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THE WEATHER is the state of the atmosphere at a particular time and place

- is high when it´s hot

1-TEMPERATURE -is low when it´s cold
-we measure it with thermometer

-is the water vapour presents in the air

2-HUMIDITY: - can form fog and mist when is very humidity
-We use a hygrometer to measure humidity

-is the amount of water that falls

3-PRECIPITATION: from clouds(rain, snow, hail)
the weather: -we mesure it with a pluviometer or rain gauge

-is moving air -breezes(light winds

-gales (strong wind)
-hurricanes(extremely strong destructive wind)
-we measure the speed of wind with an anemometer

-we know its direction with a wind vane

CLIMATE is the typical temperature and precipitation in a place

-starts 21 march
-temperatures are midi
1-SPRING -many flowers
-many animals reproduce

-starts 21 june
-temperature is high
2-SUMMER -little precipitations
-21 june is the longest day in year
-there are many insect
The seasons
-starts 21 September
-temperature falls
3-AUTUMN -some trees lose their leaves
-many fruits

-starts 21 December
-temperature is low
4-WINTER -21 December is the shortest day in year
-birds, like swallows, migrate
-animals, like bears, hibernat

1- Latitude: distance between a place and the Equator

The climate: 2- Altitude: high a place, the higher place the temperature
factors is colder

3- Distance from the side, the nearer place from the sea the temperatures are

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