitumen where there are important differences between some change based on the bar spacing. If the bar size is kept constant at
studies. These differences can be explained based on the assump- Number 4 bars and the transverse spacing of bars is held at 1.30
tions made in each assessment. One of these assumptions is with m, the energy usage increases with decreasing longitudinal dis-
regards to the energy requirements during the refining process of tance between bars: 4.12⫻ 106 MJ for 150 mm spacing, 4.58
bitumen. In this process, it is not easy to differentiate how much ⫻ 106 MJ for 100 mm spacing, and 5.95⫻ 106 MJ for 50 mm
energy is used in the distillation of each oil subproduct. The con- spacing.
sumption of energy is also affected by the type of petroleum and In the case of CRCP, the production of steel accounts for 34%
the conditions of the oil field. For this assessment, the energy of the energy consumed in the manufacturing process. If the steel
consumption reported by Häkkinen and Mäkelä 共1996兲 for the is removed from the CRCP structure, the energy requirement will
production of bitumen 共6.0⫻ 109 J / t of material兲 was assumed. reduce to 3.09⫻ 106 MJ. In this case, the energy consumed by the
Transportation of crude oil is another important issue. In some asphalt pavement 共3.78⫻ 106 MJ兲 is 18% more energy than the


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

Table 3. Consumption of Energy during Life Cycle of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements 共CFRPs兲 and Asphalt Pavements
Energy consumption
共J / t of material兲 Source Comments
Process: Extraction of aggregates 共coarse and fine aggregate兲
53⫻ 106 NCSA 共1977兲 Consumption of energy between 21.1⫻106 J/t—63.3⫻106 J/t
with a common value of 53⫻ 106 J / t
22.2⫻ 106 Berthiaume and Bouchard 共1999兲 —
74⫻ 106 Stammer and Stodolsky 共1995兲 —
24⫻ 106 共gravel兲 Häkkinen and Mäkelä 共1996兲 In the case of gravel the process includes extraction and
52⫻ 106 共crushed aggregates for asphalt兲 transportation. In the case of crushed aggregates for asphalt
the process includes:
共1兲 quarrying and breaking,
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共2兲 transportation of broken rock,

共3兲 crushing, and
共4兲 transportation of crushed materials.

38.18⫻ 106 共crushed aggregates兲 Stripple 共2001兲 In the case of crushed aggregates from rock mass the process
共1兲 blast rock,
共2兲 transportation of blasted rock, and
共3兲 crushing blasted rock.

Process: Cement manufacturing

6.33⫻ 109 School of Resources, The 6.33⫻ 109 J / t includes the direct fuel use for mining and
Environment and Society transporting raw materials. It takes about 1.75 kg of raw
共based on Portland Cement materials to produce 1 kg of finished cement, according to the
Association, 1990 data兲 Environmental Research.
5.35⫻ 109–10.2⫻ 109 Berthiaume and Bouchard 共1999兲 5.35⫻ 109 J / t 共dry process兲 10.2⫻ 109 J / t 共wet process兲
6.7⫻ 109 Stammer and Stodolsky 共1995兲 —
6.36⫻ 109 Twinshare 共2003兲 It takes about 1,600 kg of raw material to produce a ton of
5.35⫻ 109 Häkkinen and Mäkelä 共1996兲 The data are received from Finncement 共Stefan Lindfors兲.
The system includes:
共1兲 extraction and transportation of energy raw materials,
共2兲 extraction of cement raw materials,
共3兲 transportation of cement raw materials to the cement
共4兲 production of raw meal,
共5兲 burning of clinker, and
共6兲 grinding of cement.
4.77⫻ 109 Stripple 共2001兲

Process: Steel manufacturing

1.90⫻ 1010 Stubbles 共2000兲 Total use of energy for steel tapped
1.8⫻ 1010–2.3⫻ 1010 Stammer and Stodolsky 共1995兲 1 t of reinforcing steel
0.62⫻ 1010 Häkkinen and Mäkelä 共1996兲 Production of reinforcement steel for the Norwegian market
at Fundia Norsk Jernverk in Mo. Data from 1992, based on
assumption of 100% Norwegian scrap iron.
2.53⫻ 1010 Stripple 共2001兲

