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When I was in elementary school I knew I wanted to be an elementary teacher when I

became older. My choice to become a teacher was not made lightly. This decision was a

culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life. I have chosen a

career in education because I believe that it is one of the most important functions performed in

our culture. I believe that teachers individually and collectively have the ability to not only

change the world, but to improve it. Within the process of teaching, I hope to find both personal

and professional renewal. I want to be a part of a noble profession with the hope of one day

being counted among those in whom future teachers find inspiration. As a culturally responsive

educator I know students are not blank slates, they enter the classroom with diverse experiences.

I will encourage students to draw on their prior knowledge in order to contribute to group

discussions, which provides an anchor to learning. I would take inventory of the books in my

classroom library and I would include authors of diverse races, the LGBTQ+ community will be

represented, etc. Beyond my classroom library, I would consider the posters I display on my

walls and my bulletin boards too. These are all small changes I can make to my classroom more

culturally responsive.


I will work to build relationships with my students to ensure they feel respected, valued,

and seen for who they are. The curriculum will be integrated, interdisciplinary, meaningful, and

student-centered. It will include issues and topics related to the students' background and culture.

Inclusion is a very important part of culturally responsive teaching, and one of the most

important ways to include all cultures in my classroom is to reach out to families who may

otherwise be less likely to engage with the school community. I would send newsletters and
email reminders about school resources and services to parents, so they have access to news,

information, and events. I will welcome each student by name when they enter my classroom,

ensuring to correctly pronounce everyone's name. This is a crucial signal that I value my

student's presence and heritage. As a culturally responsive educator, I know it is important that

we step back and allow ourselves to understand the students and their families. I would see them

and their situations and hear their circumstances, listening with open ears and an open heart.


Cultural responsiveness is about daily practices that bring students’ cultures into

instruction, valuing each student, and recognizing what they bring, teaching them as people first

in order to maximize their potential as students. I would ensure that students respect and

appreciate each other’s viewpoints, for instance class discussions can emphasize the need for

different perspectives. As a culturally responsive teacher I will establish my classroom culture

that values diversity, equity, and inclusion by understanding each of my students, incorporating

different teaching styles, I will celebrate the diversity in my class, and create lesson plans that

foster diversity. My vision is to develop an inclusive classroom atmosphere in which all students

learn to appreciate and respect the diversity in their class. I will be an inspiring and empowering

force in children’s lives so they are excited and motivated to learn. I want to inspire a lifelong

love of learning by creating lessons that are exciting, authentic, engaging, and relevant to the

lives of my students.

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