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Rizal Technological University Globalization refers to the physical

College of Education expansion of the geographical domain of the

Social Studies Department global -- that is, the increase in the scale and
volume of global flows -- and the increasing
Objectives: impact of global forces of all kinds on local life.
At the end of the lesson, the learners Moments and forces of expansion mark the
are about to: major turning points and landmarks in the
*Discuss the precise definition and history of globalization.
meaning of globalization;
*Make a thorough scrutiny historical Some world historians attach
background of globalization; and globalization ‘big bang’ significance to and such
*Value the significance of globalization scholars are on the side of Adam Smith who
for a sustainable economic and cultural believed that these were the two most
expansion in the contemporary. important events in recorded history. Other
_______________________________________ world historians insist that globalization
stretches back even earlier. There is a third view
A Quick Guide to the World History which argues that the world economy was
of Globalization fragmented and completely de-globalized
before the early nineteenth century. None of
A very long-term view, the many these three competing views has distinguished
meanings of the word "globalization" have explicitly between trade expansion driven by
accumulated very rapidly, and recently, and the booming import demand or export supply, and
verb, "globalize" is first attested by the Merriam trade expansion driven by the integration of
Webster Dictionary in 1944. In considering the markets between trading economies.
history of globalization, some authors focus on
events since 1492, but most scholars and Globalization in Historical
theorists concentrate on the much more recent Perspective
past. But long before 1492, people began to link
together disparate locations on the globe into 1. c.325 BCE: Chandragupta Maurya becomes a
extensive systems of communication, migration, Buddhist and combines the expansive powers of
and interconnections. This formation of systems a world religion, trade economy, and imperial
of interaction between the global and the local armies for the first time. Alexander the Great
has been a central driving force in world history sues for peace with Chandragupta in 325 at
in "the five thousand year world system. Gerosia, marking the eastward link among
overland routes between the Mediterranean,
Globalize refers to the expansive Persia, India, and Central Asia.
interconnectivity of localities, spanning local
sites of everyday social, economic, cultural, and 2. c.1st centuries CE: the expansion of
political life. A phenomenon but also an spatial Buddhism in Asia -- makes its first major
attribute so a global space or geography is a appearance in China under the Han dynasty,
domain of connectivity spanning distances and and consolidates cultural links across the
linking localities to one another, which can be Eurasian Steppe into India -- the foundation of
portrayed on maps by lines indicating routes of the silk road.
movement, migration, translation,
communication, exchange, etc. 3. 650-850: the expansion of Islam from the
western Mediterranean to India.

The Contemporary World: Meaning of Globalization Page 1 of

4. 960-1279: the Song Dynasty in China (and interests of "the people" and the drive to
contemporary regimes in India) which produced acquire and consolidate assets for economic
the economic output, instruments (financial), growth also lead to more militarized British,
technologies, and impetus for the medieval Dutch, and French imperial growth in Asia.
world economy that linked Europe and China by These national empires expand during the
land and sea across Eurasia and the Indian industrial revolution, which also provokes class
Ocean. struggles and new ideas and movements of
revolution within the national states and
5. 1100: The Rise of Genghis Khan and the subsequently in their empires as well. The
integration of overland routes across Eurasia -- historical chronology of modernity coincides
producing also a military revolution in with the chronology of globalization from the
technologies of war on horseback and of eighteenth century.
fighting from military fortifications.
10. 1885: Treaties of Berlin mark a diplomatic
6. 1300: the creation of the Ottoman Empire watershed in the age modern imperial
spanning Europe, North Africa, and Middle East, expansion by European and American overseas
and connected politically overland with Safavids empires, beginning the age of "high
and dynasties in Central Asia and India -- imperialism" with the legalization of the
creating the great imperial arch of integration Partition of Africa, which also marks a
that spawned a huge expansion of trade with foundation-point for the creation of
Europe but ALSO raised the cost for trade in international law. In the last decades of the
Asia for Europeans --- a side effect of this was 19th century, the global "white man's burden"
the movement of Genoese merchant wealth to became a subject of discussion. (Here is an old
Spain to search for a Western Sea route to the syllabus for an undergraduate course on "US
Indies Empire" with some useful links.)

