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The first part of the data mining presentation video tackles the importance of
data in today's new world. The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.
All of the interactions, credit card swipes, likes from Facebook, web searches are all
collected and are stored. Data is now becoming a source of power and those who
control it (like Facebook and Google) are establishing themselves as masters of the
universe, just as oil barons did 100 years ago.

As the earth's oil reserves decrease, the oil becomes increasingly difficult and
expensive. Data alternately is becoming increasingly available as computer technology
advances. Sadly, data is becoming more vulnerable than ever, uncontrolled data-mining
causes a whole different set of problems – privacy issues as well as the imbalance of

As many companies began to store more transactional data, the larger the data
that needs to be analyzed. That's where data mining comes in. Data mining is the
process of discovering interesting and useful patterns and relationships in large volumes
of data that combines tools from statistics and artificial intelligence with database
management to analyze wide-range digital collections. Data Mining is used by retailers
to understand their customers better. That allows them to better segment market
groups and tailor promotions to effectively drill down and offer customized promotions
to different consumers.


In the second part of the video, the lecturer opens a new topic, a tool that will
help us in data mining – Python. But to begin first she introduced Why Python? What is
Python? Who is using Python? The different python applications and the different
Python frameworks.

So to summarize, Python was started firstly as a hobby project because its owner,
Guido Van Rossum was looking for an interesting project to keep him occupied during
Christmas. The inspiration for the name came from BBC’s TV Show – ‘Monty Python’s
Flying Circus’, as he was a big fan of the TV show and also he wanted a short, unique,
and slightly mysterious name for his invention and hence he named it Python. The main
objective of Python is to provide code readability and advanced developer productivity.
When it was released it had more than enough capability to provide classes with
inheritance, several core data types exception handling, and functions, making it on top
of the list of the most used programming language.

Python is a versatile language that is utilized for all sorts of things. Along with
traditional uses like web development and data analysis, it is becoming increasingly
popular in the fields of Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Python
supports vast frameworks, particularly in data mining that uses data science, NumPy,
SciPy, pandas, and several others are used.


In the last video presentation, the lecturer presents a demonstration on how to

make a regression analysis using python, using jupytr notebook. The steps of the demo
are as follows, first is to import the package and classes needed, next to it is to provide
data to work and eventually do appropriate transformations, third is to create a
regression model and fit it with existing data, fourth is to check the result of model
fitting to know whether the model is satisfactory, last is to apply the model for

At the end of the video, the lecturer gave tips on how to be a successful data
miner, the first thing is to develop and enhance programming skills, data mining relies
heavily on programming so one should know how to code, proficiency in python might
help in learning such. Since data mining is interdisciplinary, statistics is an integral part
of it, therefore you need to develop statistics and algorithmic skills. The last tip is to
enhance communication skills to be able to present it.

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