English V - J

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Remember to read the passages again, if you are having prcBlems with your questions.

Read "The Three Pots" and answer question.1 to 5.

The Three Pots

A rich landowner was very ill. He told his three sons to dig under his bed when he was
gone world and soon after, died.
Some days later, the sons dug at the spot and took out three pots, placed one above the
other. The topmost pot contained mud. The middle pot contained dried cow dung and
the lowest pot contained straw. Below this pot there was a silver coin.

The brothers were puzzled. "It is clear that father meant to convey some message to us
through the pots and their contents," said the oldest brother. They thought and thought
but none of them could come up with an explanation. Finally they decided to ask their
doctor who was also a family friend. The doctor laughed when the brothers gut their
problem before him.

"The meaning is simple. The topmost pot contains mud, you say. That means he wants
his eldest son to have his fields. The second pot contains cow dung. It means he wants
his second son to have his herd of cattle. The last pot contains straw. Now straw is
golden-coloured. That means he wants his youngest son to have all his gold."

"But one thing remains unexplained," said the youngest brother, "the silver coin at the
bottom of the pots."
"Your father knew you would come to check with me," smiled the doctor. "The coin is my

Source: 'The Three Pots' - http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Three-Pots.html

1. The brothers went to their family friend BECAUSE they wanted .

A. to go and see a doctor
B. to know how their father died
C. him to help settle their quarrels
*D. his help as they were confused

*2. The lowest pot contained

*A. a silver coin
B. soil from the fields
C. crop from the fields
D. dried stalks of grain
*3. Which of these would be the BEST as ANOTHER TITLE to the story, “The Three
A. The Sons Money
*B. The Doctor's fee
C. The Wise Father
D. The Rich Landowner

*4. "The doctor laughed when the brothers put their problem before him.”

The CLOSEST meaning of “put” as used in this sentence is “ _____

A. piled
B. wrote
*C. solved
D. presented

5. "They thought and thought but none of them could come up with an explanation."
In the above sentence, the word "thought" is REPEATED
*A. to show how hard the brothers were thinking
B. because more than one of them was thinking
C. to include some fun and make the readers laugh
D. because the brothers were thinking on two different days

6. "It means he wants his second son to have his herd of cattle."
Who does "he" REFER to in this sentence from the passage?
*A. the landowner
B. the eldest son
C. the family doctor
D. the youngest brother


*7. Choose the word with the CORRECT SPELLING to complete the sentence
Each member in a herd of elephants takes good care of all the _________in the family.
*A. calf
B. calve
C. calls
D. calves

8. Which of these pair of words SOUNDS EXACTLY the SAME?

A. pen - pan
B. bit - beat
*C. wait-weight
D. ship - sheep
Read the “Chewing Gum and answer the questions 9-14

The Mayans of southern Mexico were fond of chewing gum. One of their heroes.
Kukulkan. who was worshipped as a god is thought to have been a chewing-gum fan.

The Mayas called it chicle. It was obtained from wild sapodilia trees. (Sapodilla is also
known as "chikoo" and " sapota” in India.) They made cuts in the bark of the tree and
collected the thick milky liquid that oozed out. When the liquid hardened, it was tasty and
enjoyable to chew. The habit of chewing gum spread all over Central America. When the
Spaniards attacked the Aztec Empire in 1518, they found people chewing actively on
gum, hut the habit did not catch on with the Europeans.

The praise for introducing chewing gum to the rest of the world goes to the two
Americans, Thomas Adams Jr. and William Wrigley Jr. These two men began to
produce and sell chewing gum in the 1870’s, without each other's knowledge.

The need for this gum became so great that Mayan Indians had to work overtime to find
gum giving sapodilla trees. It was while searching for these trees that the ruins of many
of the great Mayan cities of the past were discovered.

