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Rizal Technological University “The North” mostly covers the West and the

College of Education First World, with much of the Second World.

GE03: The Contemporary World The expression “North-South divide” is still in
TH: 9:00-12:00nn common use, but the terms “North” and
Module 4 “South” are already somewhat outdated. As
nations become economically developed, they
Objectives: may become part of the “North,” regardless of
At the end of the lesson, the students geographical location, while any other nations
are able to: which do not qualify for “developed” status are
* Determine the differences between in effect deemed to be part of the “South.”
the North and South;
* Appreciate the significance of
international organization to globalization; and Classifying Countries
* Enumerate the advantages and
disadvantages of Asian Regionalism. In the 1980s, the Brandt Line was
developed as a way of showing the how the
A World of Regions world was geographically split into relatively
richer and poorer nations. According to this

There are broadly two economic worlds  Richer countries are almost all located
that cut across the globe; these are the Global in the Northern Hemisphere, with the
North and the Global South. That while, the exception of Australia and New
Global North represent the economically Zealand.
developed societies of Europe, North America,  Poorer countries are mostly located in
Australia, Israel, South Africa, amongst others, tropical regions and in the Southern
the Global South represents the economically Hemisphere.
backward countries of Africa, India, China,
Brazil, Mexico amongst others. However over time it was realized that
this view was too simplistic. Countries such as
While Global North countries are Argentina, Malaysia and Botswana all have
wealthy, technologically advanced, politically above global average GDP (PPP) per capita, yet
stable and aging as their societies tend towards still appear in the ‘Global South’. Conversely,
zero population growth the opposite is the case countries such as Ukraine appear to be now
with Global South countries. While Global South amongst a poorer set of countries by the same
countries are agrarian based, dependent measure.
economically and politically on the Global
North, the Global North has continued to
dominate and direct the global south in The Gap between the ‘North’ and ‘South’
international trade and politics.
Despite very significant development
Although most nations comprising the gains globally which have raised many millions
“North” are in fact located in the Northern of people out of absolute poverty, there is
Hemisphere, the divide is not primarily defined substantial evidence that inequality between
by geography. The North is home to four out of the world’s richest and poorest countries is
five permanent members of the United Nations widening. In 1820 Western Europe's per capita
Security Council and all members of the G8. income was three times bigger than Africa’s but

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 1 of 8

by 2000 it was thirteen times as big. In addition, used in the way in which societies go about
in 2013, Oxfam reported that the richest 85 providing for their material needs. But the
people in the world owned the same amount of technical engineering concept of a production
wealth as the poorest half of the world’s function must be supplemented by a broader
population. conceptualization that includes among its other
inputs managerial competence, access to
Today the world is much more complex information, worker motivation and
than the Brandt Line depicts as many poorer institutional flexibility and all these are almost
countries have experienced significant lacking in the Global South countries. Low
economic and social development. However, productivity leads to low income, which can
inequality within countries has also been leads to low capacity forward, and to low
growing and some commentators now talk of a productivity, argues (Dasgupta and Ray, 1987).
‘Global North’ and a ‘Global South’ referring
respectively to richer or poorer communities Population Growth and Dependency Burdens
which are found both within and between
countries. For example, whilst India is still home The yearly number of deaths per 1,000
to the largest concentration of poor people in a in the Global South is also higher than that
single nation it also has a very sizable middle found in the Global North. The high birth rate in
class and very rich elite. the global south has far reaching consequences.
Children under age 15make up almost 40% of
There are many causes for these the total population in the Global South as
inequalities including the availability of natural opposed to less than 20% of the total
resources; different levels of health and population in the Global North. Thus in the
education; the nature of a country’s economy Global South, the active labor force has to
and its industrial sectors; international trading support proportionally almost twice as many
policies and access to markets; how countries children as it does in the Global North. By
are governed and international relationships contrast, the proportion of the people over the
between countries; conflict within and between age of 65 is much greater in the Global North.
countries; and a country’s vulnerability to Both older people and children are often
natural hazards and climate change. referred to as an economic dependence.

