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Ashley Del Toro

Period 5&7

Write a one paragraph summary explaining what each one is about

House Bill 3389 would adjust how unemployment insurance rates are calculated aiming to limit
the rise in unemployment insurance tax rates due to the coronavirus pandemic (1). Senate Bill
649 also called "Bailey's Bill" expand the crimes underneath sex abuse in the second degree to
include abuses committed against a minor by their teacher (2). The House of Representatives
approved a bill Friday that would prohibit using "failure to vote" as a valid reason to move a
voter to inactive status (3). The Hawaii Senate Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental
and Military Affairs approved legislation to allow adults 21 and older to possess and purchase
cannabis from licensed retailers (4). The Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act of
2021 act offers eligible developing countries options to relieve certain official debt owed the U.S.
Government while, at the same time, generating funds in local currency to support tropical
forest or coral reef conservation activities (5).

-Who sponsored the bill and why

House Bill 3389 had Democratic and Republican co-sponsors and passed the House without a
vote against on Thursday. They seek to avoid the rise of unemployment which triggers
unemployment insurance tax rates which is what they do not want (1). Senator Bill Hansell, R-
Athena, and Senator Kathleen Taylor, D-Milwaukie, co-sponsored the bill. The bill will protect
peoples children (2). Republicans supporting it and Democrats voting against it. Republicans
who backed the bill noted that ballots will not be mailed to so-called inactive voters, who have
not participated in recent elections (3). State Senator Liz Krueger, sponsor’s the bill of legalizing
marijuana 21. She hopes the bill minimizes racial inequities of drug enforcement, and the
"injustice" of marijuana prohibition (4). Congressman Steve Chabot sponsored with
Congressman Brad Sherman to safeguard tropical forests and coral reefs by reauthorizing the
Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998 (5).

-Do you agree with the bill, explain why or why not

(1) Yes, I agree because cutting the taxes shorter for unemployment effect the industry as a
whole and can increase revenue or even more jobs. (2) Yes, I agree with this bill because sexual
abuse is unacceptable especially towards children, therefore this bill is essential and needed. (3)
No, I do not agree with this bill because it is unfair to have someone’s status become inactive
over failure to vote when the circumstances could be anything as to why they failed to vote. (4)
Yes, I agree with this bill. Marijuana should have been legalized years ago and it is not a deathly
drug like crack cocaine or meth would be. (5) I agree with this bill. I believe it is serving a good
purpose to our environment.

-Do you think it will pass and why or if it already passed why do you think it passed

(1) This bill passed because it only does good when it comes to unemployment. (2) I think this
bill will pass because it deals with a serious matter of children being sexually abused. It is only
common sense for them to pass it. (3) I do not think this bill will pass. It already has controversy
surrounding it and it would mean a lot of people would have an inactive voting status which is
unfair to those who wish to vote in the future or even want to have a privilege to. (4) This bill
passed because it has been a demand from citizens all over for years. Especially since we are in
2021, it was bound to happen. (5) I think this bill passed because it opens great benefits to our
tropical forests and coral reefs.

- Would you make any changes or exceptions to it, why or why not

I would not make any changes to these bills other than bill #3. They should have the individual
give them the option to change their voter status to inactive instead of choosing a reason to do
it for them. Then, they would have the option to pick and choose. It is only fair to give an
individual that option. Voting is a right and provides opportunity to those that want to make

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