Source: 'Chewing Gum' -


9. Based on the passage, identify which of the following statements is TRUE.

A. The Spaniards took to the habit of chewing gum.
*B. Two Americans started the production and sale of chewing gum.
C. The Mayas made chewing gum popular in other parts of the world.
D. Chewing gum was first found while looking for the ruins of the Mayan cities.

10. Which of these took place FUST?

*A. People all over Central America began to chew gum.
B. The Spaniards attacked and fought with the Aztec Empire.
C. The Mayan Indians had to spend a lot of time looking for the sapodilla trees.
D. The Spaniards noticed that the people of the Aztec Empire were chewing gum.

11. The author wrote the passage on chewing gum to

A. inform us about its good qualities
*B. tell us how it came into use and became popular
C. praise Thomas Adams Jr. and William Wrigley Jr
D. educate us about many of the lost cities where the Mayas lived

12. "When the Spaniards attacked the Artec Empire in 1518, they found people chewing
actively on gum, but the habit did not catch on with the Europeans."
In the sentence given above, "attacked" can be best REPLACED by "
A. forced
*B. invaded
C. entered
D. searched
13.” ___ they found people chewing actively on gum, but the habit did not catch on with
the Europeans.
Which of the following is closest in the meaning to the expression “catch on with” as
used in the above line?

A. get close to
B. bring joy to
C. gain power over
*D. become popular with

*14. The Mayans chewed on gum which had no flavours and chemicals. Which of these
lines from the passage CLEARLY SHOWS this?
A. The Mayans of southern Mexico were fond of chewing gum.
B. Mayan Indians worked overtime to find gum giving sapoditla trees.
C. When the liquid hardened, it was tasty and enjoyable to chew.
*D. The need for this gum became so great that Mayan Indians had to work overtime to
find gum giving sapodilla trees.


15. What do these four Unas from z poem TELL US ABOUT the- POET?

Today's tiny favourite holiday,

a day to sing and dance and play,
a day to laugh and jump and run,
a day for having loads of fun.

A. He wants everyday to be a holiday.

B. He loves to spend time with his friends.
*C. He likes to have free time to do what he wants.
D. He wants to learn how he could do different things.

16. In which sentence is the COMMA used CORRECTLY?

A. We placed an order for some vegetables fried rice, noodles and chicken.
*B. We placed an order for some vegetables, fried rice, noodles and chicken.
C. We placed, an order for some, vegetables, fried rice, noodles and chicken.
D. We placed, an order for, some, vegetables, fried rice, noodles, and, chicken.

17. Choose the CORRECT WAY of ARRANGING the j:imbled words into a
must return; to the library ; you ; by next Saturday; the books

A. By next Saturday to the library you must return the books.

*B. You must return the books to the library by next Saturday.
C. To the library you must return the books by next Saturday.
D. You must return by next Saturday the books to the library.
Read “Can you draw a better Spider-Man?” and answer the questions 18 to 23

Can you draw a better Spider-Man?

Draw any one of the characters mentioned below in your own style and win Exciting

Also meet Tony Lee,, the famous award-winning story writer from the UK. He has written
many stories with these characters. Talk to him and get some tips on writing stories
which, are lifelike.

Characters you can choose from:

King Arthur, Robin Hood, Dr Who, Spiderman, X-men Characters

Please bring your own colours, pencils, art material and drawing boards.
Only paper will be provided at the venue.

Date: 15th November, 2009 Contest Start Time: 11.30 a.m.

Contest End Time: 12.30 p.m.
Age Groups: 11 years and above

Talking to the Author and Prize Distribution: 2.30 p.m.

To register Contact : Assuntha Maria at British Library
Email bl.bangalore@in.britishcouncil.org
Phone : 080- 22489220
Patrick at Reliance Time Out
Ph No 9741496502

18. In the poster of the Drawing Contest, HOW MANY PHONE NUMBERS can be
A. 1
*B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

*19. I'll Choose the word that COM PLETES this sentence: "TimeOut" is the name of a.
A. shop
B. stall
C. street
*D. library

20. “Only paper will be provided at the venue.”