Global North and South Compared Dependency burden: This refers to the sense
that they are non-productive members of
Levels of Productivity society and therefore must be supported. The
overall dependency burdens (i.e. both young
There are low levels of living and and old) represents only about one-third of the
deprivations in human development in the populations of Global North about almost 45%
Global South countries. In addition to this of the population of the Global South.
Global South countries are characterized by low (Dasgupta and Ray, 1987)
levels of labor productivity throughout the
Global South countries levels of labor Agricultural production
productivity (output per worker) are extremely
low compared with those in the Global North, The Global South is characterized with
(Todaro and Smith, 2006) argue that the a very high rate of people working in rural areas
concept of production function systematically and according to (Todaro, 2006) over 65% are
relating outputs to different combinations of rurally based, compared to less than 27% in the
factor inputs for a given technology is often Global North. Similarly 58 % of the labor force is

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 2 of 8

engaged in agriculture, compared to only 50% indexed scientific literature. Moreover,
in Global North. Agriculture contributes about measures of inequality between countries are
14% of the GNI of Global South Nations but only more pronounced in scientific expenditures
3% of the GNI of Global North. Todaro further than in income: although the average per capita
argued that people in the Global South income of the thirty OECD countries is about
countries concentrate on agricultural sixty times greater than that of the roughly fifty
production because since their incomes are low countries classified by the World Bank as low
their first priorities are food, clothing, and income economies, average expenditures on
shelter and also due to the primitive nature of science and technology per capita in the former
technologies, poor organization and limited are 250 times greater than those in the latter
physical and human capital inputs. (Sagasti and Alcalde, 1999). More than ninety-
six percent of world patents are registered by
Exports Japan, the countries of Western Europe, and
the United States (Shrum and Shenhav, 1995).
Many economies of the Global South
are still geared towards the production of The number of scientists/engineers per
primary products which form their main efforts million inhabitants in developing countries is
to other nations. In 2000 the share of Global 200 on average, while in developed countries; it
South exports in total world trade stood at is 2,800 on average (Serageldin, 1998). Of
around 25 % (Uroh, 1988). course, the picture varies greatly across
developing countries, and a number of them
International Relations have significant research capacity. India, for
example, has the third most populous scientific
The Global South is dependent on and community in the world (Kandlikar and Sagar,
vulnerable to the Global North. There is an 1999: 121).Africa, on the other hand, with fifty-
unequal strength between the Global North and three countries, has only nine merit-based
the Global South. The Global North being science academies (Hassan, 2001). Developed
stronger than the Global South, the unequal and developing countries tend to group into
strength between the two is manifested not two very rough physical and climatic categories.
only in the dominant power of the Global North Developing countries, which I refer to here as
to control the pattern of international trade and the South, are primarily located in sub-tropical
agreement regulating it but also in their ability or tropical ecosystems. Developed countries, or
often to dictate the terms whereby technology, the North, occupy mainly temperate and arctic
foreign aid, and private capital are transferred climates and ecosystems.
to Global South. This has acted as a factor in The knowledge divide comprises
contributing to the persistence of low levels of multiple gaps in basic environmental and social
living, rising unemployment, and growing data, monitoring of change, assessments, and
income inequality in the Global South compared more comprehensive research on human and
to the Global North. social systems.

The North-South Knowledge Divide The Data Gap

The world’s scientific community is In the area of global environmental

heavily dominated by developed countries, change, the North carries out almost all basic
whether one looks at resources, the number of research and analysis, and the relevance of the
researchers, or scientific production. OECD results for developing countries is not usually
countries contribute ninety-four percent of the assessed (Gutman, 1994). Yet, it is those