Process: Concrete mixing

6.875⫻ 106 Contractor survey The consumption of energy during mixing will depend on the
amount of diesel fuel necessary to mix the total amount of
concrete. In this case, it has been assumed a mixing plant
with a capacity of 230 m3 / h. It takes a 550 kW generator to
run, and the generator burns 102 L of fuel phr.
Process: Portland cement concrete pavement placement
3.40⫻ 107 共concrete兲 Contractor survey The consumption of energy during placement will depend on
0 共steel兲 the amount of diesel fuel used by the equipment necessary for
the operation. CRCP pavement will typically be placed at
approximately 21 m2 / manhour. Equipment necessary for
placement and approximate fuel consumption:


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

Table 3. 共Continued.兲
Energy consumption
共J / t of material兲 Source Comments
共1兲 2 pavers= 41.6 L / h each
共2兲 1 tiner/cure machine= 13.2 L / h
共3兲 2 pickup trucks= 4.2 L / h each
共4兲 1 small loader共CAT 950 size兲 = 26.5 L / h

Process: Production of bitumen

0.63⫻ 109 Stammer and Stodolsky 共1995兲
0.42⫻ 109 NCSA 共1977兲
Downloaded from by Fundacion Universidad Del Norte on 04/07/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

6 ⫻ 109 Häkkinen and Mäkelä 共1996兲 The data are received from Neste 共Jouko Nikkonen兲.
The production process includes:
共1兲 production of raw oil,
共2兲 transportation of raw oil, and
共3兲 refining.
2.93⫻ 109 Stripple 共2001兲 The production process included:
共1兲 crude oil extraction in Venezuela,
共2兲 transport of crude oil to refinery,
共3兲 refining.
The allocation of energy consumption for the refining process
is 40% for bitumen and 60% for lighter products.

Process: Asphalt storage

5.43⫻ 108 Stripple 共2001兲

Process: Asphalt mixing and drying of aggregates

0.32⫻ 109–0.39⫻ 109 Ang et al. 共1993兲 310⫻ 103 J / t for continuous plant; 375⫻ 103 J / t for batch
共per ton of asphalt mixture兲 plant. A large part of the process energy use is for drying and
heating aggregates. Statistical analysis historical
energy-consumption data show a high correlation between
specific energy requirements and rainfall level.

Process: Asphalt pavement placement

1.34⫻ 107 Contractor survey The consumption of energy during placement will depend on
the amount of diesel fuel used by the equipment necessary for
the operation. It has been assumed an asphalt plant with a
capacity of approximately 360 t / h. Equipment necessary for
placement and approximate fuel consumption:
共1兲 1 asphalt paver= 15.1 L / h
共2兲 3 rollers共if in Oregon, two anywhere else兲 = 17.0 L / h each
共3兲 1 tack truck= 26.5 L / h
共4兲 3 pickup trucks= 4.2 L / h each
共5兲 1 small loader共CAT 950 size兲 = 26.5 L / h
共6兲 1 small broom= 17.0 L / h

unreinforced PCC pavement. However, eliminating the steel from careful storage of aggregates, in particular minimizing the mois-
the CRCP would require modifications to the pavement design ture content of aggregates, can substantially reduce energy con-
and perhaps a shorter service life, both of which would most sumption in the asphalt pavement industry. Unfortunately this is
likely increase the energy consumption of PCC pavement. not a final conclusion given the insufficient data found on energy
Using the parameters described in the “Methodology” section, consumption for the process of asphalt mixing and drying of ag-
the asphalt pavement consumes 3.78⫻ 106 MJ in the first three gregates 共only one study兲.
subsystems of the life cycle model. From Table 5 it can be seen It was assumed in the assessment that the energy expenditure
that the extraction of raw materials and the placement of asphalt for the production of bitumen was 6.0⫻ 109 J / t, which is the
pavement account for 8.46% of the total energy consumption of highest value for this process found in the literature review. If a
the system. The remaining 91.54% of the energy is consumed in lower value of 2.93⫻ 109 J / t is used as recorded by Stripple
the manufacturing process where the asphalt mixing and drying of 共2001兲, energy consumption for asphalt pavement reduces to
aggregates accounts for 53% of the energy consumed, while the 3.01⫻ 106 MJ. If the lowest value found for production of bitu-
production of bitumen and its storage account for 43 and 4%, men, 4.2⫻ 108 J / t, is used the asphalt pavement would consume
respectively. It is interesting to note that the major source of en- 2.38⫻ 106 MJ , which is 37% lower than the value found using
ergy consumption comes from asphalt mixing and drying of ag- 6.0⫻ 109 J / t for the production of bitumen.
gregates and not from the extraction, transportation of crude oil, The content of bitumen in the asphalt mix is a dominant factor
and distillation of bitumen. The results of this study suggest that in the energy consumption of asphalt pavement. If the content of


