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Information Effect Project

By: Nick Roberts

In the United States, the group of people
that suffer from some sort of physical
disability is a very small group. They are
considered to be a minority so oftentimes
they are overlooked by others and aren’t
given the attention that they need. There are
lots of different ways that people that are
handicapped can feel, when they aren’t able
to get to a place because of a certain
barrier. From not being able to get up a curb,
having struggles on getting through a door,
or going up a set of stairs. People with
disabilities are often stuck using crutches or
a wheelchair or even a cane.
According to the World Health
Organization, 15% of the world’s
population lives with some sort of
disability and around 2-4% of those have
significant difficulties functioning. While
this study was done in 2011 it still shows
that there is a large group of people that
live with a disability. It is considered to be
the largest minority group in the world.
The fact that there are this many people
with a disability shows that it should be a
big enough deal to incite more change.
There is a big problem in the United States
where there is inaccessibility for
handicapped people and people with
People that are disabled or have some sort of
handicap are often met with difficult challenges when
going out to the real world and are trying to get
around. There are lots of different issues that people
can be met with from having to get up a curb to having
to get up an entire flight of stairs. In another study
about how people with disabilities felt about their
accommodations when it comes to getting around it
says, “absence of accommodation for the needs of
persons with disability (15.8%), negative attitudes
from employers (16.9%) and physical inaccessibility of
the workplace remain significant barriers to work in
this study.” This study is just another example that
there aren’t many accommodations for people with
disabilities and that there needs to change.
There was a study done on students in
college that had disabilities where they
would ask the students about experiences
that they have had with their struggles in
getting places. In the study, it says, “Allie
added that College Y was generally
unfriendly for students with mobility
impairments… her college’s (Y) residence
halls lacked elevators.” These are issues
that lots of people wouldn’t normally think
about or feel like they need to be addressed
as being a problem but other people who
have actual problems with them can bring
them to light.
Pulrang, Andrew. “5 Ways To Avoid An Accessibility Fail.”
Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 31 July 2020,

“World Report on Disability.” World Health Organization,

World Health Organization,

From SLCC Database:

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