AR - 01 S - Series, Coding-Decoding and Directions

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CEX–9239/21 Analytical Reasoning – 1

Answers and Explanations

1 c 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 c 7 d 8 a 9 c 10 c
11 d 12 a 13 c 14 b 15 d 16 d 17 b 18 c 19 a 20 a
21 d 22 c 23 c 24 b 25 a 26 d 27 d 28 c 29 c 30 a
31 a 32 a 33 a 34 c 35 b 36 c 37 c 38 c 39 d 40 d
41 c 42 b 43 d 44 c 45 a 46 d 47 c 48 d 49 b 50 a
51 a 52 a 53 c 54 b 55 d 56 a 57 d 58 b 59 d 60 b
61 c 62 b 63 a 64 c 65 d

1. c The movement is: 6. c The term is multiplied by 3 and 3 is added to it.

B 8 km C 7. d On comparing the given statements we can conclude

that ‘chik’ stands for ‘is’, ‘pak’ stands for ‘she’ and ‘lap’
5 km 5 km stands for ‘beautiful’. Also, ‘gan’ stands for ‘nice’. Thus,
‘nice is beautiful’ is coded as ‘gan chik lap’.
S 8 km A D
8. a Each letter is coded using its successive letter in the
The required distance is SD, where SD = SA + AD
English alphabet series.
SA = AD = 8 km, hence SD = 8 + 8 = 16 km.

2. b D 9. c A

6 km

B 15 C
6 km
5 5
2 km 2 km
6 km O
A is the starting point and D is the end point, we have
to find out AD. AB2 = AC2 + BC2; AB2 = (20)2 + (15)2; AB = 25 km
AD2 = AO2 + OD2 = 62 + 82 = 100 AD = 10 km

3. a It was morning (Sun in east) and Sonu’s shadow fell 10. c 3 km

to his left. This means the sun was towards Sonu’s
right side. So, Sonu was facing North and Monu was 1.5 km
facing South.

4. a The series follows as +10, +20, +30 and so on.

5. a The series follows as the each term multiplied by an 5.5 km

odd number starting from 5; 4 km
23 × 5 = 115
115 × 7 = 805
805 × 9 = 7245
7245 × 11 = 79695
79695 × 13 = 1036035 3 km O

Analytical Reasoning – 1 Page 1

11. d Tiger 18. c

Friend's house
5 km
Tiger 20 km

20 km
A's house
80 km
No lion is facing east means a tiger is facing east. OA = 80 + 20 = 100 km
Animals opposite to each other are not of same AB = 20 + 5 = 25 km
species. Thus, a lion will be facing west. Again, a tiger
faces south so opposite to tiger will be a lion facing Shortest distance (OB) = 1002 252
north. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer. 103 km (approx)

12. a The series is 999 (–88), 911 (–77), 834 (–66),

19. a
768(–55), 713

13. c In each term two letters are missing between two

consecutive letters.

14. b A pilot flies the aircraft which is coded as ‘road’.

15. d The coding follows as:

I(9) + 1 = J(10) P(16) + 1 = Q(17) O
D(4) + 2 = F(6) O(15) + 2 = Q(17)
20. a The number series is moving as the square of the
E(5) + 3 = H(8) L(12) + 3 = O(15)
position number of the alphabets, decreasing by 1.
N(14) + 4 = R(18) I(9) + 4 = M(13)
Also, the alphabets are increasing by 2. Hence, the
T(20) + 5 = Y(25) C(3) + 5 = H(8)
next term continuing the given series would be L143
I(9) + 6 = O(15) Y(25) + 6 = E(5)
and N195.
T(20) + 7 = A(1)
Y(25) + 8 = G(7)
21. d The numerical series is moving as –
Hence, in the same code language ‘POLICY’ is coded
as ‘QQOMHE’. D(4) 4 × 4 + 1 = 13
H(8) 8 × 5 + 1 = 41
16. d After interchange of letters of word GENERALIZATION, L (12) 12 × 6 + 1 = 73
P (16) 16 × 7 + 1 = 113
Hence, 6th letter from left and 11th letter from right are
first letter is increasing by 4 in every step.
E and T respectively.
Hence, the term replacing (?) would be P113.

22. c Continuous six letters after I : J K L M N O

9m Continuous six letters after Q : R S T U V W
17. b O A
Hence, the letter U is below M.
23. c The coding follows as:
6m P(1) = O(2); O(2) = P(1)
W(3) = E(4); E(4) = W(3)
10m R(5) = F(6); F(6) = R(5)
U(7) = L(8); L(8) = U(7)
Hence, in the same code language ‘PROSPERITY’ is
P coded as ‘RPSOEPIRYT’.