Identify the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence.
A. the time drawing contest
B. the name of the drawing contest
*C. the place where the contest is taking place
D. the reason why the drawing contest is being held
21. “Talking to the Author and Prize Distribution
In the line above, the words “The Author” refer to somebody identify the person.
A. Dr. Who
*B. Tony Lee
C. King Arthur
D. Assuntha Maria

22. Based en the poster, identify the statement that CAM BE TRUE.
A. Reliance TimeOut alone is the organiser of the drawing contest.
B. Only The British Council is responsible for organising the drawing contest
C. Neither Reliance TirneOut nor The British Council is organising the contest
*D. Both The British Council and Reliance TimeOut are jointly organising the

23. Which of the following information is MISSING in the poster of the drawing contest?
A. the people to contact for registration
B. things to bring on the day of the contest
C. the lower age limit for children taking part
**D. the last date for registering for the contest


24. Choose the PART of the sentence with a mistake tor questions 24 and 25.

A. My cousin speaks
*b. very well French
c. because he lived
d. in Paris for a while

25 . A. The health of the senior citizens

* B. worry
C. the government
D. greatly

26. Choose the CORRECT ORDER in which these words will appear in any English
leader leader leader leader
least leakage leakage learnt
leather learnt Leather leaves
learnt least Least leather
leakage leather learnt leakage
leaves leaves leaves least
Read “Quicksand” and answer the questions 27 – 32
Quick sand

Often, you might have watched a scene in the movies where the hero falls into a patch
of deadly quicksand which sucks him into a death-trap, until, at the last moment, he
rescues himself by grabbing an overhanging branch. However, in reality, quicksand is
not the terrible, bottomless trap that it is often shown to be.

On the contrary, it is rarely deeper than a few feet and can almost anywhere if the right
conditions are present. Quicksand is basically just ordinary sand as been so soaked with
water that the rubbing between sand particles is reduced.

The resulting sand is a mushv or soupy mixture of sand and water that can no longer
support any weight. Quicksand is often found at the mouths of rivers where fine sand
has been deposited on clay, or around lakes and ponds where a hollow pocket in the
clay shore keeps it wet.

If you step into quicksand, it won't suck you down. However, your movement will cause
you to dig yourself deeper into it. So, if you ever happen to fall into a patch of quicksand,
what you should NOT do is thrash about wildly in an effort to get out! Instead, you should
bring yourself to the top by slow movements, and then lie still until help arrives.

Source: 'Quicksand Indian Express, Vibes, 23rd June, 2004

27. The resulting sand is a mushy or soupy mixture of sand and water that can no longer
support any weight."

Which of the following can be used in place of "mushy or soupy"?

A. thick and slushy
*B. light and crumbly
C. fresh and powdery
D. smooth and waxv

28. Based on the passage, identify the statement that is TRUE.

A. Quicksand is a deep trap which will kill anyone who falls into it.
*B. Quicksand can only be found in places where there is some water.
C. The only way to survive quicksand is to struggle as hard as you can.
D. With extra care we can walk over quicksand as it can bear some pressure.

29. The second PARAGRAPH of the passage MAINLY tells us.

A. where quicksand is found
B. why sand and water combine
*C. what quicksand is made up of
D. how much water sand can take in

30. Choose the pair of words RELATED to "movement and speed".

A. suck - dig
*B. wildly - swiftly
C. rarely - deadly
D. soaked - reduced
31. The write of the passage “Quicksand” wants us to understand that ____
A. we should test the sand before even stepping into it
B. we can never escape quicksand once we step into it
C. quicksand may actually be much deeper than we think
*D. escaping quicksand depends on how little we move in it

32. Which of the following questions is answered in PARAGRAPH - 3 of the passage?

*A. Where is quicksand mostly found?
B. How much of water is there in quicksand?
C. How much weight can quicksand support?
D. Which are the places where water is found?


