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Therapeutic Effect of Millimeter Wave Conduction Therapy

According to the Way of the Meridian on Cancer Pain
May 2, 2021 admin 0 Comments

he Research was published by Wu Kang yu, Huang Xin Rong, Zhang Xi, Wang Jin, Zhang
Zhen wei, Zhou Ji hua, at Third People’s Hospital Chengdu 610031, we just translated to

Abstract Objective: To observed the effect of millimeter wave conduction therapy according to the
way of the meridian on cancer pain. Method: There are 48 patients who suffer from different
diseases. Adopted the meridian conduction millimeter wave therapy machine to irradiate the
relevent acupuncture point treamtent method. Results: The therapeutic method has a very good
analgesic effect on cancer pain. The effective rate was 77.1% and the complete response rate was
31.3%. Except that, it also had a significant effect on the elimination of edema. Conclusion: This
therapy is convenient, safe, and has no side effects. It can improve the quality of life of patients and
provides a new treatment for cancer patients.

Key Word Millimeter Wave, Cancer, Acupoint Treatment

Pain is a common and major complication of cancer patients, about 60% to 90% of advanced cancer
patients with varying degrees of pain. Pain relief is the main measure to improve the quality of life of
patients with mid-satge and terminal cancer. In recent years, millimeter waves have been shown to
have a better assistant therapeutic effect on malignant tumors in clinical studies. Our department
has proved that the millimeter wave conduction according to the way of the meridian therapy for 48
cancer patients has obtained satisfactory results from December 1997 to September 1998. The
report is as follows.

Data and Methods

Normal Data

Case selection: 48 patients in this group were diagnosed by pathology and clinical diagnosis, they all
with mid-term and terminal cancer with obvious pain had no radiotherapy and chemotherapy for
pain relieving within 1 month.
Gender and age: 48 of them, 28 males and 20 females, aged 35 to 81 years, with an average age of
58.2 years.

Tumor position and clinical stage: This group contains 12 lung cancer, 9 breast cancer, 7 head, and
neck cancer, 6 colorectal cancer, 4 gastric cancer, 3 liver cancer, 3 ovarian cancer, 2 pancreatic
cancer, 1 bladder cancer, 1 prostate cancer. Clinical stage: 20 in stage III, 28 in stage IV. Twelve of
the above patients underwent surgery, and 42 patients underwent CT or MRICT and clinical
examination to confirm local tumor recurrence or distant metastasis.

Causes of pain and parts: See Table 1. It can be seen from the table that the pain area is mostly in
the chest and abdomen, secondly, it is the waist and neck. The main reason of pain are a local
recurrence, bone metastasis, lymph node metastasis, and nerve invasion.

Parts Number Causes

Thoracic wall 13 Thoracic wall and rib metastasis
Abdomen 12 Local recurrence or abdominal metastasis
Chest 5 Spine, ilium bone metastasis
Neck 5 Cervical and cervical lymph node metastasis
Shoulder 4 Scapula, shoulder joint metastasis
Upper limb 4 Neck, brachial plexus invasion
Lower limb 3 Waist, sciatic nerve invasion
Multiple parts of the body 2 Extensive bone transfer throughout the body

Table 1 The reason of pain and parts in 48 patients

Degree of pain rating: the patient was grading pain rating according to VRS. Level 0 has no pain.
Grade I is mild pain, tolerable, does not affect sleep, and can live normally. Grade II is moderate
pain, pain is obvious, sleep is disturbed, and general pain relief, sedation, and sleeping pills are
required. Grade III is severe pain, sharp pain, accompanied by autonomic dysfunction, severe sleep
disturbance, and need narcotic drugs. There were 22 patients with Grade II pain and 26 patients
with Grade III pain, and no mild pain.

Treatment method

Treatment method:The patient was treated once a day for 30 minutes, 5 times a week, and 20
times for a course of treatment. Firstly, selected the local pain acupoints(Ashi point), and then
combined with the way of the meridian. A millimeter wave radiation probe ishould be placed on the
skin of the acupoint surface. Chest pain should take acupoints like Feiyu (UB13), Qimen (LIV14),
Neiguan (PC6), Shanzhong (REN17) ect. Abdominal pain should take acupoints like Weiyu (UB21),
Zhongwan (REN12), Zu sanli (ST36), Shenque (REN8), Ganyu (UB18)ect. Low back pain should take
acupoints like Shenyu (UB23), Weizhong (UB40), Sanjiao (UB22) Mingmen (DU4). Hegu (LI4),
Neiguan (PC6), Fengchi (GB20), Yingxiang (LI20). Shoulder pain should take acupoints like Neiguan
(PC6), Dazhu (UB11), Jianjing (GB21). Upper limb pain should take acupoints like Quchi (LI11),
Neiguan (PC6). Lower limb pain should take acupoints like Fengshi (GB31), Xuehai (SP10), Zussanli
(ST36), Yanglingquan (GB34).

Before the millimeter wave treatment, 10 patients did not use painkillers, 10 patients used
antipyretic and analgesic drugs, 21 patients used weak morphine drugs, and 7 patients used strong
anesthetics. After the millimeter wave treatment, the painkiller is no longer added, and the
painkiller is gradually reduced after the millimeter wave treatment takes effect, until the drug is
completely stopped. If 10 treatments are not effective, the pain is aggravated and the millimeter
wave treatment should be stopped.

