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® COURSE PLAN Subject: CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE Class: V BBA/III LLB Date of commencement of Classes - 6th August 2018 . Civil procedure focuses on how we enforce rights, not what those rights are-The rules of procedure define the boundaries within which the adjudication happens. The truth be told, Course procedure is best understood by working with it. At the same time, Objecti_ students need to start somewhere, starting with an introduction to the rules of the ves: Procedure, which regulates every action in civil courts and the parties before it till the execution of the decree and order. The students will be in a position to understand the procedures to followed from the inception to the very end of the case. /Prerequisites- Module | No of [Methodology |P*ereduisites: supplementar | Tor Readi Assi Outcomes sfunits |'°P'* Hours |ofteaching |*°™ lings/Assignmen | Reading m introduction to the syllabus of| IcPc, Distinction between civil proceure with Hthe studentis given to Lecture - chalk JUnit 1 |procedurat faw and substantive 2 | PENT S™N |uimitation Act, 1963 - feats Civil inderstand in brief about law; History of the code, extent| C.K. Takwani if * — |what the subject is. land its application. The student will be able to Suits: | i Definition-Suits: Jurisdiction of Lecture chalk {Civil Proceure with |. 5. cjyiflnderstand the various the civil courts: Kinds off 2 aspects regarding the meaning ; and talk procedure. cere iction. land kinds of jurisdiction that a civil court has. TIER © S Bar on suits-Suits of ci nature (Sec.9); Lecture - chalk land talk, Writing exercise Civil proceure with Limitation Act, 1963 - (Code of civil procedure - M.P, Tandon; Jurisdiction of civil court and its bar -sTRI, Lucknow |The student will be ina position to compare and contrast the various situations in which a court can and cannot take cognizance of a suit of civil nature. Doctrine of Res sub judice Lecture - chalk land talk Civil proceure with Limitation Act, 1963 - IC.K. Takwar Sarkar on Ci procedure. The student will be ina position to analyse the Jdoctrine of res subjudice lwhich bars a subsequent suit Doctrit 1 of Res judicata Lecture - chalk land talk, writing exercise proceure with Limitation Act, 1963 - C.K. Takwani Sarkar on procedure. The student will be able to appreciate and analyse the doctrine of res judicata which bars a court from taking cognizance of a matter that is ENFORCEABILIT ly oF FOREIGN |The student understands the Lecture - chalk proceure with JUDGEMENTS _|importance of the various jand talk, Case |v" Pro “ * Foreign Judgment en Limitation Act, 1963 - |AND FOREIGN |situtations when a foreign eritng exe ‘sel X Takwani JAWARDS-_Jjudgement can and not be JASHISH MITTAL, | executed in In sk. ASSOCIATE The student will be ina : Postion to analyse which eae Lecture -chatk | cue ne ee Co ane civil Court he/she would have to ace of Suits ation Act, 1963-|procedure talk approach to file the st and ta ck. Takwani IMP. Tandon |" taking into consideration the lvarious jurisdictions that have Civil proceure with Lecture - chalk Sarkar on Civil |The student will be in able to lunderstand the courts that if Ca: Limitatic - ene jand talk imitation - as procedure. need to be approached when C.K. Takwani : a transfer of case is sought. re ith |The student can analyze and Lecture - chalk [¥" Proceure With Is srkar on Civillapply the rules on the JUNITU institution of suits and summon] Limitation Act, 1963 - land talk . procedure. c:k. Takwani oo. HThe student will be able to ure Lecture - chalk - kar on Civil]understand the ncept of interest and Costs ecture chal Limitation Act, 1963 - oe meee land talk procedure. cK. Takwani [CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE By: |The student will be able to |Civil proceure with —{Or. Justice B.S. |demonstrate knowledge of 3: Funds ital ruk of ~ chalk oe ‘uncamental rules 0} heeah h2™ Limitation Act, 1963 - |Chauhan, Judge,|the rules of pleadings which pleadings cK. Takwani |Supreme Court |form the core essence of lof India practice. ttp:/ Awww ja, The student will be able to ~ chalk Plaint and Written Statement. eee ldemonstrate knowledge of = jand talk, Civil proceure with Return and rejection of plaint- ° Sarkar on Civil{the various components and practical look Limitation Act, 1963 - Defences-Set_ _off-Counter| “ procedure. aspects of the at the IC-K. Takwani ; plaint/ws/counterclaim and }documents setoff, Hata ae ie 1): oe proceure with parkar on Civill the student can analyze who Joinder, misjoinder and non} ecture = chai | imitation Act, 1963 -|PYOCESUTE-. Jan and cannot be joined as. jioinder of parties-Misjoinder of land talk code of i [causes of action- C.K. Takwani procedure - Ithe parties in the sui © UNIT I |Appearance and examination lof parties Lecture - chalk land talk Civil proceure with Limitation Act, 1963 - GK. Takwani Sarkar on Civil procedure. [The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the rules of procedure regarding appearance and lexamination of parties. Sarkar on Civil (Civil proceure with —|procedure., [The student will be able to lunderstand the concepts of Discover tion and Lecture - chalk i ction and Sere re a Limitation Act, 1963-|Code of civill eed eae production of documents and talk production of documents, C.K. Takwani procedure | lwhich play a crucial role in M.P. Tandon . helping to decide the case. FRAMING OF ISSUES S. A. First hearing and framing of issy Lecture - chalk land talk, class proceure with _|AHMED, Limitation Act, 1963 -|ADVOCATE [The student will be ina position to analyse the meaning and importance of |Admission and affidavit assessment —_|C.K. Takwani BOMBAY HIGH court; Hirst hearing and issues. http://documen ‘Sarkar on CivillThe student will be ina Lecture - chalk land talk Civil proceure with |procedure., Limitation Act, 1963-|Code of ci Position to unerstand the basics of admission and the C.K. Takwani procedure —_-|role of an affidavit, in civil |M.P. Tandon _|procedure. [CODE OF CIVIC” IThe student understands the PROCEDURE BY"| circumstances under which an roceure with 2” ¥stie® BS. | adjournment can be sought, JAdjournment ; Death, marriage| Lecture - chalk i Chauhan, Judge,|OO 2 Insolvency of the parties land talk Limitation Act, 1963 - Isupreme Court jand the procedure that needs C.K. Takwani lof india |to be followed when there is a hittp://www.nja. nic-in/a6%620¢P death or insolvency of a party during the pendency of the Withdrawal and compromise| lof suits proceure with = chalk Lecture ~ chalk I imitation Act, 1963 - land talk ISarkar on Civi procedure, ICode of [The student will be ina position to analyse the concept of withdrawal of the nttp://www.nja, tk. Takwani procedure _-|suit, and the procedure that M.P. Tandon {has to be followed. CODE OF CIVIL lPROCEDURE By: |The student will be able to Lecture - chalk |Civil proceure with pr. Justice B.S. understand the the nuances |Judgment and Decree jand talk, class Limitation Act, 1963 -|Chauhan, Judge,]of a judgement and decree jassessment —_|C.K. Takwani [Supreme Court |and the differnce between of tn them. Execution. General principal of lexecution- Power of executing Icourt- Transfer of decrees for lexecution- Mode of execution- a) Arrest and detention, b) Attachment, c) Sal proceure with Limitation Act, 1963 - C.K. Takwani Lecture - chalk land talk hittp:// n/data/Executi lons.pdf ; http://shodhg anga.inflibnet. [The student will be able to lunderstand the various aspects of the procedure of lexecution of a judgment and decree. [UNIT Iv Suits in particular cases; Suits| by or against Governments; suits by aliens and by or| against foreign jambassadors; Suits rel public matters; Suits by or| against firms; Suits by or proceure with Lecture - Pecure- chalk | pation ae 3963 - C.K. Takwar ISarkar on Civil procedure., Code of civi procedure -] IM.P. Tandon |The varied nature of the special suits dealt under the CPC can be analysed by the student. Interim Orders; Commissions Lecture - chalk |Civil proceure with land talk, Limitation Act, 1963 - ing exercise |C.K. Takwar PROCEDURE By: Dr. Justice B.S. Ichauhan, Judge,| |Supreme Court lof india http://wwrw.nia. JAnalysis of the various kinds of| jinterim orders and the order |for the appointment of commissions will come easily to a student on completion of [this tonic. 