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 3 of 8

countries that are most likely to be negatively
affected by global warming (Redclift and Sage,
1998).3 One of the exceptions to this pattern is
India, which has a community of climate Inappropriately Globalized Knowledge
researchers. Their research focus, however, has
been almost exclusively on the impact of Another consequence of the knowledge
climate change on coastal zones and divide occurs when globalized knowledge is not
agriculture, and hardly any of the results have appropriate for situations and problems in the
been published (Kandlikar and Sagar, 1999). South. At the global level, scientific knowledge
The limited contribution to the body of is often collected, analyzed, and summarized
scientific knowledge on global environmental into assessments of particular environmental
issues from developing country scientists is not problems. These efforts create a scientific
only a reflection of the unequal research foundation for decision making at the global
capacity, but is also a result of different level.
research priorities. Environmental issues of
more acute local importance, rather than on a Although it might be expected that data
global scale, are engaging scientists in from the North would be misleading if merely
developing countries (Biermann, 2001; Gupta, extrapolated to the South, the extrapolation is
2000; Commission on Developing Countries and done time and again. Of course, tendencies to
Global Change, 1992). disregard local variability on both global and
local environmental issues can be interpreted as
Consequences of the Divide for Global a pragmatic approach when there is a lack of
Environmental Governance local data. Whatever the reason, however,
biases and inappropriateness for the conditions
The international policy debate is in no in developing countries is strongly noted in the
small part shaped by the arguments emerging South, particularly by scientists who are often
from scientific research and analysis (Kandlikar excluded from the global scene. The knowledge
and Sagar, 1999: 133). Policymakers put strong divide can thus impair global deliberations,
faith in science, particularly in natural science, when they are based on an unsatisfactory
to discover environmental threats, interpret the understanding of the geographically distinct
consequences, and even suggest policy options. causes and effects of the global problems.
At the global governance level, this is illustrated
by the fact that scientists represent the only Inadequate Participation of Developing
members of civil society to be consistently Countries in Global Governance
asked to advise government representatives
(UNEP, 2000: 13). There are a number of Another major consequence of the
scientific advisory processes at the global level North-South knowledge divide pertains to the
through which scientists are invited to give inadequate participation of developing
advice on environmental issues. Scientific countries in the provision of knowledge for
expertise is sought in intergovernmental bodies global policy and action. The lack of national
like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate scientific capacity weakens the position of
Change (IPCC), in ad hoc expert groups to developing countries in multilateral
various conventions, in bodies that develop negotiations and their participation in the
technical standards and global assessments on conventions. Not only do developing country
the state of environmental knowledge, or in officials lack scientific input from their own
capacity building and multilateral aid projects. researchers, but they also experience significant
difficulty in coping with the masses of scientific

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 4 of 8

and economic documents coming from the products, less developed economies filled the
West. Bridging the knowledge divide: The gap that they left behind.
generation of knowledge acknowledging the
existence of a knowledge divide between the Now, though, Asian economies are
North and the South and its consequences becoming closely intertwined. This is not
prompts the question of what can be done to because the region’s development strategy has
address the situation. Over the long term, changed; it remains predominantly
bridging the North-South knowledge divide will nondiscriminatory and outward-oriented.
require measures aimed at reducing the divide Rather, interdependence is deepening because
itself. Increasing the generation of scientific Asia’s economies have grown large and
knowledge in the South and of the South will be prosperous enough to become important to
critical in this respect. Four strategies could be each other, and because their patterns of
pursued: (1) strengthening the data and science
production increasingly depend Asian
foundations of the South; (2) strengthening the
Regionalism: Context and Scope 27 on networks
scientific community in the South; (3)
encouraging more research on the South that span several Asian economies and involve
among Northern scientists; and (4) expanding wide ranging exchanges of parts and
the groups capable of generating scientific components among them. Asia is at the center
knowledge. of the development of such production
networks because it has efficient transport and
ASIAN REGIONALISM communication links, as well as policies geared
to supporting trade. As these new production
Asian regionalism is the product of patterns tie Asian economies closer together,
economic interaction, not political planning. As they also boost the international
a result of successful, outward oriented growth competitiveness of the region’s firms.
strategies, Asian economies have grown not
only richer, but also closer together. In recent Against this background, the financial
years, new technological trends have further crisis that swept through Asia in 1997/98—in
strengthened ties among them, as have the rise this chapter, referred to simply as “the crisis”—
of the PRC and India and the region’s growing put the region’s interdependence into harsh
weight in the global economy. But adversity new focus. Emerging Asian economies that had
also played a role. The 1997/98 financial crisis opened up their financial markets—Indonesia,
dealt a severe setback to much of the region, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines,
highlighting Asia’s shared interests and and Thailand—were worst hit, but nearly all
common vulnerabilities and providing an Asian economies were eventually affected.
impetus for regional cooperation. Most then used the crisis as an opportunity to
pursue wide-ranging reforms in finance as well
In the early stages of Asia’s economic as in other areas of weakness that the crisis
takeoff, regional integration proceeded slowly. exposed. Asia emerged with a greater
East Asian economies, in particular, focused on appreciation of its shared interests and the
exporting to developed country markets rather value of regional cooperation. Since the crisis,
than selling to each other. Initially, they Asia has become not only more integrated, but
specialized in simple, labor-intensive also more willing to pull together.
manufactures. As the more advanced among
them graduated to more sophisticated