Efficacy evaluation

According to the international standard for pain relief.

CR: Complete pain relief after treatment.

PR: Pain is significantly less than before treatment, sleep is basically undisturbed, and can live

MR: The pain was relieved before the treatment, but the pain was still noticeable and the sleep was

NR: There is no reduction in pain compared with before treatment. CR+Pr is effective for pain relief.


Analgesic effect

See Table 2. For 48 patients with cancer, the effective rate of pain relief was 77.1% (37/48), of which
the complete response rate was 31.3% (15/48) and the partial response rate was 45.8% (22/48).

Table 2 The effect of millimeter wave treatment of pain

Pain grade Number

II 7(31.8) 10(45.5) 5(22.7) 0
III 8(30.8) 12(46.1) 6(23.1) 0
Total 15(31.3) 22(45.8) 11(22.9) 0

Analgesic effect and clinical stage of different diseases

See Table 3. Millimeter wave treatment has the great effective for breast cancer, lung cancer,
stomach cancer, head and neck cancer. The effective rate of pain relief is 71.4% to 77.8%. The
effective rate of pain relief for colon and rectal cancer, liver cancer and ovarian cancer is 66.7. %,
pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, poor efficacy, analgesic relief rate of 50%, all
partial relief, no CR.

Table 3 Analgesic effect and clinical stage of different diseases

Diseases Number Stage CR PR MR Effective rate(%)

Lung cancer 12 6 6 4 5 3 75.0
Breast cancer 9 4 5 3 4 2 77.0
Head and neck cancer 7 3 4 2 3 2 71.0
Colon and rectal cancer 6 3 3 2 2 2 66.0
Gastric cancer 4 2 2 2 1 1 75.0
Liver cancer 3 1 2 0 2 1 66.0
Ovarian cancer 3 1 2 1 1 1 66.0
Pancreatic cancer 2 0 2 0 1 1 50.0
Bladder Cancer 1 0 1 0 1 0 50.0
Prostate cancer 1 0 1 0 1 0 50.0

Analgesic effect in different parts

See Table 4. Millimeter wave has the best effect on limb analgesia, the effective rate of relief is
100%, followed by neck and waist, the effective rate of relief is 80%, and the effective rate of chest,
abdomen and shoulder is 75% to 76.9%. Multiple pains in the body without CR and PR.

Table 4 Analgesic effect in different parts

parts number CR PR MR Effective rate(%)

chest 13 4 6 3 76.9
abdomen 12 4 5 3 75.0
waist 5 2 2 1 80.0
neck 5 2 2 1 80.0
shoulder 4 1 2 1 75.0
Upper limb 4 1 3 0 100
Lower limb 3 1 2 0 100
Multiple 2 0 0 2 0
Total 48 15(31.3) 22(45.8) 13(27.0) 77.1


Cancer is still one of the leading reason of death in humans today, and at least 5 million people
worldwide suffer from cancer pain every day. Therefore, controlling cancer pain is a global strategic
step, and WHO has listed cancer control as one of the four priorities of comprehensive cancer
treatment planning.

Millimeter wave is a new method for the treatment of cancer in the recent two years. To reach the
viscera by means of meridian conduction, which improves the local microcirculation, promotes blood
circulation and lymphatic circumfluence, enhances cell energy metabolism and biological effects,
and achieves pain relief and eliminate edema.

Through clinical observation, the effective rate of pain relief for cancer patients was 77.1%, the
complete remission rate was 31.3%, and the partial remission rate was 45.8%. None of the whole
group suffered from a worsening of the condition due to millimeter wave treatment.

The results of this paper suggest that millimeter waves have a good effect on breast cancer, lung
cancer, stomach cancer, head and neck cancer, and the effective rate of pain relief is above 70%.
Pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer analgesic efficacy is poor, no complete
remission, analysis and disease are associated with stage IV. The effectiveness of pain relief in
various areas is better with limbs (up to 100%). For the neck, waist pain relief is also 80%. For
multiple pains in the body, extensive bone metastases are poorly effective.

In addition, it was observed that patients who suffer from the pain a long time and relieved the pain
recently were treated with twice daily millimeter wave treatment, and the analgesic effect was
significantly improved. Eight of the 48 cancer patients had local swelling, and the edema
disappeared completely after millimeter wave treatment. After random visits, 6 patients have not
relapsed, and 2 relapsed patients can be relieved by re-treatment with millimeter waves.
Clinical practice has proven that millimeter-wave conduction according to the way of the meridian
therapy can achieve better results for cancer pain and eliminate edema, thereby reducing patient
suffering, improving quality of life, and increasing patient confidence in treatment.

The medical treatment is convenient, safe, has good analgesic effect and no side effects, and
provides a new treatment for cancer patients.


1. Wang zhonghe, Lu shunjuan, Hu haisheng. Observation of the efficacy and side effects of
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Physical Medicine
2. Zhang Feng, Sun zhongfan, Peng junyun etc. Millimeter wave combined with radiotherapy for
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3. Taomo, Hua jinnian. Report of 72 cases of severe cancer pain treated with dihydroetorphine.
Chinese tumor clinic
4. Editor-in-Chief of Cao Shilong. New theories and new technologies in oncology. The first
edition, Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press
5. Niu zhongqi, Li jixi, Chen qizhong etc. The effect of millimeter waves on the human nail fold
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