Curriclum Vitae: Personal Information

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Fullname : …………… Mai Thế Hùng …………………………

Gender :……Male……….Date of Birth: … 05/04/1990……………….

Address :……… Kiều Mai – Bắc Từ Liêm - Hà Nội …………………………
Mobile : …………………0389910504………………………………..
Email :……………………………........................
Skype :………… hungmt5490 ………………

Position: Java Developer
JEE (Spring Framework, Hibernate, Struts…)
BigData (Hadoop Ecosystem)
Java Portal (Liferay Platform)
Technical skills Microservices Patterns + Spring Cloud
Design Pattern
Enterprise System Integration
Domain Driven Design
- Big Data: Hadoop Ecosystems
- Spring Framework: Spring MVC, Spring Data (JPA,
Redis, Cassandra), Spring Security, Spring Batch,
Spring Integration …
Framework - ORM Framework: Hibernate (JPA)
- Microservices Framework: Spring Cloud
- Security Framework: Oauth2, JWT
- Cache: Redis, Caffeine
Problem solving
Personal skills Multitasking
Reading Writing Communication
Foreign language English
Good Good Good

Diploma Engineering (PFIEV)
Major: Information System and Communication

University: Ha Noi University of Science and Technology

06/2013 Degree
Year of Graduation: Good
Thesis topic Movie Recommender System

Toshiba Software Development Vietnam
07/2013 - 12/2014
12/2014 - 04/2017 FPT Software
05/2017 - 08/2018 FPT Information System
09/2018 - 02/2020 VNPAY
02/2020 - Present TCBS


Experience 1:
Project’s name: BPM Custody Process, BPM Account Statement Process
Technical domain IBM BPM, IBM ECM, Web Application
From To
Period of time:
2/2020 Now
Company: TCBS – Techcombank Securities
Position - Role: Senior Developer
1. Custody BPM Process has a function to calculate
bond coupons of each bond period for all
bondholders. The application automatically reconciles
input data, generates necessary reports (such as pdf,
docx, xlsx) that BOM users check and approve using
maker – checker mechanism, send notifications
(SMS, email, push notification) to stakeholders and
connect directly to T24 system to pay money.
2. Account Statement BPM Process was built to receive
and process account statement requests of
bondholders by date. The requests which can come
Project descriptions: from TCBS applications (web app, mobile app),
office TCBS employees to allow triggering the BPM
process application. The process automatically
calculates account balance by requested date,
generates the reports in pdf format and sends the pdf
files to bondholders.
The applications were built using proprietary technologies of
IBM such as IBM BPM, IBM ECM. More details, IBM
BPM were used to build the business process application and
IBM ECM were used to store documents. External services
have been written in Spring boot framework and Oracle
● Teamwork to propose solutions
Work details: ● Implementation

Experience 2:
Project’s name: Bond Timelime, BPM Document Management Portal
Technical domain BPM, Web Application
From To
Period of time:
2/2020 Now
Company: TCBS – Techcombank Securities
Position - Role: Senior Developer
The objective of the two projects are to build two
applications that support the management of bond timeline
and the management of documents which are stored in IBM
- Document Management Portal application allows
users to upload documents in all formats and store in
IBM ECM. The metadata of each uploaded file is
saved into Oracle Database. The system also supports
Project descriptions:
the search documents by multiple related criteria.
- Bond Timelime application allows us to generate all
events in the timeline of each bond. The timeline can
be flexibly configurable depending on different rules.
The frontend of Document Management Portal was built
using IBM BPM for easy to interact with IBM ECM. All
services have been written in Java using Spring boot and
Oracle Database.
● Teamwork to propose solutions
Work details: ● Implementation

