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Biology G10

12.1+12.2 DNA Structure

Word Bank
12.1 Identifying the Substance of Genes
transformation 转化
strain 菌株
bacteriophage 噬菌体
sulfur 硫
phosphorus 磷
radioactive 放射性的
12.2 The Structure of DNA
nucleic acid 核酸
deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
nucleotide 核苷酸
deoxyribose 脱氧核糖
nitrogenous base 含氮碱基
adenine 腺嘌呤
guanine 鸟嘌呤
cytosine 胞嘧啶
thymine 胸腺嘧啶
covalent bond 共价键
hydrogen bond 氢键
helix 螺旋
base pairing 碱基配对
DNA double-helix DNA 双螺旋
antiparallel strands 反平行链
Section A Build Understanding
1. Transformation: a process in which one strain of bacteria is changed by a gene or
genes from another strain of bacteria.
2. Bacteriophage: a kind of virus that infects bacteria.
3. 1928: Frederick Griffith’s Experiment
 Studied two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, R cells and S cells, by
injecting them into mice.
 “S” strain are virulent (causes disease)
 “R” strain are avirulent
 Griffith injected mice with strains of live and dead “S” and “R” bacteria.
Griffith’s Data
Strepococcus pneumoniae
Result on mouse:

 Griffith’s conclusion- The Transforming Principle

 The dead S bacteria transferred an inheritable material to the R strain
(heredity: passing on of traits)
 As a result, the living R bacteria were _______________ into the S strain.

4. 1940’s: Oswald Avery’s Experiment

 Repeated Griffith’s experiments but removed the___________________,
____________, or______________ molecules.
 Observed which molecule was responsible for “transforming” the R bacteria
into S.
Avery’s Data
Dead S strain with… Result when S strain is mixed with live R strain:
Proteins removed
DNA removed
RNA removed
Avery’s Conclusion
 _______________is the hereditary material that transformed R bacteria into S
5. 1952: Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase’s Experiment

 Studied_________________________ (viruses that infect bacteria).

1. Used radioactive tags to identify DNA (______) and protein (_____)
2. Infected bacteria with the virus.
3. Used blender to remove virus from the surface of the bacteria.
4. Observed what molecule was transferred from the virus into the infected

Hershey and Chase’s Observations

 Radioactive protein molecules found ________________ bacteria.
 Radioactive DNA found_____________ bacteria
Hershey and Chase’s Conclusions:
Chargaff - 1950
 Discovered that ______________________________ and ___________________________
occurred in equal percentages in DNA.
• For Example: If you had 20% Adenine and 30% Cytosine then you would have ______
Thymine and ________ Guanine.
• Led to base pairing discovery (that A pairs with T and that C pairs with G)

Franklin and Wilkins

 Took ____________________photographs of DNA crystals, which led Watson and Crick to
their discovery.

1950’s Watson and Crick

 Discovered that the structure of DNA is a ________________________________
 Two chains that wrap around each other.
 These make up the basic unit of DNA, which is called the ___________.

3 parts of DNA:
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________

4 Nitrogenous Bases

1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________

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