The passage below has some blanks. Choose the correct word or phrase that should
appear in the blanks, from the options given below. Use the numbers to match the
blanks and the options.

Macaque Munchies
Ever heard of an animal washing ____(33) food before eating it? Well, Japanese
macaques often dip their food in the sea, maybe, ____(34) they like the salty taste! Also
called snow monkeys, ___(35) are found high in the mountains of Japan. The Japanese
macaques ___(36) hot baths every winter in volcanic springs and get out only ___(37)
food. They also enjoy rolling snowballs for fun, in the winter season.

Source- 'Macaque Munchies', Deccan Herald, Open Sesame, September 6th, 2003

Now the correct option for sach of the blanks numbered 33 to 37 in the passage above.

33 A. its
B. it’s
C. its’
D. it is

34. A. for
B. while
C. though
D. because

35. A. animals
B. many animals
C. the animals
D. those animals
36. A. take
B. took
C. takes
D. have taken

37. A. to search for

B. in search to
C. to search with
D. in search about

38. Choose the pair of words with the CORRECT SPELLINGS to complete the sentence

My brother had a lot of _____ and many _____ to share at the end of his study tour to
the north.

A. information - story
B. informations - storeys
*C. information - stories
D. informations-stories


I have so many designs

For making a rocket –
All on scraps of paper,
Right here, in my pocket.

Agni. Prithvi, Akash,

They are all there,
Waiting like winged birds
To take to the air.

People will wonder,

Who launched them all?
While I'll pull up my collar
And stand ten feet tall.

But should they all nosedive*

Or land on their head,
I'll just vanish somewhere
Or duck under my bed.

Word Meanings
“nosedive - to move down suddenly and very fast towards the ground
39. Which of these can combine with "appear" to form a word meaning the SAME as
"vanish" in the poem?
A. un
B. im
C. mis

40. Which two lines in each stanza of the poem RHYME with EACH OTHER?
A. lines 1 and 2
B. lines 1 and 3
C. lines 3 and 4
*D. lines 2 and 4

41. "Or duck under my bed."

What does the underlined word In this line from the poem ME AM?
A. to push someone underwater
B. to score or record a zero or no score
C. to avoid doing some important work or duty
*D. to -quickly move to a place to avoid being seen

42. "People will wonder'

In the above line, the word "people" is LIKELY to REFER to those who .
A. launched the rockets
B. wanted the rockets to fail
*C. saw the rockets flying high
D. helped the poet make the rockets

43.Choose the line from the poem which shows that the poet might be feeling proud of
*A. I have so many designs
B. They are all there
C. While I'll pull up my collar
D. I'll just vanish somewhere

44. In the FIRST STANZA of the poem, the rockets are .

A. yet to be made
*B. made but not yet flown
C. flown and went very high
D. flown and they all crashed

45. In which of these words does the “oo” (double ‘o’) give us exactly the same sound as
the “oo” in “book”?
A. root
B. boot
C. loot
*D. foot
46. Before which of these words can “mis-“ be added to form a new word that means to
“have no belief in”?
*A. take
B. chief
C. trust
D. behave

47. Which of these questions is CORRECT In EVERY WAY?

A. Do you has a pet dog at home?
B. What do Anand's brother took like?
*C. Do both your brothers play football?
D. Does your sister still lives with your parents?

48. Choose the word OPPOSITE in MEANING to the UNDERLINED WORD In this
Hitler was a brave general and a cunning leader.
A. bold
B. timid
C. gentle
*D. strong

49. Choose the CORRECT word which can REPLACE the underlined word in this
The movie closed with the death of both the hero and the heroine.

A. shut
*B. ended
C. neared
D. started

50. Complete the sentence with the word OPPOSITE in MEANING to the underlined
The expert mountaineer shared his knowledge with the new and ________members of
the team.
*A. weak
B. fresh
C. unknown
D. untrained

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