9 Civil proceure with ICODE OF CIVIL lPROCEDURE By: br. Justice B.S. [Chauhan, Judge, Jon completion of the topic of Jarrest and attachment before ljudgment, the students will be Appeals proceure with imitation Act, 1963 - C.K. Takwani Lecture - chalk land talk risdiction http://ijtr.nic.i In/APPELLATE Peed abet ay ea chalk | pnitation Act, 1963 - |Suoreme Court |able to understand the c.k. Takwani of india circumstances under which http://www.nia.|they can approach the court Pic IR/A6%20CP ror such an interim order. pat |On completion of this topic | lecture-chalk |e proceure with |'*Ste/Uploa [the student wil be able to ; fand talk, : J4/GR/Consolid understand the importance of [Temporary injunctions Limitation Act, 1963 - Moe Writing ce talon ate220Works {temporary injunction and exercise hop%20Paper fwhen it can and cannot be s620Ratnagirise|granted. Fappointment lof a receiver-|rhe students gain the Lecture - cham {Ci Proceure guiding knowledge of when they can Appointment of receivers _ Limitation Act, 1963 -|principles , bylapproach the court to seek ck. Takwani 'Y. _Srinivasalthe appointement of a Rao. receiver. http://www. JAppeliate |The student understands the concept of appeal, its kinds, Jand the various aspects of appeal. Reference- Review and Revisio1 ILecture - chafk {Civil proceure with fand talk, class Limitation Act, 1963 - jassessment —_|C.K. Takwani PROCEDURE By: Dr. Justice B.S. [chauhan, Judge, Supreme Court of india http://www. nia [The meaning and the concepts lof reference, review and revision are comprehended, in ldepth, by the students on |completion of this topic. rae Saree renee eer |Sarke Civil civil proceure with P29" 0" Cllr. student understands the Lecture - chalk rocedure., Caveat 1 Limitation Act, 1963 -|? meaning and importance of and talk ‘ code of civil c.K. Takwani caveat ina civil case. 3 procedure - Sarkar on Civil|The students are in position to procedure., analyse the meaning of hecture -chatk {iil Proceure with Inherent powers of the court | 1 Limitation Act, 1963 - ba ‘and talk beaesidats code of civillinherent powers and whether = procedure -_|it really gives unlimited students will be able to civil proceure with comprehend and understand JUNIT V [Limitation Act. 3 [becture-chalk | itation Act, 1963 - [the various aspects of the jand talk C.K. Takwani Limitation Act and the role it plays in the filing/decisions of 64 No, of Te 64 No. of Students Presentation: 4 No. of Li 3 No, of Hand-Outs: 3 No. of As 3 No. of writing exercise 5 Assignments - 3, Problem solving, MCQ’s as per the UNITS. No. of Hrs. for revision and Question Paper Solving - 2 hrs No, of Case Studies: 10 No. of documentaries to be screened: - Nil - Service Learning (if any) - Nil - Guest Lectures (if any)- Any Links: - Refer Supplementary Reading Course Outcome: [on completion of this course the students will be able to analyse the various rules required to be follwed for the filing of the case in the civil court and the various procedures to be followed during the pendency of the case, unless its Jclosure. They will be in a position to recognise the rules of procedure ting to legal research and writing, citical analysis, legal ‘acy and communication, is honed by the subject Internal Q KLE Soci hw — Ackondingiordinator piel LE. Soiely's Low College Sir M, Vishuweshwariah Layout Bengalurw-560 091

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