OP = 152 242 3 89 m 24. b This pattern of coding is based on the position number
of the alphabets in the alphabetical order.

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25. a First letter of each group is in continuation in backward
33. a NW
direction. Second letter of each group differ by 3 letters.
Third letter of each group is in continuation in the W N
forward direction. Hence, the next choice would be

26. d A – 1,B – 2, C – 3,………….X – 24, Y – 25, Z – 26.

Therefore A, D, I, P for 1, 4, 9, 16 and these are the
numbers from the result of 12 , 22 , 32 , 42 . SE
It clearly shows that the next number = 52 The actual directions would be as given in the figure.
= 25 Y.. Now, at 6:15 the minute hand of the clock will be at 3.
Then, according to the given figure it will be pointing
towards North-east direction.
27. d ‘honda passion’ would be coded as ‘craze bike’.
34. c The coding follows as:
28. c The coding used follows as from first letter onwards, E(5) + 5 J(10) S(19) + 5 X(24)
the letters are paired and they exchange their places. Q(17) + 4 U(21) T(20) + 4 X(24)
e.g. UM becomes MU. U(21) + 3 X(24) U(21) + 3 X(24)
A(1) + 2 C(3) D(4) + 2 F(6)
29. c The coding follows as the position number of given L(12) + 1 M(13) Y(25) + 1 Z(26)
Thus, is the same code language STUDY will be codes
alphabets are increasing by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Thus, in the same code language MATERIAL is coded
as NCWIWOHT. 35. b The logic here is that complementary pairs of given
words are used for coding. Thus, is the same code
language GREAVES will be coded as TIVZEVH.
For questions 30 and 31: Based on the given information
the arrangement would be like as given below: 36. c The coding follows as
C(3) = X(24) C(3) = X(24)
I C E Y(25) – 2 = W(23) O(15) – 2 = M(13)
B(2) + 3 = E(5) N(14) + 3 = Q(17)
D G A E(5) = V(22) D(4) = W(23)
F B H R(18) – 2 = P(16) I(9) – 2 = G(7)
S(19) + 3 = V(22) T(20) + 3 = W(23)
H(8) = S(19) I(9) = R(18)
30. a I is the left of C. O(15) – 2 = M(13) O(15) – 2 = M(13)
T(20) + 3 = W(23) N(14) + 3 = Q(17)
31. a F is on the bottom-left position.

37. c
32. a The movement is given below A

50 m
40 m
B 35 m

30 m 40 m
60 m
60 m

P Distance (AF) = AE2 FE2

(AB BE)2 (FD DE)2

AP AD2 PD2 (40)2 (30)2 50 m

(90)2 (25)2 8725 = 93.40 m

Analytical Reasoning – 1 Page 3

42. b The sequence is moving as 14 × 5 + 1 = 71, 71 × 6
38. c (SW)
N + 1 = 427, 427 × 7 + 1 = 2990 and so on. Hence, the
missing term will be 2990 × 8 + 1= 23921.
(S) (W)
43. d The sequence is moving as:
(SE) (NW) +4 +4 +4

(E) S (N)
+4 +4 +4
Directions given in brackets are new directions as per
the question. Thus, ‘West’ would become ‘South-east’. Hence, the next term is QV.

39. d According to the given condition 44. c First letter of each group is in continuously de-
Salim > Sunil > Govind, Sanjay creasing order i.e. Z, Y, X, W. Second letter of
Thus, there are two cases possible each group is in continuously increasing order i.e.
Salim > Sunil > Govind > Sanjay
S, T, U, V. Third letter of each group is in continu-
ously decreasing order i.e. D, C, B, A. Therefore,
Salim > Sunil > Sanjay > Govind
Thus, it is not possible to determine who is the lightest the next group will be V W Z.
among them .
45. a The coding used in the ques tion follows as the
multiplication of the two digits of a set result in the
40. d position value of the respective alphabet, i.e.
48 4 × 8 = 32 6 F
36 3 × 6 = 18 R
61 6×1=6 F
55 5 × 5 = 25 Y
39 3 × 9 = 27 1 A
82 8 × 2 = 16 P
The given cube would look like this. Taking out its 81 8×1=8 H
upper layer which will look like this Hence, 24 76 23 46 51 44 is coded as HPFXEP.