Experience 3:
Project’s name: POSM, QRTOOL
Technical domain Web Application
From To
Period of time:
09/2018 10/2019
Company: VNPAY
Position - Role: Technical Leader
The objective of this project is to establish a system to
generate QR types at VNPAY. There’re 2 separate modules:
- POSM is responsible for generating digital QR
images which are printed on paper and deployed at
payment locations. The images are created by
drawing fields such as QR Code, address, company
… User needs to upload an excel file to the system
and submit to trigger asynchronously a batch job. The
job processes the uploaded excel file to dynamically
generate digital images, zip them into a compressed
file and send it to a special email of the user. The
Project descriptions:
system is built using Spring MVC, Spring Security,
Spring JPA with Hibernate, Spring Batch for batch
- QRTOOL generates online QR Code to allow third
parties to integrate QR Code into their website. The
customers send all necessary information to the
system and the system sends back a QR Code image
in the format of base64 encoding or specific http link.
All generated images are stored in Cassandra DB and
automatically deleted after a period of time. The
system is secured using Oauth2 and JWT
● Design system from scratch (both architect and
Work details:
● Assign task to members
● Coding

Experience 4:
Project’s name: MNP (Myanmar National Portal)
Technical domain Web Application, CMS, Liferay Portal
From To
Period of time:
05/2017 08/2018
Company: FPT Information System
Position - Role: Technical Leader
The objective of this project is to establish a National Portal
for the Government of Myanmar. The system has the basic
functions such as creating, updating, deleting, publishing,
searching contents to citizens. The portal also exposes some
APIs to other systems and has the ability to deliver sms
Project descriptions:
messages to mobile phones. The system supports two
languages which are English and Myanmar.
The portal is built using Liferay DXP platform and related
technologies such as Java Portlet, Elastic Search, Liferay
Theme, Freemarker, Application Display Template.
● Research and investigate Liferay Platform and related
Work details: ● Design architecture of the portal
● Assign task to developers
● Coding

Experience 5:
Project’s name: Cloud Recommendation System (CRP)

Technical domain Recommendation System, BigData, Hadoop Ecosystem,

Cassandra Database
From To
Period of time:
08/2015 04/2017
Company: FPT Software
Position - Role: Developer
The main objective of the project was to build a media
recommendation system running on Amazon Webservice for
the DirecTV customer. The system has used the item-based
collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm. Firstly,
the system transferred the log files of user behaviors to the
Data Ingestion component which will be used to extract and
transform the input data into the suitable data formats.
During the process, the intermediate data can be enriched by
combining with other flat data (the data was obtained from
database tables of entities and stored into flat data files such
Project descriptions:
as text, sequence file). Then the output of the Data Ingestion
component will be passed to the Data Analytic component.
At here, a user profile (which expresses user preferences)
and last (most recent) items (which a user has been
interested in) will be calculated. Finally, using the two above
data and similar-to data (a sort of data that describes the
similar level between items), the system will analyze and
give recommendations to each user.
The project was built based on the Hadoop Platform of
Cloudera (CDH 4.6 and CDH 5.3).
● Designing, developing and implementing new
● Ingesting user log data to appropriate format.
● Analyzing data with the last action, genre-based,
what-is-hot modules.
Work details: ● Participating and supporting other modules of CRP.
● Monitoring and reporting the system.
● Writing driver using python programming language.
A driver is often the starting point of a job.
● Writing MapReduce, Spark applications running on
● Reading, inserting and bulkloading data to Hbase
database, Cassandra database.
● Make indexes, secondary indexes for Hbase tables
using Phoenix.
● Writing Pig scripts, Pig UDF libraries.
● Writing Oozie coordinators, workflows … to
schedule multiple jobs.
● Writing shell scripts which can:
- Export java classpath for some important libraries.
- Call Hadoop commands.
- Trigger a job in a remote Oozie server.
- Run a mapreduce job.

● Writing Hive Script.

