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Summary of “Reality check on NAFTA for Donald Trump” in a Memo format

To: Professor ABC

From: XYZ

Date: June 25, 2017

Re: Reality check on NAFTA for Donald Trump

As requested, the article entitled, “Reality check on NAFTA for Donald Trump” by Gordon
Ritchie, published in The Globe and Mail on April 28, 2017 have been summarised by me.

In this article author Gordon Ritchie explains us about the actions that were being taken post US
President Donald Trump made a comment that Canada has taken undue advantage of the
Americans by gaining substantial fortune from the trade under North American free-trade
agreement (NAFTA); therefore, he wanted to withdraw this agreement with Canada. After this
comment was made reality check was done on the data by Canadian officials who found that in
2015 United State traded goods and services were in excess by $ 11.9 billion USD as compared
to Canada in a two way trade which means US sells more goods and services to Canada under

In 2015 Canada was the largest exporter for US for exporting energy in the form of oil, gas and
electricity worth more than $ 100 billion USD, but in terms of all other goods that were been
traded between both the countries US still gains surplus amount as compared to Canada under

The repercussion of ending up this agreement was also stated in this article as it would lead to
heavy loss in terms of trade between the two countries. Approximately 14 million Canadian and
American workers will get unemployed specially the one working in NAFTA supply chains. The
decision of withdrawing this agreement by Donald Trump was expel by American Companies,
workers and politicians and has been kept on hold at least for the moment keeping in mind the
welfare of both American and Canadian economy.

Thank you for this opportunity to practice summary writing in a memo format; I look forward to
your feedback so that I can further improve my skills.

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