46. d On comparing first and second statement we get,

Rr = ki
On comparing second and third statement we get,
Dd = zid
On comparing third and first statement we get, Kk
= jane
Now, using all these statements we get,
Now, we can see that the four darker cubes would Pp = aaj, Ff = na, Ee = karo.
have no sides painted. There are 4 such layers. But Henc e, the cod es of al l th e words can be
only 2 layers consist of such cubes. determined easily.
Thus, total number of cubes having no-side colored
= 2 × 2 × 2 = 8.
47. c The sequence is moving as 212 + 22 = 445, 222 – 42
= 468, 232 + 62 = 565 and so on.
41. c Each letter from the main word is replaced by the
immediately preceeding letter and the immediately Hence, the missing term will be 468.
succeeding letter in the alphabetical sequence. The
f ol lowi ng l etter comes firs t, f ollowed by t he 48. d The sequence is moving as 264 × 3 = 792, 792 × 4
preceeding letter. Hence, W ORK should be written = 3168, 3168 × 5 = 15840 and so on.
as XVPNSQLJ. Hence, the missing term will be 3168.

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49. b From (I) and (III) we get ‘ton’ = ‘live’. 57. d x2 + 5. The terms of the series are formed by x2 + 5
where x = 1, 2 etc.
50. a The sequence is moving as 13 2 + 7 = 176, 142 – 6
= 190,152 + 5 = 230, 162 – 4 = 252 and so on. 58. b The series is moving as the difference between the
Hence, the missing term will be 230. consecutive terms is halved of the previous difference
and is added to the next term of the series to continue
51. a There are two series that are alternating: the given series.
Series 1 : 15, (15 + 5 = 20), (20 + 6 = 26), (26 + 7 =
33), (33 + 8 = 41) 59. d The coding follows as
Series 2 : 24, (24 + 6 = 30), (30 + 7 = 37), (37 + 8 = R(18) + 4 = V(22) T(20) + 4 = X(24)
45), (45 + 9 = 54) O(15) + 4 = S(19) R(18) + 4 = V(22)
C(3) + 4 = G(7) A(1) + 4 = E(5)
52. a The letters of the word is written in reverse order. K(11) + 4 = O(15) I(9) + 4 = M(13)
Hence, the code for TOPS is SPOT. E(5) + 4 = I(9) N(14) + 4 = R(18)
T(20) + 4 = X(24) E(5) + 4 = I(9)
53. c The sequence is moving as: R(18) + 4 = V(22)

+4 +4 +4 60. b A
20 m
25 m
50 m Starting point

+3 +3 +3 C
Hence, the next term is MX. 20 m

54. b The code pattern is shown as below: We have to find out

SERIES = 19 + 5 + 18 + 9 + 5 + 19 = 75 2 2
5625 = (75) 2
PIPE = 16 + 9 + 16 + 5 = 46 2 2
2116 = (46) 2 = 25 40 = 625 1600 = 2225
Similarly, WAP = 23 + 1 + 16 = 40 Therefore, OD = 47.17 m.
(40)2 = 1600.
61. c Multiples of 3 excluding multiples of 2 or 5.

M(13) + 2 = O(15) 62. b 180° CW + 135° ACW = 180 – 135 = 45° CW

55. d
So he will be facing in south-east, which is equal to
O(15) + 2 = Q(17)
45° clockwise turn.
T(20) + 2 = V(22)
H(8) + 2 = J(10)
E(5) + 2 = G(7) N
R(18) + 2 = T(20)

In the same way CHILDREN is coded as EJKNFTGP.

56. a The sequence is moving as:

R(18) J(10) F(6) D(4) C(3) 45°
1 1 1 1 135°
18 × – + 1 10 × – + 1 6 × – + 1 4×–+1
2 2 2 2

Therefore, the next letter will be C.

Analytical Reasoning – 1 Page 5

63. a After each consecutive four turns, the person is at 65. d Here, first two terms of every group of letters are in
the similar position from where he started. This holds continuation, like XY, ZA, BC, DE, and the third letter of
true for both the right and left consecutive turns. as each group is again in forward continuation, i.e., Q, R,
both 24 and 44 both are multiples of 4. Therefore, S, T. Hence, the term replacing the question mark
after the 44th turn he is at the similar position from would be FGU. Hence, choice (d) is the answer.
where he started. Obviously after the next left turn he
will be facing north.

64. c The coding follows as

O(15) + 1 = P(16) R(18) + 1 = S(19)
R(18) + 2 = T(20) E(5) + 2 = G(7)
I(9) + 3 = L(12) M(13) + 3 = P(16)
G(7) + 4 = K(11) A(1) + 4 = E(5)
I(9) + 5 = N(14) R(18) + 5 = W(23)
N(14) + 6 = T(20) K(11) + 6 = Q(17)
A(1) + 7 = H(8) S(19) + 7 = Z(26)
L(12) + 8 = T(20)

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