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

Table 4. Summary of Life Cycle Inventory for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
Energy Total Contribution Total
consumption energy consumed to the sub-step energy consumed
Substep Material or process 共J / t of material兲 共MJ兲 共%兲 共%兲
Total energy consumption in raw materials extraction and initial transformation
Portland cement 0 0 0 3
Coarse aggregate 5.30⫻ 107 8.38⫻ 104 58
Fine aggregate 5.30⫻ 107 5.46⫻ 104 38
Reinforcing steel 5.30⫻ 107 6.61⫻ 103 5
Subtotal 1.45⫻ 105 100
Downloaded from by Fundacion Universidad Del Norte on 04/07/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Portland cement 6.33⫻ 109 2.80⫻ 106 65 94
Coarse aggregate 0 0 0
Fine aggregate 0 0 0
Reinforcing steel 1.90⫻ 1010 1.48⫻ 106 34
Concrete mixing 6.875⫻ 106 2.53⫻ 104 1
共mixing plant兲
Subtotal 4.31⫻ 106 100

Concrete 3.40⫻ 107 1.25⫻ 105 100 3
Rebar 0 0 0
Subtotal 1.25⫻ 105 100
Total 4.58⫻ 106 100

bitumen is slightly changed, the total consumption of energy is the service life of a road. Horvath and Hendrickson 共1998兲 re-
substantially affected. 5.42⫻ 106 MJ are needed for a bitumen ported that only about 3 million metric tons of PCC pavement is
content of 10% by weight, while only 2.26⫻ 106 MJ are used for reclaimed annually. One reason for the low rates of recycling
1% bitumen content. might be that PCC pavements are often left in place after they
As mentioned previously, the calculation of energy consump- become structurally or functionally obsolete. If left as a base for
tion for the last two substeps of the system 共maintenance and an asphalt overlay, in order to ensure adequate service life of the
removal, and recycling and disposal兲 was not carried out given overlay, PCC pavements must either be rubbleized or cracked and
the broadness of a maintenance strategy and the uncertainty in the seated prior to receiving the overlay. The recycling of steel rein-
length of the service life of both pavement materials. However, forcing bars in PCC pavements is currently not feasible on a large
the literature shows some interesting patterns that can be used to scale because of high labor costs associated with the activity.
estimate the consumption of energy in these last two substeps of Asphalt, on the other hand, is widely recycled. Horvath and Hen-

Table 5. Summary of Life Cycle Inventory for Asphalt Pavement

Energy Total Contribution Total
consumption energy consumed to the substep energy consumed
Substep Material or process 共J / t of material兲 共MJ兲 共%兲 共%兲
Total energy consumption in raw materials extraction and initial transformation
Bitumen 0 0 0 6.69
Aggregates 5.30⫻ 107 2.53⫻ 105 100
Subtotal 2.53⫻ 105 100

Production of bitumen 6.00⫻ 109 1.51⫻ 106 43 91.54
Storage of bitumen 5.43⫻ 108 1.36⫻ 105 4
Asphalt mixing and drying of aggregates 3.62⫻ 108 1.82⫻ 106 53
Aggregates 0 0 0
Subtotal 3.46⫻ 106 100

Asphalt 1.34⫻ 107 6.70⫻ 104 100 1.77
Subtotal 6.70⫻ 104 100
Total 3.78⫻ 106 100


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

drickson 共1998兲 reported that around 80% of the removed asphalt ously affect the environment. All industries in general should
pavement gets recycled into highway applications. evaluate their current technologies based on life cycle assess-
ment. This methodology can shed light on many processes
and technologies that are not only environmentally prejudi-
cial, but also economically inefficient.