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 5 of 8

Evolution of Asian regionalism from being closer each other. No less important
was the consideration to help the Three to talk
Regionalism is an inspirational
to each other regularly and without too much
enterprise in human history. As well as being
fuss. The Three were at odds when they came
inspirational, we can even say that it is quietly
together as a trio because of their insistence on
revolutionary since it involves the
face, rank, and politics before they even
reorganization of political, economic, cultural,
reached the negotiation table. For example,
and social lives along the lines of an imagined
during negotiations it was necessary to use a
region rather than according to the standard
room with three entrances and a desk of a
political unit of the nation state. In order to
triangular shape. In the 2000s, the tide of
understand the ideas of regionalism in Asia and
globalization swept through East and Southeast
speculate about the future of Asian regionalism,
Asia as well as the rest of the world. The Three
it will be most helpful to trace the evolution of
registered more than 50% of their total trade as
Asian regionalism using four benchmarks:
intraregional (i.e., Japan, Korea, and China) by
1968, 1989, 1997, and 2010 (Shiraishi, 2011). In
the early 2000s. Japan and China competed
1968, the Association of Southeast Asian
over how to adapt to the relentless tide of
Nations was born with five original members:
globalization via the politics of membership,
Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand,
that is China’s insistence on the ASEAN plus
and Singapore. The primary goal of the ASEAN,
Three formula versus Japan’s new proposal to
as far as the United States and its friends were
form the ASEAN plus Six (Japan, Korea, China,
concerned, was to consolidate Southeast Asia
India, Australia, and New Zealand) now labeled
against communism, which was raging in the
the East Asian Summit. In 2010, the East Asian
form of the Vietnam War. Its focus was on
Summit decided to add two more members,
security. The ASEAN was an outgrowth of the
the United States and Russia. This has initiated
stillborn SEATO idea, which was envisaged as a
a new phase for Asian regionalism. The
type of Asian NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
regionalism surrounding the big northeast Asian
Organization) organization against communism.
three is becoming more comprehensive. In
In 1989, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
2006, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
(APEC) meeting was institutionalized with the
proposal was inaugurated as an economic
goal of monitoring and analyzing regional
partnership agreement among small Asia Pacific
markets and institutions as well as governing
countries such as Singapore. The TPP grew by
rules and norms for facilitating transparent and
2010 into a large and ambitious framework to
introduction to ideas of asian regionalism 167
liberalize economic transactions in the Asia
efficient business transactions in the region. Its
Pacific through adding new members, including
focus was economic and its style was
the United States, Australia, and some other
technocratic. It was in a sense the growth of the
countries. The year 2010 was also marked by
idea of the Asia Pacific economic cooperation
the vigorous and deep advances into the region
mechanism envisaged by Saburo Okita and John
by two giants, China and the United States.
Crawford in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1989, the
China engaged in assertive and largely
APEC was born with the United States’ strong
unilateral actions in the region, such as
support. In 1997, the ASEAN plus Three (Japan,
maritime security thrusts in the East China,
Korea, and China) was instituted. Japan, Korea,
South China, and Bengal seas; resource
and China were major economic engines. Both
exploitation in Myanmar, Vietnam, India, and
the ASEAN and the Three wanted to benefit
Indonesia; and investment in business firms in
The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 6 of 8
Korea and Japan. The United States decided to • provide leadership to help sustain open global
depart from its ambiguity strategy to focus on trade and financial systems; and
an engagement strategy. The United States has
inaugurated and/or consolidated security • create regional mechanisms to manage
dialogues and military exchanges with India, health, safety, and environmental issues better,
Indonesia, and Vietnam with a big package of and thus contribute to more effective global
solutions of these problems. While Asian
scientific, technological, military, and energy
regionalism is primarily motivated by the desire
components. It is clear that by 2010 the stage
to advance welfare in the region, it would not
was set for a new evolution of Asian do so by detracting from development
regionalism. elsewhere. On the contrary, Asian regionalism
can help to sustain global economic progress at
How Asian Regionalism Can Benefit the World a time when other major regions are reaching
economic maturity.
The rest of the world could benefit, too.
So long as Asia’s economies continue to The Economics of Regionalism
integrate not just with each other, but also with
the rest of the world, sustained Asian The economics of regionalism have a
dynamism, strengthened by regional complex and troubled history. In the 1930s,
cooperation, could bolster Asia’s role as a new countries created preferential trade blocs in an
and stabilizing engine of global economic attempt to shelter their economies from the
growth. There are many reasons why Asia is Great Depression.
likely to remain Outward-looking—not least
because its economy is in large part built on The case for collective action arises
economies of scale and scope in manufacturing from market failures that reduce economic
and so requires global markets to perform at its welfare in the absence of official measures. The
potential. Indeed, because an integrated Asia case for regional cooperation is still more
will continue to have a powerful stake in the specific: it addresses problems that are
global economy, it would have both an inherently regional in scope or, for other
incentive and the leverage to play a bigger role reasons, cannot be solved at a global or national
in keeping global markets open and vibrant. An level. Rapid regional growth and integration
integrated Asia can generate new commercial opportunities and
demands for governmental cooperation and
• generate productivity gains, new ideas, and institutional development but achievable.
competition that boost economic growth and Important priorities for regional collective
raise incomes across the world; action are as follows:

