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Investor Presentation Confidential

A Learning Problem

Learning has become impersonal

Off-the-shelf videos and guides have replaced one-on-one interaction

20% Formal 80% Informal

Learning Learning
Courses at E-courses
Colleges Books
Institutions Articles

Learning throughout our lives is 80% of our learning is informal, However, informal learning remains
an innate need for all of us 20% of our learning is formal fragmented and confusing
What’s Being Done

Online learning sources are While finding academic instruction Lifestyle learning sites like
predominantly one-to-many and online is well served, lifestyle Masterclass don’t serve our need
make you hunt for answers based learning services are not to engage and ask questions
How to Solve it
Help students get to 80% of what they need to know in 20% of the time

Globally accessible experts: no physical Specialize in lifestyle learning: human Select and rank instructors to ensure
limitations, ensuring authenticity interactions, hobbies, instruments, etc. consistency throughout experiences
Value Proposition

By utilizing the power of Human Connections:

Nulern provides global access to vetted independent
experts from Art to Yoga, via one-on-one video
interactions, from the comfort of your home
Nulern Methodology
Acquire Experts

Thorough vetting and reference check of Founder assessment of all potential experts:
every expert applying to be part of Nulern “Would I pay this expert to teach my family?”

Acquire Students

Focus on cities and communities with high Target: professionals ages 45+, seeking to
disposable incomes, educated citizenry reconnect with past passions or introduce
their children to new experiences
Opportunity Size

Total Available Market $252B

Total amount spent on learning online, set to reach $252B by 2020

Serviceable Available Market $110M

Online lessons in 20 total categories: health and wellness (diet,
nutrition, naturopathic care, natural living etc.) professional
services (leadership coaching, career counseling, self-help) etc.

Current Entry Point

Serviceable Obtainable Market

Online lessons in 4 categories: Language, Arts, Cooking, Music

Current Statistics

$0 100% 100+ 100+

Marketing Retention Paid Experts
Spend Rate Interactions On Board
(from 15+ countries!)

Next Steps

Utilize funding to bring on “Community Primary objective: local community need-

Managers” who focus on local cities and based expansion. Secondary objective: blog
on-the-ground expansion efforts writing and SEO/SEM engagement efforts
LA, NYC, Denver/Boulder
Competitive Landscape
Diverse Offerings

Pre-recorded Live Interaction

Off-the-Shelf One-on-One

Singular Subject
Total Cost of Sales

Engineering/Design Expenses Confidential info was redacted from

this sample presentation
Total Marketing Expenses

Total G&A Expenses

Confidential info was redacted from
Interaction Revenues
this sample presentation

Confidential info was redacted from
$1.0M this sample presentation
Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021

*detailed financials available upon request

Ask & Use of Funds

$xx equity investment for xx% in Nulern

Founder cash contribution to date: $xxxk

Spend 47% Contact Info
(555) 555-5555
33% Payroll

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