The life cycle inventory assessment made it possible to determine

the consumption of energy of CRCP and asphalt pavement from References
extraction of raw materials through placement on the project site.
The LCI facilitated the construction of two models that represent American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
the life cycle of both types of pavement. A life cycle inventory of 共AASHTO兲. 共1974兲. Interim guide for design of pavement structures,
Downloaded from by Fundacion Universidad Del Norte on 04/07/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

the consumption of energy of the two materials was conducted Washington, D.C.
using the models. This assessment differs from previous studies in American Institute of Architects 共AIA兲. 共1997兲. Environmental resource
that it attempts to quantify energy consumption using the collec- guide, Wiley, New York.
tive findings of previous studies, and incorporates actual energy Ang, B. W., Fwa, T. F., and Ng, T. T. 共1993兲. Analysis of process energy
consumption values experienced by construction companies dur- use of asphalt-mixing plants, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engi-
ing the construction of roadway projects. Significant conclusions neering and Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Univ. of Singapore,
from this inventory assessment are as follows: Singapore.
1. The results suggest that, assuming the same service life, PCC Ashby, M. F. 共1992兲. “Materials and the environment.” Technical Rep.,
Cambridge Univ. Engineering Dept., Cambridge, U.K.
pavements require more energy in the first three steps of the
Berthiaume, R., and Bouchard, C. 共1999兲. “Exergy analysis of the envi-
life cycle of a road: extraction of raw materials, manufactur-
ronmental impact of paving material manufacture.” Trans. Can. Soc.
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structure will depend entirely on the local conditions, use, analysis, Ellis Horwood, Chischester, United Kingdom.
and maintenance of a particular road. Cross, S. A., and Parsons, R. L. 共2002兲. “Evaluation of expenditures on
2. Some of the literature suggests that PCC pavements have on rural interstate pavements in Kansas.” Kansas Univ. Transportation
average longer service lives than asphalt pavements while Center, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Ks.
other studies show the opposite. The renewal of pavement Derucher, K., Korfiatis, G. P., and, Ezeldin, A. S. 共1998兲. Materials for
with a shorter service life will require additional consump- civil and highway engineers, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J.
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further production of these two materials. The previous state- vironmental life-cycle assessment.” Skokie, Ill.
ments prove the complexity of the system and the need for an Federal Highway Administration 共FHWA兲. 共1995兲. “Highway Statistics
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3. The manufacturing of bitumen requires less energy than the ington, D.C.
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of the energy necessary for the production and placement of crete; environmental impact of concrete and asphalt pavements.”
reinforced concrete, while the extraction and production of Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, Finland
bitumen accounts for 40% of the energy necessary for manu- Horvath, A. and Hendrickson, C. 共1998兲. “Comparison of environmental
facturing and placing asphalt pavement. implications of asphalt and steel-reinforced pavements.” Transp. Res.
4. The major consumption of energy in the production of as- Rec. 1626, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 105–
phalt pavement occurs during asphalt mixing and drying of 113.
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and the distillation of bitumen. Changes in the storage of tem Right-of-Way, U.S. Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Land Manage-
ment 共BLM兲, Washington, D.C.
aggregates and in their drying process can substantially re-
National Crushed Stone Association 共NCSA兲. 共1977兲. “Flexible pavement
duce the consumption of energy in the production of asphalt
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pavement. NCSA, Alexandria, Va.
5. As mentioned previously, cement is the driving element in Neville, A. M. 共1996兲. Properties of concrete, J Wiley, New York.
the consumption of energy for PCC pavements. If low per- Packard, R. G. 共1994兲. “Pavement costs and quality.” Concr. Int., 16共8兲,
centages of cement are replaced with industrial waste prod- 36–38.
ucts such as fly ash, the consumption of energy in the pro- Portland Cement Association and National Asphalt Pavement Association
duction of concrete pavements will be substantially reduced. 共PCA/NAPA兲. 共1986兲. “Asphalt vs concrete.” American City County,
6. A life cycle assessment is an excellent tool for environmental 101共7兲, 30–38.
evaluation of products and systems. The capabilities of the Stammer, R. E., and Stodolsky, F. 共1995兲. Assessment of the energy im-
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Downloaded from by Fundacion Universidad Del Norte on 04/07/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.


J. Infrastruct. Syst., 2005, 11(1): 9-20

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