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Rizal Technological University integration has been accompanied by political

College of Education fragmentation, and the number of countries has

GE03: The Contemporary World risen to a record high of more than 190. At the
TH: 9:00-12:00nn same time, there has been a proliferation of
Module 2 international treaties and institutions aimed
especially at fostering economic integration,
Objectives: such as the World Trade Organization and the
At the end of the lesson, the students European Union. These trends are illustrated
are able to: graphically in Figure 1, which shows the
*Give insight on the process of historical evolution of the number of sovereign
globalization, its characteristics as well as states in the world, average exports as a share
causes and effects on world economy; of GDP and the number of members of the
*Build knowledge of students in the “General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade”
nature of world financial markets; and (GATT)/WTO.1 The sharp reversal in the link
*Enumerate the structures of between economic and political integration
globalization. presents an open puzzle and an obstacle for
accounts of political geography based on
The Structures of Globalization economic efficiency.

Some words need to familiarize:

 Market System - an economic system in
Since the Industrial Revolution, the cost
which economic decisions and the
of distance has been falling dramatically thanks
pricing of goods and services are guided
to a stream of major technological innovations,
solely by the aggregate interactions of a
like the railroad, the steamship, the telegraph,
country's individual citizens and
the jet engine, containerization and most
recently the internet. Such technological
 Consumer - a person who purchases
progress has fundamentally transformed
goods and services for personal use.
worldwide economic geography and fuelled a
 Producer - a person, company, or
continuous expansion in the size of markets. In
country that makes, grows, or supplies
1820, international trade was very modest:
goods or commodities for sale.
about 2% of world output. Over the following
century, international trade grew more than  Industries - economic activity
four-fold to 8%. This Örst wave of globalization concerned with the processing of raw
was cut short in the interwar period, which saw materials and manufacture of goods in
international trade decline to about 5%. After factories.
World War II, a second wave of globalization  Manufacturer - a person or company
started and still continues today. By 2010, that makes goods for sale
international trade had reached unprecedented
levels, surpassing 20% of world output. These
two ages of globalization, however, saw political
geography evolve in opposite directions. In the
nineteenth century, economic and political
integration proceeded together. Sovereign
states grew larger and fewer, from 125 in 1820
to merely 54 at the eve of the Great War.
Conversely, in the postwar era economic

The Contemporary World: The Structure Of Globalization Page 1 of 5

economic activities and processes can be
The Global Economy interpreted only in a global context, i.e. in an
integrated world economy
“Globalization refers to increases in the degree
of integration between national economies.”
The structure of the Global
That integration includes financial Economy
markets and government policies as well as
international trade of resources, goods and • Zakaria, “The Rise of the Rest” -
services. Consumers benefit through Fareed Zakaria associates “the rise of the rest”
globalization by getting different and/or (which is the name of the introductory chapter
cheaper products. Some domestic businesses of his book) with six basic trends that he
are hurt because they cannot compete with describes: ... By “the third power
cheaper imported goods and domestic jobs are shift,” Zakaria means the ability of other
lost. Other domestic businesses, which import countries from various world regions to equal
goods for sale, may gain. At the same time, jobs or overtake the US as global leaders.
are being created in foreign countries. There is
a long history of trade in natural resources and • Marber, “Globalization & Its Contents” –
capital resources. For example, the advent of Marber wrote this book to describe the
computers and the Internet have made it globalization and what is happening when the
possible for businesses in one country to hire world are being globalized.
labor which remains in another country. This
practice, called outsourcing, allows businesses • Friedman, “It’s a Flat World, after All”
in the United States to hire cheaper workers in -  In his book
other countries to do accounting and The World Is Flat, Friedman recounts a journey
engineering. to Bangalore, India, when he realized
globalization has changed core economic
According to Benscez (2014) the concepts. In his opinion, that flattening is a
phenomenon does have several interconnected product of the convergence of the personal
dimensions are: computer with fiber optic microcable with the
rise of work flow software.
1. The Globlaliztion of trade of goods
and service • Ghemawat, “Why the World Isn’t Flat” -
2. The Globalization of financial and A summary of Pankaj Ghemawat's argument is
capital markets that proponents of globalization use scant
3. The Globalization of technology and statistics to draw exaggerated conclusions.
4. The Globalization of production • Mahbubani. “The Case Against the West” -
KISHORE MAHBUBANI is Dean of the Lee Kuan
The main advantage of previous Yew School of Public Policy at the National
definition is that although it does not deny University of Singapore. This essay is adapted
relevance of the ‘international’, ‘regional’, or from his latest book, The New Asian
‘national’ levels, it refuses the assumption that Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global
the nation is the only unit of analysis and that Power to the East (Public Affairs, 2008). There is
current trends in the world economy are simply a fundamental flaw in theWest's strategic
the redesign of the external relations of thinking.
interacting nations. Instead, it claims the

