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AS Level English General Paper Name: Ashley Del Toro Period: 6

CNN 1O Response Sheet 1

Date of broadcast: 10/28/2020 Check the day of the broadcast:


First Feature Story

Topic: History of voting

Record and briefly explain 4 key points from the story. Be specific. Word count 40 (4)

1. The right to go to polls use to be limited to white men.

2. Amendments such as the 14th, 15th, 19th and 26th made it equal for all to vote.

3. Voting participation has increased this year.

4. 18-21 years old’s are casting a significance in votes and early voting.

Second Feature Story

Topic: Theories of the Moon

Record and briefly explain 4 key points from the story. Be specific. Word count 40 (4)

1. NASA has confirmed the presence of water on the moon.

2. No one knows exactly how the water got there.

3. A map of the moon was finally release after decades of study.

4. The map will be used for future lunar missions as a blueprint.

Reflection: In 90 – 100 words, write a reflection on what you have learned today. Discuss the local, national, and global
significance or impact of the issue or topic discussed in one of the stories/features from today’s episode. (10)
The possible discovery of water being on the moon can be evolutionary. Now that Geologist created the first ever
detail oriented lunar map, it will make it much easier to start exploring more about it. Astronauts and scientist
can dig deeper, have fulfilled and successful missions. It is so much more to learn that is unknown. The potential
of water being on the moon can even supply to us back here on earth. We would be able to benefit from it greatly
and eventually advance farther into new things. With the increase of development, we can even be able to detect
more information not only on the moon, but everywhere else around us.
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