7. 1492 and 1498: Columbus and da Gama 11. 1929: the great depression hits all parts of
travel west and east to the Indies, inaugurating the world at the same time -- in contrast to
an age of European seaborne empires. depression of late 19th century, but following
rapid, simultaneous price rise in most of the
8. 1650: the expansion of the slave trade world during the 1920s. Preceded by first event
expanded was dramatic during the seventeenth called World War and followed by first really
century -- and it sustained the expansion of global war across Atlantic and Pacific.
Atlantic Economy, giving birth to integrated
economic/industrial systems across the Ocean – 12. 1950: decolonization of European empires
with profits accumulating in Europe during the in Asia and Africa produces world of national
hey day of mercantilism and rise of the states for the first time and world of legal-
Enlightenment. (estimates of slave trade representative-economic institutions in the UN
population) system and Bretton Woods. --- perhaps 1989
and the end of the cold war and globalization of
9. 1776/1789: US and French Revolutions mark post-industrial capitalism which appears to be
the creation of modern state form based on eroding the power of the national states is on a
alliances between military and business par with the watershed of the 1950s
interests and on popular representation in
aggressively nationalist governments -- which What is Globalization?
leads quickly to new imperial expansion under
Napoleon and in the Americas -- the economic

The Contemporary World: Meaning of Globalization Page 2 of

Globalization typically refers to the There are different approaches and
process by which different economies and ideas surrounding the idea of ―globalization,
societies become more closely integrated, and which we can categorize it in two broad areas:
concurrent with increasing worldwide
globalization. Covering a wide range of distinct (1) Some say that globalization is
political, economic, and cultural trends, the necessary and we should willingly and actively
term globalization has quickly become one of enter into this process, and
the most fashionable buzzwords of (2) Others take the quite opposite view,
contemporary political and academic debate. In espousing the need for increased nationalism
popular discourse, globalization often functions and consolidation of state power.
as little more than a synonym for one or more
of the following phenomena: Modern globalization has been a recognized
1. the pursuit of classical liberal (or free force around the world for at least three
market) policies in the world economy decades. Academic journals, newspapers,
(economic liberalization), television specials, and political discourse are
2. the growing dominance of western dominated by globalization events, and their
(or even American) forms of political, economic, impact seems to be ubiquitous. For most it is a
and cultural life (westernization or good force, but for a very angry minority it
Americanization), appears to be a bad force. One would have
3. the proliferation of new information thought that the terms of a force so important
technologies (the Internet Revolution), as well would be well defined, its impact understood,
as and its historical evolution appreciated. This
4. the notion that humanity stands at hardly seems to be the case, especially
the threshold of realizing one single unified concerning the economic dimensions of
community in which major sources of social globalization, and so this collection of essays
conflict have vanished (global integration; attempts to fill an important gap.
Globalization, 2010).
Globalization is not a new Defining Terms, We should begin at the
phenomenon, with global ecological changes, beginning.
an ever more integrated global economy, and
other global trends, political activity increasingly What do economists mean by the term
takes place at the global level (Globalization, globalization? What is included on their agenda
2005). when they debate globalization issues?
It is old but not very about more than Typically, their agenda is defined by between-
20 years scholars from a variety of fields and country integration in three markets.
coerces have been discussed in a vigorous
debate about this social phenomenon: First, there are commodity markets.
globalization. Here, the debate is about the cause of trade,
the impact of trade, and the political
Globalization in the contemporary determinants of trade policy. As for causes,
what determines how much is traded between
Industrial emergence of worldwide partners? What are the political, geographic,
production markets and broader access to a language, and institutional barriers to trade?
range of foreign products for consumers and What have been the relative contributions of
companies has increased a lot during the more liberal trade policies and transport
globalization process (Politzer, 2008). revolutions to lowering the barriers to trade?

The Contemporary World: Meaning of Globalization Page 3 of

Second, there are labor markets. When
migration is open and free, who does the
migrating and why? What are the economic and ffprints/EREH2002.pdf
demographic conditions that matter most in
source and destination? What impact does the
migration have on the sending and receiving
economies? Which residents gain and which
lose with a rise of foreign immigration and
domestic emigration? What happens to
migration flows when restricted by policy? And
what is the source of the policy restriction? It
should be clear that many of the questions
raised about trade and commodity market
integration apply here to migration and labor
market integration. Indeed, how do the two
interact? Is trade a substitute for or a
complement to migration?

Third, there are capital markets, where

the same questions apply that were just posed
for labor markets. In addition, however, global
capital market integration raises even more
questions. Here are some: What causes global
capital market crises? Does integration cause
contagion between markets, so that one
country’s irresponsible policies spread more
easily to another country, no matter how
responsible? Does a globally integrated world
economy ensure that capital flows to poor
countries? Do borrowing countries then lose
their ability to control their economies?
Alternatively, is there a “race to the bottom” as
countries try to attract more capital by offering
tax advantages and eliminating social welfare
programs? Do foreign investors then extract all
the gains, or do the host countries get their fair


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