The Contemporary World: The Structure Of Globalization Page 2 of 5

• Skinner, “A World Enslaved” - There are now location are consistently related to price
more slaves on the planet than at any time in changes in other locations and market agents
human history. True abolition will elude us until are able to interact between different markets.
we admit the massive scope of the problem, If markets are integrated, food will flow from
attack it in all its forms, and empower slaves to surplus to deficit areas - and imports will flow
help free themselves. from port and border areas into the hinterland.
High prices in deficit areas provide the incentive
What is included in the “global economy” to traders to bring food from surplus to deficit
areas, making food available. As a result of
• Those who organize & sustain it – States & these flows, prices should decline in deficit
governments – International organizations & areas, making food more accessible to
associations households.
• Those who play a role in it – Capitalists &
investors – Int’l financial institutions (IFIs) – Mohr (2017) states that financial and
Production managers – Consumers – Labor industrial globalization is increasing
• Those marginal but connected to it – The substantially and is creating new opportunities
global poor, small farmers – Grey & black for both industrial and developing countries.
marketeers The largest impact has been on developing
• Transborder flows of goods, information, countries, who are now able to attract foreign
money, people & other things investors and foreign capital. This has both
positive and negative effects for those
There have been/are several “goals” in countries.
constructing this economic system;
• National enrichment by – Facilitating trade & GLOBALIZATION:
jobs – Maintaining stability – Pursuing comp
advantage – Shaping political economy  Increased Standard of Living.
• Relative global peace by – Fostering Economic globalization gives
integration – Fostering dependencies – Happy governments of developing nations
consumer-citizens access to foreign lending. When this
• There are contradictions in all of this funds are used in infrastructure
including roads, health care, education,
and social services the standard of living
in the country increases. If the money is
used only selectively, however, not all
citizens will participate in benefits.
Market Integration
 Access to New Markets.
Markets are important determinants of food Globalization leads to freer trade
availability and food access. The extent to which between countries. This is one of its
markets make food available and keep prices largest benefits to developing nations.
stable depends on whether markets are Home-grown industries see trade
integrated with each other. Integrated markets barriers fall and have access to a much
can be defined as markets in which prices for wider international market. The growth
comparable goods do not behave this generates allows companies to
independently. If markets are well integrated, it develop new technologies and produce
can be assumed that market forces are working new product and technologies.
properly, meaning that price changes in one

The Contemporary World: The Structure Of Globalization Page 3 of 5

 Widening Disparity in Incomes. distinction between two types of products is
While an influx of foreign companies their intended use.
and foreign capital creates a reduction
in overall unemployment and poverty,  Markets on the basis of Products in
it can also increase the wage gap Trade
between those educated and those
who are not. Over the longer term These are basic goods markets,
education levels will rise as the financial intermediary goods market and consumer
health of developing country rise, but in goods market. Goods such as steel, cement,
short term, some of the poor will chemicals are very basic for industrial and
become poorer. Not everyone will infrastructural development, these are called
participate in an elevation of living basic goods. Markets for machines, machine
standards. tools, equipment, spare parts constitute the
 Decreased Employment. intermediary good markets. Consumer products
The influx of foreign companies into can be classified according to how much effort
developing countries increases is normally expended to by them.
employment in many sectors, especially
for skilled workers. However
improvements in technology come with  Markets on the basis of magnitude of
the new businesses and that technology selling
spreads to domestic companies.
Automation in the manufacturing and Wholesale and retail markets vary in
agricultural sectors lessens the need for the quantum of goods sold. Wholesale markets
unskilled labor and unemployment rises are lesser in number but sell in large quantities
in those sectors. whereas the goods sold by retailers or other
intermediaries are large in number. They
usually sell to end consumers who buy lesser

Types of Markets  Markets on the basis of geographical

areas coverage
At the macro level, resource markets
Markets can be classifies on the basis of
are found. These markets are raw material
geographical coverage are local markets (in a
market, labour market and money markets.
city or town), regional markets (in a state or a
Markets can be 14 classified into various types
few states), national markets (in a country), or
depending on the nature of purchasing and
international markets (across the countries).
consumption, geographical coverage,
magnitude of selling, or time period.
 Markets on the basis of time period
 Markets on the basis of Purchasing
Markets can be short term markets
and Consumption
(money markets), weekly markets (a village
bazaar) and a long term seasonal markets
This is classification on the basis of the
(markets for agricultural produce).
type of user and the nature of product
purchased. Products can be defined as either
for industry or for consumer products
depending on buyers' intentions. The main

The Contemporary World: The Structure Of Globalization Page 4 of 5






Prepared by:
Aggasid, Bryan
Batingan, Michael
Borja, Majer
Cano, Jayson
Cinco, Kimberly
Zaldivar, Rafael

Checked by:

Niño Pacia Maliban

Subject Instructor

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