Experience 6:
Project’s name: Research Hadoop Platform
Technical domain Hadoop Ecosystem, Setup of Hadoop cluster
From To
Period of time:
08/2014 12/2014
Company: Toshiba Software Development Vietnam (TSDV)
Position - Role: R&D
The main objective of the project was to research the
Project descriptions:
Hadoop platform and the ability to apply it to future projects.
● Researching Hadoop platform.
● Writing documents to report the components of the
Work details: Hadoop platform.
● Researching and understanding the most important
components of Hadoop very clearly.
● Installed successfully from scratch a cluster with 5
machines (Ubuntu OS) using the original distribution
Hadoop from Apache Foundation.
● Running examples on the installed cluster.

Experience 7:
Project’s name: Big Data

Technical domain Complex Event Processing (Real time processing for

streaming events), Big data, Data Virtualization
From To
Period of time:
07/2013 01/2014
Company: Toshiba Software Development Vietnam (TSDV)
Position - Role: Developer
The project built some statistical algorithms and also
visualized data using Java Swing for an information system
of smart houses. Firstly, the event data was pipelined to
Esper platform (Complex Event Processing engine) using
Project descriptions: ActiveMQ (an implementation of JMS specifications) with a
high throughput. Then Esper will filter the events which
must satisfy some conditions. Finally, Esper used the built
algorithms to make some insights about the current status of
the system.
● Analyzing requirements.
● Designing, developing correlation algorithm, k-means
Work details:
● Visualizing and animating the output data of two
above algorithms using Swing API.
● Building and deploying the system.
Experience 8:
Project’s name: CME

Technical domain Web Application, Spring Framework, Hibernate

Framework, MySQL, MongoDB Database
From To
Period of time:
12/2014 08/2015
Company: FPT Software
Position - Role: Developer
The main objective of the project was to build a movie
entertainment system which provides the features such as
giving movie recommendations and watching favourite
movies. The recommendation algorithm which was applied
Project descriptions: was matrix factorization. The metadata of movies was
crawled from multiple sites such as IMDB,
roottentomatoes... In the system, the search feature has been
implemented by using Hibernate Search which uses Lucene
to make indexes for data in a relational database.
● Developing the web app with Spring MVC
● Implementing custom Spring AOPs.
● Securing the system with Spring Security.
Work details:
● Storing data into MySQL using Hibernate.
● Using Spring MongoDB to store and query
● Creating indexes and searching.
Experience 9:
Project’s name: MegaSolar
Technical domain SQL, SQL Procedure, Web Application, Struts
From To
Period of time:
02/2014 08/2014
Company: Toshiba Software Development Vietnam (TSDV)
Position - Role: Developer
The project has added functions for an electronic
management system of TOSHIBA. It was built using the
TMSTATION framework which was provided by our
customer. The development process was divided into two
Project descriptions:
exclusive phases including screen development (developed
on MS Excel then the framework used excel files to gen JSP
files out) and procedure development (Procedure of
● Developing Web Application using Struts
Work details: ● Creating new JSP pages by using Microsoft Excel.
● Writing new procedures of PostgreSQL database.
● Write Unit Test for new procedures.

Experience 10:
Project’s name: Thesis topic – Movie Recommendation System
Technical domain Recommendation System
From To
Period of time:
01/2013 06/2013
Position - Role: Investigating, System Analysis and Design, Coding
The thesis built a movie recommender system using 2
traditional recommendation approaches: Collaborative
Filtering and Content-based. The training set was obtained
from movielens and the metadata of movies were crawled
from Then the data was inserted into
Project descriptions:
MySQL database to serve the necessary calculations.
The server has been written in JEE. Some important java
libraries that were used in the thesis were JSF, Primefaces,
Spring Framework, Hibernate Framework, and MySQL.The
data set were crawled using Jsoup and Selenium libraries.
● Investigating recommender system papers.
● Determining how to apply two recommendation
methods into the movie domain.
Work details:
● Choosing the training set and crawling the metadata
from the Internet.
● Designing, developing, testing the system.


Mr. Ngô Anh Tuấn

Current Director at DigiLife (a subsidiary of VNPAY) & Former Director at FIS (FPT
Information System)
Tel: 0986299968

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