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8/26/2020 Thi online 2: Danh động từ

 Hotline: 0989924488 (tel:0989924488) (/gio-hang)

Trang chủ (/) Danh mục khoá học (/tat-ca-khoa-hoc) M1: Khóa Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Trọn Đời (2021) (/khoa-hoc-
4606128317005824) Thi online 2: Danh động từ (/bai-hoc/thi-online-2-danh-dong-tu-4584518524600320)

38m 37s

Câu 1

Câu 1 [587290]: My grandmother recalled _______a plane for the very rst time when she was six.

A. seeing

B. to see

C. see

D. saw

Câu 2

Câu 2 [587291]: This broken bicycle needs _______before someone can ride it.

A. to be xed

B. to x

C. xing

D. A & C

Câu 3

Câu 3 [587292]: I can't understand _______ such a big car when gas prices are so high, not to
mention what it does to the environment.

A. driven

B. drive… 1/10
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C. driving

D. to drive

Câu 4

Câu 4 [587293]: The wilderness adventure course lasts ten days and involves _______ more than
fty miles through rugged mountainous terrain.

A. to hilk

B. hilking

C. hilk

D. to hilking

Câu 5

Câu 5 [587294]: The child denied _______ the piece of candy.

A. steal

B. to steal

C. stealing

D. stolen

Câu 6

Câu 6 [587295]: Laura and Ed discussed _______to the city to nd work; however, in the end, they
decided against relocating.

A. moved

B. moving

C. to move… 2/10
8/26/2020 Thi online 2: Danh động từ

D. move

Câu 7

Câu 7 [587296]: After his accident last year, he would never consider ______ another motorcycle.

A. buying

B. to buy

C. bought

D. to buying

Câu 8

Câu 8 [587297]: He never admitted ______ the wild party while his parents were out of town.

A. have

B. to have

C. having

D. had

Câu 9

Câu 9 [587298]: She imagined _____ on a tropical beach under a palm tree.

A. lieing

B. to lie

C. lying

D. lied

Câu 10… 3/10
8/26/2020 Thi online 2: Danh động từ

Câu 10 [587299]: We don't anticipate ______ any more technical problems during the concert tour.

A. have

B. to have

C. having

D. had

Câu 11

Câu 11 [587300]: Mr. Shinohara recollected _______ with his father on his family's shing boat
when he was a young child. ( work)

A. working

B. to work

C. work

D. worked

Câu 12

Câu 12 [587301]: I really appreciate _____ the opportunity to take part in this project and to work
with such an excellent team.

A. haved

B. having

C. had

D. to have

Câu 13

Câu 13 [587302]: She delayed _______her application until just one week before the deadline.… 4/10
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A. submiting

B. to submit

C. submitted

D. submit

Câu 14

Câu 14 [587303]: Michael postponed _____the bathroom as long as possible. He hates cleaning!

A. clean

B. cleaning

C. to clean

D. cleaned

Câu 15

Câu 15 [587304]: When she got through _____her book, she laid it on the table next to the bed and
went to sleep.

A. read

B. to read

C. reading

D. to be read

Câu 16

Câu 16 [587305]: Simona resisted ____ Italian during her English training program in London. She
wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to improve her English.

A. speaking… 5/10
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B. speak

C. to speak

D. spoke

Câu 17

Câu 17 [587306]: Daniel quit _______ a year ago.

A. smoking

B. smoke

C. to smoking

D. to smoke

Câu 18

Câu 18 [587307]: Amy disliked____ on the mountain roads at night. She preferred _____ during the

A. traveling/ traveling

B. to travel / traveling

C. traveling/ to travel

D. to travel / to travel

Câu 19

Câu 19 [587308]: What is wrong with my computer? It keeps _____ down by itself.

A. shutting

B. to shut

C. shut… 6/10
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D. to be shut

Câu 20

Câu 20 [587309]: Jen practiced _____the word until she sounded just like a native speaker.

A. pronounce

B. to pronounce

C. pronoucing

D. pronounced

Câu 21

Câu 21 [587310]: Our art teacher encouraged ____ with different colors.

A. experimenting

B. to experiment

C. experiment

D. either A&B

Câu 22

Câu 22 [587548]: I don’t recall ever ______ such a dull lm á The English Patient before.

A. to have watched

B. having watched

C. to watch

D. watching

Câu 23… 7/10
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Câu 23 [587549]: I can't help _____ how my grandmother's life would have been different if she
had been able to go to college.

A. to wonder

B. wondering

C. wondered

D. wonderful

Câu 24

Câu 24 [587550]: The doctor advised ____ a specialist about the problem.

A. seeing

B. saw

C. to be seen

D. to see

Câu 25

Câu 25 [587551]: _____ helped me strengthen my injured leg.

A. Swims

B. Swam

C. Swimming

D. To swim

Câu 26

Câu 26 [587552]: When you're in Prague, I recommend _____ from the Charles Bridge to the castle
at night.… 8/10
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A. to walk

B. walked

C. walks

D. walking

Câu 27

Câu 27 [587553]: ______ is a great way to relax. I love to sit back and enjoy a good book.

A. Read

B. To be read

C. Reads

D. Reading

Câu 28

Câu 28 [587554]: Jason says he doesn’t like __________ to lend money because he can never
refuse his friends even when he is short of cash himself.

A. to ask

B. asking

C. being asked

D. to have asked

Câu 29

Câu 29 [587555]: The Egyptology course requires ______ in six months of eld studies near Luxor,

A. participating… 9/10
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B. to participate

C. participates

D. participated

Câu 30

Câu 30 [587556]: The nurse risked _____ the disease from her patient, but she continued to treat
him until he had fully recovered

A. got

B. to get

C. getting

D. gets… 10/10

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