• contribute to the efficiency and stability of • Provide public goods that are unlikely to be
global financial markets by making Asian capital produced by markets or individual economies.
markets stronger and safer, and by maximizing These include measures to head off
the productive use of Asian savings; international epidemics, respond to natural
disasters, and develop and disseminate
• diversify sources of global demand, helping to knowledge, including technological and
stabilize the world economy and diminish the scientific findings as well as policy experience in
risks posed by global imbalances and downturns areas such as financial regulation, pensions, and
in other major economies; poverty reduction.

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 7 of 8

• Manage the spillover effects of economic
activity and policy among connected References:
economies. These inevitably grow with deeper
economic integration. The regional contagion
observed during the 1997/98 financial crisis is series/documents/downloads/h-n/karlsson.pdf
an important example, as concerns about
liquidity and financial management in one
country led to runs, speculative attacks, and pdfs/Final_ear_chapters/chapter%202.pdf
dislocation in others.
• Coordinate regional policy approaches to
projects or decisions that affect several
economies. Such efforts can range from the COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF GLOBAL NORTH
palpable need to cooperate on investments in AND GLOBAL SOUTH ... - Semantic Scholar PDF
trade-oriented transport, communications, and
policy infrastructure links to more complex
Asian Regionalism: A Partnership for Shared
initiatives, such as harmonizing regional
Prosperity - Asian Development Bank PDF
approaches in international forums.
• Liberalize trade and investment beyond
levels achievable through global negotiations.
This can be accomplished by establishing rules
and institutions that enable countries to further sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https%3A%2F-
integrate markets and by helping to harmonize
standards, regulations, and processes so that %2Fdocuments%2Fdownloads%2Fh-n%2Fkar-
businesses can operate more effectively in lsson.pdf
different economies.

Prepared by:

Carpiso, Andrew
Cobarrubias, Mikaela Denise
Dimafelix, Zatchi
Maglinao, Metzie
Raquitico, Russel
Tabuñar, Sharmaine

Checked by:

Niño Pacia Maliban

Subject Instructor

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 8 of 8

The Contemporary World: A World of Regions Page 9 of 8

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